{{anchor|header-n7493}} '''socialist political economy'''
socialist political economy
Unfinished Second Edition Discussion Draft
Edited by the writing group of "Socialist Political Economy"
September 1976 Shanghai
'''Table of contents'''
[[#Toc83471728|Preamble ]][[#Toc83471728|6]] [[#Toc83471729|first time]][[#Toc83471729| ]][[#Toc83471729|Socialist Ownership and Interrelationships in Production ]][[#Toc83471729|10]] :[[#Toc83471730|Chapter One]][[#Toc83471730| ]][[#Toc83471730|socialist public ownership ]][[#Toc83471730|10]] ::[[#Toc83471731|Section 1]][[#Toc83471731| ]][[#Toc83471731|The Great Change in Ownership Relations ]][[#Toc83471731|10]] :::[[#Toc83471732|Change from capitalist ownership to socialist ownership by the whole ]][[#Toc83471732|people11]] :::[[#Toc83471733|Change from individual ownership to collective ownership by the socialist working masses ]][[#Toc83471733|13]] :::[[#Toc83471734|The establishment of socialist public ownership is a great revolution ]][[#Toc83471734|15]] ::[[#Toc83471735|Section 2]][[#Toc83471735| ]][[#Toc83471735|Ownership ]][[#Toc83471735|issues have not been fully resolved17]][[#Toc83471736|Bourgeois right within ownership has not been completely ]][[#Toc83471736|abolished17]]21 [[#Toc83471737|Both types of socialist public ownership have a hegemony ]][[#Toc83471737|problem19]]24 [[#Toc83471738|Section 3]][[#Toc83471738| ]][[#Toc83471738|Restoration of Capitalist Ownership in the Soviet Union ]][[#Toc83471738|21]]27 [[#Toc83471739|The Economic Basis of the Restoration of Capitalism ]][[#Toc83471739|21]]27 [[#Toc83471740|The Soviet revision changed socialist ownership to bureaucratic monopoly bourgeois ownership ]][[#Toc83471740|24]]31 [[#Toc83471741|Section 4]][[#Toc83471741| ]][[#Toc83471741|Socialist Public Ownership Consolidates and Develops in Struggle ]][[#Toc83471741|29]]38 [[#Toc83471742|Consolidation and Perfection of Socialist Ownership by the Whole People ]][[#Toc83471742|29]]38 [[#Toc83471743|The development direction of collective ownership in rural people's communes ]][[#Toc83471743|30]]40 [[#Toc83471744|Chapter two]][[#Toc83471744| ]][[#Toc83471744|Interrelationships in Socialist Production ]][[#Toc83471744|37]]50''' [[#Toc83471745|Section 1]][[#Toc83471745| ]][[#Toc83471745|The Formation of Socialist Interrelationships ]][[#Toc83471745|37]]50 [[#Toc83471746|Socialist public ownership is the basis of socialist interrelations ]][[#Toc83471746|37]]50 [[#Toc83471747|The role of the superstructure in the formation and development of interrelationships ]][[#Toc83471747|38]]52 [[#Toc83471748|Section 2]][[#Toc83471748| ]][[#Toc83471748|The Nature of Socialist Interrelationships ]][[#Toc83471748|41]]55 [[#Toc83471749|The communist factor and bourgeois right in relation to each other ]][[#Toc83471749|41]]55 [[#Toc83471750|Socialist interrelationships are class ]][[#Toc83471750|relations44]]60 [[#Toc83471751|Section 3]][[#Toc83471751| ]][[#Toc83471751|Consolidate and improve socialist relations in struggle ]][[#Toc83471751|47]]64 [[#Toc83471752|The great dynamic of interrelationships ]][[#Toc83471752|47]]64 [[#Toc83471753|socialist ]]21[[#Toc83471753|principles49]] [[#Toc83471754|Section 4]][[#Toc83471754| ]][[#Toc83471754|The relationship of capital domination of labor is resurrected in the Soviet ]][[#Toc83471754|Union53]]73 [[#Toc83471755|Article 2]][[#Toc83471755| ]][[#Toc83471755|The socialist production process ]][[#Toc83471755|56]]77''' [[#Toc83471756|third chapter]][[#Toc83471756| ]][[#Toc83471756|The Nature and Purpose of Socialist Production ]][[#Toc83471756|56]]77''' [[#Toc83471757|Section 1]][[#Toc83471757| ]][[#Toc83471757|Products and commodities of a socialist society ]][[#Toc83471757|56]]77 [[#Toc83471758|Section 2]][[#Toc83471758| ]][[#Toc83471758|Basic Economic Law of Socialism ]][[#Toc83471758|60]]83 [[#Toc83471759|The duality of the socialist production process and its dominant aspects ]][[#Toc83471759|60]]83 [[#Toc83471760|Grasp the Revolution and Promote Production ]][[#Toc83471760|65]]90 [[#Toc83471761|The main content of the basic economic laws of socialism ]][[#Toc83471761|70]]96 [[#Toc83471762|Section 3]][[#Toc83471762| ]][[#Toc83471762|How to develop socialism more quickly, better and more economically ]][[#Toc83471762|71]]98 [[#Toc83471763|Possibility and reality of high-speed development of socialist production ]][[#Toc83471763|71]]98 [[#Toc83471764|The general line for building socialism ]][[#Toc83471764|72]]100 [[#Toc83471765|The Great Leap Forward of China's National Economy ]][[#Toc83471765|74]]103 [[#Toc83471766|Chapter Four]][[#Toc83471766| ]][[#Toc83471766|The distribution of social labor in a socialist economy ]][[#Toc83471766|77]]106''' [[#Toc83471767|Section 1]][[#Toc83471767| ]][[#Toc83471767|The moderating effect of the law of planned proportional development ]][[#Toc83471767|77]]106 [[#Toc83471768|The planned distribution of social labor linked to the commodity system ]][[#Toc83471768|77]]106 [[#Toc83471769|The regulation of socialist production by the law of planned and proportional development ]][[#Toc83471769|78]]107 [[#Toc83471770|The main proportional relations of the national economy ]][[#Toc83471770|81]]111 [[#Toc83471771|Reasonable layout of productivity ]][[#Toc83471771|85]]118 [[#Toc83471772|Section 2]][[#Toc83471772| ]][[#Toc83471772|The Influence of the Law of Value in the Process of Distributing Social Labor ]][[#Toc83471772|87]]121 [[#Toc83471773|Section 3]][[#Toc83471773| ]][[#Toc83471773|Consciously use objective laws to distribute social labor in proportion ]][[#Toc83471773|91]]125 [[#Toc83471774|The process of distributing social labor is a paradoxical ]][[#Toc83471774|process91]]125 [[#Toc83471775|Conscious adjustment of social labor distribution is the superiority of socialist economy ]][[#Toc83471775|94]]130 [[#Toc83471776|chapter Five]][[#Toc83471776| ]][[#Toc83471776|Socialist Agriculture and Industry ]][[#Toc83471776|98]]136''' [[#Toc83471777|Section 1]][[#Toc83471777| ]][[#Toc83471777|Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy ]][[#Toc83471777|98]]136 [[#Toc83471778|The Basic Role of Agriculture in the Socialist National Economy ]][[#Toc83471778|98]]136 [[#Toc83471779|The fundamental way out of agriculture lies in mechanization ]][[#Toc83471779|103]]143 [[#Toc83471780|Agricultural Science Dazhai ]][[#Toc83471780|105]]146 [[#Toc83471781|Section 2]][[#Toc83471781| ]][[#Toc83471781|Industry dominates the national economy ]][[#Toc83471781|108]]150 [[#Toc83471782|The Leading Role of Industry in the Socialist National Economy ]][[#Toc83471782|108]]150 [[#Toc83471783|Socialist Industrialization ]][[#Toc83471783|111]]154 [[#Toc83471784|Daqing ]][[#Toc83471784|114]]159 [[#Toc83471785|Section 3]][[#Toc83471785| ]][[#Toc83471785|The Combination of Socialist Industry and Agriculture ]][[#Toc83471785|116]]162 [[#Toc83471786|Combination of Industry and Agriculture under Socialist Conditions ]][[#Toc83471786|116]]162 [[#Toc83471787|Combination of industry and agriculture within the same collective ownership ]][[#Toc83471787|118]]165 [[#Toc83471788|The integration of industry and agriculture within the national economy ]][[#Toc83471788|120]]169 [[#Toc83471789|The essence of the combination of industry and agriculture is the problem of the union of workers and peasants ]][[#Toc83471789|122]]171 [[#Toc83471790|Chapter Six]][[#Toc83471790| ]][[#Toc83471790|Saving under the Socialist System ]][[#Toc83471790|124]]173''' [[#Toc83471791|Section 1]][[#Toc83471791| ]][[#Toc83471791|Labor-time conservation is a socialist economic law ]][[#Toc83471791|124]]173 [[#Toc83471792|Socialism opens up broad avenues for labor-time saving laws ]][[#Toc83471792|124]]173 [[#Toc83471793|Contradiction in the process of saving labor time ]][[#Toc83471793|125]]176 [[#Toc83471794|Section 2]][[#Toc83471794| ]][[#Toc83471794|Labour Productivity under Socialism ]][[#Toc83471794|127]]178 [[#Toc83471795|Increased labor productivity is a sign of labor time savings ]][[#Toc83471795|127]]178 [[#Toc83471796|The role of technological innovation in improving labor productivity ]][[#Toc83471796|129]]180 [[#Toc83471797|Section 3]][[#Toc83471797| ]][[#Toc83471797|Socialist Collaboration and Competition ]][[#Toc83471797|132]]185 [[#Toc83471798|Socialist Collaboration ]][[#Toc83471798|132]]185 [[#Toc83471799|Socialist Competition ]][[#Toc83471799|134]]188 [[#Toc83471800|Chapter VII]][[#Toc83471800| ]][[#Toc83471800|socialist system of economic accounting ]][[#Toc83471800|135]]190''' [[#Toc83471801|Section 1]][[#Toc83471801| ]][[#Toc83471801|The Duality of Economic Accounting ]][[#Toc83471801|135]]190 [[#Toc83471802|Economic accounting is an important means of practising economy ]][[#Toc83471802|135]]190 [[#Toc83471803|Value in use accounting and value accounting ]][[#Toc83471803|137]]193 [[#Toc83471804|Section 2]][[#Toc83471804| ]][[#Toc83471804|Socialist system of economic accounting ]][[#Toc83471804|141]]198 [[#Toc83471805|The economic accounting system is the economic system for managing socialist enterprises ]][[#Toc83471805|141]]198 [[#Toc83471806|The specific content of the economic accounting system ]][[#Toc83471806|144]]203 [[#Toc83471807|Section 3]][[#Toc83471807| ]][[#Toc83471807|An Analysis of Su Xiu's ]][[#Toc83471807|" ]][[#Toc83471807|Complete Economic Accounting System ]][[#Toc83471807|" ]][[#Toc83471807|147]]207 [[#Toc83471808|Article 3]][[#Toc83471808| ]][[#Toc83471808|The Circulation Process of Socialism ]][[#Toc83471808|150]]212''' [[#Toc83471809|chapter eight]][[#Toc83471809| ]][[#Toc83471809|Commodity exchange in a socialist society ]][[#Toc83471809|150]]212''' [[#Toc83471810|Section 1]][[#Toc83471810| ]][[#Toc83471810|Exchange Relations in Socialist Society and Their Characteristics ]][[#Toc83471810|150]]212 [[#Toc83471811|Types of Exchange Relations in Socialist Society ]][[#Toc83471811|150]]212 [[#Toc83471812|Bourgeois Right in Exchange Relations ]][[#Toc83471812|154]]218 [[#Toc83471813|Section 2]][[#Toc83471813| ]][[#Toc83471813|The Role and Limitations of Socialist Commodity Exchange, the Struggle Against Limitations ]][[#Toc83471813|157]]222 [[#Toc83471814|Promoting the development of production and the improvement of people's ]][[#Toc83471814|lives157]]222 [[#Toc83471815|Restriction and Anti-Restriction Struggle in the Field of Commodity Exchange ]][[#Toc83471815|161]]227 [[#Toc83471816|Section 3]][[#Toc83471816| ]][[#Toc83471816|Prices and Price Policy under Socialism ]][[#Toc83471816|163]]231 [[#Toc83471817|The Role of the Law of Value in the Circulation of Commodities ]][[#Toc83471817|163]]231 [[#Toc83471818|The basis of prices under socialism ]][[#Toc83471818|164]]232 [[#Toc83471819|Socialist Price Policy ]][[#Toc83471819|166]]235 [[#Toc83471820|Section 4]][[#Toc83471820| ]][[#Toc83471820|Foreign trade in socialist countries ]][[#Toc83471820|169]]239 [[#Toc83471821|Chapter nine]][[#Toc83471821| ]][[#Toc83471821|Currency and Currency Circulation in Socialist Society ]][[#Toc83471821|174]]246''' [[#Toc83471822|Section 1]][[#Toc83471822| ]][[#Toc83471822|The currency of socialist society ]][[#Toc83471822|174]]246 [[#Toc83471823|The Nature and Functions of Money ]][[#Toc83471823|174]]246 [[#Toc83471824|Money is still the soil from which capitalism ]][[#Toc83471824|arises176]]249 [[#Toc83471825|Section 1]][[#Toc83471825| ]][[#Toc83471825|Currency Circulation in Socialist Society ]][[#Toc83471825|180]]254 [[#Toc83471826|The relationship between the circulation of money and the circulation of commodities ]][[#Toc83471826|180]]254 [[#Toc83471827|Currency Circulation Channels ]][[#Toc83471827|180]]255 [[#Toc83471828|The Law of Circulation of Money ]][[#Toc83471828|182]]257 [[#Toc83471829|Section 2]][[#Toc83471829| ]][[#Toc83471829|China's RMB ]][[#Toc83471829|184]]260 [[#Toc83471830|Chapter 4]][[#Toc83471830| ]][[#Toc83471830|Distribution and Reproduction in Socialist Society ]][[#Toc83471830|188]]265''' [[#Toc83471831|chapter Ten]][[#Toc83471831| ]][[#Toc83471831|The distribution of socialist society ]][[#Toc83471831|188]]265''' [[#Toc83471832|Section 1]][[#Toc83471832| ]][[#Toc83471832|Distribution of National Income ]][[#Toc83471832|188]]265 [[#Toc83471833|Ownership relationship determines distribution relationship ]][[#Toc83471833|188]]265 [[#Toc83471834|The primary distribution and redistribution of national income ]][[#Toc83471834|190]]268 [[#Toc83471835|Section 2]][[#Toc83471835| ]][[#Toc83471835|Distribution of Personal Consumables ]][[#Toc83471835|194]]273 [[#Toc83471836|Historical reasons for ]][[#Toc83471836|implementing the principle of ]][[#Toc83471836|" from each according to his ]][[#Toc83471836|ability, to each according to his work ]][[#Toc83471836|" ]][[#Toc83471836|194]]273 [[#Toc83471837|The dominance of bourgeois right in distribution according to ]][[#Toc83471837|work196]]275 [[#Toc83471838|Forms of distribution in a socialist economy of ownership by the whole people ]][[#Toc83471838|198]]279 [[#Toc83471839|Forms of distribution in an economy of socialist collective ownership ]][[#Toc83471839|201]]283 [[#Toc83471840|Section 3]][[#Toc83471840| ]][[#Toc83471840|Bourgeois rights in distribution must be ]][[#Toc83471840|limited203]]285 [[#Toc83471841|Criticize the idea of bourgeois legal rights and advocate the communist labor attitude ]][[#Toc83471841|203]]285 [[#Toc83471842|Acknowledging differences and opposing high and low disparities ]][[#Toc83471842|207]]290 [[#Toc83471843|Create conditions to gradually expand the distribution factor on demand ]][[#Toc83471843|211]]296 [[#Toc83471844|Chapter Eleven]][[#Toc83471844| ]][[#Toc83471844|Socialist accumulation and expanded reproduction ]][[#Toc83471844|213]]299''' [[#Toc83471845|Section 1]][[#Toc83471845| ]][[#Toc83471845|The proportional relationship between the two major departments of social production ]][[#Toc83471845|213]]299 [[#Toc83471846|Marx's Reproduction Formula ]][[#Toc83471846|213]]299 [[#Toc83471847|The law of rapid growth in the production of means of production ]][[#Toc83471847|217]]304 [[#Toc83471848|The growth in the production of means of production cannot be separated from the growth in the production of means of ]][[#Toc83471848|consumption220]]308 [[#Toc83471849|Section 2]][[#Toc83471849| ]][[#Toc83471849|Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction ]][[#Toc83471849|222]]311 [[#Toc83471850|The unity of opposites between accumulation funds and consumption funds ]][[#Toc83471850|222]]311 [[#Toc83471851|The relationship between the determination of the accumulation fund and the two major departments of social production ]][[#Toc83471851|222]]312 [[#Toc83471852|Internal composition of accumulation funds ]][[#Toc83471852|224]]315 [[#Toc83471853|Section 3]][[#Toc83471853| ]][[#Toc83471853|General Laws of Socialist Accumulation ]][[#Toc83471853|226]]317 [[#Toc83471854|Chapter 12]][[#Toc83471854| ]][[#Toc83471854|Capital Movements in Socialist Reproduction ]][[#Toc83471854|231]]324''' [[#Toc83471855|Section 1]][[#Toc83471855| ]][[#Toc83471855|Capital Circulation in Socialist Reproduction ]][[#Toc83471855|231]]324 [[#Toc83471856|Section 2]][[#Toc83471856| ]][[#Toc83471856|Fund Distribution in Socialist Reproduction ]][[#Toc83471856|236]]330 [[#Toc83471857|Allocation of corporate funds and corporate finance ]][[#Toc83471857|236]]330 [[#Toc83471858|Distribution of total social funds and bank credit ]][[#Toc83471858|237]]332 [[#Toc83471859|Distribution of Social Net Income and State Budget ]][[#Toc83471859|240]]337 [[#Toc83471860|Socialist Finance ]][[#Toc83471860|243]]340 [[#Toc83471861|Section 3]][[#Toc83471861| ]][[#Toc83471861|The relationship between capital distribution and material distribution in socialist reproduction ]][[#Toc83471861|245]]344 [[#Toc83471862|The Relationship Between Budget Funds and Credit Funds in Funding Allocation ]][[#Toc83471862|245]]344 [[#Toc83471863|Budget and credit allocation of funds in relation to material allocation ]][[#Toc83471863|247]]346 [[#Toc83471864|Chapter 5]][[#Toc83471864| ]][[#Toc83471864|Knot]][[#Toc83471864| ]][[#Toc83471864|ON ]][[#Toc83471864|249]]349''' [[#Toc83471865|Chapter Thirteen]][[#Toc83471865| ]][[#Toc83471865|Socialist Production Relations and Class Relations ]][[#Toc83471865|249]]349''' [[#Toc83471866|Chapter Fourteen]][[#Toc83471866| ]][[#Toc83471866|Continued Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat ]][[#Toc83471866|253]]355''' [[#Toc83471867|Chapter 15]][[#Toc83471867| ]][[#Toc83471867|Communism is an inevitable trend in the development of socialism ]][[#Toc83471867|256]]360''' 67 = {{anchor|header-n7499}} {{anchor|Toc83471728}} Preamble = The great leader and mentor Chairman Mao Zedong personally initiated and led the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which theoretically and practically solved the major issue of consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and preventing the restoration of capitalism in the contemporary international communist movement. Hundreds of millions of workers, peasants, soldiers, revolutionary cadres, and revolutionary intellectuals have withstood the great winds and waves of this great revolution. Where and on the question of the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, we should insist on anti-revisionism and prevention, and continue the revolution. In the face of this great revolutionary situation, according to the Marxist point of view, write a good popular reading of socialist political economy, correctly analyze the laws of movement of the socialist economy, and analyze the bourgeoisie, especially the assets within the party, under socialist conditions It is a very important task to analyze the process of class formation, development and elimination, to analyze the classes, class contradictions and class struggles in socialist society, and to clarify the nature, objects, tasks and prospects of the socialist revolution. In the process of revealing the laws of capitalist economic movement and criticizing the opportunist line, Marx and Engels once put forward some basic principles of socialist political economy, guiding the proletariat to fight for power, establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, and build socialism. During the October Revolution, Lenin turned the theory of Marxism into the practice of Russian socialism, further developed the socialist political economy of Marxism, and pointed out the direction for persevering in class struggle and preventing the restoration of capitalism under the dictatorship of the proletariat. . After Lenin's death, Stalin inherited Lenin's cause, led the Soviet people to realize the industrialization of the country and the collectivization of agriculture, made a theoretical summary of the socialist economic problems, and actually solved a large number of allied communists (clothes) Representatives of the bourgeoisie within the party. However, Stalin made a big mistake on the question of whether there is class struggle in a socialist society. The Soviet political economy textbooks published in the 1950s (1st, 2nd and 3rd editions) did not recognize the contradiction between socialist production relations and productive forces, and did not recognize the existence of bourgeois legal rights to varying degrees in all aspects of socialist production relations. , does not recognize the existence of the bourgeoisie within the Allied Communist Party (Bolsheviks), does not recognize that after the realization of socialist industrialization and agricultural collectivization, there is still the possibility of capitalist restoration, in the final analysis, does not recognize that the dictatorship of the proletariat has always been throughout the historical era. There are classes, class contradictions and class struggles. In terms of methodology, it lost the contradiction between production relations and productive forces, the contradiction between the superstructure and the economic base as the guideline for the study of socialist political economy, lost materialism and dialectics, and fell into idealism and metaphysics. As a result, when it analyzes the social and economic movements after the dictatorship of the proletariat and the establishment of the socialist economic foundation, it cannot but fall into the quagmire of the theory of extinction of the class struggle and the theory of productivity. Of course, such an erroneous analysis will not lead to the scientific conclusion that the revolution will continue under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Nonetheless, this textbook on political economy has the right parts. The book emphasizes that the socialist economy is an economy that serves all the people, not an economy that benefits a few exploiters. In this respect, it is different from the revisionist political economy written at the behest of the renegade group of Khrushchev and Brezhnev. In today's Soviet Union, political economy has completely degenerated. It advocates bureaucratic monopoly, profit in command, material incentives, expert management of factories, and advocates that exploitation is justified and oppression is justified. Since the Soviet Union was the first socialist country created by the great Lenin in history, its mistakes, like its successes, had a profound impact on people. This is quite obvious in the study of political economy in our country. In the 1950s, many works of socialist political economy in our country were basically copied from Soviet textbooks, copying both the correct parts and the wrong parts; it is particularly noteworthy that in the process of copying, the It was inevitable to accept the whole set of idealistic and metaphysical worldviews that guided the study of Soviet political economy. Under the domination of this worldview , it is easy to accept the revisionist line. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, my country's economic theorists had long been heavily influenced by Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line. The epistemological basis of this black line is the bourgeois idealism and metaphysical world outlook that widely exists in our country's economic theory circles. "The '''Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a great revolution that touches people's souls, and it aims to solve people's worldview problems. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, November 6, 1967.Therefore, in the process of destroying the two bourgeois headquarters of Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao, criticizing Deng Xiaoping and countering the rightist style of overturning the case, the The bourgeois world outlook, the Da Li proletarian world outlook, came before economic theorists (and not only economic theorists) as an urgent requirement. Where there is revisionism, there is Marxism; where there is idealism and metaphysics, there is materialism and dialectics. Such is the law of history. Chairman Mao, the greatest contemporary Marxist, comprehensively summarized the positive and negative experiences of the international communist movement, put forward a series of scientific theories, enriched the theoretical treasure house of Marxism, and inherited, defended and developed Marxism-Leninism. Chairman Mao pointed out in "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People": " '''In a socialist society, the basic contradiction is still the contradiction between the relations of production and the productive forces, and the contradiction between the superstructure and the economic base. '''" "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 336.These contradictions are expressed as: "The '''socialist relations of production have been established, and it is the contradiction between the productive forces and the superstructure." However, it is still very imperfect, and these imperfect aspects are contradictory to the development of the productive forces. In addition to this situation where the relations of production and the development of the productive forces are compatible and contradictory, there are also There are compatible and contradictory situations of superstructure and economic base. '''”Ibid., pp. 337-338. When talking about the socialist system, Chairman Mao said: " '''All in all, China belongs to a socialist country. Before liberation, it was similar to capitalism. Now it still implements an eight-level wage system, distribution according to work, and currency exchange. These are not much different from the old society. The difference is that the ownership system has changed." "Our country now implements a commodity system, and the wage system is also unequal, with an eight-level wage system, etc. This can only be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, Lin Biao and others If you come to power, it will be easy to engage in a capitalist system. '''”Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975. During the period of the socialist revolution, Chairman Mao deeply analyzed the class relations in socialist society, and for the first time in the history of the development of Marxism, he clearly stated that after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production has basically been completed, there will still be classes and class struggles. Based on the scientific conclusion that the bourgeoisie is in the Communist Party, he put forward the great theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. This great theory broke the long-standing idealism and metaphysics in the field of political economy, dealt a heavy blow to all kinds of revisionist viewpoints, made socialist political economy radiate revolutionary youth, and advanced it to a brand-new level. Historical phases. Chairman Mao's great theory pointed out to us that the socialist relations of production are by no means rigid, frozen and unchangeable, but, like other relations of production in history, are a process of extremely vivid and rich contradictory movements. The socialist relations of production that have just emerged from the womb of capitalism are immature communist relations of production. It is divided into two parts, with a growing communist element and a fading capitalist tradition or trace in the form of bourgeois right. On the one hand, they are opposed to each other and on the other hand, they are linked to each other, and thus characterize the contradictory movement of socialist relations of production and productive forces, superstructure and economic base. This contradictory movement is concentrated in the contradictions and struggles between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, especially the contradictions and struggles between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie within the ruling Communist Party. If the proletariat is to finally eliminate the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes, and eliminate all classes and class differences, it must uphold the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Socialist political economy can only advance along the track of Marxism in the struggle against revisionism and from the influence of idealism and metaphysics. Its basic task is, according to the basic theories of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, link the productive forces and the superstructure, analyze the law of motion of the emergence, development and transformation of socialist production relations into communist production relations, and analyze the special characteristics of the new bourgeoisie. It is the process of the formation, development and demise of the bourgeoisie within the party, clarifying the laws and characteristics of class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat, helping cadres to liberate themselves from the influence of the bourgeoisie and revisionism, and to carry out the socialist revolution from the democratic revolution. The book now before the reader is an attempt to comply with the above requirements. This book has been edited several times. However, when we went back and reread it after the revision and the manuscript, we felt strongly that the book did not meet the above requirements. Literally, it seems that everything that should be covered is covered, and it tries to use the Marxist worldview to make a dialectical analysis of the socialist economic movement, but on strict inspection, the weaknesses of this book are still everywhere. Socialist political economy has been heavily influenced by idealism and metaphysics for decades. This influence, this book has not completely escaped. For the socialist economic movement in this book, there are still cases where things are classified according to their external signs, rather than their internal connections. From the structure of this book, and from the analysis of the various categories of socialist production relations, the imprint of the political economy textbooks published in the Soviet Union in the 1950s can be seen. Economic categories are theoretical representations of real economic relations. Like actual economic relations, they are always in the movement of unity of opposites. Political economy should analyze their respective movements that are both opposite and connected to each other, and analyze the conditions under which the opposite sides transform into opposite aspects, so as to obtain the conclusion of the revolution. However, looking back and checking, some of our analysis is still superficial, and some places still stay on the outside of things, and do not explain the movement of things from the inner connection of things, and do not analyze in depth the conditions under which the communist factor will prevail. The tradition or trace of capitalism, and the conditions under which the tradition or trace of capitalism will flood and drown the communist element. We must continue to study Marxism and work hard toward the direction of truly mastering materialism and dialectics. It is the responsibility of socialist political economy to explain the laws of motion of socialist economy from the combination of theory and practice. Marx said: "The '''research must adequately possess the material, analyze its various forms of development, and search for the inner connections of these forms. Only after this work is completed can the actual movement be properly described. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 23.We have some material, but far from it. is not sufficient. In the material already possessed, it is not enough to analyze its various development forms and explore the inner connection of these forms. In the course of the narrative, the reader will discover concepts and examples. Concepts plus examples are very different from explaining problems from the combination of theory and practice . This situation reflects the degree to which our theory is out of touch with reality. Chairman Mao taught us: " '''We must proceed from the actual situation at home and abroad, inside and outside the province, inside and outside the county, and inside and outside the district, and draw out its inherent rather than fabricated regularity from it, that is, to find the internal connection of the surrounding events, as our actions. In order to do this, we must not rely on subjective imagination, not on momentary enthusiasm, not on dead books, but on the basis of objective facts. The correct conclusions are drawn from these materials. This kind of conclusion is not a list of phenomena of A, B, C, and D, nor is it an exaggerated cliché article, but a scientific conclusion. This attitude means seeking truth from facts, without grandstanding. This attitude, It is the expression of party spirit, the style of Marxism-Leninism that unifies theory and practice. '''" "Reinventing Our Learning". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 759.It is most appropriate to criticize this book with Chairman Mao's criticism of the style of work in which the theory is divorced from practice in our party. . How cordial it is to use the Marxist-Leninist style of work advocated by Chairman Mao to establish unity of theory and practice to spur us to continue our efforts! The issue of style of writing is also an important issue of political economy. It is not surprising that bourgeois political economy is often obscure in trying to deceive the masses. Not so with Marxist political economy. To publicize the masses, it must be easy to understand, lively and lively. The writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Chairman Mao set a shining example for us. This Marxist-Leninist style of writing cannot be found in Soviet economics textbooks, which is closely related to the fact that the authors of the textbooks are deeply bound by metaphysical thoughts. As for the economics of contemporary Soviet revisionists, it reflects the state of mind of the bourgeoisie in its dying stage, and its style of writing is even worse than that of the economics in the period when the bourgeoisie was on the rise. What this book tries to reflect is the spirit of the vigorous proletariat, and it goes without saying that it should have a lively, fresh and powerful Marxist-Leninist style of writing. But in this regard, it was not satisfactory. The style of this book also reflects that it has not completely escaped the influence of metaphysics, and is often dull and rigid. It takes a lot of effort to make the whole book have a lively, fresh and powerful Marxist-Leninist style. After our initial dissection of the book's main weaknesses, we felt that the book did not accomplish its mission. We should learn from scratch, we should start from scratch. However, if it is not broken, it will not stand, if it is not blocked, it will not flow. This is the law of development of things and the law of development of socialist political economy. With this aim in mind, we decided to put this book into print, and to listen to opinions from all quarters, in order to further spur us forward in the critique of our readers. We are convinced that today, when hundreds of millions of workers, peasants and soldiers in our country are working hard to study and master Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought, and in such a vivid and rich environment of the Chinese revolution and the world revolution, through collective efforts, it is entirely possible to compile a book that adheres to the Marxism, critical revisionism, socialist political economy free from idealism and metaphysics. In this gigantic project, if this book can function as a paving stone, that is our greatest wish.
"Socialist Political Economy" Compilation Group
September 1976 · Shanghai
= {{anchor|header-n7523}} {{anchor|Toc83471729}} Part I Socialist Ownership and Interrelationships in Production = == {{anchor|Toc83471730}} {{anchor|header-n7524}} Chapter 1 Socialist Public Ownership == === {{anchor|Toc83471731}} {{anchor|header-n7525}} Section 1 The Great Change in Ownership Relations === Human society has developed to today and has experienced five different social systems, with a history of about one million years. How did human society develop? How did the various social systems change? Before the advent of Marxism, no one had given a scientific answer. In the mid-nineteenth century, the great proletarian revolutionaries Marx and Engels, on the basis of their participation in the class struggle and scientific experiments in the capitalist era, critically studied all the outstanding achievements of human culture, and made a scientific answer for the first time. The development of human society and the replacement of different social systems are mainly the result of the development of contradictions between social production relations and productive forces, and between the superstructure and the economic base. In a society where classes exist, the basic contradictions of this society are concentrated in the contradictions and struggles between classes. The relations of production must be suitable for the development of productive forces. This is the objective law of the development of basic social contradictions. The development of productive forces requires the transformation of production relations, the transformation of production relations, and the replacement of the political and cultural social superstructure. Among the production relations, the ownership relationship of the means of production is the most fundamental relationship. For thousands of years, generations of working people have been cows and horses, living a miserable life of insufficient food and clothing. The root cause is that the means of production are in the hands of the exploiting classes. Marx pointed out: " '''A man who has no property other than his own labor power, in any social and cultural state, is compelled to be a slave to others who possess the material conditions of labor. He can work only with the permission of others, Therefore, we can only survive with the permission of others. '''” Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 5.Therefore, when we analyze the development of society and analyze the replacement of the capitalist system by the socialist system, we must start from analyzing the changes in the ownership relationship of the means of production. Socialist public ownership of the means of production is an inevitable outcome of the contradiction between capitalist private ownership and large-scale socialized production. However, it cannot be produced in the womb of the old society. This is because the implementation of socialist public ownership of the means of production means the expropriation of the bourgeoisie. This is simply impossible in a capitalist society under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie will never automatically withdraw from the stage of history. It must mobilize all the forces of society and use the superstructure it controls, especially the state apparatus, to hinder the transformation of capitalist production relations. " '''Power comes from the barrel of a gun '''" "War and Strategic Issues". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, No.. Only by smashing the bourgeois state machinery through violent revolution and establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat can the proletariat carry out "expropriation of the expropriators", turn the privately owned means of production of the capitalists into the public property of all the working people, and carry out socialist transformation of the individual economy. Comprehensively establish socialist public ownership of the means of production. The change of ownership is an important symbol to distinguish different social systems. The establishment of socialist public ownership marks that our country has entered a socialist society. However, socialist public ownership, like all new socialist things , has a long process of establishment and development in struggle. How, then, is it established and developed in the struggle? ==== {{anchor|Toc83471732}} {{anchor|header-n7533}} Change from capitalist ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people ==== Marx and Engels pointed out in the "Communist Manifesto": " '''Communists can sum up their theory in one sentence: the abolition of private property '''." "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 265.The historical experience of the Paris Commune in 1871 showed that after the proletariat seized power, if the capital If the class continues to control the lifeline of the national economy, then the bourgeoisie will rely on its economic strength and cooperate with its political and military counterattacks to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat and implement the restoration of capitalism. In summing up the experience of the Paris Commune, Lenin pointed out profoundly that one of the two mistakes that ruined the glorious victory of the Paris Commune was that it failed to seize the big enterprises such as banks, which were the lifeline of the country's economy, into the hands of the proletariat. After the proletariat seizes power, generally speaking, it encounters a situation in which large capital and small and medium capital coexist. Big capital represents the most reactionary production relations, manipulates the lifeline of the national economy, is a serious obstacle to the development of social productive forces, and is the main economic basis for the reactionary rule of the bourgeoisie. The proletariat must immediately concentrate it in the hands of the state under the dictatorship of the proletariat by means of gratuitous confiscation. The great October Revolution led by Lenin learned from the historical lessons of the Paris Commune, and after using revolutionary violence to smash the bourgeois state machine and established the Soviet regime of the dictatorship of the proletariat, it immediately took over the banks, railways, merchant ships and large-scale industries in various sectors. Returned to the state, the establishment of socialist ownership by the whole people. This is a glorious practice of the Marxist theory of " '''depriving the depriver".''' In the concrete practice of using the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism to guide our revolution, Chairman Mao conducted a scientific analysis of the capitalist economy of old China, and divided the capitalist economy of old China into bureaucratic capitalist economy (big capital) and national capital. The capitalist economy (small and medium capital) divided the Chinese bourgeoisie into the bureaucratic comprador bourgeoisie (big bourgeoisie) and the national bourgeoisie (small and medium capitalists), and formulated different party policies towards them. The bureaucratic bourgeoisie is the extremely reactionary ruling class in semi-colonial and semi-feudal China, and the bureaucratic capitalist economy is the economic foundation of the bureaucratic-bourgeois reactionary regime. Opposing bureaucratic capitalism is one of the fundamental tasks of the new democratic revolution led by the Chinese proletariat. In response to the reactionary nature of bureaucratic capitalism, Chairman Mao clearly stipulated the policy of confiscation of bureaucratic capital "to be owned by the People's Republic led by the proletariat" in the process of leading the people of our country to carry out the new- democratic "Report on the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1321.'''revolution '''. Bureaucratic capital accounted for 80 percent of the fixed capital in old Chinese capitalist industry and transportation. The bureaucratic capital was confiscated and the bureaucratic-bourgeois ownership was transformed into socialist ownership. This eliminated the main part of Chinese capitalist ownership, established a strong socialist economic foundation for the dictatorship of the proletariat, and created the necessary conditions for the transformation of small and medium-sized capital. conditions of. Although small and medium capital accounted for only 20 percent of the fixed capital in old China's industry and transportation, they were numerous and widespread, covering every corner of the country. In order to consolidate and develop the socialist economic foundation, it is also necessary to carry out socialist transformation of small and medium capital in a step-by-step manner on the basis of confiscating large capital. The national bourgeoisie of our country came into being and developed under the historical conditions of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, which determines its dual nature: in the period of bourgeois-democratic revolution, it has a revolutionary side and a compromising side; During the period of socialist revolution, it has the possibility of being forced to accept socialist transformation, and it also has the reactionary nature of strongly demanding the development of capitalism. The industries and commerce run by the national bourgeoisie also play two roles in the period of my country's national economic recovery: on the one hand, they play a certain positive role in increasing the production of products that are beneficial to the national economy and people's livelihood, expanding economic exchanges between urban and rural areas, and maintaining labor and employment. On the other hand, in terms of exploitation of workers, profit-seeking, production anarchy, etc., it also has a destructive negative effect on socialist construction and people's lives. Based on the duality of the national bourgeoisie and the dual role of the national capitalist economy, Chairman Mao formulated a policy for our party to utilize, restrict and transform national capitalist industry and commerce, that is, to take advantage of the positive role of capitalist industry and commerce, and limit its unfavorable benefits. The negative effect of the national economy and the people's livelihood, and gradually carry out socialist transformation on them. The socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in our country is carried out through various forms of state capitalism. The nature of state capitalism is determined by the nature of state power. In capitalist society, state capitalism is a capitalist economy directly dominated by the bourgeois state. It is for the bourgeoisie. State capitalism under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat is “capitalism '''capable of restricting and defining the scope of its activities '''” in a country under the dictatorship of the proletariat "Political Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviks)". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 627.. The primary form of the state capitalist economy under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat in my country includes processing, ordering, centralized purchasing, and underwriting in industry, and purchasing on behalf of others in commerce. The advanced form of the state capitalist economy is the public-private partnership. This advanced form of state capitalism is divided into two stages of development in our country's practice, namely the public-private partnership of individual enterprises and the public-private partnership of the whole industry. In 1956, my country fully realized the industry-wide public-private partnership for private industry and commerce. After the industry-wide public-private partnership, the ownership of the means of production by the capitalists is only manifested in the fixed dividends obtained according to the amount of private shares, and the control over the means of production has completely belonged to the state and all working people. The state may, in accordance with the needs of the development of the national economy, carry out unified economic restructuring of the joint ventures, such as mergers and reorganizations. Therefore, the industry-wide public-private partnership is a decisive step in transforming capitalist industry and commerce into a socialist enterprise owned by the whole people. The realization of public-private partnership in the whole industry marks that my country's socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce has basically been completed. When the fixed interest payment period stipulated by the state has expired and the fixed interest payment is stopped, the public-private joint venture will become a complete socialist enterprise owned by the whole people. Under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is beneficial to the proletariat to transform the private capitalist economy by means of redemption, that is, by means of state capitalism. It is conducive to dividing the bourgeoisie, strengthening the socialist economic foundation, and avoiding the production chaos and interruption that may occur due to the change of ownership, and is conducive to accelerating the pace of socialist construction. But this by no means means that class peace can be substituted for class struggle. In fact, in the entire process of socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce, there is always a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie for restrictions and anti-restrictions, transformation and anti-reformation. This struggle is reflected in the party as a struggle between the proletarian revolutionary line represented by Chairman Mao and the revisionist line headed by Liu Shaoqi. On the eve of national liberation, Liu Shaoqi and his gang tried their best to create counter-revolutionary public opinion that the bourgeoisie "exploited and exploited", clamoring to "allow capitalism to exist and develop for decades", "to develop in parallel with state-owned enterprises", and to oppose Chairman Mao's counter-revolution. National capitalist industry and commerce implement the correct policy of utilization, restriction and transformation. In this struggle, Liu Shaoqi and his group of the bourgeoisie within the party acted as the backer of the bourgeoisie outside the party. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, the proletariat and all working people of our country smashed the resistance of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the Party, and in 1956 achieved a decisive victory in the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. ==== {{anchor|header-n7548}} {{anchor|Toc83471733}} Change from individual ownership to collective ownership by the socialist working masses ==== After the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, in addition to facing the capitalist private ownership, there is also another private ownership of the means of production: the individual ownership of the peasants and individual handicraftsmen. It is an objective requirement to develop agricultural productive forces and to consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside to lead individual workers, especially individual farmers, to the socialist road and to transform the individual farmers' economy into large-scale socialist agriculture. Chairman Mao pointed out: "Without the socialization of agriculture, there will be no solid socialism in its entirety.""On the People's Democratic Dictatorship". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1366. In what way can the individual agricultural economy be transformed into socialist agriculture? The peasants are laborers and the ally of the proletariat. They cannot deprive individual peasants of the privately owned means of production, otherwise they will make a huge mistake. The socialist transformation of the individual agricultural economy can only be achieved through the road of co-operatives. Engels first proposed the Marxist theory of the socialist transformation of the individual agricultural economy through cooperatives in his critique of the German and French opportunist agrarian programs. Engels said: " '''When we have state power, we will never use violence to expropriate the small peasants (with or without compensation), as we will have to do with the big landowners. The task, first of all, is to transform their private production and private appropriation into that of the cooperative, not by force, but by demonstration and social assistance for this. '''”Engels: The Franco-German Peasant Question. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 310. After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin and Stalin led the Soviet peasants, smashed the obstruction and destruction of the rich peasants and their party agents, Bukharin and his like. The road of transformation has transformed the scattered individual agricultural economy into large-scale socialist collective farms, thus for the first time it has been proved by practice that the road of cooperation is the only correct way to carry out the socialist transformation of the individual agricultural economy. In the process of leading the socialist transformation of our country's agriculture and in the fierce struggle of the entire Party against the opportunist line of Liu Shaoqi and his gang, Chairman Mao enriched and developed the Marxist-Leninist theory of agricultural co-operation theoretically and practically. Chairman Mao criticized Liu Shaoqi's group 's revisionist line of pursuing the "four freedoms" The so-called "four freedoms" refer to the freedom of hiring workers, the freedom to buy and sell land, the freedom to borrow and trade, and the freedom to develop rural capitalism.and preserving and developing the rich peasant economy after the land reform. When the time is right, we will not miss the opportunity to lead it to the road of socialist mutual assistance and cooperation. When Chairman Mao denounced Liu Shaoqi's group's fallacy that "collectivization is impossible without a large number of agricultural machinery", he scientifically explained the relationship between agricultural co-operation and agricultural mechanization, as well as the relationship between agricultural social reform and technological reform. Chairman Mao pointed out : " '''In agriculture, under the conditions of our country (in capitalist countries, agriculture is capitalized), we must first have co-operatives, and then we can use big machines. '''" "On the Problem of Agricultural Cooperatives". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 424.Mechanization can only take the road of capitalism. Only by first cooperating and then realizing mechanization on the basis of cooperativization is the only correct socialist road. Chairman Mao conducted a scientific analysis of the class situation in the countryside after the land reform in our country, and formulated a policy to resolutely rely on the poor and lower-middle peasants, firmly unite with other middle peasants, gradually develop mutual assistance and cooperation, and gradually limit the exploitation of the rich peasants to finally eliminate the exploitation of the rich peasants. the proletarian revolutionary line. In the process of implementing this revolutionary line, the whole party has adopted three forms of mutual connection in accordance with the principles of comprehensive planning and strengthening leadership, in accordance with the principles of voluntariness and mutual benefit: that is, the mutual aid groups for agricultural production are generally organized first, and then the primary agricultural production cooperatives are established. , and then transition to advanced agricultural production cooperatives. By the end of 1956, my country had basically completed the socialist transformation of individual agriculture. The transition from mutual aid groups, primary cooperatives to advanced cooperatives is the result of the objective law that production relations must be adapted to the development of productive forces. A mutual aid group is a collective labor organization for agricultural production with a few or a dozen households in groups with some socialist buds. It has played an active role in solving the difficulties of poor peasants who lack labor force, farm animals and large farm implements, cultivating peasants' habit of collective labor, and developing production. However, the mutual aid group did not touch the private ownership of the means of production. The small size of the mutual aid group and the decentralized operation are not conducive to planting and the implementation of a more reasonable division of labor and industry, and it cannot effectively utilize the land and labor force, which is in contradiction with the development of productive forces. These contradictions pushed the mutual aid group to develop into a primary agricultural production cooperative characterized by land ownership and unified management. Primary cooperatives are small, semi-socialist agricultural production cooperatives. Cooperative members invest privately owned land, farm animals, and large-scale agricultural tools, and the cooperatives manage and use them uniformly, which solves the contradiction between joint labor and decentralized management in mutual aid groups, and further promotes the development of production. However, half or more of the net income of the primary cooperatives is distributed according to how much the members participate in the collective production labor, and the rest is distributed according to the amount of land, farm animals, large-scale farm implements, etc., which are generally called "land dividends". This is the contradiction between unified management, collective labor and the private ownership of land and other means of production, which affects the enthusiasm of members to work and hinders the further development of productive forces. These contradictions impel the primary society to further improve its degree of public ownership and develop it into a high-level agricultural production cooperative. The fundamental difference between advanced agricultural production cooperatives and primary cooperatives is the abolition of "land dividends". That is to say, the means of production are not only managed by the collective, but also owned by the collective. The labor remuneration of the members is based on the socialist principle of "from each according to his ability, to be distributed according to his work". It is a fully socialist cooperative. It can promote the development of agricultural production more than the primary society. However, it also has certain contradictions with the development of productive forces. In 1958, under the guidance of the general line of building socialism, my country experienced a great leap forward in the cause of socialist construction. Under the new situation of the Great Leap Forward, especially the Great Leap Forward of agricultural production, the contradiction between the advanced cooperatives and the further development of productive forces in terms of organizational scale, business scope, and collectivization degree has become prominent. High-level cooperatives are small and weak, which is not conducive to the establishment of large-scale farmland water conservancy infrastructure; high-level cooperatives are small and have little accumulated funds, and cannot afford large-scale mechanized farm implements. effect. This requires the further development of the collective ownership system of the senior society. In 1958, Chairman Mao summed up the various creative experiences of the poor and lower-middle peasants in breaking through the framework of high-level communes in the Great Agricultural Leap Forward, and issued a great call to the people of the whole country to "good people's communes". The social organization of , like the rising sun, appeared on the vast horizon of eastern Asia. In a short period of two months, the country's rural areas have basically achieved the people's communes. Although the rural people's commune is still a collective economic organization, it is generally one township and one commune. The scale of the organization is much larger than that of the high-level commune. The characteristics of one big and two public". It has realized the integration of government and society, which has gone beyond the scope of a single economic organization like the high-level society, and realized the integration of industry, agriculture (including forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, and fishing), commerce, education, and military. It is the basic unit in the countryside of our socialist society and the basic unit in the countryside of the state power of the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country. The establishment of the rural people's communes reflects the expansion and improvement of the collective ownership of the socialist working masses in our country, overcomes the limitations of high-level communes, is more conducive to the development of productive forces in the countryside, and is more conducive to the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. ==== {{anchor|header-n7566}} {{anchor|Toc83471734}} The establishment of socialist public ownership is a great revolution ==== Through the expropriation of the expropriators and the co-operation of the individual economy and the communalization of the rural people, the private ownership of the means of production was basically eliminated, and the socialist ownership by the whole people and the collective ownership of the socialist working masses were established. Two types of socialist public ownership have replaced private ownership, which is an earth-shaking revolutionary change in the ownership of the means of production in our country. It shows that the proletariat and working people of our country have basically broken free from the chains of private ownership, and the economic foundation of our socialism has been established. This is a revolutionary leap in the relations of production. Changes in ownership have caused a series of changes in economic and social relations. In the long thousands of years of history from slave society to capitalist society, the production relations have been constantly replaced, and the forms of the combination of laborers with the means of production are also different, but the fundamental point is the same. These production relations are based on laborers. Characterized by separation from means of production. The establishment of socialist public ownership has laid an economic foundation for eliminating this phenomenon of separation of laborers from the means of production, and began to reverse the reversed history, bringing about fundamental changes in the social nature of labor. The working masses of workers and peasants have not only turned over politically but also economically, and have become the masters of the country and the means of production. As Lenin said: " '''They have labored for others for thousands of years, toiled for the exploiters, and now for the first time it is possible to work for themselves, and with all the latest technological and cultural achievements. '''" "How to organize a competition? ". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 26, p. 381.Only From this time on, the working people began to take control of their own destiny, and under the guidance of the Marxist line, a new era of consciously transforming the world and creating history was opened up. The establishment of socialist public ownership enables the entire national economy to develop in a planned and proportionate manner in accordance with the interests of the proletariat and all working people. This greatly liberates the social productive forces and ensures that the productive forces develop at a speed that the old society did not have. Socialist public ownership takes two forms: ownership by the whole people and ownership by collectives, which is in line with the current development level of my country's productive forces. Compared with collective ownership, ownership by the whole people is a form of socialist ownership with a higher degree of public ownership. Its means of production do not belong to a certain part of the working people in the society, but belong to the working people of the whole society. The labor force associated with the means of production is not like the collective ownership unit, which is only subject to the deployment of a certain collective unit, but can be deployed uniformly across the country according to the needs of the country. Although the quantity and quality of the means of production owned by various socialist state-owned enterprises vary greatly, the personnel working in state-owned enterprises do not have different labor remuneration standards because of the difference in the level of advanced equipment and the amount of profit of the enterprises. The socialist economy of ownership by the whole people is the main economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. In 1973, industry owned by the whole people in our country accounted for 97 percent of all industrial fixed assets, 63 percent of the industrial workforce, and 86 percent of the total industrial output value. State-run businesses accounted for 92.5 percent of total retail sales. The socialist economy of ownership by the whole people is the leading force of the socialist national economy. The socialist transformation of the small and medium-sized capitalist economy and the individual economy of the peasants and handicraftsmen in socialist countries is achieved through the leadership of the state-run economy. After the socialist transformation of the ownership system is basically completed, the consolidation and development of the collectively-owned economy and the development of the entire national economy are also carried out under the leadership of the state-run economy. The collective ownership of the socialist working masses is a low-level form of socialist public ownership. It occupies a large proportion in our country's agriculture. By 1973, about 90% of the arable land and irrigation and drainage machinery, and about 80% of the tractors and large livestock in our country's agricultural means of production were collectively owned. of. More than 90 percent of the country's grain and various cash crops are produced by the collective economy. In addition to collective ownership in agriculture, there is also a small amount of collective ownership in industry and commerce. The collective ownership of the socialist working masses, especially the collective ownership of agriculture, occupies an extremely important position in the socialist economy and plays an important role in the development of the national economy. There are not only important differences between the economy owned by the whole people and the economy owned by the collective, but also closely related. On the one hand, consolidating and developing the state-run economy is the primary condition for consolidating and developing the collective economy. The collective economy cannot develop rapidly without the leadership and support of the state-run economy that dominates modern industry. On the other hand, when agriculture and handicrafts were still based on collective ownership, the development of the state-owned economy was also inseparable from the development of the collective economy. Under the leadership of the economy of ownership by the whole people, the two kinds of socialist ownership and the two kinds of economy can support and promote each other, and close the economic connection between urban and rural areas. === {{anchor|header-n7575}} {{anchor|Toc83471735}} Section 2 The problem of ownership has not been fully resolved === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471736}} {{anchor|header-n7576}} Bourgeois legal rights within the scope of ownership have not been completely abolished ==== After the establishment of socialist public ownership, has the problem of ownership been completely resolved? In the field of political economy, there has long been a popular view that once socialist ownership is established, the problem of ownership is completely solved. The mistake in this view is that it regards ownership as only a kind of thing, mere means of production such as factories, land, machinery, tools, raw materials, etc., thinking that these things are originally in the hands of capitalists or private individuals, and the proletariat and the The working people bring it over and the problem is solved. This view is one-sided and goes against Marxism. When analyzing capitalist ownership, Marx pointed out: " '''Capital is not a thing, but a social relationship between people and people using things as a medium. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 834.Chairman Mao also repeatedly taught us that after the establishment of socialist ownership, the On the one hand, the problem has not been completely solved. These arguments all show that the ownership of means of production is not a thing, nor is it a relationship between people and things, but a social relationship between people and people who are connected with things. Only by examining and analyzing the actual economic movement can we get a correct understanding of the problem of socialist ownership. According to Marxist theory, looking at the actual movement of ownership relations in our country over the past two decades, it has completely confirmed the truth: the change of ownership and the establishment of socialist ownership does not mean that the problem of ownership has been completely solved. The establishment of socialist ownership by the whole people and collective ownership is, of course, a great change in the relationship between ownership, there is no doubt about that. However, in terms of ownership, the problem has not been fully resolved. This is because, within the sphere of ownership, bourgeois legal rights have not been completely abolished. Lenin said: "' '''Bourgeois right' recognizes that the means of production are the private property of individuals. '''" The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 252.In 1956, when China's socialist transformation of individual agriculture, individual handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce was basically completed, the Part of private ownership still exists in China's industry, agriculture and commerce. By 1973, there were still individual handicrafts in my country's industry, accounting for 0.8 percent of the total number of industrial employees; a small amount of private plots and family sideline businesses owned by the members of the rural people's communes were also owned by individuals; Individual traders account for 0.2% of the country's total retail sales. In addition, there is a considerable amount of market trade in rural areas, which is a commodity circulation based on individual ownership. The existence of part of private ownership in our country's industry, agriculture and commerce shows that the bourgeois legal rights manifested in private ownership have not been completely abolished. In fact, the capitalist forces in urban and rural areas are taking advantage of the bourgeois legal rights that actually exist in this area to develop the private economy and attack and destroy the socialist economy. Has bourgeois legal rights been completely abolished within the framework of socialist public ownership? It hasn't been completely canceled either. Socialist collective ownership is a socialist public ownership with a low degree of public ownership. A collective economic unit is an independent production and business unit that jointly owns the means of production for common labor and common distribution. The land, means of production, labor force and population owned by each collective economic unit are different. Under such conditions, the same amount of labor invested by each collective economic unit cannot obtain the same amount of income. For example, each people's commune, each production brigade of the same commune and each production team of the same brigade, due to the different degrees of land fertility or different geographical locations, the income obtained by investing the same amount of labor (including living labor and materialized labor) However, it is different, resulting in differential land income. Under other conditions being the same, the commune and production team with better land quality and closer to the sales market will have higher income, and vice versa.
In terms of soil quality, take two plots in Maqiao Commune in the suburbs of Shanghai as an example. One plot is called "Yutang plot", which is dominated by yellow mud head. The soil is loose and the water conservancy conditions are good, so the yield is high.
In 1974, the average grain yield per mu of the three brigades in this film reached 1,639 catties; the other film, called "Lin Song Film", was mainly composed of green and purple mud, and the terrain was low-lying. Waterlogging; the sky is clear, and the ground is too hard to move, so the yield is low. In 1974, the average grain yield per mu of the five brigades in this film was 1,424 catties, 250 catties per mu less than the previous film.
From the perspective of geographical location, taking the suburbs of Shanghai as an example, production teams close to urban areas or industrial areas have many favorable conditions compared with teams in the outer suburbs. First, there are abundant fertilizer sources. Industrial wastewater and waste residues can be obtained as fertilizers, or as long as a few laborers are required, human manure from factories and villages can be obtained. Second, the transportation is convenient. The production teams close to the urban area save much labor compared to the outer suburban teams, whether they transport garbage, deliver vegetables, or tread on swill. The outskirts team not only employs a lot of labor, but also has a large loss of vehicles. The above factors have resulted in a big difference between the rural teams of the suburban team and the outer suburban team. For example, the production team in Lingjialong, Hongqiao Commune, Shanghai County, Shanghai is close to the urban area, and the agricultural capital only accounts for 13.7% of the total income; while the fourth team in the western suburbs, which is slightly farther away from the urban area, the agricultural capital accounts for 33.5% of the total income. %.
Of course, the differences in agricultural capital and income between different collective economies are not all caused by differential land income, but have many reasons. In particular, whether the leading group adheres to the party's basic line, whether it has mobilized the socialist enthusiasm of the poor and lower-middle peasants, whether it has implemented the policies of "taking grain as the key link, all-round development" and "running cooperatives with diligence and thrift", etc. production and income are closely related. "It's up to people." The conditions are poor and can be changed through people's efforts. The Dazhai Brigade relied on Mao Zedong Thought to take command, fighting the world, rearranging the mountains and rivers, and turning from poor to rich. This is the most eloquent statement. However, under the condition that people's subjective active functions are roughly the same, the quality of the land and means of production has a great influence on the production development of the collectively-owned economy and the income of members. It can be seen from this that, compared with the socialist ownership by the whole people, the collective ownership of the working masses is a socialist public ownership with a lower degree of public ownership, and has more bourgeois legal rights in the possession of means of production. In terms of the relationship between socialist ownership by the whole people and collective ownership, although they are both socialist public ownership, there are differences in the degree of public ownership between the two. This difference, in the final analysis, is still manifested in the unequal possession of the means of production. At the same time, the relationship between the enterprises owned by the whole people and the enterprises owned by the collective still manifests as a relationship of commodity exchange in the exchange process. Although the "scissors gap" between the prices of industrial and agricultural products has been greatly reduced compared with the old society, it is still difficult to completely eliminate it. , Within the scope of socialist ownership, the existence of bourgeois legal rights is not only reflected in the various collectively owned economies, but also in the relationship between ownership by the whole people and collective ownership. The bourgeois legal rights of socialist society envisioned by Marx and Lenin no longer exist within the scope of ownership, which means that all the means of production have been owned by the entire society. Obviously, we have not yet reached this stage. " '''There is a bridge between private property and public property that goes from here to there '''" "Contradiction". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 304., and we obviously haven't crossed that bridge yet. Although socialist ownership by the whole people is a form of socialist ownership with a relatively high degree of public ownership, it is a kind of ownership by the whole people that has just emerged from the old society, so it cannot but bear the traditions or traces of the old society. First of all, under the condition of socialist ownership by the whole people, the combination of laborers with the means of production is still bound by the old social division of labor, mental labor and manual labor. Even if it is still a "special function of a special class" The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 213., the socialist ownership by the whole people cannot but bear the brand of the old society. Secondly, although socialist enterprises owned by the whole people are owned by all working people and have no different owners, socialist enterprises owned by the whole people are relatively independent economic units in production and operation, and there is a "you and me boundary" between them. , to obtain each other's products still have to go through the way of commodity exchange. The relationship between enterprises under the socialist ownership by the whole people is still linked by commodity relations. These circumstances show that socialist ownership by the whole people is different from the future communist ownership by the whole people. It still retains some traditions or traces of the old society and retains bourgeois legal rights that reflect these traditions or traces. ==== {{anchor|header-n7595}} {{anchor|Toc83471737}} Both types of socialist public ownership have a problem of leadership ==== After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production has basically been completed, the ownership issue has not been completely resolved. Apart from the fact that bourgeois legal rights have not been completely abolished within the scope of ownership as analyzed earlier, an important issue related to this issue is the economic and economic development of ownership by the whole people. The collective ownership economy also has a problem of leadership, and there is a problem of which class actually owns the means of production. The question of ownership, like other questions, depends not only on its form, but also on its actual content, and on which class it is actually in the hands of. This is a very important theoretical and practical issue of Marxism on the issue of ownership. Engels pointed out when expounding the abolition of private ownership of the means of production and the establishment of public ownership of the means of production: " '''Large-scale industry has created an absolutely necessary situation, that is, the establishment of a completely new social organization, in which industrial production will not be dominated by mutual competition. Instead, the entire society shall lead according to the determined plan and the needs of all members of society. '''” Engels: The Principles of Communism. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 217.Engels’ words tell us that the nature of ownership of the means of production is concentrated in the question of which class gets the leadership over the enterprise. The ownership of enterprise leadership has changed, and the nature of ownership of the means of production has also changed. Capitalists and their agents leading enterprises must serve the interests of capitalists and must be owned by capitalists. The communist public ownership of the means of production will inevitably abolish private leadership over the enterprise, and let the whole society lead it to meet the needs of all members of society. Socialist public ownership is a form of ownership in which the working masses of the whole society or a part of the working masses jointly own the means of production. This form of ownership requires that the leadership of state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises must be in the hands of genuine Marxists and working masses. Only in this way can the means of production be used to serve the interests of the workers and reflect the nature of socialist ownership. The historical experience of the international communist movement and the practice of our country's revolution have proved that the establishment of socialist public ownership does not mean that the leadership of state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises has truly been in the hands of the proletariat and the working people. After the proletariat seizes power and basically realizes the socialist transformation of ownership of the means of production, the overthrown landlords and bourgeois people are still alive and will not die. New bourgeois elements are still emerging one after another. The bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, will inevitably do everything possible to usurp the leadership of enterprises. At the same time, in socialist society there are still differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, between physical labor and mental labor, and there is still an old social division of labor. Therefore, the functions of leadership and management cannot be exercised by all people in turn, but only by everyone. Can be relatively fixed on some cadres. Under such conditions, if those cadres who are appointed by the state under the dictatorship of the proletariat to take the leadership of enterprises, if they become true Marxists, they will be able to run and manage enterprises together with the working masses, and in their production and business activities, they will truly be in accordance with the labor force. To act in the interests of the people, the nature of socialist public ownership is guaranteed. Conversely, if these leading cadres degenerate into capitalist roaders in the guise of Communist Party members, or are corrupted by the bourgeoisie, and in leading production and business activities do not represent the interests of laborers but the interests of the bourgeoisie, then even if Enterprises are still called socialist state-owned enterprises or socialist collective enterprises in name, but the leadership of enterprises has actually fallen into the hands of the bourgeoisie, and the ownership has actually degenerated to varying degrees. Therefore, in any socialist enterprise, there is a question of which class holds the leadership in name and in practice. Chairman Mao pointed out at the First Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Party: " '''According to my observation, neither the whole nor the vast majority, I am afraid it is a fairly large majority of factories, and the leadership does not lie in the real Marxists, nor in the In the hands of the masses of workers. In the past, there were good people who led the factories. There were good people, including the party secretary, deputy secretary, and committee members, and there were good people in the branch secretary. However, he followed the line of Liu Shaoqi in the past, and he was just doing something Material incentives, profits in command, no proletarian politics, bonuses, etc." "But there are bad people in the factory." "It just means that the revolution is not over '''. "Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 4, 1975. Then, how to distinguish whether the leadership of the enterprise is in the hands of the real Marxists and the working masses? This should be investigated from the process of production and business activities of the enterprise. Each class conducts production and business operations according to a certain line. Therefore, just by looking at the line implemented by the leaders of the enterprise, you can see which class's interests are reflected in the ownership relationship. The party's Marxist line embodies the fundamental interests of the proletariat and all working people. In the production and management activities of socialist enterprises, if the Marxist line is implemented, this shows that the means of production of enterprises are indeed controlled according to the interests of workers and are used to serve the interests of workers. Hegemony is in the hands of genuine Marxists and the working masses. If the enterprise implements the revisionist line, this shows that the means of production of the enterprise are actually controlled according to the needs of restoring capitalism and serve the interests of the bourgeoisie. In the production and business activities of an enterprise, if it is not insisting that the proletariat is in command of politics, but instead engages in "profits in command", it is a fundamental departure from the direction of socialism, changing the purpose of socialist production, and slipping into the direction of capitalism. The wicked path of ism has gone, and if it continues to develop, the means of production will eventually be transformed into capital, into tools that ignore the interests of the people and simply pursue profits. Therefore, in order for enterprises to move forward in the direction of socialism and to unify the name and reality on the issue of ownership, the leadership of the enterprise must be in the hands of Marxists and at the same time by the broad masses of working people. The power of leadership is in the hands of the broad masses of working people, which means that under the unified leadership of the party, the masses of working people directly participate in the leadership and management of enterprises as masters, breaking through the old social division of labor such as mental labor and manual labor. , grasp major events, manage lines, take direction, and transform enterprises according to the interests of the proletariat and the working people. The right of the masses to lead enterprises is a manifestation of the nature of socialist public ownership. It cannot be considered that the working masses have no leadership over socialist enterprises, but only the right to work, education, rest, etc. under the leadership of certain people. It is the fundamental right of the working people to master the leadership of an enterprise; without this right, other rights will not be guaranteed. The leadership of an enterprise must be in the hands of both true Marxists and the broad masses of the working people. This is an important issue raised by the great leader Chairman Mao summarizing the historical experience of the international communist movement. Judging from the history of the international communist movement, if the leadership of socialist enterprises is not in the hands of genuine Marxists and the broad masses of the working people, but the revisionist "one-leader system" is implemented, the actual situation of the working masses will be affected. The above is separated from the means of production. What Deng Xiaoping advocated "the 'one-long system' is good, it does not hinder the development of production and the development of science". This is entirely the language of the bourgeoisie to oppress the workers. Under the conditions of the "one chief system", the working masses are forced to obey the "one chief" and are used by the "one chief" as a mere labor force in the production process. long” exploitation and oppression. Engels pointed out: "The inevitable consequence of individual management of industry is private ownership" Engels: The Principles of Communism. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 217.. Following in the footsteps of Soviet revisionists, Deng Xiaoping desperately advocated the revisionist "one chief system" in order to transform socialist public ownership into capitalist private ownership. === {{anchor|header-n7606}} {{anchor|Toc83471738}} Section 3 Restoration of Capitalist Ownership in the Soviet Union === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471739}} {{anchor|header-n7607}} The Economic Basis of the Restoration of Capitalism ==== Socialist ownership will be restored to capitalist ownership under certain conditions. This is not only a theoretical issue, but has become a reality in the Soviet Union. In today's Soviet Union, the socialist ownership by the whole people and the socialist collective ownership established under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin have completely degenerated into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership. Find out how the renegade Khrushchev and Brezhnev clique transformed socialist ownership into bureaucratic monopoly bourgeois ownership in the Soviet Union, and learning from this historical lesson will help consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country, prevent the restoration of capitalism, and cause capital losses. The conditions under which classes can neither exist nor regenerate have great theoretical and practical significance. After the October Revolution, under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, the Soviet Union had basically completed the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production by 1936 through socialist nationalization and agricultural collectivization. This is a great victory achieved by the Soviet people in the process of the socialist revolution. Although landlords and capitalists have been deprived of their means of production and have been overthrown politically, it by no means means that these exploiting classes have been eliminated. These people still exist, and this class still exists. The capitalist-roader Nikolai Alexievich Woznetsensky (see below) buried in the Union Communist Party (Brazzaville) has written books since the 1930s, talking about the problem of ownership in the Soviet Union at that time It has been solved, the exploiting classes have been eliminated, and the main contradiction in socialist society is no longer the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, but the contradiction between advanced production relations and backward productive forces. In fact , in the Soviet Union at that time, there were not only overthrown exploiting classes, but also new bourgeoisie constantly emerging; the existence of bourgeois legal rights was an important economic basis for the emergence of new bourgeoisie.
Nikolai Alexievich Woznetsensky (1903-1950), Ph.D. in Economics of the Soviet Union, Academician of the Academy of Sciences. He served as Chairman of the State Planning Commission of the Soviet Union, Vice Chairman and First Vice Chairman of the Soviet People's Committee (Ministers Council). After the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he was elected as a member of the Central Supervisory Committee, a member of the Central Committee, an alternate member of the Political Bureau and a member of the Political Bureau. The main works are: "On the Problem of Socialist Economy" (1931), "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Socialist Economy" (1933), "On Soviet Money" (1935), "The War Economy of the Soviet Union During the Patriotic War" (1947) et al. During the period when he led the economic work of the Soviet Union, he implemented a revisionist line of regulating production and exchange with the law of value and promoting material incentives. Stalin criticized him for "seeking the restoration of capitalism in Russia" and dismissed him. When Khrushchev came to power, he restored his reputation, touting him as "an outstanding activist for the Communist Party and economic science", "an outstanding organizer of socialist planning" and so on.
In the article "On Socialist Economic Problems", Woznetsensky advocated that the main contradiction of socialism is the contradiction between the advanced socialist production relations and the backward productive forces, and the solution to this contradiction is to continuously develop productive forces. He said: "The Soviet proletariat resolves the contradiction between advanced socialist production relations and relatively backward productive forces by raising the level of development of productive forces, while raising productive forces on the basis of socialism is to 'catch up with and surpass advanced capital' The purpose of building a socialist society is to build a socialist society. Eliminating this contradiction is the content of the heroic struggle of the proletariat and its party during the transitional period." "When classes and class antagonisms disappear, this contradiction will become the mainstay of the socialist economy. The basic internal contradiction. This contradiction is solved by the socialist workers' groups developing production to an unprecedented speed."
From the perspective of ownership, what aspects did the bourgeois right at that time show? First, there is still partial private ownership in Soviet industry, agriculture, and commerce. In 1937, in terms of output value, in terms of industry, individual handicrafts accounted for 0.2 percent; in agriculture, the individual agricultural economy accounted for 1.5 percent; in commerce, the collective farm market accounted for 1940. 14.3 percent of the total merchandise turnover. The personal sideline business of collective farmers and workers still accounts for a large proportion in economic life. According to the "Model Regulations of Agricultural Labor Combinations" approved by the Soviet People's Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in February 1935, one-fourth of the farmland beside the house is allocated to each peasant household of the collective farm for personal use and sideline business. One hectare to one-half hectare, and up to one hectare in some areas. Although the land occupied by the collective farm members' personal sideline occupation only accounts for 3% of the total sown area in the country, if calculated based on the sown area of vegetables, melons and potatoes, it accounts for more than 30%.
[[Image:图片 7.png|top]]
According to the 1935 "Model Regulations of Agricultural Labor Combinations", in major agricultural areas, each farm household on collective farms may have one cow, two calves, one or two sows with piglets, and up to ten sheep and goats , Unlimited number of poultry and rabbits, less than 20 boxes of bees; in animal husbandry areas can also increase some, but in fact often exceed the regulations. The livestock raised by the collective farm members individually account for a large proportion of the national livestock population.
The above materials show that, after the 1930s, although the economy of ownership by the whole people and the economy of collective ownership have prevailed in various sectors of the Soviet national economy, there is still partial private ownership in the industrial, agricultural and commercial sectors. In agriculture, the proportion of ownership by the whole people is still very small, and the collective ownership itself is still far from perfect. Bourgeois legal rights are within the scope of ownership and have not been completely abolished. In particular, it should be pointed out that, no matter whether it is an enterprise owned by the whole people or a collectively owned enterprise, the leadership of a large majority is not in the hands of the real Marxists and the working masses, but in the hands of capitalism within the party. In the hands of the road establishment.
In 1952, the 19th Congress of the CPSU revealed: "There are many staff members who forget that the enterprises entrusted to them are state-owned enterprises, and even try to turn these enterprises into their hereditary territories." 'order', their own 'discipline'", "they can do anything", "misbehaving". Such as: Ulyanovsk region "a part of the staff of the leadership and the staff of the Soviets and the party have become depraved and corrupted to the extent of embezzling public funds, wasting and stealing state property." "The director of the Food Joint Manufacturing Plant in Pergne District violated state discipline, often abused his power, and illegally misappropriated various materials and products from the enterprise in large quantities." There were also "numerous instances of theft of public property" in state-run commercial establishments.
In the collective farms, some leaders used their power to steal public property in large quantities. The Soviet newspapers revealed at the time that Shurbakiyev, the chairman of a farm in the Enbesh-Kazakh district of Almaty region, "placed all his relatives and friends in the jobs in charge of materials and money" to form a theft group.
From 1945 to 1952 "theft and embezzlement of public property" for eight years, "rich fortune". In terms of management, "certain leaders took an incorrect line. They established independent production teams on collective farms and abolished production teams." They even contracted production to teams, undermining collective ownership. In 1950, there were 880 such groups on the farms in the Stalo-Oskol district of Kursk Oblast and 442 in the Svoboda district.
These circumstances show that before the renegade Khrushchev and Brezhnev clique usurped the power of the Soviet party and government, not only the old bourgeoisie still existed in the Soviet Union, but also the new bourgeoisie had emerged one after another. When the economic strength of the bourgeoisie develops to a certain level, its political representatives will demand political domination, demand the overthrow of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system, demand a complete change of socialist ownership, and restore and develop the capitalist system . Sure enough, after Stalin's death, the Khrushchev renegade clique launched a counter-revolutionary coup, turning the bourgeoisie's vain hope of restoring the entire Soviet Union into a reality of restoration. ==== {{anchor|header-n7650}} {{anchor|Toc83471740}} The Soviet revisionist changed socialist ownership to bureaucratic monopoly bourgeois ownership ==== The transformation of Soviet socialist ownership by the whole people into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership is closely related to the change in the nature of the Soviet state. Socialist ownership by the whole people exists in the form of socialist state ownership, and when the renegade Khrushchev and Brezhnev cliques come to power, the bourgeoisie comes to power; if the class nature of the state changes, the nature of ownership will inevitably change along with it. . The process of degeneration of the Soviet Union from a socialist state under the dictatorship of the proletariat to a fascist state under the dictatorship of the bureaucratic monopoly of the bourgeoisie is also the process of the degeneration of the socialist ownership by the whole people in the Soviet Union into the ownership of the bureaucratic monopoly of the bourgeoisie. After the renegade Khrushchev and Brezhnev clique came to power, the full restoration of capitalism in the Soviet economy was achieved by implementing a revisionist line with profit in command and material incentives as the core. As early as 1953, the Khrushchev Traitor Group made resolutions such as "expanding the powers of enterprise managers" and "expanding the powers of factory directors". At the 20th Congress of Soviet revisionism held in February 1956, Khrushchev clamored for "the principle of personal material encouragement" that "must be thoroughly implemented". In 1957, Khrushchev proposed to make "profitability and utilization of production funds" an important indicator for planning and evaluating enterprises and construction units. In 1961, at the 22nd Congress of the Soviet revisionists, it was further put forward that "the significance of profit and profitability should be increased" as the "programmatic requirement" of the party. In September 1962, Pravda published an article Evshe Gnigorivich Liberman (1897), Ph.D. in Economics of the Soviet Union, Professor at the Korkov School of Engineering and Economics, Head of the Economic Research Office of the Kharkiv National Economic Committee, "Economic Sciences" "Editorial Board. In 1950, the article "On the Profitability Plan of Industrial Enterprises" was published, advocating the use of material incentives and profits to manage the socialist economy, but it did not attract social attention at that time. After the 20th Congress of the Soviet revision, with the support of the Khrushchev renegade clique, he suddenly became very active, publishing articles one after another attacking the principles of the socialist planned economy and clamoring that the economy could not be managed by administrative means. In 1962, he published the article "Planning, Profits and Bonuses", advocating that profits should be used to evaluate the work of enterprises and improve the entire planning system, advocating more "freedom of business activities" for enterprises, and expanding enterprises' use of funds as collective and individual rewards. The more the profit of the enterprise, the more the bonus should be left to the enterprise. Pravda touted that it "raised important and principled questions" and "has great significance", organized discussions nationwide, and created public opinion for the restoration of capitalism.entitled "Planning, Profits and Bonuses" by Lieberman, the economist for the Soviet revisionist imperial economist, systematically advocating that profits should be in command and material Stimulate the core state-owned enterprise management program and organize discussions on this Haven in major newspapers and magazines. After such preparations for public opinion, the plenum of the Soviet revisionist Central Committee in November 1963 affirmed Lieberman's proposal and decided to "extensively conduct experiments". The main content of the "Liberman proposal" is to "stimulate" the production of enterprises with "economic means (profit, bonus, price, currency, etc.)" instead of "administrative means". The specific measures are: evaluate the work of the enterprise according to the profit rate, " the higher the profit rate, the more the bonus "; simplify and "improve" the planning work of the enterprise, and the state only issues two "product output varieties and delivery time" to the enterprise Indicators; expand the power of enterprises to use incentive funds from profits; stipulate "the principles and procedures for flexibly formulating new product prices" to ensure profits. As soon as the "Liberman proposal" came out, in October 1962, the National Economic Planning Bureau of the Soviet revisionist State Planning Committee decided to conduct experiments in Ukraine and Leningrad. The Bolshevik Women's Factory of the Moscow Municipal Economic Committee and the Lighthouse Factory of the Volga-Vyatka National Economic Committee also began to experiment with the "new system of planned work" on July 1, 1964. What is the "Liberman suggestion"? To put it bluntly, it is to arrange the production and business activities of enterprises according to the principle of capitalist profit. Everything is for making money, and there is nothing else other than getting rich quickly. To implement Lieberman's proposal is to carry out production and management in accordance with capitalist principles, to restore the capitalist system, to separate workers from the means of production again, and to convert the means of production into capital. Since Brezhnev came to power in October 1964, in the name of "widespread implementation" of "economic reforms", Khrushchev's measures to restore capitalism have been incorporated into the so-called "Regulations on Socialist State-Owned Production Enterprises". ” and some other resolutions, it was fixed in the form of law and became the “new economic system” to restore capitalism.
The Soviet revision of the "Regulations on Socialist State-Owned Production Enterprises" stipulates that "the power related to production and operation activities shall be exercised by the manager (person in charge, owner) and other responsible personnel of the enterprise according to the division of duties." The manager of the enterprise has the right to determine the personnel of the enterprise. Fixed quota, the right to "recruit and dismiss staff, take incentive measures and punish the staff of the enterprise"; have the right to determine the wages and bonuses of employees; have the right to sell, transfer or lease the production materials of the enterprise; have the right to control the ownership of the enterprise Various "economic stimulus funds, etc." at their own disposal.
Lenin pointed out: "The deepest economic foundation of imperialism is monopoly." "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism". Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 817.The monopoly capital of capitalist countries is the product of capital concentration and capital accumulation after a long period of free competition. If capitalism is fully restored in a socialist country, since the original socialist economy of ownership by the whole people is a highly socialized economy closely integrated with state power, the capitalist economy resulting from the degeneration of socialist ownership by the whole people, Inevitably, from the very beginning, it manifests itself as a highly concentrated state monopoly capitalism, and the associated bourgeoisie is the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class. The restored capitalism of the Soviet Union is such a state monopoly capitalism. It is the economic basis of Soviet revisionist social-imperialism. It is precisely because of this that the Brezhnev renegade clique actively imitates a set of methods of the capitalist monopoly organization and actively promotes the so-called "economic accounting-based" production conglomerate, in order to strengthen the renegade group's influence on the Soviet economy's bourgeoisie. monopoly.
The joint production company first appeared in 1961 as the former shoe company and the Dawning Leather company in the Lviv Economic District of Ukraine. In 1962, the November Plenary Session of the Soviet revisionist Central Committee decided to gradually merge enterprises and establish various production associations (companies), and conduct experiments in Moscow and Leningrad. At the 24th Congress of Soviet revision, Brezhnev further emphasized that " the policy of establishing joint companies and joint enterprises must be more resolutely implemented - in the future they should become the basic economic accounting units of social production." March 2, 1973 On July 1, the Central Committee of Soviet Revision and the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union concocted "Several Measures for Further Perfecting Industrial Management", calling for the consolidation and acceleration of the development of the joint production company. In this way, the grassroots organization of state monopoly capitalism, the Production Association, was quickly developed under the impetus of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique. Su Xiu believed that "it is of urgent significance to merge enterprises by subordinating small and medium-sized enterprises that are currently independent to large enterprises." Under the vigorous advocacy and coercion of Brezhnev and his gang, the All-Soviet Union Company has From a few in the early 1960s to more than 1,500 in October 1974.
While the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has transformed the socialist ownership by the whole people into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership, it has also changed the nature of socialist collective ownership. Although the name of "collective farm" has not changed, its essence, like that of an enterprise owned by the whole people, has also changed. Collective farms are a form of cooperative system. With regard to the nature of the cooperative system, Marxists never examine it in isolation, but in relation to a certain state power and the dominant economic form. Lenin clearly pointed out in the article "On the Cooperative System" that not all cooperative societies are socialist in nature. Lenin said: "Undoubtedly, cooperatives are collective capitalist organizations under the conditions of capitalist countries." At "On Cooperation". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 685.present, a considerable number of capitalist countries have some consumer cooperatives or production cooperatives, but those cooperatives are based on capitalist principles It is actually a capitalist economy. Owen, a utopian socialist, once set up cooperatives in capitalist countries, but under the exclusion of the capitalist economy, they soon disintegrated or deteriorated. Only under the leadership and assistance of the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist state-run economy can cooperative organizations under the collective ownership of the socialist working masses be established, consolidated and developed. The Soviet collective farms under Stalin's leadership were such cooperative organizations of collective ownership by the socialist working masses. After Khrushchev and Brezhnev came to power, they completely changed the socialist nature of the Soviet collective farms. First of all, they replaced the collective farm chairmen in large numbers, sent their minions to hang up the signs of "knowledgeable experts", "talented organizers", etc. to usurp the leadership of the collective farms, and to issue loans and Financial supervision and other forms to strengthen the Soviet revisionist state machinery's control over collective farms. They also implement the revisionist line of rule in the countryside. On the one hand, they advocate that the principle of "individual material stimulation" should be thoroughly implemented through "expansion of commodity-money relations", so that "the state and collective farms should be built on the basis of such economic relations"; On the one hand, they carried out continuous "adjustments" and "reorganizations" to adjust the collective farms to the capitalist road.
As early as March 9, 1955, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique attacked the Stalin-era agricultural planning system as "unnecessary", "bureaucratic, exaggerated, and out of touch with the reality of life." It is stipulated that "commodity output should be the starting point of the plan" to replace the original production plan (including crop varieties and sown area); collective farms can decide on their own the sown area of various crops and livestock as long as they complete the task of delivering to the state. Productivity and head count, "how to produce these products is a matter for the farmers themselves and the farm chairman."
1969 further stipulated that the chairman of the "collective farms" has the right to lease or transfer the state-owned land used by the farms; he has the right to control the property and funds of the farms until he is free to buy and sell agricultural machinery and other means of production; The right to decide the labor remuneration and bonuses of the banker; the right to fire the banker and employees, etc.
After such a series of "adjustments" and "reorganizations", the means of production in the Soviet countryside that were originally collectively owned by the vast majority of working peasants have fallen into the hands of the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class with Brezhnev as the chief executive. In addition to transforming socialist public ownership into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique also vigorously supported individual private ownership in urban and rural areas: developing family sideline businesses, expanding gardens beside the house, and encouraging free trade.
In 1957, the bankers engaged in private labor in the Soviet Union accounted for 32% of the total bankers (equivalent to adult bankers with working ability).
In 1959, the labor force of the whole Soviet Union engaged in personal sideline business was 9.9 million, and the labor force engaged in housework was 12.8 million, accounting for 17.7% of the total labor force of 128 million. In 1965 , the proportion rose to 20% (25 million people), and as high as 26% in Siberia.
The private economy occupies an important position in the Soviet economy: in 1958, the share of private sideline products in collective farm agricultural production in the whole Soviet Union was 31.8%. In animal husbandry production, the proportion of private animal husbandry is even greater. In 1960, the private livestock owned by individual sideline businesses in the whole Soviet Union accounted for the proportion of the national livestock head: cattle - 30.4%; sheep - 21.1%; goats - 81.4%. According to statistics in 1960, 43% of the average living expenses of each villager in the whole Soviet Union depended on personal sideline income, and even more than half of them in many areas.
The so-called collective farm market in the Soviet Union has long since become a capitalist free market. It continues to expand with the development of the private economy. In March 1966, there were more than 7,200 in the country; after 1970, there were more than 8,000. This market refers to a fixed market with a dedicated address. As for those small markets such as docks, ports, and railway stations that the Soviet revisionists called spontaneous, that didn't count.
The Soviet revisionist renegade clique supports individual private ownership, and its purpose is to make this individual economy a supplement to the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie economy and a social basis for the rule of the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie. The process by which the Soviet revisionist renegade clique degenerates socialist ownership into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership, that is, the process by which the vast masses of workers and peasants in the Soviet Union once again lost their means of production and became wage slaves. The Soviet revisionist renegade group, through its agents in various enterprises, used various means such as management, carding, deduction, and punishment to intensify the exploitation of workers in a vicious manner. In addition to exploiting workers in the name of the state in the form of taxes and profits, they arbitrarily expand and strengthen bourgeois rights in distribution, and through high wages, high bonuses and various personal allowances, make those bureaucrats, factory managers , managers, chief engineers, chief accountants and other privileged classes wantonly exploit workers.
According to the Soviet revisionist press, after the implementation of Brezhnev's "new economic system", the monthly piece-rate wages for lathe workers in state-owned enterprises in the Soviet Union ranged from 50 to 60 rubles to a low 70 to 80 rubles. And those managers, factory directors and other bureaucratic monopoly capitalists use legal means such as wages, bonuses, subsidies and other legal means to seize, which are dozens or even hundreds of times higher than the wages of workers, and those who use illegal means such as corruption and theft are not included. .
In order to strengthen the exploitation of workers, the Soviet revisionist renegade group has vigorously advocated and promoted the "layoff experiment" of the Shekino Chemical Complex since 1969. This "experiment" was an important step for the Soviet revisionists to implement the "new economic system" and an important measure to strengthen the exploitation of workers. The "layoff test" is to lay off staff by strengthening the labor intensity of workers by "increasing the workload and expanding the scope of services". At the same time, it is stipulated that the total wage fund of the enterprise will remain unchanged for several years, and the surplus wage fund due to layoffs will be reserved for the enterprise to be dominated by a small group of privileged classes. As a result of the "layoff experiment", not only the privileged few have embezzled a large part of the surplus wage fund, but also batches of workers have been fired and left unemployed or semi-unemployed, forming a relatively surplus population. According to the Soviet revisionist press, only 292 enterprises in the Russian Federation "working according to Shekino's example" had laid off 70,000 workers as of July 1, 1973. Even the First Secretary of the Moscow Region Party Committee had to admit that due to the implementation of the "new system" and the mass layoffs of workers, unemployment had become a "nationwide" problem in the Soviet Union.
The exploitation of Soviet workers by the Soviet bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie has far exceeded that of the Tsarist Russian capitalists today. According to statistics, in 1908, the exploitation rate in the Russian industrial sector was about 100%, while in 1973, the exploitation rate in the Soviet industrial sector was as high as 200%.
The brutal exploitation has aroused the dissatisfaction and anger of the majority of workers. "We have a lot of millionaires here," said an old Soviet worker with 30 years of experience. "They have nothing in common with us, not only in life, but also in language." A student at a university in Moscow said : "The Soviet Union is now a capitalist country. People with high salaries live better than Western capitalists, and the factories and enterprises of the whole country are in their hands. And ordinary people live in poverty, even worse than in the Tsarist days."
In 1970, the average Soviet farmer was actually paid less than sixty rubles a month. The average monthly salary of the farm chairman is more than 300 rubles, and some are as high as more than 1,000 rubles. The chief economist, accountant, agronomist, mechanics, animal husband and other major experts are paid 200 to 300 rubles a month. The income of the farm chairman is ten to twenty times higher than that of the average farmer. In addition, the farm chairman and his "think tank" also exploited them in the name of "bonus" and "subsidy". The chairman of the farm in the Ukrainian Zhimir region plundered 15% to 25% of the farm's total labor compensation fund in the name of so-called "administrative management fees". Some farm chairmen live in luxurious residences, with cars and villas, while the majority of the villagers live in simple wooden houses and short adobe houses and live a poor life.
The plight of the vast number of workers and peasants in the Soviet Union today shows that after the proletarian regime is usurped by the bourgeoisie, the working people will inevitably fall back into the abyss of exploitation and oppression, and suffer again and again. The deeper the oppression, the stronger the resistance. This is the law of class struggle. Chairman Mao taught us: "The '''Soviet Union was the first socialist country, and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was a party created by Lenin. Although the leadership of the Party and the country in the Soviet Union has now been usurped by revisionists, I urge comrades to firmly believe that the Soviet Union The broad masses of the people, the broad masses of Party members and cadres are good and want revolution, and the rule of revisionism will not last long. '''” The Quoted from the 16th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1967.Brezhnev renegade clique is doing the wrong thing, and in the end it can only shoot itself in the foot , was severely punished by history. === {{anchor|header-n7690}} {{anchor|Toc83471741}} Section 4 Consolidation and Development of Socialist Public Ownership in Struggle === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471742}} {{anchor|header-n7691}} Consolidation and Perfection of Socialist Ownership by the Whole People ==== After the establishment of socialist public ownership, since it is still very imperfect and the legal rights of the bourgeoisie have not been completely abolished; since there is still the question of which class actually owns it, and there is still the possibility that the leadership will be usurped by the bourgeoisie, then The view that once socialist public ownership is established, the question of who wins and who loses will be completely resolved once and for all, which is extremely wrong and inconsistent with the objective reality of socialist ownership. In fact, after the establishment of socialist public ownership, there is still a long process of consolidating, perfecting and developing it in the sharp and complex class struggle. The lessons of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union sharply brought the historical task of consolidating and developing socialist public ownership in the struggle to the face of the proletariat and all working people in socialist countries. To consolidate and develop socialist public ownership, we must first consolidate and improve the socialist ownership by the whole people, which is in the leading position of the national economy. The key to consolidating and improving socialist ownership by the whole people is to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. Bourgeois right is the concentrated expression of old social traditions or traces in socialist production relations, and it is the soil from which capitalism and the bourgeoisie arise. Once the legal rights of the bourgeoisie are strengthened and expanded, the socialist ownership by the whole people will be corroded and degenerated into capitalist-roader ownership and bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership. The bourgeoisie within the party is the personification of this capitalist-roader and bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie. In socialist enterprises under the ownership of the whole people, there is the old social division of labor, mental labor and manual labor, which retains bourgeois legal rights. Therefore, in the production process, it is inevitable that direct producers (manual workers) accept the will of a few management workers (mental workers) to carry out production activities. The existence of this old social division of labor is the economic basis for the "one-head system" where mental workers rule over manual workers. At the same time, socialist enterprises under the ownership of the whole people are still engaged in commodity production and commodity exchange, thus retaining bourgeois legal rights. It is the economic basis for some people to seek to rule others through commodity relations. As for the distribution according to work implemented by socialist enterprises owned by the whole people, the principle of commodity exchange is still prevailing, that is, a certain amount of labor is exchanged for a certain amount of labor. The existence of this bourgeois right is an important source of Sherlockian characters. In a word, the bourgeois jurisprudence that has not been completely abolished in the socialist ownership by the whole people, and the bourgeois jurisprudence that dominates in terms of mutual relations and distribution, is an important economic basis for the emergence of capitalism and the new bourgeoisie. The process of the emergence of the new bourgeoisie is always linked to the process of strengthening and expanding bourgeois legal rights. When Marx analyzed capitalist ownership, Aristotle once quoted such a sentence: "The master proves himself to be the master not by acquiring slaves, but by using slaves". Marx goes on to say that the capitalist also proves himself to be a capitalist not "by giving him the right to purchase capital ownership of labor", but "by using '''wage-labourers '''Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 433.'''in the production process" . '''Marx's words clearly tell us that the nature of ownership of a means of production is judged not by whose hands the means of production are nominally in the hands of, but by the actual movement of the ownership relationship in the production process. In the socialist production process, if workers can only accept the rule of the "one-head system", they can only be used and consumed as labor power in the production process, and they can only silently accept the rule of commodity relations (how much work they do, how much they take money), and have no right to ask why, what, or how to produce, then this signifies that a bourgeoisie that is in a dominant position in production and organizes production activities according to capitalist principles, that is, takes the capitalist road in power Pie appeared. This situation has become very clear in the process of the transformation of socialist ownership by the whole people in the Soviet Union into bureaucratic monopoly capitalist ownership. Such a situation is of course intolerable for the main body of socialist ownership by the whole people and the working class leading the force. After the establishment of ownership by the whole people, they did not stop, and demanded to continue the revolution. They did not like the oppression of bourgeois legal power, and demanded that the legal power of the bourgeoisie be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat. The series of theories, lines, principles, policies and measures put forward by Chairman Mao for restricting bourgeois legal rights concentratedly express the demands of the working class and the broad masses of the working people to continue the revolution. A powerful ideological weapon for the bourgeoisie within the party. Resolutely implement a series of important instructions of Chairman Mao, resolutely oppose the "one-chief system", put the leadership in the hands of genuine Marxists and the working masses, and limit the commodity system and the bourgeois legal rights in distribution according to work, which will inevitably make Socialist ownership by the whole people has been continuously consolidated and improved in the struggle. Of course, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, restrictions on bourgeois legal rights, the development of capitalism and the emergence of the bourgeoisie within the party are inevitable. However, restricting and not restricting are very different. Without restrictions, the legal rights of the bourgeoisie will be generally strengthened and expanded, the socialist ownership by the whole people will soon deteriorate, and capitalism and the bourgeoisie will develop more rapidly. If the restrictions are met, capitalism and the bourgeoisie will be attacked and will not be flooded, and in the long process of continuous restrictions, the soil that breeds capitalism and the bourgeoisie will be gradually eradicated, and the capitalist class will be gradually created. conditions of. In this way, the socialist ownership by the whole people will be gradually consolidated and perfected in the process of restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. It is precisely because restricting bourgeois legal power is restricting capitalism and the bourgeoisie that the bourgeoisie within the Party, such as Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping, are particularly disgusted with criticizing bourgeois legal power. However, the more the bourgeoisie in the party opposes the restriction of bourgeois legal rights, the more the proletariat and the revolutionary people will restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie and consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. ==== {{anchor|header-n7699}} {{anchor|Toc83471743}} The Development Orientation of Collective Ownership in Rural People's Communes ==== Like the socialist ownership by the whole people, the process of consolidating and improving the collective ownership of the socialist working masses is also a process of constantly restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. However, the consolidation and improvement of socialist collective ownership has its own characteristics. Socialist collective ownership is a kind of socialist ownership with a low degree of public ownership. Therefore, in the struggle to limit bourgeois legal rights, it is necessary to experience a transition from small collective ownership to large collective ownership, and then from socialist collective ownership to The long process of socialist ownership by the whole people. At the present stage, the rural people's communes in our country implement a three-level collective ownership system, namely, the collective ownership of the commune, the collective ownership of the production brigade, and the collective ownership of the production team. The means of production of the commune belong to all members of the commune. All means of production at the commune level, including various large-scale agricultural machinery, large-scale farmland water conservancy facilities, and various forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, fishing enterprises and small industrial and mining enterprises. Commune collective ownership is a form of collective ownership with a relatively high degree of public ownership. Below the commune, the means of production of the production brigade belong to the public ownership of the members within the brigade. All means of production at the brigade level mainly include forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, and fishing enterprises that are difficult or unsuitable for the production team to set up, small industries and large and medium-sized agricultural machinery that directly serve agricultural production. Below the production team, the means of production of the production team belong to the public ownership of the members of the production team. All means of production at the production team level, including land, seeds, fertilizers, farm implements, small-scale agricultural machines, and multi-management of forestry, animal husbandry, sideline farming and fishing by the team. This is a type of collective ownership with a lower degree of public ownership than the collective ownership of the commune and the collective ownership of the production brigade In the current three-level collective ownership system of the rural people's communes, the collective ownership system at the commune level and the brigade level is partial, and the collective ownership at the production team level is basic. The production team is the basic accounting unit of the people's commune. It conducts independent accounting, is responsible for its own profits and losses, and directly organizes production and distribution. Why should the three-level collective ownership system of rural people's communes be based on production teams at this stage? This is because, at this stage, agricultural production in my country basically still relies on human and animal power. Although the degree of agricultural mechanization has increased after the communalization, nationally, it has not fundamentally changed the situation where manual labor is the mainstay. Therefore, in order to adapt to the existing level of productivity and the level of ideological awareness of commune members, except for a few places, a production team of about 30 peasant households is generally formed as the basic accounting unit for organizing production and distribution. In this way, it is convenient to organize production and strengthen management, so that members can better care about the collective, and strengthen the supervision of cadres. However, with the development of productive forces and the improvement of the ideological consciousness of members, this three-level ownership and team-based situation will gradually change. In the present stage of rural people's communes, although the collective economy at the commune and brigade levels is not strong enough, it plays an important role in the development of the collective economy of the people's communes. Due to the existence of the collective economy at the commune and the brigade level, it is possible to purchase large-scale agricultural machinery that the production team cannot afford, set up a farmland water conservancy infrastructure construction and small industrial and mining enterprises that the production team cannot afford, and focus on supporting the production team with a lower economic level. . With the continuous growth and development of the collective economy at the commune and brigade levels, it will play an increasingly important role. The rural people's commune has a three-level collective ownership system with production teams as the basic accounting unit, which can adapt to the different levels and requirements of the development of rural productive forces. For example, in the development process of agricultural mechanization in my country, different types of agricultural machinery can be owned by production teams, production brigades and communes respectively, and give full play to their functions within different scopes. For another example, various forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, fishing and industrial operations can be managed by production teams, production brigades and communes according to their size and the amount of manpower, material and financial resources they require. Therefore, the three-level collective ownership system with the production team as the basic accounting unit has great flexibility and advantages; as far as most areas of the country are concerned, it is basically compatible with the development of rural productive forces at the current stage of our country. However, since the productive forces are the most active factors in social production and are developing all the time, there are still compatible and contradictory situations between production relations and productive forces in the countryside, which will inevitably promote the third-level The collective ownership first undergoes some quantitative changes, that is, on the premise of taking the production team as the basic accounting unit, the proportion of the collectively-owned economy at the brigade level and the commune level gradually increases. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, with the support of the state, the commune and brigade industries in the rural people's communes in our country have developed rapidly, and the proportion of the three-level collective economy in the people's communes has changed to varying degrees. According to a typical survey of 254 communes in 13 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Henan, and Hubei, the proportion of the three-tier collective economy is as follows: [[Image:Picture.png|top]]
It can be seen from the above table that although the proportion of the commune level and the brigade level in the third-level collective economy is still relatively small at present, the commune economy and the brigade economy are both developing at a much faster rate than the production brigade economy. , compared with 1974 in 1975, in terms of the total income of the tertiary economy, in terms of the contribution of the tertiary economy to national taxation, in terms of the accumulation of the collective economy itself, or in terms of the ability to purchase fixed assets , the proportions of both the commune level and the brigade level are increasing. In the longer term, this change will be more significant. For example, in 1970, the commune-level economy accounted for only a dozen percent, the brigade-level economy was less than 5%, and the production team-level economy accounted for more than 80% of the three-level total income of the people's communes in the suburbs of Shanghai. By 1975, the collective economy at the commune and brigade levels had risen to 34% and 19.5% respectively, and the economy at the production brigade level had dropped to 46.5% accordingly.
With this quantitative change in the three-level collective ownership system of the people's communes, it will inevitably lead to a partial qualitative change, that is, the current three-level collective ownership system with the production team as the basic accounting unit, to the two-level collective ownership system with the production brigade as the basic accounting unit. Create important conditions for the transition of collective ownership at different levels. The implementation of the basic ownership of the production brigade means that within the scope of a people's commune, the production brigade is used as the basic accounting unit for the unified organization of production and distribution. The land, large and medium-sized agricultural machinery and other basic means of production and other collective property within the production brigade will be owned by the brigade and will be under the unified control of the brigade; all labor within the production brigade will also be deployed and used by the brigade. In the rural people's communes, the emergence of the two-level collective ownership system of the commune and the brigade marks the progress of the degree of public ownership of the collective ownership system of the rural people's communes. At present, there are not many places in the country that implement basic ownership of the production brigade. However, it has strong vitality and reflects the direction of further development of more than 50,000 rural people's communes across the country. The transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is an objective requirement for the further development of productive forces. carrying out the mass movement of "Learning Agriculture from Dazhai" and implementing the "Eight-character Constitution" The "Eight Characters Constitution" of agriculture refers to eight fields including soil improvement, fertilizer, water conservancy, seed improvement, reasonable dense planting, plant protection, field management, and tool reform (referred to as soil, fertilizer, water, seed, density, protection, management, and work). measures to increase production.of agriculture, the vast majority of poor and lower-middle peasants in our country's rural areas continue to set off a climax of infrastructure construction of farmland water conservancy; There are contradictions in the farmland water conservancy projects. For example, in order to build gridded farmland with stable and high yield, it is often necessary to go beyond the scope of a production team to renovate the appearance of farmland, fill in some old river channels and old ditches, and excavate some new channels and new channels. However, the water control and soil improvement projects within the scope of a brigade have different degrees of benefit for each production team, and sometimes it may even be beneficial to most production teams and disadvantageous to a few production teams. Under the basic ownership of the production team, the land belongs to each production team, and the production team organizes production and distribution within its own scope. When encountering this type of contradiction, it is possible to start from local interests and only consider the needs and interests of the team. Under such circumstances, a large-scale water and soil improvement project that can benefit most production teams often cannot be carried out. With the increasing development of agricultural mechanization, it can now be seen that new contradictions will inevitably arise between it and the basic ownership of production teams. Judging from the production of five agricultural and sideline industries, including grain, cotton, oil, pigs, and vegetables, in the suburban counties of Shanghai, there are 70 types of work that can and should be mechanized. If mechanization is fully implemented, a production team should be equipped with at least 30 to 40 kinds of agricultural machines. However, a production team has less capital and a small scale. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to purchase such a complete set of agricultural machinery. Even if some wealthy production teams have the ability to purchase these agricultural machines, within the scope of a production team, some agricultural machines cannot be fully utilized. For the agricultural machinery industry, it is difficult to manufacture and supply such a set of agricultural machinery for each production team, and it will cause a waste of social wealth. If these agricultural machines are purchased by brigades, there are many machines that do not need to be purchased by each production team at all, but can be shared by several production teams. In addition, agricultural mechanization is not only a question of purchasing agricultural machinery, but also requires corresponding farmland water conservancy construction to be matched with agricultural mechanization; there must be a road for tractors to pass through the fields, and a bridge that can pass tractors on the river. This all has to be arranged within the scope of a brigade. Agricultural machinery, roads, bridges, and channels must be matched, and the contradiction between them and the basic ownership of the production team has arisen. In terms of the use of labor, generally speaking, a production team of about 30 households has only about 60 or 70 laborers, and it is difficult to make a more reasonable professional division of labor. Moreover, the land area and labor force owned by each production team are different. Some teams have fewer people than others, while others have fewer people and more people. Under the condition that the production team is the basic accounting unit, the labor force cannot be allocated uniformly and reasonably by the brigades. When the agricultural and sideline production has developed to a certain stage under the guidance of the principle of " comprehensive development ", it will be difficult to further seek faster development. Some of the above contradictions existed in the period of agricultural production cooperatives. After the agricultural production cooperatives developed into rural people's communes, the unified leadership of the communes and brigade provided favorable conditions for resolving these contradictions. Some conflicts, such as arranging electric irrigation channels in the whole commune and the whole brigade, in the water network area south of the Yangtze River, are generally resolved within a few years after the commune is established. But with the development of agricultural production, some contradictions that existed before became prominent, and some contradictions that did not exist before appeared. Especially with the in-depth development of the mass movement to learn agriculture from Dazhai, these contradictions must be resolved step by step. The transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade will create the necessary conditions to better resolve these contradictions. The transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is also an objective requirement to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor among the production teams and to consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside. The realization of agricultural cooperatives and people's communes prevented the polarization among individual peasants, enabled socialism to occupy the positions of the countryside, and consolidated the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside. However, the collective economy with the production team as the basic accounting unit is, after all, a small-scale collective economy. Under the conditions of commodity production, there will inevitably be differences between the rich and the poor, and this will lead to differences between the rich and the poor within the peasants. The wealthy team has a strong family background, and the realization of mechanization is fast, and they can use their abundant financial resources and manpower to carry out a variety of operations. The poor team has a poor family background and is unable to set up economic undertakings that require a lot of capital. In the process of development, there will be a trend that the rich team is relatively richer and the poor team is relatively poorer.
In 1975, the disparity in the collective income distribution of production teams among several brigades in Jiading County, Shanghai was as follows: the second production team of Zhuqiao Commune Lighthouse Brigade had an average of 282 yuan per person per year, while the ninth production team of the same brigade had only 282 yuan per person per year. One hundred and sixty-four yuan, a difference of 78%. The Xiajiazhai production team of the Zhenbei Brigade of the Long March Commune has an average of 243 yuan per person per year, while the Xujiazhai production team of the same brigade is only 130 yuan, a difference of 87%. The production team of the West High Building in the Xuangao Brigade of Wangxin Commune has an average of 180 yuan per person per year, while the Yaowan production team of the same brigade is only 99 yuan, which is nearly double the difference.
Enlarging the difference between the rich and the poor means expanding the legal rights of the bourgeoisie between the collectively owned economies, which is not conducive to the consolidation and development of socialist collective ownership and the consolidation of the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the countryside. The implementation of basic ownership by brigade will prevent the widening of the difference between the poor and the rich among the production teams. The transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is the result of the contradictory movement between the production relations and the productive forces, the superstructure and the economic base in the countryside. Its development speed is different in the vast rural areas of our country. According to the typical experience of some regions, the contradiction between the production relations and the productive forces, the superstructure and the economic base in the countryside has developed to the extent that the following conditions are met, and the transition from the basic ownership of the production team to the basic ownership of the brigade is generally mature. . First, the development level of productive forces has been considerably improved, especially the agricultural mechanization has developed to a certain extent, and the commune-level economy and the brigade-level economy have grown to a certain extent. As far as agricultural mechanization is concerned, when there is a need and possibility to implement multi-type mechanization in agricultural and sideline production, the production brigade is used to organize production in a unified way. Compared with the unified organization of production by the team, it will show the superiority of the basic ownership of the brigade. As far as the development of the commune-level economy, especially the brigade-level economy is concerned, only when the brigade-level economy has developed to a certain extent, can the brigade have the strength to purchase complete sets of agricultural machinery , and have the strength to help and support the development of production by the later teams. It is only possible for the production team to "common" the "production" of the brigade. In the transition process, the "production" of the poor team and the rich team will not occur, but all production teams can "share" the "production" of the brigade, but the poor team will have more "share" and the rich team will have less. total" some. Second, the disparity in the level of collective distribution among the production teams within the brigade has generally closed. The imbalance in the development of things is absolute, and there will always be unevenness in the level of economic development between the production teams of the same brigade. However, if the gap is too large, when transitioning to the basic accounting unit of the brigade and implementing the unified distribution standard for the brigade, either the income of the members of the poor team will increase sharply, or the income of the members of the rich team will be greatly reduced, which is not conducive to the unity and development of the members. Production enthusiasm. In order to create conditions for the transition, before the transition, the brigade should properly control the distribution level of the rich team, and for the poor team, start with helping it develop production, and gradually increase its distribution level, so that the gap between the poor team and the rich team will be improved. The distribution level is gradually approaching. Third, the formation of a party leadership core that resolutely implements Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. The transition to the basic ownership of the production brigade is an increase in the degree of public ownership of the means of production, which means that the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in terms of ownership will be further restricted. Therefore, the transition process is bound to be filled with fierce struggles between two classes, two roads and two lines. Only when the brigade has a leadership core of the party that resolutely implements Chairman Mao's revolutionary line can it lead the broad masses of the poor and lower-middle peasants and commune members to fight against the bourgeoisie within the Party, to fight against the destructive activities of local, rich, rebel and bad, and to fight against capitalist tendencies. , fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the broad masses of commune members, and ensure that production and income will be increased after the transition, and continuous progress will be made. Fourth, the broad masses of commune members have a certain ideological awareness and have the ideological foundation for requiring transition. Because with the realization of the transition, the old contradictions are resolved, and new contradictions will arise, and these new contradictions are often entangled with the habitual forces of small production and the spontaneous tendencies of capitalism. Lenin pointed out: "It will take several generations to transform the small peasants, their entire psychology and habits." The Tenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 32, p. 205.Chairman Mao taught us: If " '''political work for the peasantry is relaxed a little, capitalist tendencies will flourish. '''" Chairman Mao's "Note to "A Resolute Struggle Against Capitalist Tendency". "The Socialist Upsurge in China's Rural Areas," Vol. 1, p. 353.. If the broad masses of commune members do not have a certain level of ideological awareness and the ideological basis for demanding transition, they cannot be led to correctly handle the new problems brought about by the transition, the socialist enthusiasm of the masses cannot be fully mobilized, and there may be a " Eating a big pot of rice" wrong thinking. In order to successfully realize the transition, it is necessary for the production brigades and production teams to carry out in-depth socialist education campaigns before the transition, strengthen the collective concept of the broad masses of commune members, criticize the spontaneous tendency of capitalism, and establish a firm idea of taking the road of common prosperity. Among the conditions for the transition to the basic ownership of the brigade, the development of productive forces is very important. Without this condition, the transition will be difficult. This shows that the law that the relations of production should be adapted to the development of productive forces is at play. However, politics is the commander-in-chief and the lifeblood of all economic work; the superstructure is not powerless to consolidate and develop its own economic foundation. Given that the economic conditions are generally available, whether or not the transition to basic ownership by the brigade can be carried out depends on whether there is a core party leadership who adheres to Chairman Mao's revolutionary line and the ideological awareness of the broad masses of commune members. Without this political and ideological condition, no matter how good the economic conditions are, it will be difficult to achieve a successful transition. In some cases, even if the economic conditions are slightly worse, due to the strong leadership of the Party, the resolute implementation of Chairman Mao 's proletarian revolutionary line, the introduction of the program of political and ideological work, and the full mobilization of the socialist enthusiasm of the commune members. The transition can also be successfully achieved, and after the transition, the collective economy of the production brigade can be further consolidated and developed. At present, the vast majority of rural people's communes in China still implement the system of "three-level ownership and team-based", but the poor and lower-middle peasants in many places are actively creating conditions for the transition from basic ownership by production teams to basic ownership by brigade. (see below)
From the situation of the Peng Zhao Brigade of Malu Commune in Jiading County, Shanghai below, we can see how the poor and lower-middle peasants created conditions for transitioning to the basic ownership of the brigade. The Peng Zhao brigade consists of 490 households, 1,673 people, and eight production teams. With the development of agricultural mechanization and farmland capital construction, the basic ownership of the production team appears to be incompatible with the productive forces. Beginning in 1975, they proposed the idea of "changing content first and then wearing hats". While strengthening ideological education for members, they prepared conditions for the future transition to brigade ownership from ten aspects:
(1) Establish brigade agricultural machinery stations and expand the scope of brigade management of agricultural machinery.
(2) Establish a brigade fertilizer transportation team, which is specially responsible for transporting urban garbage, black mud, large manure, and ammonia water back, and the brigade will distribute it uniformly according to the soil quality of each production team.
(3) Establish a brigade seed field, which is specially responsible for cultivating, keeping and supplying fine seeds for each production team.
(4) Establish a professional plant protection team, and the pests and diseases will be controlled by the team.
(5) Establish a professional greening team, and the team will make a unified plan for afforestation.
(6) Expand the sideline professional team and vigorously develop the sideline production led by pig raising.
(7) Establish a professional team for farmland infrastructure construction.
(8) Actively help the poor teams to develop production, and at the same time stabilize and properly control the personal income distribution of the rich teams, and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor among the production teams.
(9) The distribution level of team-run enterprise personnel is roughly similar to that of agricultural communal members.
(10) Appropriately expand the part of cooperative medical care that is borne by the collective, and increase medical subsidies for members who have financial difficulties.
After the rural people's commune has realized the basic ownership of the production brigade, with the continuous development of productive forces and the further improvement of the ideological consciousness of the broad masses of the commune members, there will inevitably be a transition from the basic ownership of the brigade to the basic ownership of the commune in the future. Even if the basic ownership of the people's commune is realized, it is still a collective economic organization under the collective ownership of the socialist working masses. Of course, socialist ownership by the whole people and collective ownership cannot coexist forever. With the deepening of the socialist revolution and the development and expansion of the commune-level economy, the rural people's communes will also undergo fundamental changes, that is, the transition from socialist collective ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people. It can be expected that the people's commune will be the best organizational form for our country to transition from collective ownership to ownership by the whole people and from socialism to communism. == {{anchor|header-n7747}} {{anchor|Toc83471744}} Chapter 2 Interrelationships in Socialist Production == === {{anchor|Toc83471745}} {{anchor|header-n7748}} Section 1 The Formation of Socialist Interrelationships === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471746}} {{anchor|header-n7749}} Socialist Public Ownership is the Foundation of Socialist Interrelationship ==== The relationship between people in production is determined by the ownership of the means of production. The establishment of public ownership of the means of production is a great change in the relationship of ownership, but the problem of ownership has not been completely solved; similarly, although the relationship between people in production has undergone tremendous changes with the change of ownership, there is also a constant perfect process. The view that once socialist public ownership is established, the relationship between people in socialist production will become a "comrade-like relationship of mutual assistance and cooperation" is nothing but idealism and metaphysics. The capitalist roaders within the Party use this erroneous theory to advocate the theory of the extinction of class struggle, to strengthen and expand bourgeois legal rights in relation to each other, and to carry out the restoration of capitalism. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly analyze the nature of socialist interrelationships, analyze the serious existence of bourgeois legal rights in interrelationships, and recognize that after the establishment of socialist public ownership, there is still a serious task of continuously improving the interrelationships. The basis for preventing the restoration of capitalism is very important. The first thing to figure out is, with the establishment of socialist public ownership, what changes have taken place in the relationship between people in production, what problems have been solved, and what problems have not been solved. To this end, it is necessary to briefly review the history of the evolution of interrelationships in social production. In slave society and feudal society, the relationship between people in production is a stark unequal relationship. The relations of exploitation and exploitation, oppression and oppression between the two antagonistic classes, slave owners and slaves, landlords and peasants, are obvious. Capitalist society is different: the relationship between capitalist and worker, exploiting and exploited, domination and dominated, is expressed entirely through commodity relations, i.e. as things and things, and the essence of inequality is masked by the illusion of equality. For a long time, bourgeois economists have written books one after another, making a big fuss about the relationship between things, in an attempt to cover up the essence of class antagonism in the relationship between people in capitalist society and maintain the capitalist system of exploitation. Marxist political economy turned this old case upside down, " '''Wherever bourgeois economists saw the relationship between things (commodities exchanged for commodities), Marx revealed the relationship between people '''. " What Three Sources and Three Components of Marxism. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 444.'''economics studies is not things, but the relationship between people, and in the final analysis, the relationship between classes and classes '''. ” Engels: Karl Marx, Critique of Political Economy. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 123.In this way, the most difficult problem in the whole of economics is suddenly clear. In capitalist society, capital's domination and exploitation of labor are based on capitalist ownership of the means of production. " '''The silent coercion of economic relations guarantees the domination of the capitalists over the workers. '''" Marx; Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 806.It is precisely because the capitalists possess all the means of production that the workers are forced to sell their labor to survive. Under the guise of equality in the free buying and selling of labor power, a relationship of class antagonism between capitalists and wage workers is formed between the exploited and the exploited, the ruling and the ruling class. " '''Roman slaves are bound by chains, wage-workers are tied to their owners by invisible threads. '''"Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 629. The mutual relations in socialist production arise on the basis of the socialist public ownership of the means of production. The establishment of socialist interrelationships means that the relationship between the working class, the working peasantry, and the bourgeoisie, landlords, and rich peasants in the old society of being ruled and ruled is reversed. This inversion is premised on the replacement of private ownership of the means of production by socialist public ownership of the means of production. Socialist public ownership is also an economic coercive force, which deprives the exploiting classes of the means of exploiting the working people and forces them to accept the rule and transformation of the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people. The proletariat and the broad masses of the working people, along with the establishment and development of public ownership of the means of production, have become the masters of socialist production. A new type of revolutionary comradeship of mutual support and cooperation, based on the same fundamental interests, was born among the working people. However, in a socialist society, there are still two forms of public ownership of the means of production. There are still differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, between mental labor and manual labor. There are also commodity production and currency exchange. In the process of exchanging labor between workers , the prevailing principle is still the exchange of equal amounts of labor. These economic conditions determine that, in socialist production, there will inevitably be de facto inequality among laborers, the existence of bourgeois legal rights, and the revolutionary comradeship between them will have a process of establishment and development , is not perfect all at once. especially in On the basis of the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, there will also be a new bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie within the party, who will inevitably destroy and corrode the socialist relationship and turn it into a capitalist relationship. Therefore, the process of continuous improvement of the interrelationships of the new type of socialism is the process of gradually restricting and finally eliminating the right of the bourgeoisie, and it is the process of the proletariat opposing and ultimately defeating the bourgeoisie, including the bourgeoisie within the party. ==== {{anchor|header-n7761}} {{anchor|Toc83471747}} The role of the superstructure in the formation and development of interrelationships ==== A certain form of ownership of the means of production determines the nature of the relationship between them. However, the interrelations of people always develop under the reaction of the superstructure and are influenced by the political rule and ideology of a certain class. Therefore, when examining the mutual relations of people in production, it is necessary to conduct research in connection with the superstructure of society. In a society where classes exist, the superstructure is the political and legal system established on the economic foundation of the society, as well as the corresponding political, legal, religious, artistic and philosophical viewpoints. Once formed, the superstructure actively serves its economic base and fights to eliminate the outdated old base and its old superstructure. The ruling class of any society will always use the power of the superstructure to do everything possible to protect the established ownership relations, and to consolidate and develop the mutual relations and distribution relations that are compatible with it. This is a general rule. Take capitalist society as an example, the bourgeoisie of any country uses the power of the superstructure, alternately using the hands of executioner repression and priest-like deception, to maintain and expand the domination of capital over labor. Marx pointed out that the bourgeoisie " '''can not rely solely on the strength of economic relations, but also rely on the help of the state power to ensure its right to extract enough surplus labor '''. " Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 300.The famous "enclosure movement" that took place in England from the end of the fifteenth century to the first half of the nineteenth century "Enclosure Movement" is one of the important ways of primitive accumulation of British capitalism. At the end of the fifteenth century, with the rise of the wool spinning industry and the rise in wool prices, the British landlords and capitalists colluded with each other to turn the farmland of farmers into pastures for sheep. In the 18th century, the British bourgeois government concocted a series of so-called "enclosure laws", which used the tools of bourgeois dictatorship to support landlords and capitalists to violently expropriate peasants. During these hundreds of years, the peasants continued to resist and launched many uprisings against enclosure.was to use violent means to drive a large number of poor peasants to become proletarians "as free as birds" into the cities, expanding the domination of capital. object of labor. However, the peasants who flowed into the cities often preferred to wander rather than accept the tyrannical rule of capital over labor. In order to drive bankrupt peasants into factories, the English bourgeoisie enacted laws punishing the vagabonds, making them "accustomed to the discipline necessary to wage labor by whipping, branding, and torture Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 805.. " At the same time, the bourgeoisie also deceives, paralyzes and poisons the working people by promoting bourgeois ideologies such as freedom, equality, and fraternity, so as to maintain and develop the relationship between capital and labor. Look how cruel, insidious, and vicious are the methods adopted by the bourgeoisie in order to maintain and develop the mutual relationship between capital and labor! The relationship between capital and labor is maintained by violence, and it can only be smashed by violence; in a country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is indeed smashed. Socialist relations of production cannot arise within capitalist society, but can only be established under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, the reaction of the socialist superstructure to the socialist economic base is more obvious. The interrelationship of socialism is not only determined by socialist public ownership, but must also be formed and developed under the enormous reaction of the socialist superstructure. It is a big mistake to think that with the establishment of socialist public ownership, socialist interrelationships will naturally form and develop. In fact, since the establishment of the state power of the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country, the democratic reforms carried out under the leadership of the party, the "three evils", "five evils", rectification and anti-rightist movements, socialist education and other political movements, especially proletarian culture The great revolution, the struggle against Lin Piao and Confucius, and the counter-attack against the Rightist style of overturning the verdict, not only criticized and attacked the enemy, but also deeply educated the thousands of ministries and the masses, and greatly promoted the consolidation and development of socialist relations. As Chairman Mao pointed out: the socialist superstructure " '''has played a positive role in promoting the victory of our country's socialist transformation and the establishment of socialist labor organizations '''" "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 463.. In socialist production, the working class and other working people rule and transform the exploiting classes such as the bourgeoisie, landlords, and rich peasants. According to their class nature, the exploiters will not accept such domination and transformation willingly, so there is inevitably a fierce struggle between the working class and other working people and the exploiting class. In order to achieve domination and transformation of the exploiting classes, it is necessary to uphold the overall dictatorship of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie in all fields and at all stages of revolutionary development. In socialist production, the new interrelationships among the working people are also subject to the shackles of bourgeois law and the erosion of bourgeois ideology. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the cadres of some enterprises, influenced by the revisionist line, played the "Three Styles" and "Five Styles" The "three winds" refer to bureaucracy, subjectivism, and sectarianism; the "five qi" refer to official, twilight, lavish, arrogant, and squeamish.towards the masses, treated the masses with an unequal attitude, did not go to the workshops and groups to engage in the Three Commons, and learned one subject from their teachers. A few craftsmanship turned one's relationship with the masses into a "cat-and-mouse" relationship, and was in a state of acute class struggle with the working class, which had brought about a partial qualitative change in the relationship between socialism. To establish and develop revolutionary comradeship among the working people in accordance with the principles of socialism, it is necessary to limit the bourgeois law and gradually eliminate the ideological influence of the bourgeoisie among the cadres and the masses. This must also rely on the strength of the socialist superstructure. The rectification movement led by our party is an effective Marxist education movement to solve the "three winds" and "five qi" among cadres, and to change the "cat-mouse relationship" between the cadres and the group into a "fish-water relationship". Only by relying on the correct line, principles and policies of the Party and the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat can we gradually limit the legal power of the bourgeoisie. Only " '''with the people's state, the people can use democratic methods to educate and reform themselves on a national scale and on an overall scale, so as to free themselves from the influence of internal and external reactionaries '''" "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1365.and gradually overcome the bourgeois consciousness in people's minds form, clearing the way for the formation and development of a new type of socialist interrelationship among the working people. The proletariat must use the power of the socialist superstructure to maintain and develop the socialist interrelationship, while the bourgeoisie must start by destroying the socialist superstructure to restore the capitalist interrelationship. Lin Biao tried his best to promote the ideology of the exploiting class, saying that "the relationship between people and people is exclusively self-interested", and that "animals are all plundered, and all can be taught." His accomplices preached that "everyone treats each other like wolves", "if you don't cheat, you won't make a deal", and openly preach the self-interested relationship of the naked bourgeoisie. The "Several Issues Concerning Scientific and Technological Work" (referred to as the "Outline of the Report"), concocted by Deng Xiaoping, is a black program for the implementation of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in the field of the superstructure. The difference from manual labor, expanding the bourgeois legal rights of intellectuals, trying to cultivate a small group of spiritual aristocrats riding on the heads of workers and peasants, dictatorship of the proletariat in the superstructure field, in order to restore the mutual relationship of capitalism. If the proletariat wants to maintain and develop the interrelationship of socialism, it must continue to carry out the socialist revolution in depth on the economic, political and ideological fronts after the basic victory of the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production, in order to destroy capital and regenerate non-profits. Fighting private repairs. Obviously, if we do not repel the rampant attacks of the bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, we do not fight against those in power who are taking the capitalist road, we do not criticize the revisionist line, we do not criticize bourgeois law, and we do not gradually eliminate some leading cadres. The "three winds" and "five spirits" in one's body, unless they resist the invasion of the "bourgeois wind", eliminate the poison of bourgeois egoism and selfishness, and destroy the bourgeois concept of legal rights, the working class and the working people will not be able to maintain harmony. By consolidating their dominance in production, it is impossible to effectively rule and transform the exploiting classes, and the mutual relations among the working people cannot be increasingly developed and perfected in accordance with socialist principles. === {{anchor|header-n7776}} {{anchor|Toc83471748}} Section 2 The Nature of Socialist Interrelationships === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471749}} {{anchor|header-n7777}} The communist factor and bourgeois right in relation to each other ==== The establishment and development of socialist public ownership has enabled workers to rise from the position of being oppressed and ruled to a position of domination. This is the greatest change in the interrelationships of people in production in the millennia since the advent of slavery. Freed from exploitation, workers combine with each other for the common interests of society, use public means of production, and carry out large-scale socialized production in a division of labor and cooperation. From this point of view, whether it is the relationship between workers and peasants who are connected with the two major sectors of material production, industry and agriculture, whether it is the relationship between socialist enterprises, regions, and departments, or ownership by the whole people. Communism has emerged in the interrelationships with workers in collectively-owned enterprises. After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production in our country was basically completed, Chairman Mao pointed out: "The interrelationship between production and exchange in various economic sectors is still being established step by step in accordance with the principles of socialism, and a more appropriate form is being sought step by step. "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, pp. 462-463." The interrelationship of production and exchange in the economic sector is, in the final analysis, the relationship of people exchanging labor with each other. Under socialism, there are three major differences in the exchange of labor between people, which is carried out in accordance with the principle of the exchange of equal amounts of labor, that is, the principle of commodity exchange. Therefore, in the relationship between people, bourgeois law is still serious presence. The antithetical unity of the growing communism factor and the serious existence of bourgeois jurisprudence characterizes the socialist interrelationship and forms a series of contradictory movements of the socialist interrelationship. This contradiction exists largely in the interrelationship of production and exchange. The interrelationships formed by the production and exchange of commodities will be analyzed in the relevant chapters of this book. Here, we focus on the movement of people's interrelationships within socialist enterprises. The interrelationships among people within a socialist enterprise have a lot of content, involve a wide range of aspects, and are extremely complex. However, from the perspective of the interrelationship between workers in the enterprise, there are mainly three aspects, namely: the relationship between leaders and the masses. Interrelationships between managers, technicians (mental workers) and direct producers (manual workers), and between workers and workers, and between farmers and farmers. Let us first look at the relationship between leaders and the masses. Social production requires the organization and leadership of any larger-scale collective labor. Marx pointed out: " '''All direct social labor or collective labor on a larger scale requires more or less command, in order to coordinate the activities of individuals, and to produce in parallel the movement of the totality--as opposed to the movement of the independent organs of this totality-- A single violinist conducts himself, and an orchestra needs an orchestra conductor. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 367.However, the ownership of the means of production is different, the nature and purpose of production are different, the role of leadership in an enterprise, and the leadership and the masses are different. The interrelationships are also different. Therefore, following the passage quoted above, Marx immediately pointed out: " '''As soon as the labor subordinated to capital becomes cooperative labor, this function of management, supervision and regulation becomes the function of capital. '''" Ibid., pp. 367-368.Under capitalism, the capitalist The purpose of organizing and managing production is to brutally exploit workers. Lenin said: "What '''capitalists care about is how to manage for plunder and how to plunder through management. '''" "How to organize a competition? ". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 395.Therefore, the relationship between capitalists or their agents and workers is one in which capitalists exploit and oppress workers. Under the socialist system, the leaders and the masses in an enterprise are, on the whole, the owners of the enterprise, comrades-in-arms in a trench, and have the same fundamental interests, and there is no fundamental conflict of interest. Together they managed socialist enterprises, laboring and working for a common revolutionary goal. Let's look at the relationship between managers, technicians (mental workers) and direct producers (manual workers). Under the capitalist system, although managers and technicians in enterprises generally do not own the means of production, they are intellectuals educated and trained by the bourgeoisie, employed by the bourgeoisie, attached to the bourgeoisie, and serve the bourgeoisie. Therefore, in capitalist enterprises, the relationship between managers, technicians and workers is generally expressed as a class-antagonistic relationship. Under the socialist system, the proletariat, on the one hand, still arranges the original managers and technicians to work in socialist enterprises; Services for working people. Judging from the situation in our country, among the old managers and technicians, except for a very small number of reactionary intellectuals who were hostile to our country, "the '''vast majority of them are patriotic, love our People's Republic of China, and are willing to Serve the people and serve the socialist country '''. " "Speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 502.With the continuous development of socialist revolution and socialist construction, the proletariat has also continuously cultivated its own intellectuals to participate in management and technical work. Especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, in accordance with Chairman Mao's instructions on " taking Quoted from People's Daily, July 22, 1968.'''the road of cultivating technicians from workers in Shanghai Machine Tool Factory " ''', "July 21" workers' universities have been generally held, and groups of people with certain political skills have been trained. The workers and technicians with consciousness and rich practical experience have enriched the technical team of the enterprise. Therefore, under socialist conditions, the fundamental interests of the workers, peasants and the broad masses of intellectuals are basically the same. In socialist enterprises, in addition to the relationship between cadres and the masses, technicians, managers and workers, and farmers, there are also relationships between workers and workers, and between farmers and farmers. This relationship is mainly manifested in productive labor. collaboration in the process. The cooperative relationship in the production and labor process is the need of social production, and with the development of the large-scale machine industry, it is more and more required to cooperate closely with each other in the production process and cooperate in production. Under different ownership conditions, the nature of collaboration is different. Under capitalist private ownership, "the cooperation of wage-workers is only the result of their simultaneous use by capital" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 368.. The cooperation between workers is compelled by capital and reflects the opposition between workers and capitalists. The cooperative production among workers and peasants in socialist enterprises, in accordance with the objective requirements of socialist public ownership, is a conscious action to improve labor productivity. What is important is the relationship of "the front and the back of a bar", a revolutionary comrade relationship in which workers with the same fundamental interests help each other and cooperate closely. In short, in socialist production, leaders and the masses, managers, technicians, workers and peasants, "although the division of labor is different, they are all masters." This relationship between people, linked by public ownership of the means of production and formed on the basis of the same fundamental interests, is the communist factor that sprouts and grows in the socialist relationship. Within a socialist enterprise, the relationship between leaders and the masses, between managers, technicians and workers and peasants is a comradeship relationship that is increasingly developing on the basis of unanimous fundamental interests. However, this does not mean that they are There is no contradiction, let alone that there will be a "realm of no difference" between them. The leaders and the masses, managers, technicians, workers, and peasants in the enterprise are the masters of the country and the enterprise, but they were still bound by the old social division of labor in the historical period of socialism. Full-time leading cadres, managers, technicians, and other intellectuals who are out of production are generally mental workers; the workers and peasants who are direct producers are all manual workers. In capitalist society and all societies where the exploiting classes are dominant, the exploiting classes never miss an opportunity to place an ever-heavier burden of manual labor on the shoulders of the working masses. There, mental work and physical work are fundamentally opposed. " '''Beside this majority, fully committed to labor, a class is formed, separated from direct productive labor, engaged in the common affairs of society: labor administration, government affairs, justice, science, art, etc. Thus, the law of the division of labor It is the basis of class division. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 321.This is " '''one of the most important sources of inequality in modern society '''. " The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 253.The Tao of Confucius and Mencius proclaimed that "he who works with heart governs people, and those who work hard govern others" is a reflection of this fundamental opposition. In a socialist society, this antagonistic contradiction between mental and manual labor is denied. However, as a social division of labor, mental labor and manual labor still exist, and the essential difference between them still exists, and cannot be eliminated in a short period of time. This essential difference is reflected in the fact that most of the mental workers are still in the position of directing and organizing production, and often do not participate in manual labor much; Generally speaking, there are still gaps, and so on. This difference is an important sign of the serious existence of bourgeois legal rights in the interrelationships within enterprises. The relationship between people in socialist production will also be seriously affected by the idea of bourgeois right of law. The idea of bourgeois legal rights is the reflection of bourgeois legal rights in ideological form. At its core is a hierarchy. As a result of the erosion of the bourgeois ideology of legal rights, some leading cadres do not treat others with an equal attitude, but instead play with prestige and put on airs. This will change their relationship with the masses from a relationship of revolutionary comrades to one of domination and obedience. This phenomenon is a reflection of the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Even if the bourgeois world outlook has not been fundamentally transformed, the technical and managerial personnel of the enterprise will also treat the masses of workers and peasants with the idea of bourgeois legal rights, thus making their relationship with the masses of workers and peasants appear somewhat capitalist-like. The kind of adversarial relationship in business. In addition, among the masses of workers and peasants, they will inevitably be influenced by bourgeois ideology, and some will also depart from socialist principles to deal with their mutual relations. These contradictions between leaders and the masses, between managers, technicians and direct producers, and between the masses and the masses are generally issues of right and wrong among the working people. Among the people, there are also issues of right and wrong, innovation and old-fashioned, advanced and backward, and so on. However, throughout the historical stage of socialism, such issues of right and wrong are generally branded with class. Therefore, the socialist interrelationship among the people, in the final analysis, cannot but on the basis of the same fundamental interests, manifested in varying degrees as the right and wrong relationship between socialism and capitalism. What the proletariat must insist on socialism is to criticize the wrongs of capitalism and limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie; the bourgeoisie must promote the wrongs of capitalism and safeguard the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. The contradictory movement of the relationship. This contradictory movement is the process of struggle between the communist elements growing in the relationship and the serious existence of bourgeois right; reflected in the class relationship, it is the process of struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In this contradictory movement, the proletariat is in the leading position, and thus the nature of people's mutual relations is socialist. With regard to the interrelationships among the working people, if bourgeois right and freedom of thought are allowed to prevail and prevail, the interrelationships will also become capitalist, which will make socialist enterprises Gradually change the color. Lenin pointed out: “ '''In order to completely abolish classes, it is necessary not only to overthrow the exploiters, namely the landlords and capitalists, not only to abolish their ownership, but also to abolish any private ownership of the means of production, to abolish the differences between town and country, between manual and mental workers. This is a cause that can only be realized over a long period of time. '''” "The Great Creation". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 11.The historical task of the proletariat is to pay special attention to adjusting people’s mutual relations after the establishment of socialist public ownership, to limit bourgeois legal rights, to get rid of the idea of bourgeois legal rights, and to implement Chairman Mao put forward the instruction that cadres, workers, peasants, soldiers, academics and businessmen should follow the May 7th road, and gradually realize the combination of mental work and manual work, so as to narrow and eventually eliminate the essential difference between mental work and manual work. If one does not pay attention to gradually narrowing the essential difference between mental labor and manual labor, and allowing this difference to gradually widen, not only will the contradiction between the mental laborer and the manual laborer be deepened, but in the process of this contradiction a new bourgeoisie will inevitably emerge, becoming a Restoring the social foundations of capitalism. Such was the case in the Soviet Union. ==== {{anchor|header-n7803}} {{anchor|Toc83471750}} socialist interrelationship is class relation ==== In a socialist society, classes, class contradictions and class struggles still exist, and bourgeois legal rights still exist. Therefore, the most essential relationship between people is still a class relationship. In order to clarify this question, it is necessary to trace the state of class relations in semi-colonial and semi-feudal China. On the economic basis of old China, the following classes arose: the proletariat, the petty bourgeoisie, the national bourgeoisie, the landlord class and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie. At that time, the positions of these classes in production and their interrelationships were as follows: the landlord class and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie, which mastered the main means of production and the reactionary state machinery, colluded with imperialism, dominated social production, exploited and oppression of the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie. The national bourgeoisie also owns a large amount of means of production. On the one hand, it is linked with imperialism, the landlords and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie, and exploits and oppresses the proletariat and the working people; on the other hand, it is harmed by the landlords and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie. The proletariat and the vast majority of poor peasants are in a completely powerless position in social production, subject to triple oppression and exploitation by imperialism, feudal forces and the bourgeoisie. "The '''overthrow of the old social system and the establishment of a new social system, the socialist system, is a great struggle and a great change in the relationship between the social system and people. '''" "Speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 501.When our country entered the historical period of socialism, the basic When the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts, and capitalist industry and commerce was realized in China, and the socialist public ownership of the means of production became the only economic foundation of our country, "the interrelationship of all classes in the country was changing Ibid., p. 500.. " The landlord class and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie have long been overthrown, their means of production have long been deprived, and they have been in a position of being dominated and transformed in social production. After the private enterprises of the national bourgeoisie were transformed into socialist state-owned enterprises, the means of production they possessed were also transferred into the hands of the working people, thus losing their dominant position in the enterprise and had to accept the education and transformation of the working class. Peasants and handicraftsmen have been transformed from individual producers into collective laborers, and together with the working class, they have become the masters of the socialist economy. The working class has become the leading class of the country, holds the lifeline of the national economy, and is in a leading position in the entire social production. In this way, in our socialist production, the relationship between the two exploiting classes and the two working classes is formed. The two exploiting classes are the remnants of the landlord-comprador class and the bourgeoisie. The two working classes are the working class and the collective peasants. The mutual relations in socialist production are mainly the relations between and within these four classes. The mutual relations of the four classes in socialist production are not parallel. The basic contradiction of socialist society determines that in the entire historical stage of socialism, the main contradiction is the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Generally speaking, the proletariat is in the dominant position in social production, and the bourgeoisie is in the dominated position; however, throughout the historical stage of socialism, the core strength of the bourgeoisie has been transferred to the ruling Communist Party. In this way, when the capitalist roaders in the party hold a certain amount of power, the relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie will be reversed in a partial range, that is, the proletariat is in a position of being ruled and exploited by the bourgeoisie in the party, and therefore in class relations shows a complex phenomenon. But no matter what kind of phenomenon, under socialist conditions, in the production process, the most basic is still the class relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie (including the bourgeoisie within the party). Revisionists from Khrushchev and Brezhnev to Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping all spread the idea that when socialist public ownership became the country's only economic foundation, all exploiting classes were eliminated. Their reason is that the exploiting classes become exploiting classes because they possess the means of production and exploit the laborers accordingly; once public ownership of the means of production is established, the exploiting classes will cease to exist. Thus, the interrelationships of people in production lose the character of class relations. This fallacy is completely contrary to Marxism and the reality of socialist society. Lenin said: "The '''so-called classes are such large groups, which have different positions in a certain social production system in history and have a relationship with the means of production (most of which are expressly stipulated in law). They play different roles in the social labor organization, so the way and amount of the social wealth they control are also different. The so-called class is such a group, because of their position in a certain social and economic structure. Different status, one group can occupy the labor of another group. '''" "The Great Creation". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 10.Lenin's definition of class is still very important for understanding the changes in class relations in socialist society . In a socialist society, although the old bourgeoisie has lost the means of production through socialist transformation, they cannot "put down the butcher's knife and become Buddhas on the spot", and change from exploiters to self-reliant laborers. They are still alive, and their hearts will not die. Their original economic status determines that they are still active as the bourgeoisie in terms of economic living conditions, political stance, and ideology; at the same time, the existence of bourgeois legal rights in socialist society shows that the bourgeoisie still has the power to survive. economic basis. The new bourgeoisie is also constantly emerging from some workers, peasants, state functionaries and party members on the soil of bourgeois legal rights, so that the bourgeoisie is born within the ruling Communist Party, and there are those in power who take the capitalist road. Chairman Mao deeply analyzed the class relations in socialist society and made a scientific conclusion that the bourgeoisie is within the Communist Party, which is a major development of Marxism-Leninism. The bourgeoisie in the party is the capitalist roaders because, politically, they pursue the revisionist line and adhere to the capitalist road, which can turn the tools of the dictatorship of the proletariat into tools for the dictatorship of the proletariat; They have great power in determining the use of means of production, the organization of social labor and the distribution of social income. However, they are not based on the social needs of the broad masses of working people, but on behalf of the interests of the entire bourgeoisie, and in accordance with the needs of restoring capitalism. to use these powers. They tried their best to strengthen and expand the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and they engaged in regulation, control, and oppression, and they engaged in profit-taking and material incentives. Regardless of whether the individual realizes it subjectively or not, we " '''the person involved here is only the personification of the economic category, the bearer of certain class relations and interests '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 12.. The capitalist roaders are the personification of capital. They play the function of the bourgeoisie, represent the capitalist production relations, and are the main force that endangers the Party and subverts the dictatorship of the proletariat. The emergence of the bourgeoisie within the party is by no means an accidental and temporary phenomenon, because the socialist economy is still organized and carried out according to the commodity system. Bourgeois legal rights exist to varying degrees in China. Communists also live in the economic relations of bourgeois law. As Chairman Mao pointed out: " '''After the democratic revolution, the workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants have not stopped. They want revolution. But some party members don't want to advance, and some people retreat and oppose revolution. Why? Protect the interests of high-ranking officials. '''" Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from People's Daily, May 16, 1976.Some of the party members have changed, some are changing, and some will change if they are not vigilant. Among the party members that have changed, they have implemented the counter-revolutionary revisionist line in leading economic work, tried their best to maintain and expand bourgeois legal rights, and opposed the socialist revolution. Road Authority. The bourgeoisie within the Party must destroy socialism and restore capitalism, while the proletariat and the poor and lower-middle peasants must consolidate and develop socialism and realize communism. With the deepening of the socialist revolution, the capitalist roaders within the party have increasingly become the core and main force of the entire bourgeoisie. Therefore, the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in socialist production is mainly the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie within the party. In the historical stage of socialism, since the main contradiction in society is the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, various relations between people in production are bound to be dominated, restricted or influenced by it. The same is true of the mutual relations among the working people, which inevitably bear the brand of class, have the nature of class relations, and in the final analysis also manifest themselves as class relations. Some comrades find it difficult to understand that the interrelationships among the working people in socialist production are inevitably branded as class, with the nature of class relations, and in the final analysis they must also be expressed as class relations. These comrades are mainly ignorant of the law of changes in class relations during the socialist period. After the old bourgeoisie has been overthrown, new bourgeoisie will continue to emerge. Where does the new bourgeoisie come from? Has it not yet arisen from the working people or even from the vanguard of the proletariat? There is a process for the emergence of a new bourgeoisie among the working people. In this process, the relationship between the broad masses of the working people and the emerging new bourgeois elements is the class relationship. It takes work to understand and recognize the class nature of this relationship. Because the bourgeoisie within the party is not as obvious and easy to identify as the capitalists who go to the labor market with money to buy labor and extract surplus value from workers. However, as long as we examine and analyze the revisionist line implemented by such people and represent the interests of the bourgeoisie, they can still be identified. The activities of these people among the working people will inevitably bring about bourgeois influence on the working people, temporarily blinding some people who do not know the truth and who are not highly conscious, and follow their revisionist line, which will also lead to confusion among the working people. relationship, with the nature of class contradiction. After the proletariat takes power, the vast majority of workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants will never stop. They will continue the revolution and fight against capitalism, the bourgeoisie and the capitalist roaders. In the course of the struggle, the contradictions between the broad masses of workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants and those who are temporarily deceived and follow the revisionist line are generally contradictions among the people. But this contradiction is also a manifestation of the contradiction between two classes, two roads and two lines. In short, throughout the historical stage of socialism, the main contradiction in society is the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The relationship between the working people is also dominated, restricted and influenced by this main contradiction, and is marked by the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Therefore, the relationship between the working people in socialist production is ultimately expressed as a class relation. === {{anchor|header-n7817}} {{anchor|Toc83471751}} Section 3 Consolidating and Perfecting Socialist Interrelationships in Struggle === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471752}} {{anchor|header-n7818}} The great dynamic effect of interrelationship ==== Certain mutual relations are produced on the basis of certain ownership of means of production. However, mutual relations are not passive and passive. They have a great dynamic effect and can react to ownership and play a decisive role under certain conditions. The role of interrelationships on ownership and distribution, as well as on the productive forces, was evident in the historical period before socialism. For example, in order to maintain and consolidate the capitalist system of ownership and distribution, the bourgeoisie must maintain the capitalist interrelationship, that is, the subordination of labor to capital. If capitalists and their agents do not have absolute power over workers in capitalist enterprises, if they cannot force workers to act according to the will of the capitalists and at the mercy of the capitalists, then capitalist exploitation cannot be realized, and capitalist ownership cannot be realized. Consolidate and develop. The bourgeoisie attaches great importance to maintaining and consolidating the subordination of labor to capital in order to consolidate and develop capitalist ownership and the distribution relationship of capitalism. This relationship between capitalist domination and enslavement of workers is the basic content of the mutual relationship of capitalism. In the process of consolidation and development, it has indeed promoted the development of capitalist private ownership, and has promoted the capitalist society's "earn for those who work hard and gain for those who work hard." The development of the distribution relationship where no one works". In capitalist society, the masses of workers "are not only slaves of the bourgeoisie, of the bourgeois state, but are enslaved every day and every hour by machines, by supervisors, and above all by the individual factory owners and bourgeois themselves. "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Siggs" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 258.. The history of the relationship between people under the capitalist system is a bloody history of the brutal oppression, enslavement and exploitation of the vast majority of workers by the bourgeoisie.
In old China, there were literally thousands of historical facts in this regard. Just take Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company as an example. The relationship between capitalists and workers in this company is established in this way. In addition to relying on managers, factory managers, supervisors, and foremen to supervise and direct the labor of workers, the capitalists also employ 30 specialized workers. Multiple pseudo-police, savage club rule. Pseudo-police copy, beat, imprisoned workers, and even hacked to death with axes. There are various rules and regulations that restrict the freedom of workers in the factory. Article 30 of the factory regulations revised at the end of 1931 stipulates: "Those who violate the following items shall be fired or ordered to pay compensation after the factual evidence is ascertained: 1. Those who disobey the orders of the factory and the circumstances are serious; 2. Those who assemble a crowd to fight and disturb the factory. 3. molesting women and hindering workers; 4. stealing public property; 5. intentionally damaging public property worth more than five yuan; 6. intentionally making bad products; 7. inciting labor unrest and sabotaging work with evidence; Fraudulent work value; 9. Falsely reporting prices for profit or colluding with secret commissions; 10. After signing in or throwing cards, going out without any reason." Article 31 also stipulates: "Violators of the following paragraphs shall be punished by severity and fines. It will be deducted from the salary; if you commit up to four times a month, you should be dismissed immediately: 1. If you leave duty without permission, you will be fined 40 cents; 2. If you are late and absent from work, you will be fined 10 cents per day and 20 cents per month; 3. Negligence to produce products , punished according to the severity; 4. Drowsiness, sitting and lying down, fined 20 cents; 5. Noisy, 40 cents; 6. Insulting colleagues, fined 1 dollar; 7. Sleeping with tears on the ground, fined 1 cent; 8. Forgot to accept 9. If you forget to sign, you will be fined 20.00; 10. If you stop work before you leave work, you will be fined 2.00.” From the above clauses, you can clearly see the mutual relationship between capitalists and workers. the nature of the relationship. This is the company that extracts high profits from this brutal pursuit of workers. The annual rate of exploitation (ratio of residual value to variable capital) in 1914 and 1915 was 362% and 404%, and between 1933 and 1936 the rate of exploitation was over 1000% per year.
The establishment of socialist public ownership fundamentally denies the relationship between capitalists' exploitation and oppression of laborers, and requires the gradual establishment and development of people's interrelationships in accordance with socialist principles, giving full play to the dynamic role of interrelationships. After the socialist transformation of the means of production was basically completed, Chairman Mao repeatedly taught us that we should pay special attention to adjusting people's relationships with each other. The transformation of mutual relations is an important link in the transformation of production relations. Grasping this link and making constant adjustments are of great significance for consolidating and improving socialist ownership and socialist distribution relations, and thus promoting the development of the entire social production. The historical experience of the dictatorship of the proletariat at home and abroad has proved that the advancement and regression of the socialist system are closely linked to the correct handling of people's interrelationships. If the bourgeois legal rights in people's mutual relations are restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat, then the communist factor will be greatly developed, people's socialist enthusiasm and creativity can be brought into full play, and the socialist orientation of enterprises will be relatively If there is a guarantee, the socialist ownership system will be more consolidated, and the distribution relationship will tend to be perfect. On the contrary, if the legal power of the bourgeoisie is strengthened and expanded, and capitalist money relations, employment relations and competition relations are proliferated, the master status and revolutionary enthusiasm of the workers will be suppressed, and the ideas of some of the masses will be corroded. , the rotten and vulgar ideological style of the bourgeoisie will inevitably grow among the people; the new relationship between cadres and the masses, technicians, managers and workers will become an opposing class relationship between ruling and being ruled; socialist public ownership Under the cover of “distribution according to work”, the socialist distribution relationship will also be transformed into a relationship of exploitation and exploitation in which a small group of privileged classes occupy the fruits of labor of the vast majority of workers and peasants. Constantly adjusting the relationship between people in production is also an important factor in promoting the development of social productive forces. The mutual relations gradually established in accordance with the socialist principle on the basis of public ownership of the means of production, whether within an enterprise, or among various enterprises and economic sectors, as well as between the economies of ownership by the whole people and collective ownership, are bound to directly affect the The basic factor of productivity - the worker. Therefore, correctly handling the relationship between them is conducive to fully mobilizing the socialist enthusiasm of laborers to be masters of the country, fully mobilizing the strength of various economic sectors, fully utilizing and tapping economic potential, and promoting the rapid development of the entire social productive forces develop. Numerous cases in my country's socialist construction have proved that the Great Leap Forward is impossible without solving the problem of mutual relations. In socialist production, when the relationship between man and man, in the process of limiting bourgeois legal rights, gradually moves towards a comradeship of mutual assistance and mutual promotion, the production of enterprises is prosperous. When it comes to destruction, the opposite happens. ==== {{anchor|header-n7827}} {{anchor|Toc83471753}} Consolidate and improve mutual relations in accordance with socialist principles ==== The huge dynamic role of mutual relations requires people to pay full attention to the consolidation and improvement of mutual relations after the socialist transformation of ownership has basically been realized. Over the years, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, my country's industrial and mining enterprises and rural people's communes have thoroughly criticized the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping, and in accordance with the principles of socialism, have done a lot to improve the relationship between people in socialist production. work, accumulated and created a wealth of experience. To sum up, the most fundamental thing is to adhere to the party's basic line throughout the historical stage of socialism, give full play to the active role of the socialist superstructure in consolidating and developing the socialist economic foundation, and criticize and limit bourgeois legal rights under the dictatorship of the proletariat. , get rid of the idea of bourgeois legal rights, and enthusiastically support new things with the seeds of communism that are conducive to narrowing the three major differences. Revolutionary teachers have always attached great importance to bourgeois right to limit mutual relations. When summarizing the historical experience of the Paris Commune, Marx and Engels highly praised the revolutionary measures of the Commune, such as the provision that the incompetent members of the Commune could be dismissed and replaced at any time, which restricted the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin waged a tireless struggle to limit the serious existence of bourgeois legal rights in people's relations with each other. Lenin praised the "Communist Saturday Volunteer Labor" pioneered by the workers, and participated in the "Communist Saturday Volunteer Labor" as an ordinary laborer, setting a shining example for the bourgeois right to limit mutual relations. Chairman Mao attaches great importance to the bourgeois right to limit mutual relations, and repeatedly taught us: " '''All our working cadres, regardless of their positions, are servants of the people '''. " Quoted from Jiefang Daily, Yan'an, December 16, 1944." '''Being both the 'official' and the common people '''. " Quoted from People's Daily, June 8, 1967.Following Chairman Mao's teachings, cadres at all levels must be able to go up and down, constantly improve the relationship between superiors and subordinates, close the relationship between cadres and the masses, and consciously limit the bourgeois legal rights in relation to each other. All revisionists are always striving to expand bourgeois legal rights in relation to each other in the service of restoring capitalism. Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao desperately advocated the "Leadership Theory", slandering the workers and peasants as villains who only wanted to "congratulate Xi and make a fortune" and " make money and bring treasures", and believed that the management of enterprises must "particularly rely on factory directors, engineers and technicians". Deng Xiaoping also hated the masses of workers and peasants, saying that "reliance on workers, peasants and soldiers is relative". He especially hated the new cadres who emerged from the masses of workers and peasants, slandering them as "come up by helicopter", and proposed a "step theory" to discuss seniority ranking. The essence of these fallacies is to consolidate and expand bourgeois legal rights in mutual relations, and to restore the relationship between leadership and the masses to one of domination and obedience. The practice of socialist revolution tells us that to limit bourgeois legal rights, we must resolutely get rid of the idea of bourgeois legal rights and expand the propaganda of communist ideology. Some cadres struggle for status, reputation, and rank, such as "it is difficult to work without laws and regulations, cadres without authority, and the masses without rewards and punishments" and "production must be rewarded, and management must rely on punishment" and so on. The argument is that they are all manifestations of the idea of bourgeois legal rights. The idea of bourgeois legal rights is the reflection of bourgeois legal rights in the ideological form and serves to safeguard bourgeois legal rights. Therefore, eliminating the idea of bourgeois legal rights is also an important prerequisite for the development of bourgeois legal rights. In the historical stage of socialism, bourgeois legal rights in relation to each other will exist for a long time, and bourgeois legal rights ideas such as the concept of private property, the concept of hierarchy, and the concept of employment cannot be expected to be completely cleared from people's minds in one morning. Therefore, criticizing the idea of bourgeois right is a long-term combat task. In the cause of socialist revolution and socialist construction, thousands of advanced figures with a high degree of communist consciousness have emerged, and many new things that shine with the brilliance of communist ideology have emerged. Getting rid of the idea of bourgeois legal rights, liberating more people from the narrow vision of bourgeois legal rights, consciously restricting bourgeois legal rights, gradually eradicating the breeding ground for the bourgeoisie, and consolidating and developing socialist relations are of great importance. significance. '''Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution " '''formulated by Chairman Mao himself is the basic principle for correctly handling the relationship between people within a socialist enterprise and managing socialist enterprises. These principles are: adhere to the leadership of proletarian politics, strengthen the leadership of the party, engage in mass movements, implement "two participations, one reform and three combinations" (that is, cadres participate in labor, the masses participate in management, reform unreasonable rules and regulations, implement workers, cadres And the three combination of technical personnel), big abstract technological innovation and technological revolution. Adhering to the leadership of proletarian politics, strengthening the leadership of the party, and picking up mass movements are the fundamental guarantees for enterprises to develop in the direction of socialism; the implementation of "two participations, one reform and three combinations" is a socialist enterprise that eliminates the idea of bourgeois legal rights. , the fundamental way to limit the rights of the bourgeoisie. The "Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution" is the fundamental law for the comprehensive dictatorship of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie within the enterprise, and it is also the basic program for the management of socialist enterprises. Chairman Mao pointed out in one of his instructions on the socialist education movement in 1964: '''"The bureaucratic class and the working class and the poor and lower-middle peasants are two sharply opposed classes." "Management is also social education. If managers do not work in the workshops and groups, and learn one or a few crafts from teachers, they will be in a state of acute class struggle with the working class for the rest of their lives, and they will eventually be treated by the working class as their own. It is impossible to overthrow the bourgeoisie. If you don’t learn the skills, you will be a layman for a long time, and you will not be able to manage well. It will not work if you are dazed and make people more visible.” '''Quoted from People's Daily, July 1, 1976.Chairman Mao’s instructions are not only a powerful ideological weapon in the struggle against the bourgeoisie within the party, It is also an important guideline for establishing the socialist relationship between cadres and the masses. All cadres who can follow Chairman Mao's teachings and often go to workshops and groups to practice the same study, criticism, and labor are generally more conscious and self-aware of their resistance to bourgeois ideology; they are conducive to accepting criticism and supervision from the masses. , adhere to the socialist direction of the enterprise; are more familiar with the production situation, and have less blind command. Chairman Mao once pointed out: " We '''must uphold the system of cadres participating in collective productive labor. The cadres of our party and the state are ordinary laborers, not gentlemen riding on the heads of the people. By participating in collective productive labor, cadres maintain the most extensive relationship with the working people. This is a fundamental event under the socialist system, which helps to overcome bureaucracy and prevent revisionism and dogmatism. '''” Quoted from "The Debate on the General Line of the International Communist Movement", People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 438.There is a ballad of a Shanghai textile worker, describing a woman Changes before and after the factory's leading cadres participated in collective production and labor: "In the past, the workshop did not come to run, but now I come to the machine to ask for advice. I didn't understand the situation in the past, but now I understand it with my classmates. The problems in the past were delayed, and now they are solved immediately. In the past, only a big report was made. , and now the workshop is devoted to her. In the past, she was called a petty bureaucrat, but now she is a sister Tao." It can be seen from this that after the cadres participated in the collective production labor, the "three winds" and "five spirits" were washed away, and the revolution was radiant. Vitality, the relationship between thousands of groups is even closer. On the other hand, if leaders, managers and technicians do not participate in labor for a long time, act as officials, engage in specialization, fail to integrate with the masses in workshops and production teams, take workers and peasants as teachers, and seriously change the world outlook, then it will be as Chairman Mao pointed out. They will be in a state of acute class struggle with the working class and the poor and lower-middle peasants all their lives, and even degenerate into new bourgeois elements, and they will inevitably be overthrown by the working class and the poor and lower-middle peasants. The participation of the masses in management is determined by the nature of socialist production relations, and is the most fundamental right of workers and peasants under the socialist system. Whether the working people can manage socialist enterprises or not reflects the fundamental question of the status of the working people in production. Lenin profoundly pointed out: " '''In any case, to break such absurd, grotesque, despicable, and filthy stereotypes, it seems that only the so-called 'upper class', only the rich or those who have been educated by the rich class, can manage the country and society. The organized construction of a socialist society. '''" "How to organize a competition? ". Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 395.However, the old and new revisionists always tried their best to oppose the participation of the masses in management, and made workers the targets of "control, arrest, deduction and punishment". In 1920, at the Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Trotsky called for the realization of the "militarization of the trade unions themselves" and the "militarization of the working class", and that compulsory military orders should be imposed on the workers. means, “to establish a system in which workers regard themselves as laborers who cannot be freely controlled.” If workers do not work hard, they “should be put in correctional camps or concentration camps”; if they do not obey the transfer order, they “will be punished as deserters. ". Trotsky even blatantly advocated "forced labor" on the workers. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in our country, due to the interference of the revisionist line, many enterprises practiced the system of "one leader is in command, experts run the factory", "leaders in legislation, administrators enforce the law, and the masses abide by the law", which puts the working people in the midst of being punished. Tube, card, pressure status. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, under the leadership of the Party, the broad masses of workers and peasants had a violent impact on the practice of "one leader in command and experts running the factory", and created many fresh experiences for the masses to participate in management, such as: representatives of the workers and peasants. Participate directly in the enterprise revolutionary committee, not to be out of work, but also to work; often adopt the method of "speaking the line, exposing contradictions, and promoting transformation", let go of mobilizing the masses, and use the weapons and discussion forums of loud voices, loud broadcasts, big-character posters, and great debates In the form of meetings, small comments, etc., criticize the problems existing in the implementation of the line and policies of the leaders, and implement revolutionary supervision. These are all new developments in which the masses participate in management and play an important role in improving the socialist interrelationships. In enterprise management, reforming unreasonable rules and regulations is also an aspect of continuous adjustment and transformation of socialist interrelationships. In any socialized production, certain rules and regulations must be established. However, any rules and regulations are always formulated under certain production relations, and ultimately reflect certain production relations. It is unrealistic to examine the problems of rules and regulations without the production relations , and there will inevitably be mistakes of seeing things but not people, and even going astray. Chairman Mao 's instruction that " the '''system should be beneficial to the masses '''" Quoted from People's Daily, May 31, 1972.correctly answered the relationship between socialist production relations and rules and regulations. Under socialist conditions, the masses of workers and peasants are the masters of socialist production relations, and all the rules and regulations of enterprises must be formulated and implemented from this point of view. This is the most fundamental feature that distinguishes socialist rules and regulations from capitalist rules and regulations. If the guiding ideology for formulating the system is "the theory of mass backwardness," and the focus is on using the system to suppress workers, then the established system will inevitably destroy the new relationship between people within socialist enterprises and will inevitably be resisted by the masses of workers. Before the Cultural Revolution, under the influence of the revisionist line pursued by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, many enterprises had "heavy rules and regulations, all closely linked to rewards and punishments", which severely hampered the hands and feet of the masses. The violent attack and criticism of the masses. The "Several Issues Concerning Accelerating the Development of Industry" (the "Regulations") concocted after Deng Xiaoping resumed work, even in the name of "rectifying" labor organizations, attempted to make the people who had been criticized by the masses in the Cultural Revolution controlled, blocked, and suppressed. After waiting for the restoration of a whole set of revisionist goods, it was once again criticized by the masses. However, as long as the bourgeoisie in the party exists, the regulations that bind the hands and feet of the masses will re-emerge. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly mobilize the masses, and lead the way to reform those rules and regulations that are not conducive to unity and cooperation and hinder the enthusiasm of the masses; at the same time, on the basis of summarizing the practical experience of the masses, formulate or improve new rules and regulations, and through in-depth Meticulous political and ideological work, and the implementation of reasonable rules and regulations is based on the consciousness of the masses. Only such a system is beneficial to the masses, and can fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the masses and meet the needs of the improvement of socialist relations and the development of productive forces.
The 33rd Shanghai Cotton Textile Factory had a total of 103 rules and regulations and 330,000 words formulated before the Cultural Revolution. There are several situations in these systems: some are controlled, blocked, and suppressed on workers, which hampers the workers’ socialist enthusiasm, and some are behind closed doors, divorced from reality, cumbersome in content, unable to remember, unable to do it, and not suitable for production development. Although some are basically in line with the actual production, when formulating and implementing these systems, they did not fully mobilize and rely on the masses of workers, so they were not accepted by the masses. For example, the technical measurement and inspection system, "the stopwatch ticks, the heart beats one hundred", is a system that workers hate. During the Cultural Revolution, the vast majority of workers rose up to attack unreasonable rules and regulations. In the process of struggle, criticism, and reform, on the basis of criticizing the revisionist line and summarizing experience, and relying on the masses to formulate reasonable rules and regulations, and continue to improve them with the development of production. The workers believe that the technical measurement system is still necessary. After discussion, the deduction of points and awards was cancelled, and a new technical measurement system was established. Everyone helped and learned from each other, tested and inspected each other, and the requirements for product quality and operation technology were higher than in the past. stricter. Through the reform of unreasonable rules and regulations, the relationship between leaders and the masses, between technicians, managers and workers has been further improved, which has effectively promoted the development of production. The cotton cloth produced by this factory has always enjoyed the honor of "exemption from inspection" in the whole country, and has been praised as "universal cloth" by the printing and dyeing factory.
A very important part of reforming unreasonable rules and regulations is to properly handle the relationship between division of labor and collaboration. Reasonable division of labor and post responsibility system are necessary, but more importantly, it depends on people's consciousness. Before the Cultural Revolution, the revisionist line pursued by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping divided each type of work into a very fine-grained way, emphasizing on confrontation and mutual restraint, and even described mutual support among workers as "violating the post-responsibility system." As a result, "the division of labor is like dividing the family, and the line is like dividing the mountain ", which traps the enthusiasm of the workers in the frame of the full-time division of labor and hampers the development of productive forces. Since the Cultural Revolution, the masses have broken the division of labor that binds workers' hands and feet, and various forms of "battle" and "one-specialized, multi-skilled" activities have flourished, broadening workers' horizons, strengthening revolutionary unity, and giving full play to workers' wisdom. and talent, creating new productivity.
Before the Cultural Revolution, Shanghai Hujiang Machinery Factory stipulated that apprentices could not operate the machine tools used by their masters. The master asked for leave, and would rather stop the machine than allow others to use it. If the equipment fails, it is obvious that the operator can eliminate it, but it has to wait for the maintenance worker to repair it. Workers violated the system, ranging from writing inspections to taking back their operating certificates. During the Cultural Revolution, the workers criticized the revisionist line of running enterprises, exposed the serious harm of over-divided labor, and carried out mass activities of "one specialization with multiple abilities", which went far beyond the scope stipulated by the post responsibility system. Among the more than 800 workers in the whole factory, 55% of the workers have mastered the skills of two or three other types of work in addition to mastering the skills of this type of work. The operator will operate and maintain the equipment.
In the practice of production struggle and scientific experiments, implement the "three-in-one" combination of cadres, the masses of workers and peasants, and technical personnel, so that leaders and the masses are combined, and the practical experience of the masses of workers and peasants and the theoretical knowledge of technical personnel are combined to jointly study and solve major problems. production technology problems. In this way, it is not only conducive to the development of mass technological innovation and technological revolution, but also conducive to the realization of the labor of intellectuals and the intellectualization of the masses of workers and peasants. rights and relations with revolutionary comrades who develop socialism. Socialist relations are established in struggle, and can only be developed and gradually perfected in struggle. Grab the middle and urge both ends. Firmly grasping mutual relations, an important link in the chain of production relations, will promote the continuous development and improvement of ownership relations and distribution relations, thus continuously pushing forward socialist production relations. === {{anchor|header-n7850}} {{anchor|Toc83471754}} Section 4: The relationship of capital ruling labor is resurrected in the Soviet Union === The duality of people's interrelationships in socialist production shows that socialist interrelationships contain two development possibilities. Judging from the general trend of the law of social development, the communist factor in the interrelationship of socialism will gradually grow, the legal rights of the bourgeoisie will be gradually restricted, the interrelationship between socialism will be gradually improved, and finally it will develop into the interrelationship of communism. However, because of the serious existence of bourgeois right in relation to socialist interrelationships, the possibility of restoration of capitalist interrelationships also exists. If the leadership of the party, the state, and enterprises are usurped by those in power who are taking the capitalist road, and a revisionist line is pursued, the bourgeois legal rights in socialist interrelationships will expand, and socialist interrelationships will degenerate into capital. the interrelationship of ideology, that is, the relation of capital to the domination of labor. Such a process of retrogression and restoration has already been completed in the Soviet Union. It is undoubtedly very necessary for the revolutionary people to study how the renegade clique of Soviet revisionism transformed the socialist relationship into the capitalist relationship and draw negative lessons from it. In order to replace the socialist relationship with the capitalist relationship, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique flatly denies the existence of bourgeois legal rights in the socialist relationship, denies the class nature of the relationship, and talks nonsense about people and people in socialist society. The mutual relationship between them is purely a relationship of "comrade, friend and brother". The imperial economists of the Soviet revisionists also shouted that the Soviet Union had "no confrontation with classes, no social groups that have a stake in maintaining rotten and outdated economic relations." This is a sheer revisionist fallacy. Anyone with a little bit of common sense in Marxism knows that in a society where classes exist, there is absolutely no relationship between "comrades, friends and brothers" beyond the class. Can the proletariat and the working people, together with the small group of those in power who are taking the capitalist road, have the same "will" and "dao"? Can the proletariat and the old and new bourgeois elements of the working people call themselves "brothers" and "brothers"? The modern revisionists preach this fallacy entirely to deceive the working people, to cover up their conspiracy to strengthen and expand bourgeois rights in mutual relations, to transform socialist relations into capitalist relations, and to restore capitalism in an all-round way . An important measure taken by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique to transform the socialist relationship into the capitalist one is to vigorously promote the revisionist "one chief system". According to their "one-manager system", the factory manager is the sole leader of the enterprise, and workers are only obliged to obey the factory manager's orders, and have no right to ask questions about how the enterprise is managed. Khrushchev openly declared that "it is not a fault to learn from the good example of the capitalists" in business management. ("Report on the Programme of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union") The economists employed by the Soviet revisionists said that this "one-head system" originated from the nature of the large-scale machine industry and depended on the strict coordination of production. That is to say, as long as it is a large-scale machine industry, the "one-head system" must be implemented. This is the revisionist fallacy that the level of productivity determines the nature of business management. It is true that socialized large-scale production objectively requires the establishment of a centralized and unified command system in order to coordinate the relationship between the inside and outside of the enterprise, the upper and lower, and the left and right. But in whose hands this centralized and unified power is held, it depends on the nature of the ownership of the means of production of the enterprise. Under the capitalist system, the functions of centralized and unified command required by socialized large-scale production are combined with the functions of capital, and the power of enterprises is centralized in the hands of capitalists and their agents, manifesting as capital’s arbitrary rule over labor. Under the socialist system, the functions of centralized and unified command required by socialized large-scale production are combined with the historical task of building socialism by the proletariat. The power of enterprises must be in the hands of genuine Marxists and the working masses. Only then can the enterprise move forward in the correct direction of socialism, can fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the masses, and promote the rapid development of production. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique advocates and promotes the revisionist "one chief system", which is to use the arbitrary actions of bureaucratic monopoly capitalists to ensure the rule of bureaucratic monopoly capital over labor and to oppress and exploit the Soviet working class and the working masses. Deprive workers of the power to control enterprises. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique and its imperial economists are also striving to expand bourgeois legal power in the interrelationship of production and exchange, clamoring to "vigorously develop commodity-currency relations in all economic fields", and under the banner of "reform", Desperately expanding the scope of activities of currency exchange and the stimulating effect of prices, capitalist money relations, buying and selling relations and competition relations are flooded, and socialist relations are rapidly disintegrating. Inside the enterprise, the factory directors, managers, farm chairmen and other bourgeois elements appointed by the Soviet revisionist renegade group became the masters in full control of the enterprise, and the vast number of working people were once again reduced to wage slaves selling their labor. Among enterprises, they compete with each other for profit, intrigue and intrigue. In short, the mutual relations of people in production and exchange have degenerated into genuine capitalist money relations, employment relations and competition relations. Please see the facts.
In the Soviet Union, the heads of agencies and factories could find any excuse to dismiss workers. According to Su Xiu Newspaper. The director of the Second Nonferrous Metals Bureau of the Republic of Armenia, Kropiyan, dismissed his staff for various reasons, including: "unfriendly eyes", "not his family's in-law", "grandson needs this position", etc. . There were 62 quorum personnel in the bureau, and only 15 months after Kropiyan was on the throne, 79 people were recruited and fired successively. Regarding this relationship, a manager of the Construction Trust of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Soviet Union had a wonderful confession: "The trust is my home, and I am the master. I can do what I want." This is the essence of the relationship of "comrade, friend and brother "; she said: "Here we were ruled by capitalists and rich peasants in the past, but now we are ruled by new capitalists and new rich peasants."
On the one hand, the Soviet revisionist monopoly bourgeoisie kicked out tens of thousands of workers who did not meet their needs. On the other hand, they set up more than 250 official labor markets—“labor and employment bureaus”—in cities with more than 100,000 people across the country. Or "employment agencies" that recruit cheap labor for businesses and earn commissions from them. Marx pointed out: "The '''surplus worker population forms a disposable industrial reserve army, which is absolutely subordinate to capital, as if it were raised by capital. The surplus worker population is not limited by the actual growth of the population. , to create human materials that can be exploited at any time for the ever-changing needs of capital proliferation. '''" Capital, Volume 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, pp. 692-693.The so-called "mobility of labor force" in the Soviet Union is the industrial reserve army of capitalist society. Now the ranks of this industrial reserve army are still expanding. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique also expands the bourgeois legal power in relation to each other in the countryside, fosters capitalist spontaneity, nurtures the privileged stratum, and transforms the mutual relations in the countryside into capitalist relations.
The Soviet revisionist press revealed that in the "collective farms" in the Soviet Union, the farm workers had to abide by various so-called "discipline" and "rules and regulations", and if they were disobedient, they would be charged with various "crimes". ”, subject to reassignment, reduced income, dismissal and dismissal. The chairman of the "Road to Communism" collective farm in the Pestrezi district of Tatar region issued more than 100 various punishment orders within a year, and one out of every four collective farmers was punished. The chairman of the Belgorod "Frunze" collective farm confessed that he "played the role of a whip"; "whoever criticizes the farm chairman runs the risk of not having firewood for the winter and hay for the cows". Within the "collective farms", the relationship between the head of the farm and the members of the farm is exactly the same as that of domination and ruled, enslaved and enslaved in a capitalist economy.
Many contemporary Su Xiu literary works also reveal the essence of the relationship that Su Xiu advocated for "comrade, friend and brother".
In Soviet revisionist writer I. Dvoretsky's play "Outlander", the protagonist, a Soviet revisionist party member, and an engineer of a certain enterprise Cheshkov went to the No. 26 foundry of the Neresh company to change the "backward appearance" . He arrogantly roared at the workers: "We are leaders, our hands do nothing, we speak, we work with our brains". He ordered the foreman to monitor the workers: "Keep an eye on them and choke them"; whoever is disobedient will "deduct half the bonus" and "beat them with rubles". As the manager of a large corporation in this play confesses, "the concept of 'outside' should not be interpreted superficially, ... 'outside' is... a change in the original relationship".
In "The Story of the Manager Plonchatov", Plonchatov proposed that "kindness should be combined with fists" based on the argument that the "rule of law" and "discipline" should be used to strengthen "scientific management" advocated by the Soviet revisionist clique. partner" principle. Workers disobey the order, "to cancel the progressive piece rate", and even send you to court, this is "fist"; if you obey well, you will be rewarded with a month's salary, which is "kindness". This kindness is nothing but a cover for the brutal exploitation of workers' surplus value. This kind of management and discipline is nothing but the capitalist management and discipline "maintained by starvation" as exposed by Lenin.
Brezhnev, the leader of Soviet revisionism, once declared that in Soviet society, "a new and harmonious relationship has emerged - a relationship of friendship and cooperation." The actual state of the relationship between people in the Soviet Union today is the best explanation for this fallacy: the so-called "new" in Brezhnev's mouth is actually the old, the return of the abolished capitalist system; The so-called "harmony" is actually the confrontation between the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class and the working people; the so-called "friendly cooperation" is the sharp competition between the bureaucratic monopoly capital industry. In a word, the real content of the "comrade, friend and brother" relationship that Soviet revisionists boasted about was the tyrannical rule of capital over labor. = {{anchor|header-n7867}} {{anchor|Toc83471755}} The second socialist production process = == {{anchor|Toc83471756}} {{anchor|header-n7868}} Chapter 3 The Nature and Purpose of Socialist Production == === {{anchor|Toc83471757}} {{anchor|header-n7869}} Section 1 Products and Commodities of Socialist Society === The establishment of the socialist public ownership of the means of production has changed the nature of labor products, made social production enter a new historical stage, and started a new process of contradictory movement. In the course of this new contradictory movement, the objective purpose of social production has changed; the purpose of socialist production is not to pursue profit, but to meet the needs of the socialist country and the working people. However, since socialist production is still commodity production, and value and profit must be realized, capitalist production under the guidance of output value and profit will also emerge. Why does this contradiction exist, and where is the root cause? This requires an analysis of the product nature of socialist society. Because the product of socialist society contains the germ of a series of intricate contradictions. Once the germs of these contradictions are revealed, then, a series of contradictions existing in socialist society can be followed and further analysis can be made. In order to explain the problem from the comparison, we briefly analyze the production and products under the condition of private ownership. nature. Under the condition of private ownership of the means of production, what to produce, how to produce it, and how much to produce are all private matters, and the products are also privately owned. In this way, production appears directly as private production, and labor and product directly appear as private labor and private product. Products are transformed into commodities when these private products are produced not for consumption by the producers themselves, but for exchange. Commodities and commodity-producing labor are, on the one hand, private products and private labor, and at the same time social products and social labor. Because commodities are the product of labor used to satisfy social needs, labor producing commodities is a part of the total labor of society. However, this social character of products and labor cannot be manifested directly under the conditions of private ownership, it cannot be a direct social product and direct social labor, but can only be proved by an indirect way, that is, through exchange, that production The social character of the product and its labor is confirmed only when the commodity that comes out is what society needs. This contradiction between social labor and private labor is the inherent contradiction of commodities and commodity production. " '''What is a commodity? It is a product produced in a society of more or less separate private producers, that is, first of all private products. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 345.Since products are first and foremost private products, they can be opposed to each other as commodities; then, Under the conditions of socialist public ownership, are social products still private, and are they still commodities? This is an important theoretical question of practical significance, and it must be answered. In a socialist society, after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, with the exception of a small amount of remnants of individual ownership , the entire social production has been established on the basis of the means of production. On the basis of public ownership, the nature of social production and products has changed since then. The production of the state-run economy and collective economy based on socialist public ownership, viewed as a whole, is carried out in a planned and organized way across the country directly to meet the needs of society. The products they produce, especially those products that are directly related to the national economy and people's livelihood, whose output is directly regulated by the state plan, show from the very beginning that they are useful to society. In this way products and the labor that produces them have come to assume the character of direct social products and direct social labor to varying degrees. As Engels pointed out: " '''As soon as society takes possession of the means of production and applies them to production in the form of direct socialization, the labor of each individual, however different its particular use may be, is from the outset direct social labor. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 348.In a long period of socialist society, part of the means of production was occupied by the whole society, and part was collectively occupied by the working masses, and it has not yet reached the point where all the means of production are occupied by the whole society. But after all, there is the beginning of the social appropriation of the means of production. In this way, social products and the labor that produces them also begin to have a direct social character. The products produced by people themselves have begun to cease to be an alien force and have begun to be used to meet the needs of the working people themselves. " '''In bourgeois society, the past dominates the present, and in communist society, the present dominates the past. '''" "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 266.In socialist society, this historically significant beginning has occurred, marking the entry of a new historical stage in social production The socialist product begins to take on a direct social character, and in this respect it already has a communist element, but it is still a very immature direct social product, bearing in varying degrees the traditions or traces of the private products of the old society. The question is, why do products produced under socialist public ownership still have the traditions or traces of private products? This is related to the maturity of socialist public ownership. In a socialist society, although ownership has changed and socialist public ownership has replaced private ownership, there are still two types of socialist public ownership, namely ownership by the whole people and ownership by collectives. That is to say, there are different owners of the means of production, and people's bourgeois right to possess the means of production has not been completely abolished. This situation cannot but be reflected in the possession relationship of the product. As far as the socialist collectively-owned enterprise is concerned, although the products it produces are no longer private products, after all, they are not publicly owned by the workers of the whole society, but only by the workers of one collective enterprise. The labor force for the production of these products is not organized within society as a whole, but only within a collective enterprise. In the production process of these products, how much living and materialized labor is expended, and how much net income can be brought in, is also mainly related to the members of this collective enterprise. Therefore, the products publicly owned by the workers of a collective enterprise are only privately owned by the state and other collectives. In this sense, the products of collectively-owned enterprises and the labor that produces these products still bear the traditions or traces of private products and private labor. For enterprises owned by the whole people, the products they produce, although they are all socialist Owned by the state, the labor force for the production of these products is organized within the whole society. The amount of labor spent and the amount of income in the production process also affects the interests of all working people. However, each state-owned enterprise still maintains the Relative independence, they are relatively independent economic units. This relative independence of state-owned enterprises is not technical, but an economic relationship, indicating that there is still a "you and me boundary" between state-owned enterprises. Here, although there are no different owners, they still have to establish their ties or mutual relations as different owners, which is different from the future communist ownership by the whole people. Otherwise, it is impossible. This is because the relations of production must meet the requirements of the development of productive forces. When social productive forces are not yet highly developed and social products are not yet abundant, if the relative independence of state-owned enterprises in production and operation is cancelled, it will be detrimental to them. Being responsible to the society independently is not conducive to better mobilizing their sense of responsibility and enthusiasm in production and operation, and thus is not conducive to the development of social productive forces. Since socialist state-owned enterprises are still relatively independent economic units, their products and the labor that produces these products cannot but bear certain private traditions or traces. The products of socialist labor, on the one hand, are directly social to varying degrees, and on the other hand, they bear the traditions or traces of privateness to varying degrees. This is the duality of the socialist product. This duality reflects the characteristics of socialist production relations and the particularity of contradictions. In this duality of socialist products, direct sociality is the dominant aspect of the contradiction, which is where socialist products are connected with communist products; privateness embodies the traditions or traces of the old society, showing that it is incompatible with the private economy. There are innumerable connections. In a socialist society, since products still bear the tradition or traces of private products, one party cannot obtain the products of the other party without direct distribution by the society without compensation, but only through the transformation of products into commodities and the implementation of equivalence. exchange to resolve. Therefore, socialist countries must also implement the system of commodity production and commodity exchange. It seems contradictory to say that a socialist product is both directly social and at the same time a commodity. actually not. This situation arises because socialist public ownership is still a familiar form of public ownership. Engels once pointed out: " '''Once society has possessed the means of production, commodity production will be eliminated '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 323.. The "society has possessed the means of production" envisaged by Engels means that all the means of production have been owned by the whole society. The practice of the international communist movement has proved that in a relatively long period of time in a socialist society, all the means of production cannot be owned by the whole society, and the socialist ownership by the whole people also has some traditions or traces of private ownership. . In this way, on the one hand, socialist public ownership makes social products begin to have a direct social character; on the other hand, socialist public ownership is not yet fully mature, so that social products still have a certain private character and must be transformed into commodities. The unique phenomenon that the product is directly social and at the same time a commodity occurs. In socialist political economy, there has been a long-standing view that commodity production under the socialist system is "special commodity production", denying that it is a relic of the private economy. Stalin has undoubtedly made many scientific explanations for commodity production under socialist conditions, but he also believes that this kind of commodity production is not ordinary commodity production, but a special kind of commodity production, which can never develop into capitalist production, and It is destined, together with its monetary economy, to serve the cause of developing and consolidating socialist production See "Soviet Socialist Economic Problems". People's Publishing House, 1961 edition, p. 13.. However, history did not follow this conclusion. It was on the soil of the so-called "special commodity production" that capitalism and the bourgeoisie bred in the Soviet Union, and eventually led to the bourgeoisie leaders Khrushchev and Brezhnev in the Allied Communist Party (Brazzaville). A counter-revolutionary coup was launched and capitalism was restored in the Soviet Union. Based on the basic principles of Marxism, Chairman Mao summed up the historical experience of implementing the commodity system under socialist conditions, and pointed out: "Our country now implements a commodity system '''" ; There is not much difference from the old society. The difference is that the ownership has changed. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975.Under the conditions of the changed ownership, commodities are no longer exchanged as products of capital, but as products of the state and the collective. Its characteristics are: first, it mainly reflects the relationship between the two major working classes of workers and peasants in the exchange of activities; second, it is mainly carried out under the guidance of the socialist state plan and directly to meet the needs of the socialist country and the people : Third, compared with capitalist society, the scope of commodities has been greatly reduced, labor is no longer a commodity, and natural resources such as land and minerals are not commodities; The exchange of goods, compared with the historical exchange of commodities between different owners, also begins to undergo a qualitative change. But as long as there are commodities and commodity production, the general characteristics inherent in commodity production remain. These characteristics are mainly: First, as a commodity, it has two elements of use value and value, and there are inevitably contradictions between use value and value, concrete labor and abstract labor, private labor and social labor. In a socialist society, although the labor of producing commodities is basically collective labor under the guidance of the state plan and has the nature of direct social labor, there are also traditions or traces of private labor. Second, as the basic law of commodity production - the law of value, it must come into play. The value of a commodity is still determined by the socially necessary labor time to produce it. Therefore, for different socialist enterprises that produce commodities, those with individual labor hours that are less than the socially necessary labor time can obtain more income; those with individual labor hours that are higher than the socially necessary labor time can only obtain less income, or even loss. Third, money as a general equivalent still exists. The value of commodities must be expressed in money, that is, expressed as prices. In a socialist society, the value and price of commodities will still deviate. Due to the different deviations between the prices and values of different commodities, some commodities are priced higher than value, some are roughly equivalent to value, and some are lower than value, which will further make the producers of different commodities spend the same amount of labor to obtain unequal income. All of the above shows that, as long as the product is a commodity, and social production takes the form of commodity production, the bourgeois right to be ostensibly equal but in fact unequal, inherent in commodity production, remains. In a socialist society, the existence of the commodity system and the economic categories and economic laws associated with it, such as commodities, value, currency, price, and the law of value, has its objective inevitability. Under the guidance of the proletarian revolutionary line, it can be used to consolidate the alliance of workers and peasants and develop the socialist economy. Therefore, it is not correct to try to cancel it prematurely, or not to study it carefully and to control it. However, the commodity economy is the old soil of capitalism after all, and the bourgeois right embodied in commodity production and commodity exchange is an important economic basis for the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. This is because, as long as social products still bear the tradition or traces of private products, and as long as there is a commodity system, the output value and profit must be calculated. In this way, there is fertile soil for the production value to be in command and the profit to be in command. A small group of people, especially those who want to take advantage of the bourgeois right of the commodity system to rise to the status of new bourgeois elements, will take advantage of the opportunity to polarize society by grasping more and more commodities and money. Therefore, the right of the bourgeoisie in the commodity system must be limited under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Otherwise, capitalism and the bourgeoisie will develop faster. The assertion that socialist commodity production cannot produce capitalism and the bourgeoisie is not only untrue, but must be exploited by revisionists. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has taken over and "developed" this point of view in its entirety, in order to vigorously advocate that commodity production there "not a single atom takes place within capitalism" and "cannot be the basis for the development of capitalist relations. ", "impossible to lead to personal enrichment and the emergence of capitalist factors ", "impossible to become capitalist production". What they say is nothing more than to paralyze and deceive the Soviet people, so as to expand commodity-money relations freely and cover up the fact that capitalism has been fully restored. How to understand and deal with bourgeois legal rights in socialist commodity production, whether to actively create conditions to gradually limit them, or to strengthen and expand them? This is a major issue concerning whether the dictatorship of the proletariat can be consolidated, and it is an important aspect of the struggle between two classes, two roads and two lines. In order to restore capitalism, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping, the leaders of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, desperately advocated the "Four Freedoms", "Three Selfs and One Guarantee", promoted "profits in command", and expanded bourgeois legal rights in the commodity system. , in an attempt to transform socialist production into capitalist production aimed at profit. In the economic sphere, the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie always takes the form of a struggle against and against restrictions. Before the transformation of ownership is basically completed, the proletariat must limit the development of private capitalism and prevent its destructive effects; after the transformation of ownership has been basically completed, the proletariat must limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie to prevent the restoration of capitalism. This limitation is to move forward. Without restrictions, socialism cannot go on, and the communist factor cannot develop. Only by restricting the bourgeois right of the commodity system and creating conditions to gradually eliminate the traces of private products, so that social production can develop into communist direct social production, and social products develop into direct communist social products, can only then Only then will commodities and commodity production finally die out, and the soil that breeds capitalism and the bourgeoisie will finally be eradicated. === {{anchor|header-n7886}} {{anchor|Toc83471758}} Section 2 Basic Economic Laws of Socialism === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471759}} {{anchor|header-n7887}} The duality of the socialist production process and its dominant aspects ==== Products under socialist conditions have already begun to have a direct social character, but at the same time they still have a certain private character, and they are also commodities. This situation cannot but be reflected in the production process, so that the socialist production process is also a commodity production process, so the duality as a commodity production process still exists. This is: on the one hand, it is a labor process in which the labor of the producer, as concrete labor, creates use value; on the other hand, as abstract labor, also creates new value. The commodity production process is the unity of this labor process and the value formation process. Since commodity production under socialist conditions is based on public ownership of the means of production, the duality in the production process has its own characteristics. Studying these characteristics is important for further clarifying the nature of socialist production. Aside from various specific social forms, the labor process is examined from the perspective of the functioning of various simple elements of production. It is nothing more than a person with labor ability, using various labor materials, acting on labor objects, thereby producing various expected expected results. The process of product is a purposeful activity to create use value, and it is a process of material transformation between man and nature. However, any labor process is always carried out under a certain social formation. Therefore, any labor process not only reflects the relationship between man and nature, but also necessarily reflects the social relationship between man and man. From this point of view, the labor process under the socialist system is very different from the labor process under the capitalist system. The labor process under the capitalist system is the process by which the capitalists consume the labor force of the workers. Its characteristics are: the workers labor under the supervision of the capitalists, and the products of labor belong to the capitalists. That is to say, labor under capitalism is wage labor, slave labor, and hard labor for the exploiters. Under the socialist system, the working people became the masters of the country and enterprises for the first time, and thus the socialist labor process had new and unprecedented characteristics. The socialist labor process is a process in which workers, peasants and other laborers create material wealth for the benefit of the working class itself. The planned labor and the products of labor are all at the disposal of the working class and used to meet the needs of the socialist country and the broad masses of the working people. The socialist labor process is therefore an unexploited, planned labor process. In this sense, the socialist labor process already has an element of direct social labor. However, a socialist society is a society in which classes exist. In addition to the working class, there is also an exploiting class. The former exploiters have to work in a socialist society where those who do not work cannot eat. For the exploiters, their labor is always coercive. Of course, this kind of coercion performed by the laborers on the exploiters is fundamentally different in nature from the coercion by the exploiters on the laborers in the past. The exploiters forced the laborers to work for the purpose of exploiting the laborers. Now the laborers force the exploiters to labor in order to gradually transform them into new people who can support themselves through labor. Therefore, the socialist labor process, which is at the same time a process of transformation of the exploiters, has a social class content. The socialist labor process, from the perspective of the working people, also bears the traditions or traces of the old society. This is because the old social division of labor left over from capitalist society needs to go through the entire historical stage of socialism before it can be gradually eliminated. During the socialist period, although the proletariat and the working people have basically broken free from the chains of private ownership and exploitation, labor has not yet become the primary need of life among all laborers, and part of the labor of the workers is still for themselves and others. family. The traditions or traces left by the old society in the nature of labor can only be finally eliminated by the advanced stage of communism. These characteristics of the socialist labor process should also be reflected in the value creation process. As long as it is a commodity, it embodies the duality of labor: concrete labor and abstract labor. Concrete labor creates use value, and abstract labor creates value. Values reflect certain social relationships. Under different social and economic conditions, values reflect different social relations and the formation of values is also different. Under the conditions of a simple commodity economy, the peasant or handicraftsman engages in production with his own means of production, and the products of labor and the value formed by the labor materialized in these products naturally belong to him. After the sale of the commodity, he recovers the value of the means of production consumed in the production process, and at the same time realizes the new value created by his living labor; this part of the new value, generally speaking, is just used to compensate him for the maintenance of the reproduction of labor power. The value of means of subsistence. In this way, the production process can continue on a scale of simple reproduction. Marx called the value formation process under the conditions of simple commodity production as the simple value formation process. Under capitalism, the purpose of capitalists in commodity production is to exploit workers' surplus value. Through the production and sale of commodities, the capitalist recovers the value of the means of production consumed in the production process, and at the same time, the new value created by the living labor of the worker not only compensates the capitalist for the variable capital of the labor force purchased by the capitalist, but also has a surplus. This surplus is the surplus value exploited by the capitalists. Marx called these value-forming processes in capitalist production the overvaluation. The category of the process of valorization reflects the relationship between capital and wage labor to rule and be ruled, to exploit and to be exploited. In the process of socialist production, the labor of the producers, as abstract labor, creates new value. Should this part of the new value created by the producer be completely owned by the producer? cannot. In order to realize the expanded reproduction of socialism and to meet the various common needs of the working people, the society must master various social funds. These social funds can only come from the value newly created by the producers. If the newly created value is completely owned by the individual producers, then the socialist economy cannot carry out expanded reproduction, but can only maintain simple reproduction, and the various common needs of the working people will not be satisfied. Therefore, in a socialist society, the value newly created by the producers must be divided into two parts: one part is the producer's personal consumption fund, which is at the disposal of the producers themselves and used to meet the various needs of life. The other part is used as various social funds, that is, social net income, which is under the unified control of the society, and is used to progress and develop socialist production and meet the various common needs of all working people. This situation shows that in a socialist society, the labor of the producers is actually divided into two parts: one part can be called the labor that forms the social fund, and the other part can be called the labor that forms the producer's personal consumption fund. The new value created by producers under the socialist system is divided into producers' personal consumption funds and social funds, and the new value created by workers under the capitalist system is divided into wages and surplus value, which are two fundamentally different things. Under capitalism, the distinction between wages and surplus value reflects the exploitative relationship of capitalism. There, the labor power of the worker is a commodity, governed by the law of value, and wages are the price of labor power. No matter how great the value newly created by the worker, the part that belongs to the worker himself is always equal to the value of those means of subsistence necessary to sustain the reproduction of labor power. The rest, the part of the surplus value, is not only appropriated free of charge by the capitalists, but in turn becomes a means of intensifying the exploitation of the workers. Under the socialist system, the value created by a part of the producer's labor must be handed over to the society to form a social fund, but as a member of the society, he also shares the social funds that he and other laborers provide together. benefits. All the value created by producers is used directly or indirectly to serve the interests of working people. The division of the producer's personal consumption fund and social fund is regulated by the overall interests of the working people and the need for overall consideration of personal interests, long-term interests and current interests. Therefore, the value formation process under the socialist system is not only different from the simple The pure value formation process in commodity production is also different from the value appreciation process in capitalist production. It is a value creation process that reflects the uniqueness of socialist production relations. The socialist production process is the unity of the direct social labor process and the value creation process. The socialist production process is the unity of the direct social labor process and the value creation process. Then, in this duality, the dominant aspect of the contradiction is the what? The dominant aspect of a social production contradiction reflects the objective purpose of this social production and reflects the most essential relationship in this social production. It is not chosen by people themselves. In the final analysis, it is determined by the nature of the ownership of the means of production. Which class owns the means of production, and social production must serve the interests of that class. Under capitalist ownership of the means of production, the labor process also provides use values, but the purpose of capitalist production is not here. Capitalists open factories in order to exploit workers through the process of valorization and to extract profits. Valuation is the dominant aspect of capitalist production and embodies the most essential relationship in capitalist production. Marx pointed out: " '''the purpose of capital is not to satisfy needs, but to produce profits '''" Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 285.; " '''capital and its self-expansion appear as the starting point and end point of production, as the motive force and purpose of production '''" Ibid., p. 278.. Socialist public ownership of the means of production means that social production must serve to ensure that the needs of the proletariat and all working people are met. The needs of the people, whether their common needs or their personal needs, long-term needs or current needs, must be met by means of various use values, namely material wealth. Therefore, the planned labor process of creating use value to meet the various needs of the working people is the leading aspect of socialist production, reflecting the objective purpose of socialist production and the most essential relationship in socialist production. The value creation process is subordinate to the labor process of creating use value. In the socialist production process, it is absolutely necessary to calculate labor consumption and profit and loss. However, what to produce and how much to produce must not be based on the size of the output value and how much profit is made, but should be based on the needs of all working people. Whatever is urgently needed by the working people, we must do our utmost to expand production, even if it is temporarily at a loss. On the contrary, those who are not so urgently needed by the working people, even if the output value is large and the profits are high, should not arbitrarily expand production. The reason why socialist enterprises need to calculate labor costs and profits and losses is to reduce production costs, so that they can not only be compensated in terms of value, but also provide an increasing social fund, so as to develop production at a high speed and increase the supply of social products. . In the final analysis, the value creation process is subordinate to the labor process, and the purpose is still to create increasing social wealth to meet the needs of all working people. Before the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin pointed out that in a socialist society, " '''the wealth created by common labor is for the benefit of all the laborers, not for a handful of rich people. '''""May Day". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 7, p. 185. The purpose of socialist production is to meet the needs of all working people, so what are the specific aspects of this need? It includes first and foremost the need to improve the material and cultural life of the proletariat and the working people. Engels has long pointed out that after the socialist system replaces the capitalist system, “ '''through social production, it is possible not only to ensure that all members of society have a prosperous and more abundant material life every day, but also to ensure that their physical and mental strength are fully obtained. Free development and use '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 322.. Lenin also pointed out that a socialist society will " '''fully guarantee the well-being of all members of society and the full development of freedom '''" The Draft Programme of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party. The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 6, p. 11.. That is to say, socialist production will not only ensure that the material and cultural living conditions of the laborers are gradually improved, but also will ensure that the laborers gradually get rid of the shackles of the old social division of labor for thousands of years, develop their physical and mental strength in an all-round way, and gradually reduce the Differential services between workers and peasants, urban and rural areas, mental labor and manual labor. The needs of the proletariat and the working people also include the needs of consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and consolidating national defense. Satisfying this need is an important prerequisite for satisfying the needs of improving material and cultural life. There is still the danger of capitalist restoration in socialist society, and the threat of subversion and aggression by imperialism and social-imperialism. If the proletariat and the working people do not firmly maintain their political rule, consolidate their national defense, and ensure the security of their own country, the reactionaries and exploiting classes at home and abroad will come back, and at that time, the proletariat and the working people will not be able to talk about improving material conditions. In cultural life, it is inevitable to suffer twice and suffer twice. At the same time, the proletariat and the working people clearly understand '''that the proletariat itself cannot be finally emancipated without the emancipation of all mankind. '''Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from People's Daily, June 29, 1967.Therefore, the needs of the proletariat and the working people also include support for the revolutionary struggle of the people of the world. The above-mentioned needs of the proletariat and the working people, especially those needs that reflect the long-term interests and overall interests of the working people, must be arranged through the state under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, the purpose of socialist production can also be said to ensure that the growing needs of the socialist countries and people are met. To sum up, socialist production is to serve to improve the material and cultural living standards of all working people, to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, to consolidate national defense, and to support the revolutionary struggle of the people of the world. In the final analysis, it is for the ultimate elimination of classes and the realization of communism. This purpose of socialist production is determined by the nature of the socialist ownership of the means of production and by the objective conditions of the domestic and international class struggle in the historical period of socialism, and is not something subjective and arbitrary. Chairman Mao pointed out as early as during the period of our country's domestic revolutionary war that the first principle of financial and economic work in revolutionary base areas is: " '''Develop production and ensure supply '''" "Welcome to the New Upsurge of the Chinese Revolution". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1112.. When discussing the economic construction of the revolutionary base areas led by the socialist public economy, Chairman Mao pointed out that " '''the purpose of restoring and developing production in the revolutionary base areas is to improve people's lives on the one hand, and to support the people's war of liberation on the other '''. ""Speech at the Jinsui Cadre Meeting". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1206. After our country entered the historical period of socialism, Chairman Mao put forward the great strategic policy of " '''preparing for war, preparing for famine, and serving the people '''" to guide the development of our country's socialist production and the entire national economy. The above-mentioned principles and policies put forward by Chairman Mao fully reflect the objective purpose of socialist production. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line, principles and policies, the vigorous development of socialist production in our country not only ensures the continuous improvement of the people's material and cultural living standards, but also consolidates and strengthens the dictatorship of the proletariat and supports the world revolutionary cause. The purpose of socialist production is to serve the proletariat and the working people, which is determined by socialist production relations; organizing socialist production in accordance with this purpose will in turn consolidate and develop socialist production relations, so that socialist production The communist element in the relationship was further expanded, limiting the progress of bourgeois legal rights. However, socialist production is at the same time commodity production, so it is necessary to implement equivalent exchange, and to calculate costs and profits. In denying commodity production and profit under socialism, Bukharin said: "Under the rule of the proletariat, production is production to offset social needs." Lenin refuted this view, stating: " '''Profit also satisfies 'social' needs. It should be said: under these conditions, the surplus product does not belong to the class of private owners, but to all laborers, and only to them. '''" Lenin: "A Review of Bukharin's "The Economy of the Transition". People's Publishing House, 1958 edition, pp. 41-42.Under socialism, profit is the The transformed form of that part of the value created by society. The pursuit of profit, fundamentally speaking, is to realize this part of the value, which is beneficial to the whole society. But profit is, after all, a category linked to value. When the value of various products is converted into the planned price, the planned price often deviates from the value, and the deviation of the planned price from the value of different products is often different. Therefore, with the same labor consumption, different products will be produced, and different profits will be obtained. However, the level of product profit rate does not reflect the degree of social demand for these products. Products with high profit margins are not necessarily urgently needed by society, and similarly, products with low profit margins do not mean that they are not urgently needed by society. If the one-sided pursuit of profit will sharpen the contradiction between production and social needs, it will deviate from the purpose of socialist production. Just because the purpose of socialist production is also linked to the commodity system, this provides an important economic condition for profit to take command. If a country under the dictatorship of the proletariat does not impose restrictions on the commodity system and allows profits to prevail, it will eventually change the purpose of socialist production and disintegrate the socialist economy. In the USSR, the purpose of its production has fundamentally changed. The pursuit of profit has become the production goal of the Soviet bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class. The basic economic law of capitalism, the law of surplus value, has replaced the basic economic law of socialism. In order to cover up the essence of their restoration of capitalism, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique deliberately confuses the socialist production process with the capitalist production process, saying that Chengdu is the unity of the labor process and the process of valorization; They say that "the most important summary indicators of corporate financial activity are profit and profit margins" and call for "struggle for increased profits". But in this way, their reactionary face of desperately plundering the surplus value created by the working people of the Soviet Union is exposed. In order to deceive the masses, the renegade clique of Soviet revisionism, which hangs up socialist signs and engages in capitalist deeds, desperately distorts the purpose of socialist production from another aspect, and trumpets that "everything is for people, for people's happiness". The modern revisionists are so vigorously exchanging bourgeois welfarism for the purpose of socialist production in order to deceive the masses with "Xianshan Qiongge" such as eating well, dressing well, and living well, so that people forget about class struggle , forgetting the revolution, forgetting the fundamental purpose of eliminating classes and realizing communism, so that this group of traitors can let go of the restoration of capitalism. In today's Soviet Union, the socialist economy has long since degenerated into a state-monopoly capitalist economy, and the masters of society are no longer the working people, but the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie represented by the Brezhnev renegade clique. The so-called "everything for people" means everything for the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class. They really "made a fortune", ate well, dressed well, and lived well, while the vast working people of the Soviet Union fell back into the abyss of oppression and exploitation. ==== {{anchor|header-n7927}} {{anchor|Toc83471760}} Grasp the revolution and promote production ==== The purpose of socialist production is to meet the growing needs of the country and the people; in order to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to greatly develop social production, increase labor productivity, and increase total social output. Marx and Engels pointed out in the "Communist Manifesto" that when the proletariat overthrew the rule of the bourgeoisie, it would use its political rule to expropriate the capitalists, concentrate all the means of production in its own hands, " '''and increase as quickly as possible. total productivity '''" "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 272.. Lenin also pointed out in the early days of the establishment of the Soviet regime: " '''Only by increasing production and increasing labor productivity can Soviet Russia be victorious. '''"The Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets. The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 31, p. 454. Then, how to improve labor productivity and develop social production? Modern revisionists attribute the development of production only to the improvement of science and technology and production tools, and attempt to fundamentally deny the universal truth of Marxism that the productive forces must be protected and developed under certain production relations. This kind of reactionary "productivity theory" has fundamentally distorted the history of human society. Marxism believes that to improve labor productivity and develop social production, it is necessary to adopt new science and technology and new production tools. This aspect is undoubtedly important, but it is by no means the primary condition. Chairman Mao pointed out: " '''Only when the socialist transformation of China's social and economic system is completely completed, and in terms of technology, all departments and places that can be operated by machines are operated by machines, so that the entire social and economic outlook can be completely changed. '''" "On the Problem of Agricultural Cooperatives". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 432.The chairman also pointed out: " '''Class struggle, production struggle and scientific experiments are the three great revolutionary movements for building a powerful socialist country '''" Quoted from People's Daily, July 14, 1964.. It would be extremely wrong to talk about the development of technology without the establishment, consolidation and improvement of socialist relations of production and the transformation of the superstructure that is not suitable for the socialist economic foundation; to talk about the struggle for production and scientific experiments without class struggle of. Although science and technology and production tools are very important, they must be created by workers and mastered and used by workers before they can become real productive forces. Although the change and development of production always begins with the change and development of the productive forces, and first of all, the change and development of the tools of production, this relationship between man and nature is a definite relationship of production formed with people in their production activities. inseparably connected. The transformation of production relations is caused by a certain development of productive forces, but the certain development of productive forces is also driven by certain production relations. In particular, the great development of productive forces is always followed by great changes in the relations of production. This is an undeniable historical fact. Under the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism in old China, the landlord class and the comprador class represented the most backward and reactionary production relations in China, which seriously hindered the development of productive forces: the annual output of steel except the northeast There are only 100,000 tons outside, and there is almost no machine manufacturing industry, let alone automobile manufacturing and aircraft manufacturing. Only after the founding of the People's Republic of China has gradually eliminated imperialist, bureaucratic-capitalist and feudalist ownership, gradually transformed national capitalist ownership and individual ownership, basically established socialist relations of production, and our country's social productive forces. It developed rapidly at a speed that the old society did not have. After the establishment of socialist production relations, is it necessary to continue adjustment and reform with the development of productive forces? The inner-Party bourgeoisie such as Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping opposed the continuation of the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat and insisted that there was no question of changing the relations of production. They talk nonsense that after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production has basically been completed, the main contradiction in the country is no longer the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, but "the contradiction between the advanced socialist system and the backward social productive forces "; To continue to transform the relations of production and the superstructure, just immerse yourself in the development of productive forces. Deng Xiaoping said more blatantly, "As long as you can increase production, you can go it alone. It doesn't matter if it's a white cat or a black cat, as long as it can catch mice, it's a good cat." These bizarre remarks were criticized during the Cultural Revolution. Deng Xiaoping expressed "repentance" and "never overturn the verdict". But once he resumed work and gained some power, he took the lead in reversing the verdict. " It's '''still a 'white cat, a black cat', whether it's imperialism or Marxism. '''" Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from People's Daily, March 28, 1976.Deng Xiaoping concocted the "General Program of the Work of the Whole Party and the Nation", which advertised the revisionist program of "three instructions as the guideline". Advocating the "productivity theory" and "the quenching of class struggle theory", blatantly denying the principle of class struggle, opposing the party's basic program, tampering with the party's basic line, and denying that the main target of the socialist revolution is the bourgeoisie within the party. It is Deng Xiaoping's political manifesto to restore capitalism. This set of "productivity-only theory" advocated by Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping under socialist conditions is the "productivity-only theory" advocated by Trotsky, Bukharin, Voznesensky and others under Soviet socialism. A version of "Theory". Around 1920, Trochokki took advantage of the Soviet people's eagerness to restore the national economy, and proposed that "everything should be based on the economy", to create a so-called "production atmosphere", and attacked Lenin, saying: "Our The concern is to increase production, and all you care about is democracy in form", only "politically". Bukharin, under the guise of a "buffer group", said nonsense: "Neither political or economic factors can be thrown away", "A problem from a political perspective is of equal value as a problem from an economic perspective", Passing off eclecticism as braided proof. At that time, Lenin deeply exposed and criticized the mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin. Lenin pointed out: '''"Politics cannot but take the first place in comparison with economics. To be uncertain about this is to forget the most basic common sense of Marxism." Lenin also pointedly pointed out that the error of this reactionary "productivity theory" "if Failure to recognize and correct it will lead to the demise of the dictatorship of the proletariat '''"Revisiting Trade Unions, the Present Situation, and Trotsky's and Bukharin's Errors". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 441, 443.. ” In 1931, when the collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union had just begun to triumph, Woznetsensky jumped out again and published an article "On the Problem of Socialist Economy", saying "The content of the heroic and tenacious struggle of the proletariat and its political parties throughout the transition period" is to resolve "the contradiction between the advanced socialist production relations and the relatively backward productive forces", and the main task in the future is to "raise the level of development of the productive forces". What Woznesensky advocates is the theoretically modified "productivity theory", a revisionist fallacy that Lenin has long ago refuted, and is completely anti-Marxist. Marxism believes that even after the establishment of socialist production relations, there is still the task of continuing to adjust or transform production relations; the development of productive forces still has to be commanded by proletarian politics and driven by revolution. This is because: First of all, after the establishment of socialist production relations, it basically meets the requirements for the development of productive forces, but it is still very imperfect, and these imperfect aspects are contradictory to the development of productive forces. Only by adjusting those imperfect aspects of production relations in a timely manner can the development of productive forces be better protected and promoted. Second, because the productive forces continue to develop, the relations of production will also contradict the further development of the productive forces. When some parts of the production relations have become unsuitable for the development of productive forces, they also need to be changed in a timely manner to adapt them to the requirements of further development of the productive forces. The modern revisionists advocate the contradiction between the so-called advanced socialist production relations and the relatively backward productive forces. It is completely nonsense. Their purpose is to divert their attention and induce people to bury their heads in production instead of looking up at the road, and throw them away in the proletariat. Continue the revolution under the class dictatorship so that they can let go of the restoration of capitalism In a class society, the relations of production are in the final analysis class relations. In a socialist society, in order for the proletariat and the working people to continuously develop the productive forces, they must be good at maintaining the socialist production relations that have been established, and timely adjust or reform those parts of the production relations that are not compatible with the development of the productive forces; To adjust or transform the relations of production is to strengthen and develop the communist factor in the relations of production, and to limit the bourgeois right in the relations of production, and thus is to adjust or transform the relations of the classes, that is, to achieve the elimination of all classes and classes through a series of steps difference. " '''All economic struggles must inevitably become political struggles '''. " "Our Program". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 205.The adjustment and transformation of production relations will inevitably arouse the resistance and destruction of all the new and old bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, and form a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. " '''All class struggles are political struggles '''" "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 260.. " '''The basic economic interests of the proletariat can only be satisfied through a political revolution that replaces the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie with the dictatorship of the proletariat. '''" "How to do? ". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 262.To achieve its goals, the proletariat must uphold the dictatorship of the proletariat in all fields and at all stages of revolutionary development, Continue to carry forward the continuous revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to the end. Otherwise, the socialist relations of production will neither be able to consolidate nor adjust or change by themselves, and the productive forces will not be able to develop rapidly. The socialist ideology guided by Marxism plays a huge role in consolidating the socialist economic foundation and promoting the development of productive forces. " '''Once the theory grasps the masses, it will become a material force. '''" Marx: Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 9.Under the guidance of the party's correct line, carry out a socialist revolution on the political, ideological and economic fronts, strengthen the comprehensive dictatorship over the bourgeoisie, and continuously consolidate and develop socialist production relations , restricting bourgeois legal rights, criticizing the idea of bourgeois legal rights, constantly raising the consciousness of the masses in class struggle and line struggle, and constantly mobilizing their enthusiasm to be masters of the socialist revolution and construction, in order to promote greater development of productive forces . This has been proven by the history of the international communist movement, as well as by the history of our country's socialist revolution and socialist construction for more than 20 years, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in our country.
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a powerful driving force for the development of our social productive forces. Through the Cultural Revolution, my country's industrial and agricultural production took on a new leap forward. In 1970, the third five-year plan for the development of the national economy started in 1966 was successfully completed. Compared with 1965 in 1970, the total industrial output value increased by 73.7%, and the total agricultural output value increased by 21.4%.
The history of the "three ups and two downs" of the Shanghai Tool Factory shows from both positive and negative aspects that only by grasping the revolution can production be promoted. This factory was originally a textile machinery parts repair factory opened by bureaucratic capital. After liberation, when the state took over, there were only more than 20 workers and more than 20 pieces of dilapidated equipment. After reorganization and expansion in 1950, it was specially responsible for the task of mass production of common tools required by the machinery industry. The workers who were liberated from the enslavement of bureaucratic capital , with a strong sense of turning over, worked as masters of the house. The labor productivity in 1954 increased by seven and a half times compared with 1950, and they developed a self-reliant production of knives and tools. The way, set off the first production climax in the history of this factory. However, just at this time, a crooked trend of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line was blowing, and the so-called "one-chief system" with strict hierarchy, "material stimulation", and "control, card and pressure" were promoted. Formalized management system”. As a result, the enterprise was dead and the socialist enthusiasm of the workers was suppressed. The labor productivity in 1956 was 30% lower than that in 1953, which was the first low ebb of the factory since its liberation. In the revolutionary wave of the Great Leap Forward that began in 1958, the vast majority of workers in this factory responded to Chairman Mao's call to smash the bourgeois ideology of legal rights and the revisionist set of strict rules and regulations, and proposed that "politics should be in command, not banknotes." loud slogan. As a result, technological innovations continued to emerge and production rose sharply. In 1960, production increased sevenfold over 1957, setting off another production climax for the plant. However, by 1961, there was another unhealthy trend of promoting Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line. Under the influence of this unhealthy trend, apart from the fact that the piece-rate wage system was not restored due to strong opposition from the masses, various revisionist rules and regulations were restored. Seventy-two rules and regulations alone were written, with a total of more than 3,000 articles. . As a result, the total production of the three years from 1962 to 1964 could not reach the level of one year in 1960. The good situation of production was seriously damaged, and a second low ebb occurred. The proletarian culture hit, and the masses of workers rushed out from the suppression of the revisionist line, liberated their spirits once again, and gave full play to their socialist enthusiasm and creativity. In 1970, the factory achieved the combat goal of "10,000 knives per person". The year's total production nearly tripled compared to 1965, and the variety more than doubled, setting off a third production boom.
Practice has proved that the great development of social productive forces is always after the transformation of outdated and backward production relations and superstructures, rather than before the transformation. The transformation of the relations of production and the superstructure is the social revolution. " '''Revolution is the locomotive of history. '''" Marx: The Class Struggle in France from 1848 to 1850. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, 474 pages.It is this locomotive that drives the train of history forward and drives the continuous development of social production. The history of the development of socialist production has always been the history of proletarian politics commanding the economy, grasping revolution and promoting production. In a socialist enterprise, there is always the question of whether the leadership is in the hands of genuine Marxists, workers, and poor and lower-middle peasants, the question of what line to implement, and the question of timely adjustment of production relations and the superstructure. Therefore, if a socialist enterprise wants to develop production, it must use proletarian politics to command production. If we only focus on production and not on revolution, as the modern revisionists at home and abroad have advocated, we will lose our way and take the wrong path, it will be impossible to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the broad masses to develop socialist production, and we will go to the Soviet Union. The old road of "satellites go to the sky, red flags fall to the ground". The modern revisionists advocate the "productivity theory", which always obliterates the class nature of the relations of production, which in turn obliterates class contradictions and class struggle, in an attempt to achieve the reactionary goal of denying the political command of the proletariat to the economy. This argument is the basis of the "theory of the extinction of class struggle", a fallacy that serves bourgeois politics. We must draw a clear line from this argument and unswervingly implement the policy of "grasping the revolution and promoting production" put forward by Chairman Mao. This policy is effective and must be adhered to. It correctly answers the dialectical relationship between revolution and production, spirit and material, superstructure and economic base, production relations and productive forces, and guarantees the rapid development of socialist production in our country. ==== {{anchor|header-n7957}} {{anchor|Toc83471761}} The Main Contents of the Basic Economic Law of Socialism ==== After we have clarified the objective purpose of socialist production and how to develop socialist production, we can further explore the question of the basic economic laws of socialism. The so-called basic economic laws always include two aspects: the purpose of social production and the means to achieve this purpose. It determines the four main links of production, exchange, distribution and consumption that constitute the whole of social and economic life, and determines all major aspects and all major processes of social production. The purpose of socialist production is to meet the growing needs of the country and the people. The means to achieve this goal is to promote the development of technology and production by grasping the revolution. Therefore, to sum up, the basic economic laws of socialism contain the following main contents: timely adjustment or transformation of production relations and superstructure, continuous improvement of technical level, development of socialist production in a faster, better and more economical manner, to meet the ever-growing needs of the country and the people. It is necessary to create material conditions for the eventual elimination of classes and the realization of communism. The basic economic laws of socialism determine all major aspects of socialist economic development and the basic content of socialist production, exchange, distribution and consumption. As far as production is concerned, in a socialist society, what to produce, how much to produce, and how to distribute production must obey the requirements of this law. When a socialist country formulates a plan, it is in accordance with the requirements of the basic socialist economic laws to arrange the variety, quantity and layout of production, so that the development of socialist production is conducive to consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, strengthening war preparations, consolidating National defense is conducive to supporting the revolutionary struggle of the people of the world and continuously improving the material and cultural living standards of the working people. Socialist exchange also must first obey the requirements of the basic economic laws of socialism. When a socialist country decides the ratio of export sales to domestic sales, the ratio of military and civilian use, the ratio of supply to rural areas and urban areas, and the sales prices of various commodities, the first consideration is not how much money can be sold and how much profit can be made, but must be determined. First of all, we should consider what is conducive to the development of socialist production and the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance, the improvement of the living conditions of the working people, the consolidation of national defense, the promotion of proletarian internationalist unity with fraternal socialist countries, and the Support for nationally independent states, etc. As far as distribution is concerned, whether it is the distribution of national income or the distribution of personal consumer goods, it is also governed by the basic economic laws of socialism. When a socialist country decides the ratio of accumulation and consumption and decides the level of wages, the long-term and current interests, collective interests and individual interests of the proletariat and all the working people must be taken into consideration in an overall manner, and appropriate arrangements must be made to fully reflect socialism. requirements of basic economic laws. Similarly, when dealing with the consumption problem in a socialist society, whether it is organizing social group consumption or individual consumption, it must be subordinated to the needs of improving the lives of working people, and at the same time, it must be conducive to the revolutionization of people's thinking and the promotion of The new fashion of the proletariat is conducive to consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and accelerating socialist construction. In a word, the basic economic laws of socialism embody the most essential connection between socialist production, exchange, distribution and consumption, and determine the fundamental direction of socialist economic development. Correctly understanding and applying the basic economic laws of socialism can enable us to strengthen our consciousness in our work, overcome blindness, and make strides in the correct direction of socialism. === {{anchor|header-n7966}} {{anchor|Toc83471762}} Section 3 Develop socialism in a more, faster, better and more economical way === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471763}} {{anchor|header-n7967}} Possibility and Reality of High-speed Development of Production Socialist Production ==== The purpose of socialist production is to meet the ever-increasing needs of the country and the people, and the degree of satisfaction of this need is closely related to the speed of production development. The consolidation of national defense in socialist countries, the development of social, cultural, educational and health services, the improvement of people's material and cultural life, and the support for the revolutionary cause of the world's people all require high-speed development of socialist production. Those countries in which the socialist revolution triumphed first often have relatively weak industrial bases, which makes it all the more urgent to develop socialist production at a high speed. Under the socialist system, high-speed development of production is not only necessary but possible. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The so-called socialist relations of production are more suitable for the development of the productive forces than the relations of production in the old era, which means that the productive forces can be allowed to develop rapidly at a speed that was not possible in the old society, so that production continues to expand and the people's needs continue to grow. Such a situation that can be gradually satisfied.”"On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Writings" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition. Therefore, the high-speed development of socialist production is not only a desire, but also an inevitable trend after the establishment of socialist production relations, and a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. The socialist relations of production promote the high-speed development of social production and the entire national economy from the following aspects. First, the socialist system provides great possibilities for the productive enthusiasm and creativity of the working masses. The capitalist system has crippled, suppressed and suffocated the inexhaustible creative talents hidden among the working masses. The socialist system has brought about fundamental changes in the social status of the working masses. The working masses no longer work hard for the landlords and capitalists, but work for their own class, and labor has become a glorious and heroic thing. All these provide conditions for the working masses to give full play to their infinite wisdom and talents. Second, " '''socialism not only liberates laborers and means of production from the old society, but also liberates the vast nature that the old society could not use. '''" The Chairman Mao: "A Note on "Excess Labor Force Finds a Way Out". "The Socialist Upsurge in China's Rural Areas," Volume 2, p. 578.socialist system fundamentally blocks the anarchy of competition and production under capitalist conditions. A huge waste of human, material and financial resources will inevitably appear in the state. A socialist country can utilize equipment and natural resources in a planned and rational manner, cultivate and utilize labor force in a planned and rational manner, and make full and rational use of labor resources and material resources. Thirdly, the socialist revolution overthrew the exploitation system of the old society, and the part of the wealth that had to be used for parasitic consumption by the landlords and capitalists in social production can now be used to improve the lives of the people and the people. As the capital for expanding reproduction, it provides favorable conditions for the expansion and rapid development of production. For example, before liberation, the annual rent paid by our peasants to the landlords was about 60 billion catties of grain. After liberation, this part of social products can be used to develop collective production and improve farmers' lives. The same is true of industry and commerce. Fourth, the socialist system has opened up a broad path for the rapid development of technology. Under capitalism, capitalists try to adopt new technologies in order to extract more surplus value. Only within this limit was he interested in developing new technologies. The scope for accommodating new technologies under capitalism is much narrower than under socialism. When a new technology does not bring more surplus value to the capitalists, it will not be adopted. At the same time, capitalists monopolize the technological innovations that have been achieved in their own enterprises as "trade secrets", while the bourgeois state uses "patent rights and other forms to ensure that the capitalists' monopoly on new technologies is guaranteed by law, thereby artificially creating It hinders the advancement of technology and the development of productive forces. Under the socialist system, the adoption of new technologies is to save labor consumption in production, to create more wealth for the society, to reduce the labor intensity of the working masses and to improve working conditions. , the development of technology becomes the conscious demand of the working masses, and makes technological innovation break the limitations under the capitalist system. In a socialist society, the advanced experience of any socialist enterprise in terms of production methods and technological innovation will It is the wealth of the working people, and there should be no “business secrets” and “patent rights.” These advanced experiences can be quickly used in other enterprises after summarizing and promoting them. All of this can greatly accelerate the speed of production development under the socialist system. Fifth, the socialist system eliminates the antagonistic contradiction between the growth of production and the relative reduction of the purchasing power of the working masses that is unique to capitalism. The purpose of socialist production is to meet the growing needs of socialist countries and people. As production increases, the scale of economic construction, national defense construction, social, cultural, educational, and health-care services, as well as support for the world revolution, will be correspondingly expanded, and the consumption level of the working masses will gradually increase. financial crisis. Therefore, when the capitalist world was hit by an economic crisis and production fell sharply, my country's socialist production was still booming, showing the superiority of the socialist system. In short, the socialist relations of production ensure that the roles of people and things in the productive forces can be brought into full play. The high-speed development of social production and the entire national economy is the objective law of socialist production. The development of socialist production and the entire national economy is high-speed, moving forward in waves and spiraling upwards. In real life, economic development is inevitably restricted and influenced by various subjective and objective conditions, and the speed of development cannot be the same every year. This is a moving wave. It is fundamentally different from the situation in which economic stagnation, regression and production growth are intertwined with the economic crisis that emerges under the capitalist system. ==== {{anchor|header-n7981}} {{anchor|Toc83471764}} The general line of building socialism ==== The socialist system provides an objective possibility for the high-speed development of production and the entire national economy. However, in order to make this possibility a reality, a Marxist line that correctly reflects objective laws is first required. If the line is correct, the socialist system can be consolidated and developed, and thus the superiority of the high-speed development of social production can be brought into full play; if the line is wrong, or the correct line is disturbed by the revisionist line, the development of social production will inevitably suffer. Obstructing and sabotaging Chairman Mao summed up the historical experience of socialist construction and formulated the basic line for our party throughout the historical stage of socialism '''. The general line of building socialism as much, faster, better and more economical '''". The general line of building socialism is a Marxist line that takes class struggle as the key link, gives full play to people's subjective initiative, makes full use of the superiority of the socialist system, and builds socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible. The general line of building socialism with full energy, striving for the upper hand, and building socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible calls for the unification of speed and economy in socialist construction. "More" is the requirement for the quantity of products, "fast" is the requirement for time, "good" is the requirement for quality, and "saving" is the requirement for saving labor. These aspects are mutually reinforcing and mutually restrictive. We have to save, not too fast, just a little bit, and it is too slow to die, which is not good; only too fast is not good to save, the quality is poor, the cost is high, and it takes up a lot of money, and it is not good, because in the long run, from the overall perspective, The result can never be much faster, but only less slow. The general line of building socialism with all our energy, striving for the upper reaches, and building socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible correctly reflects the objective requirements of the basic economic law of socialism, the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy, and the law of high-speed development of socialist production. The revolutionary will of the people of the whole country demanded a rapid change of the backward face of "one poor and two white". The general line of building socialism with all our energy, striving for the upper hand, and building socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible, emphasizes the political leadership of the proletariat and the combination of the party's leadership and the broad masses of the people, which is a new development of the party's mass line. " '''Historical activities are the cause of the masses '''" "Holy Family". The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 2, p. 104.. Marxism-Leninism has always criticized the fallacy of heroes creating history, and has always advocated the truth that the working masses create history. Chairman Mao pointed out very broadly: "The '''people, and only the people, are the driving force for the creation of world history. '''" "On Coalition Government". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 932." '''It is often the lower level that is higher than the upper level, the masses higher than the leaders, and the leaders inferior to the ordinary workers, because they are separated from the masses and have no practical experience. " Chairman Mao also repeatedly taught us that we must rely on the masses to seize power ''', Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from People's Daily, May 29, 1976.and we must rely on the masses to build socialism. The practice of my country's socialist construction over the past two decades has fully proved this point. The bourgeoisie within the party, whether it is Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, or Deng Xiaoping, are all loyal followers of Confucius. From the reactionary standpoint of the landlords and the bourgeoisie, they did their best to slander the masses of the people. Lin Biao shamelessly boasted that his "brain is good, it's different from others', it's very smart", "it's not the brain of an ordinary peasant, nor the brain of an ordinary worker," and desperately sells Kong Lao Er's "only superior wisdom and inferior stupidity". Immovable" fallacy. Deng Xiaoping tried his best to spread the message that "reliance on workers, peasants and soldiers is relative", and did everything possible to support the unrepentant capitalist roaders, and put "professional and knowledgeable" bourgeois "experts" and "authorities" to "leading positions". Come up to the government of the proletariat. This fully exposed the bourgeoisie within the party as the mortal enemy of the masses. Countless cases throughout the ages have proved that the humble are the wisest and the noble the most foolish. In the cause of socialist construction, only by fully trusting the masses, relying on the masses, respecting the pioneering spirit of the masses, mobilizing all positive factors, uniting all those who can be united, and transforming negative factors into positive factors as much as possible, can we successfully develop A socialist revolution on the political, economic, ideological and cultural fronts can develop socialist production and scientific, cultural and educational undertakings more, faster, better and more economically. " '''Going all out and striving to '''be higher," refer to people's mental state and subjective initiative, and require the correct handling and adjustment of people's interrelationships in production, so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people to build socialism. This is the primary condition for building socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible. People are the most important factor in productivity. The superiority of the socialist system can only be brought into play through human activities. The general line attaches great importance to the role of the revolutionary drive of the masses in socialist construction, and requires that the initiative and enthusiasm of the masses of workers, peasants, soldiers, revolutionaries, and revolutionary intellectuals be fully mobilized, so that they dare to think, speak, and act, and strive to do it. Good things that can be done with hard work. The key to achieving more, faster, better savings and avoiding less slowness and less expense lies in a lot of drive. Procrastination and timidity are impossible and impossible. This cowardly and lazy world outlook runs counter to the requirements of the general line of building socialism. On the issue of how to arouse the enthusiasm of the masses, modern revisionists always regard material stimulation and the bourgeois ideology that "money can make a ghost run the mill" as a truth that will not last forever. Their filthy bourgeois soul is completely opposed to the lofty idea of workers and poor and lower-middle peasants working for the revolution and farming for the revolution. They advocate material incentives to poison the masses with bourgeois ideology in order to achieve their evil purpose of restoring capitalism. Marxists have always believed that the fundamental way to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses is to put proletarian politics in command and follow the mass line. Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: " '''The wealth of society is created by the workers, peasants and working intellectuals. As long as these people control their own destiny, there is another line of Marxism-Leninism, which is not to avoid problems, but to use a positive attitude. To solve problems, any human difficulties can always be solved. '''” The Chairman Mao: "A Note to the "Secretary's Hands-on, the Whole Party Runs a Cooperative". "The Upsurge of Socialism in China's Rural Areas" Volume 1, pp. 5-6.broad revolutionary masses who have mastered the party’s Marxist line will surely inspire tremendous revolutionary energy, turn them into enormous material forces, and create miracles in the world. In the process of formulating the general line, Chairman Mao also put forward a set of principles, policies and methods for implementing the general line, which played an important role in organizing the masses and cadres to overcome difficulties and win the victory of the socialist revolution and socialist construction. effect. Chairman Mao proposed to take agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor, give full play to the enthusiasm of the central and local governments, make full use of coastal industries, accelerate the construction of inland industries, and implement both industry and agriculture, both local production and Western production, large, medium and small. A whole set of policies of walking on two legs while taking them together is conducive to correctly handling the relationship between all aspects of socialist construction, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of all aspects, so that these aspects can promote each other, complement each other, and support each other, so that we can make progress in socialist construction. All kinds of one-sidedness should be avoided and overcome as much as possible to ensure that socialist production and the entire national economy develop at a planned and proportionately high speed. ==== {{anchor|header-n7995}} {{anchor|Toc83471765}} The Great Leap Forward of my country's National Economy ==== The general line of building socialism with full energy, striving for the upper hand, and building socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible has greatly promoted the development of my country's socialist construction cause. Under the brilliance of the general line, the people of the whole country are high-spirited and high-spirited, and the revolutionary spirit of daring to think, speak, and act is unprecedentedly high; wave. my country's national economy has seen a vigorous Great Leap Forward situation. When Elaborating on the meaning of the Great Leap Forward, Chairman Mao said: " '''We cannot follow the old road of technological development in countries all over the world and crawl after others step by step. We must break the routine and use advanced technology as much as possible, and in a not too long historical period , to build our country into a powerful modern socialist country. This is what we mean by the Great Leap Forward. '''”Quoted from "Red Flag Magazine", No. 1, 1965. The Great Leap Forward embodies the proletarian revolutionary ambition and glorious tradition of "independence, self-reliance" and "hard struggle" in the cause of socialist construction. As early as during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chairman Mao gave this instruction on the economic construction of the anti-Japanese base areas: " '''We stand for self-reliance. We hope to have foreign aid, but we cannot rely on it. We rely on our own efforts and the support of all the military and civilians. Creativity. '''" "You must learn to do economic work". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1967, page 917.After the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China adopted the general line of building socialism, Chairman Mao also pointed out: " '''Maintaining self-reliance, supplementing by seeking foreign aid, dismantling superstition, and working independently in industry, agriculture, technical revolution and The cultural revolution, overthrowing slave thinking, burying '''dogmatism ''', earnestly studying the good experiences of foreign countries, and certainly studying the bad experiences of foreign countries as a warning, this is our line. '''" Quoted from Premier Zhou Enlai's "Report on the Work of the Government" in January 1975. People's Publishing House, 1975 edition, p. 7.The revisionist line of wooing foreigners and surrendering to the country is tit for tat. This line has enabled us to overcome the imperialist blockade and withstood the pressure of social-imperialism, and despite the ups and downs of the capitalist world economic crisis, our economy has always flourished steadily. We will stick to this line forever. Old China, a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country, suffered enough that the economy could not be independent. In old China, not only was the heavy industry sector basically blank, but the light industry was also extremely backward. For a long time, many daily industrial products are imported from abroad, called "foreign goods". Matches are called "foreign fire", kerosene is called "foreign oil", yuan nails are called "foreign nails", woven fabrics are called "foreign cloth", and shops selling daily industrial products are called "foreign goods stores". Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have independently and independently developed the socialist national economy. my country's agriculture is being mechanized on the basis of collectivization. The color varieties of light industrial products are becoming more and more colorful. my country's own machinery industry, metallurgical industry, chemical industry, instrumentation industry and electronic industry have all been established and developed successively, and an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system based on agriculture and dominated by industry are taking shape. On this basis, my country successfully trial-produced atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. The artificial earth satellite is in the sky and can return to the ground as scheduled. The first test in my country to successfully synthesize insulin has made a significant contribution to the exploration of the origin of life. my country's first successful trial-manufactured dual-water internal cooling turbo-generator. my country has successfully developed a controlled thermonuclear reaction experimental device, and has entered the world's advanced ranks in exploring the peaceful use of thermonuclear reactions. my country has successfully drilled an ultra-deep well of more than 6,000 meters, which marks that my country's oil drilling technology has reached a new level. These triumphant songs of independence and self-reliance sing praises of the glorious victories of our country since the founding of the People's Republic of my country, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the people of our country have smashed the shameless slanders of "the national economy is stagnant" and "the present is not as good as it used to be" spread by Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others with iron-clad facts, and proved to the world with iron-clad facts: What the Western bourgeoisie can do, the Eastern proletariat can certainly do; what the Western bourgeoisie cannot do, the Eastern proletariat can also do.
It is an objective fact that socialist production has a higher rate of development than capitalist production. In the short 24 years from 1949 to 1973, China's total agricultural output value increased by 1.8 times, the output value of light industry increased by 12.8 times, and the output value of heavy industry increased by 59 times.
Capitalist society, even in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the development of capitalist production was relatively rapid, never reached such a high speed as the development of socialist production; after entering the period of monopoly capitalism and the general crisis of capitalism , capitalism expands reproduction even more slowly.
It took only 22 years for my country's annual steel production to increase from 158,000 tons (1949) to 21 million tons (1971). It took the United States 33 years to complete this growth process, the United Kingdom 86 years, Germany 46 years, and Japan 50 years.
Taking the United States, the number one capitalist country with rapid production development as an example, its industrial production increased by about 3.9 times during the nearly thirty years from 1871 to 1900, but during the period from 1901 to 1929, its industrial production increased by about 3.9 times. It increased only by a factor of 2.7; between 1930 and 1959, it increased by a factor of only 1.7. In the ten years from 1964 to 1974, the US industry increased by 53%, the Soviet industry increased by 1.2 times, the Japanese industry increased by 1.6 times, and the West German industry increased by 60%, while my country's industry increased by 1.9 times during this period. In a certain period of time, the industrial production of individual capitalist countries also developed rapidly, but these were short-lived and could not last During the period from 1951 to 1970, Japan's industrial production grew at an average annual rate of 14.1%, which was mainly the result of its great wealth and strong support for Japanese monopoly capital during the U.S. imperialist invasion of Korea and Vietnam. During the war of aggression against Korea from 1950 to 1953, the US imperialists paid at least US$3 billion for "special needs" orders to Japan. During the war of aggression against Vietnam, U.S. imperialist payments to Japan for "special needs" further increased, reaching more than $2 billion a year. The U.S. imperialists also provided a lot of loans to Japanese monopoly capital, made direct investment in the Japanese heavy industry sector, and exported a large number of technology patents to Japan, and so on. In addition, Japanese monopoly capital brutally exploited the working people at home, and received a large amount of subsidies from the state budget funds, which also played a certain role in stimulating the rapid development of Japanese industry. The low value of the yen (Japan's currency) to the outside world has helped Japanese goods compete for markets around the world, and it has also played a significant role in stimulating the development of domestic industries. But as we all know, these factors driving the development of Japanese industry are unreliable and unsustainable. Since the fourth quarter of 1973, Japan, together with the United States, Britain, West Germany and other countries, has fallen into the capitalist world economic crisis. This crisis has lasted for more than two years and has not yet recovered. If we look at the problem not from individual countries, from individual periods, but from the capitalist world as a whole, from a longer period of time, then the increasingly slow development of capitalist production is still most clearly visible..
Our country's socialist construction has achieved brilliant victories, but this by no means means that we can be complacent. Our country used to be poor and poor, and the industrial base was extremely weak. At present, although our country has achieved great victories and has become a prosperous and prosperous socialist country, there is still a long way to go and a lot of work to be done to build a strong socialist economy. The people of our country are using practical actions to realize Chairman Mao's solemn declaration: "The '''Chinese people are ambitious and capable, and must catch up with and surpass the world's advanced level in the near future. '''"Quoted from the People's Liberation Army Daily, October 29, 1966. == {{anchor|header-n8013}} {{anchor|Toc83471766}} Chapter 4: The Distribution of Social Labour in a Socialist Economy == === {{anchor|Toc83471767}} {{anchor|header-n8014}} The first section has the regulatory role of the law of planned proportional development === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471768}} {{anchor|header-n8015}} The planned distribution of social labor linked to the commodity system ==== Organization of social production, to consume production materials and labor. The means of production are materialized labor, and the role of labor in production is to provide living labor. Taken together, it is social labor. To organize social production, there is a problem of the distribution of social labor. How much social labor is placed on agriculture, how much is placed on industry, and how much is placed on other undertakings, there is a certain proportion in any society, and it is determined by the objective needs of social production and is not dependent on people's will. . However, how this proportional relationship is established and what form is used to achieve it depends on the ownership system. Then, under the conditions of socialist public ownership, how is this proportional relationship established? In what form is social labor distributed? Almost all textbooks of socialist political economy all the time say this: In a socialist society, the entire social economy develops in a planned and proportionate manner. That is to say, the distribution of social labor is planned and carried out proportionally, and there seems to be no contradiction. Some textbooks also say that under the conditions of socialist public ownership, there will never be a phenomenon of "spontaneity and artesian flow" in the distribution of social labor. In the eyes of the authors of these textbooks, in a socialist society, the distribution of social labor seems to only have a role in the law of planned and proportional development; and people have become "propheticians" and have no idea about the objective proportional relationship at all. A recognition process is required. Is the distribution of social labor in a socialist economy really so smooth and without contradictions? The great transformation of ownership has enabled social production based on socialist public ownership to have a direct social character, and new conditions have emerged for people to consciously create history. Under such conditions, social production begins to get rid of the competition of capitalism and the anarchy of production, and social labor can be distributed proportionally in a planned way. At this time, the economic law of planned and proportional development of the national economy (referred to as the law of planning) emerged. This law regulates the distribution of social labor. In socialist society, however, the functioning of this law is bound up with the commodity system. The socialist society still implements the commodity system, which shows that the basic law of commodity production and exchange, the law of value, has not withdrawn from the stage of history. In this case, the distribution of social labor, on the one hand, has begun to be regulated by the law of planning, and, on the other hand, is inevitably affected by the law of value. " '''The value of one commodity can only be expressed in terms of another commodity and can only be realized by exchanging it with another commodity, and here lies the possibility that either the exchange cannot take place at all, or that the real value of the commodity cannot be realized. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 349.Although the distribution of social labor under socialist conditions is guided by a plan, there will still be situations where the actual distribution of social labor does not conform to the objectively required proportional relationship, so that some commodities are in short supply. Some commodities are oversupplied, forming a backlog, and even have to cut prices, so that the real value of the commodities cannot be realized. Doesn't this happen every day and every hour? In the socialist economic movement, this kind of situation means that the law of value may replace the law of planning to regulate the distribution of social labor. If this possible spontaneous adjustment of the law of value is not restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the competition and production anarchy under capitalism will reappear , and people may be dominated by things and thus consciously Or unconsciously violate the objective proportional relationship and do not distribute social labor according to actual needs. Therefore, the distribution process of social labor under socialist conditions is a process of interaction between the law of planning and the law of value. The process is clearly more complicated than that metaphysics imagines. Therefore, in the process of labor distribution, one only sees that people may consciously use the law of planning to regulate social labor, but does not see the other aspect that the law of value affects the planned distribution of social labor, which will cause serious problems. as a result of. After having such a relatively comprehensive understanding of the distribution of social labor under socialist conditions, let us first focus on analyzing the regulating effect of the law of planning. ==== {{anchor|header-n8022}} {{anchor|Toc83471769}} The Regulation of Socialist Production by the Law of Planned and Proportional Development ==== With the increasingly acute contradictions of capitalist society, especially the development of capitalism from free competition to monopoly, the anarchy of competition and production has violently shaken the capitalist system of exploitation. Engels once foresaw: " '''In trusts, free competition turns into monopoly, and the unplanned production of capitalist society surrenders to the planned production of the forthcoming socialist society. '''" Engels: "Socialism from Utopian to Scientific Development". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 435.With the development of monopoly organizations, there are also certain planning adjustments. trend. Lenin once analyzed that the "capital kings" established trusts, and to a certain extent, they could adjust production in a planned way within the scope of their control; in some capitalist countries, there was even a so-called national economy. plan. This new stage of capitalist development shows that the planned and proportional distribution of labor has become an objective requirement of large-scale socialized production. However, under capitalist conditions, it is impossible to implement planned regulation of the entire social production, and the overall planning of the entire social production has never been and will not be possible. After capitalism has developed to the stage of imperialism, the economy of monopoly capitalism or state monopoly capitalism has developed viciously. Although planning has been strengthened in a large monopoly organization, they are still built on the basis of private ownership of the means of production. What to produce and how much to produce is ultimately governed by the principle of pursuing maximum profit, and the entire social production cannot but remain in a state of blind competition. Although they have economic plans of one kind or another, they cannot plan the entire social production, much less change the capitalist nature of social production. The "National Socialism" of Hitler's Germany in the past and the "developed socialism" of Brezhnev today all have some plans, but they are all plans of a monopoly capitalist economy. This so-called plan is nothing but an instrument of the dictatorship of the monopoly bourgeoisie. In order to cover up the evils of monopoly capitalism, the monopoly bourgeoisie and the old and new revisionists have repeatedly seized on certain production-planning phenomena that have arisen under the conditions of monopoly capitalism, insisting that the social-imperialist economy is a "socialist economy" and that capital The imperialist economy is the economy of "organized capitalism" and "planned capitalism", thus denying the socialist revolution of the proletariat to overthrow the monopoly capitalist system. In fact, this fallacy was already criticized by Lenin. Lenin pointed out: " '''Complete planning, of course, is something that trusts never have and can't have. Although trusts have planning, even though the kings of capital have preconceived the scale of production on a national or even international scale, although they have plans to regulate production, but still under capitalism, although in its new stage, undoubtedly still under capitalism. To the true representatives of the proletariat, the approximation of this capitalism to socialism only proves The socialist revolution is approaching , it is not difficult to achieve, it can be achieved, it cannot be delayed, but it is by no means a proof that reformists deny the socialist revolution and whitewash capitalism. '''” The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 229.Since Lenin made the above criticism, decades have passed. past. During these decades, the capitalist world has experienced several severe economic crises. Beginning at the end of 1973, the Western capitalist countries experienced the worst economic crisis since the Great Crisis of the 1930s. The industrial production of the major capitalist countries fell sharply, and the entire national economy was in chaos. What plans to develop. In the face of the scientific analysis of Marxism and the economic reality of capitalism, the lies of the bourgeoisie and revisionists are completely bankrupt. In modern times, the most easily deceived is Su Xiu's so-called planned economy. On the surface, the Soviet social-imperialist economy was more planned than the capitalist-imperialist economy: the state monopolized all sectors of production, with long-term and short-term planning. However, since the Soviet revisionists' plan was a plan that fundamentally violated the purpose of socialist production, and aimed at the pursuit of profit, it would inevitably rely on profit to be in command (that is, with the help of the law of value) to regulate economic life, which is essentially the same as The capitalist imperialist economy is the same. There was fierce competition among the various groups of the Soviet bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie for profits and bonuses. In this way, the economic plan on paper is in fact destroyed by competition and anarchy of production, and the entire national economy is mired in a quagmire. Like other imperialist countries, the Soviet revisionist social-imperialist economy is full of crisis and chaos.
At the 24th Fourth Congress, Su Xiu put forward a so-called "grand program for improving people's welfare", and formulated the ninth five-year (1971-1975) plan for this purpose. The Soviet revisionist announced that during the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period, "major structural changes" will be made to the national economy, to ensure that the growth rate of the consumer goods industry exceeds that of the means of production industry. Five years have passed, what is the result? A series of major indicators of the entire "Ninth Five-Year Plan" have not been completed and declared bankruptcy, and the proportional relationship has become more imbalanced due to monopolistic competition. Not only did the production of consumer goods fail to exceed the growth rate of the means of production as predicted by the "Ninth Five-Year Plan", on the contrary, the gap widened due to the intensification of arms expansion and preparations for war. The so-called "major structural changes" to the national economy have come to nothing, and the "grand program to improve the welfare of the people" is nothing but a hoax. All it brought to the Soviet people was a pancake that could not satisfy their hunger.
As the domestic crisis of the Soviet revisionist intensified, the so-called monopoly capitalist nature of the Soviet revisionist planned economy was increasingly seen through by people. For a period of time, some foreign people who study the process of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union have analyzed the essence of the Soviet Union's so-called planned economy. Charles Bertrand, a French scholar, published an article "Revisiting Transitional Society" in the American "Monthly Review" in December 1970, pointing out: "Equating 'plan' with socialism will only help The bourgeoisie (especially the bourgeoisie in the Soviet Union), under the guise of 'planning', exercised its right to rule, and in the name of 'planning', deprived the exploited classes of all voices and further intensified the exploitation of the broad masses." United States The seventh issue of "Red Papers" published in October 1974 published a long essay "How Capitalism was Restored in the Soviet Union", which pointed out: "This "planned state capitalism" character of the Soviet economy today is more From pure market competition, it is a higher stage of capitalist development. "In fact, the Soviet economy was much more similar to the fascist economy of Nazi Germany. "Because the Soviet Union was a state capitalist society, the effects of capitalist anarchy could be ameliorated to some extent by the development of a unified state plan. This plan is designed to balance the needs of the various industries and to ensure that each industry receives a 'fair' profit. But this plan does not resolve the contradictions of the system, which, in fact, must manifest themselves as vicious internal struggles when the plan is drawn up. As a result, planning itself is increasingly divorced from real economic life. "The Soviet revision of the planned economy shows that this bureaucratic monopoly plan is the economic embodiment of the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist dictatorship. The planned and proportional distribution of social labor, although on the agenda under capitalism, is impossible. Only in a socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, where socialist public ownership is established, and social labor is distributed in proportion to a plan, does it appear as a law. This is because the socialist public ownership of the means of production eliminates the antagonism of interests between various production departments and enterprises that cannot be overcome by capitalism, making production directly social, and a socialist country can organize the labor force of the whole society in a unified manner. and means of production, and use plans to guide the proportional and coordinated development of all sectors of the national economy. Engels had long foreseen: " '''When today's productive forces are treated according to their finally recognized nature, the anarchy of production in society gives way to production according to the needs of society as a whole and of its members. The planned regulation of society. '''”Engels: "Socialism from Utopian to Scientific Development". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 437. In this way, on the basis of socialist public ownership, the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy comes into play as a new economic law. The law of planned and proportional development of the national economy replaces the law of competition and production anarchy. an extremely important aspect of the superiority of the socialist system. The emergence of the law of planned and proportional development marks the beginning of human beings consciously creating their own history. In a capitalist society with anarchy of competition and production, it is not people who rule things, but things rule people, workers cannot control their own destiny, and capitalists cannot escape the blind domination of those objective economic laws that work behind people. In a socialist society, public ownership of the means of production has been realized, and the working people have begun to consciously use objective economic laws to create their own history. The regulation of socialist production by the law of planned and proportional development is manifested as a socialist state under the dictatorship of the proletariat formed according to the common will of the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people, following the needs of the state, collectives and individuals, and in accordance with the objective of all sectors of the national economy. proportional relationship, and social labor is distributed in a planned way. This is a sublation of the law of value in comprehensively regulating the distribution of social labor, and a denial of the anarchy of competition and production. In the process of practice, people have been able to gradually and correctly understand the law of planned and proportional development, and are learning to formulate plans for transforming nature and society according to this law, and through organized activities, to achieve people's expected results. Chairman Mao spoke highly of the conscious activities of the working people of our country, under the leadership of the Party, to use this law to transform the world. Chairman Mao pointed out: "Humanity has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years. In China, it is only now that the conditions for developing its own economy and culture according to the plan have been obtained. Since this condition is obtained, the face of our country will change every year. Changes from year to year. Every five years will have a big change, and accumulated several five years will have a bigger change." Chairman Mao: A Note on "The Long-term Planning of the Red Star Collective Farm". "The Socialist Upsurge of China's Rural Areas," Vol. 1, p. 311.The practice of China's socialist construction has proved that Chairman Mao's scientific conclusion is completely correct . After only four five-year plans, China's appearance has undergone tremendous changes, and the old semi-colonial and semi-feudal China has been transformed into a socialist country that is initially prosperous and prosperous. ==== {{anchor|header-n8037}} {{anchor|Toc83471770}} The main proportional relations of the national economy ==== How, then, does the law of planned and proportional development regulate socialist production? To understand this, we first need to know what are the objective proportional relationships in the development of the national economy? Which are primary and which are secondary? Only by first understanding these objective proportional relations can we correctly apply the law of planned and proportional development to regulate social production. Although the proportional relationship in the national economy is intricate and intricate, there is a certain internal connection between them, and there are rules to follow. Among the four links of production, exchange, distribution and consumption, production is the decisive link. In the field of production, agriculture and industry are the two most important sectors. Therefore, the proportional relationship between agriculture and industry, within agriculture, and within industry are three very important proportional relationships in the entire national economy. The planned and proportionate development of these three aspects will surely promote the rapid development of the entire national economy. The ratio between agriculture and industry occupies an extremely important position in the national economy. Agricultural production and industrial production are mutually conditional. Workers in the industrial sector need agriculture to provide food and various non-staple foods, and light industry needs agriculture to provide raw materials, and both light industry and heavy industry must use the agricultural sector as an important market for their products. Conversely, the rural population needs industry to provide daily industrial products, and agricultural production needs industry to provide production materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery, electricity, etc., and the products of the agricultural sector, except for the self-sufficient part, need to be produced by industry and cities. The population is the market. Because of this close interdependent relationship of industrial and agricultural production, and because the relationship between industry and agriculture is in fact the relationship between workers and peasants, socialist ownership by the whole people and socialist collective ownership by the working masses, planned Adjusting the proportional distribution of social labor between industry and agriculture and making them promote each other is a key issue in the planned and proportional development of the national economy. We will discuss this issue in the next chapter. The ratio within agriculture, including the ratio among agriculture (planting industry), forestry, animal husbandry, sideline industry, and fishery, as well as the ratio of grain, cotton, oil, hemp, silk, tea, sugar, vegetables, tobacco, fruit, The ratio between various sub-sectors such as medicine and miscellaneous industries. In the whole agricultural production, food production is of paramount importance. Chairman Mao taught us that we should "store grain widely". With food in hand, don't panic. The success of grain production is not only related to the development of agricultural production itself, but also to the development of industry and the entire national economy. Because of the importance of grain production, when dealing with the proportional relationship within agriculture, we must insist on taking grain as the key link. The development of commercial crops and forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishing industries cannot be separated from the concept of grain. Grain production occupies a decisive position in the whole agriculture. To deal with the internal relations of agriculture, we must first focus on grain production at any time. However, food production cannot develop in isolation. In agricultural production, there is a close interdependent relationship between agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. The development of agricultural production, especially food production, is a necessary condition for the development of forestry and animal husbandry, but forestry and animal husbandry in turn affect agriculture. Trees and forests can conserve water sources, maintain soil and water, prevent wind and sand, regulate climate, protect and develop pastures, and open up sources of feed, fertilizer and fuel, which are important guarantees for agricultural and animal husbandry production. The development of animal husbandry, especially pig farming, can provide organic fertilizers for agriculture and forestry (mainly agriculture), which in turn promotes the development of agriculture and forestry. Chairman Mao pointed out a long time ago: " Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry are interdependent and indispensable, and they must be placed on an equal footing." Quoted from "Red Flag Magazine", No. 3, 1972.The combination of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry is an important aspect to correctly handle the internal proportional relationship of agriculture. The development of rural sideline industries and fisheries to serve industrial and agricultural production, urban and rural people's lives and exports are important aspects of advancing to the breadth of production. This plays a certain role in increasing the accumulation of rural collective economic funds, promoting the development of socialist production in urban and rural areas and improving people's lives. As for all other sub-sectors of agriculture other than grain, such as cotton, oil crops, hemp, silk, tea, sugar crops, vegetables, tobacco leaves, fruits, medicinal materials and other miscellaneous crops, they are all indispensable, and they are the same as food production. have a close interdependent relationship. Chairman Mao's policy of "taking grain as the key link and developing in an all-round way" reflects the objective proportional relationship in agriculture and is a guideline for correctly handling the internal proportional relationship in agriculture. There is an objective relationship of interdependence and mutual promotion between food production and diversified management within agriculture. The development of grain production is the precondition for the development of diversification, and the development of diversification can also promote the further development of grain production in terms of fertilizers and funds. The policy of taking grain as the key link and comprehensive development requires that under the premise of taking grain as the key link, taking into account the different characteristics of different regions, and adapting measures to local conditions, the agricultural, forest, animal husbandry, sideline, fishing and grain, cotton, oil, hemp, silk, The production of tea, etc., should be taken into consideration and properly arranged so that they can promote each other and develop in an all-round way. The proportional relationship within industry is more intricate than that within agriculture, but in this intricate relationship there is also a class, and this class is steel. Because if there is steel, there will be machines, and if there are machines, various industries can be developed. Industry takes steel as the key link, reflecting the dominant aspect of the proportional relationship within the industry. The development of all sectors of industry must be based on the development of the iron and steel industry. To do a good job of the proportional relationship within the industry, in addition to implementing the policy of "taking steel as the key link", we must also pay attention to correctly handle the proportional relationship in the following aspects. First, the proportional relationship between light industry and heavy industry. There is a close dependence between light and heavy industries. In socialist construction, while giving priority to the development of heavy industry, we must prevent the tendency to neglect light industry. The policy of simultaneous development of light and heavy industries formulated by Chairman Mao scientifically reflects the dialectical relationship between light and heavy industries, and is the only correct policy to maintain the proportional development of light and heavy industries. Second, the proportional relationship between the raw material industry and the processing industry. For example, there is a close interdependence between the metallurgical industry and the machinery manufacturing industry, between the chemical raw material and the chemical product industry, etc. If the raw material industry does not cooperate with the processing industry, the products will have no way out. If the processing industry does not have a corresponding raw material industry to cooperate with it, there will be no source of raw materials. Although no one is inseparable from the other, in general, the dominant aspect of the contradiction lies in the raw material industry. As the saying goes: "A smart woman can't cook without rice." If the processing industry does not have an adequate supply of raw materials, the equipment cannot be fully utilized. Therefore, for a socialist country based on independence and self-reliance, it is necessary to develop the raw material industry, especially the mining industry, which is of decisive significance in the raw material industry, fight the battle of the mines, and pay attention to maintaining the balance between the raw material industry and the processing industry. is very important. The above-mentioned relationship between the raw material industry and the processing industry applies equally to the various branches of industry within the same branch of industry. For example, the iron and steel industry as a whole is a raw material industry sector, which provides raw materials for machinery manufacturing, construction industry and other sectors. But within the iron and steel industry, among the three sub-sectors of mining, smelting, and steel rolling, mining is also the source of raw materials for the iron and steel industry, so it is necessary to establish an appropriate proportional relationship between the three based on ore mining. Third, the proportional relationship between defense industry and basic industry. The national defense industry is a fist of the dictatorship of the proletariat, an indispensable industrial sector to deal with imperialist and social-imperialist aggression and assist the oppressed people and nations However, the development of the national defense industry is premised on the development of basic industries. Engels pointed out: " '''The production of weapons is based on the whole production '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 206.. Without the development of basic industries such as metallurgical industry, chemical industry, machinery industry, electronic instrument industry, etc., the national defense industry will not be able to advance. Defense industry and basic industry must maintain a certain proportional relationship. Separating from basic industries and developing the defense industry in isolation will inevitably destroy the national economy. Lin Biao and his gang advocated that "military industry can drive the entire national economy", and tried their best to oppose the combination of military products and civilian products. Only in accordance with Chairman Mao's theory on the relationship between economic construction and national defense construction, we can develop national defense construction on the basis of accelerating economic construction, closely link the development of national defense industry with the development of basic industry, and maintain the relationship between national defense industry and basic industry. Only by balance can the defense industry and the entire industry develop bigger and faster. Fourth, the proportional relationship within each industrial sector, such as the proportional relationship between main and auxiliary machines, complete machines and accessories in the machine manufacturing industry, and the proportional relationship between spinning, weaving and dyeing in the textile industry, and so on. The maintenance of these proportional relationships is theoretically easy to understand. However, in practice, due to the influence of the erroneous idea of "only wanting to be the protagonist and not willing to be a supporting role" due to the emphasis on the main engine and the light on the auxiliary engine, and the reorganization machine and the light accessories, it will also make the main engine and the auxiliary engine, the whole machine and the accessories. The proportional relationship is destroyed. In order to maintain a proper proportional relationship within the industry, it is necessary to make proper arrangements in production planning, and at the same time, it is necessary to constantly criticize the idea of "only wanting to be the protagonist and not willing to be a supporting role". The proportional relationship within agriculture, within industry and between agriculture and industry is an extremely important proportional relationship in the national economy and the basis for the balance of the entire national economy. In addition, there are many important proportional relationships in the socialist national economy. The proportional relationship between industrial and agricultural production and transportation is an important proportional relationship. Marx listed the transportation industry as the fourth material production sector after extractive industry, processing industry and agriculture. In large-scale socialized production, it is necessary to ensure that all departments and enterprises obtain the supply of raw materials, materials, and fuels in a timely manner, and timely transport the products from the place of production to the place of consumption. Planned production requires planned transportation to work closely together. The transportation industry is the "first mover". Mining, building factories, we must first prepare transportation conditions. If the development of the transportation industry lags behind the development of industrial production, the means of production required for industrial and agricultural production cannot be delivered in time, and the products cannot be delivered in time, which will greatly hinder the development of industrial and agricultural production. There is also a certain proportional relationship between cultural and educational construction and economic construction. Cultural education is the superstructure, which serves the economic base. The cultural and educational undertakings of socialist countries must be guided by Marxism in order to meet the requirements of consolidating the socialist economic foundation. The scale and speed of cultural and educational construction must be compatible with the level of economic development and the speed of economic development, in order to ensure the continuous supply of educated laborers with socialist consciousness to all sectors of the national economy and the superstructure. Only in this way can we ensure the gradual improvement of the people's cultural living standards and health levels and meet the needs of the socialist revolution and the development of the construction cause. The proportional relationship between the first department that produces the means of production and the second department that produces and consumes the means of consumption, as well as the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, are all very important proportional relationships. If these proportional relationships are not properly arranged, they will also hinder the development of the entire national economy. This aspect of the problem will be analyzed in Chapter 11. In the process of the development of the socialist national economy, there is also an important proportional relationship, that is, the proportional relationship between production growth, cultural and educational development, and population growth. Material data Planned production and planned development of cultural and educational undertakings objectively require planned population growth, that is, family planning. Family planning is an important prerequisite for the planned reproduction of the labor force, the planned arrangement of people's lives, the protection of the health of mothers and children, and the planned socialist construction. Without family planning, there is no planned reproduction of the labor force. This will affect the planned and proportional development of the national economy. The so-called family planning is not a simple birth control, but different treatment according to different situations. In densely populated areas with high birth rates, late marriage and birth control should be promoted. In sparsely populated minority areas, measures conducive to population growth are adopted. In short, the population growth must be matched with the planned development of the national economy. Malthusians describe the law of relative overpopulation peculiar to the capitalist system as an absolute law of nature Malthus (1766-1834) was an English bourgeois vulgar economist. He believes that the population grows according to the geometric series, that is, 1, 2, 4, 8... , 4... the arithmetic progression of the growth. Since the growth of the population far exceeds the growth of the means of subsistence, the society will inevitably produce hunger, poverty and unemployment. He believes that this is the result of absolute laws of nature and has nothing to do with the social system. In order to solve the "contradiction" that the population growth and the growth of the means of living do not match, the population must be limited. For example, birth control, late marriage, non-marriage, and abortion are used to limit population growth, and even mass annihilation of population through war, cancer epidemics, and famine. Malthus' "population theory" is a reactionary fallacy that blatantly defends the capitalist system, opposes the proletarian revolution and is extremely hostile to human beings., in order to cover up the evils of the capitalist system. Malthusian population theory always regards people as a negative factor and people as mere consumers. Marxism believes that among all things in the world, human beings are the most valuable. People are the decisive factor in social productivity. People are producers first and consumers second. Moreover, under socialism, the planned increase in production is always faster than the planned increase in population. In the twenty-five years since the founding of our country (from 1949 to 1974), although the population has increased by 60 percent, grain has increased by 1.4 times, and cotton has increased by 4.7 Light industrial products increased several times or ten times, and heavy industrial products increased even more. The reactionary Malthusian population theory has not only been refuted by Marxism in theory, but has been completely smashed by the practice of socialist construction in our country. Family planning became possible only when human society developed to the historical period of socialism. In capitalist society, human production is as anarchic as the production of things. Only after the proletariat and the working people have mastered the political power and the means of production of society, and are in the position of masters of society, will it become possible to regulate human production in a planned way, just as they regulate the production of things in a planned way. . Engels said: " '''If at some point in the future communist society will have to adjust the production of people as well as the production of things, it will be that society, and only that society, that will be able to adjust without difficulty. Do this. '''" Engels: To Karl Kautsky (1 February 1881). The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 35, p. 145.Socialist society bears the traces of the old society economically, morally and spiritually, so family planning is not yet without difficulties and will be resisted by the forces of old habits. However, under the leadership of the Communist Party, as long as there is a Marxist line, publicity and education on family planning are strengthened, and appropriate economic and technical measures are taken, family planning can be gradually promoted. This is a manifestation of the working people's mastery of their own destiny and a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. ==== {{anchor|header-n8069}} {{anchor|Toc83471771}} Reasonable layout of productivity ==== The planned and proportional development of the national economy requires not only the coordinated development of interdependent departments in production, but also a coordinated proportional relationship in regional distribution, that is, a reasonable distribution of productive forces. The rational distribution of productive forces is related to the full utilization of natural resources, the conservation of social labor, the development of socialist construction, how fast, good, and economical development, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas in socialist countries, the unity of various nationalities in the country, and the consolidation of national defense. The distribution of the productive forces in capitalist society is formed spontaneously in the anarchy of competition and production. Capitalists run enterprises, whether they are opening factories, running farms, building railways, etc., all of which are only subject to the need to pursue maximum profits, and cannot have comprehensive considerations and arrangements. The layout of productive forces formed spontaneously in capitalist society contains many unreasonable factors: industrial production develops slopingly and is concentrated in a few large cities. Road, railway, water and air shipping and other transportation business, in industrially developed areas, due to the large amount of freight and high profits, capitalists compete to operate, and the transportation force is often excessive. In underdeveloped areas, due to the lack of freight and profits, the capitalists are left alone, and the transportation is extremely backward. These contradictions in the distribution of productive forces in capitalist society cannot be resolved under the conditions of capitalist private ownership. These contradictions can only be resolved in a socialist society in which the means of production are shared. Therefore, after the proletariat seizes power, it faces the task of transforming the distribution of productive forces. This was something Engels had long foreseen. Engels pointed out that in order to eliminate the evil results brought about by the abnormal development of capitalist large-scale industry, socialist society will "coordinately arrange its own productive forces according to a unified general plan" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition.. According to what principles does a socialist society transform the unreasonable distribution of productive forces left over from the old society? What are the main contents of the so-called rational layout of productivity? The rational distribution of productivity requires that the industry be close to the origin and sales area of raw materials. For a socialist country with a vast territory, this requires that each larger administrative region or economic cooperation region should form a relatively independent industrial system with its own characteristics and different levels. In this way, the manpower and material resources expended on long-distance transportation can be greatly reduced, and the development of socialist production can be ensured as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible. Of course, the principle that the industry should be close to the origin and sales area of raw materials is not absolute. Under the condition that other favorable factors are sufficient to offset the unfavorable factors of long-distance transportation, it is also necessary to make full use and rational development of the smelting and processing industries far away from the origin of raw materials. The rational distribution of productive forces requires large industries to be distributed throughout the country as evenly as possible, and to develop county, commune, and team industries in a planned and step-by-step manner, so that industrial production and agricultural production are closely integrated, so that rural economy and culture can be improved. big development. As a result of this rational distribution of productive forces, the residents of large cities will be dispersed to the countryside, many new small cities will be established, and the essential difference between urban and rural areas will be gradually narrowed and eventually eliminated. The layout of the socialist productive forces must be subordinate to the national defense needs of the proletarian dictatorship state, and it must be conducive to dealing with the aggression and threats of imperialism and social-imperialism. To this end, it is necessary to avoid excessive concentration of industries in large cities and coastal areas, and to ensure that all regions have certain capacity for modern industrial production, including military production, and basically achieve food self-sufficiency. In this way, when imperialism and social-imperialism launch a surprise attack, we will have many reliable industrial bases, large and small, and have a wider leeway to make them indestructible. No matter where the imperialists attack, they will be attacked. Submerged in the vast ocean of people's war. The rational distribution of productive forces, in a multi-ethnic socialist country, should be conducive to the strengthening of the unity of all ethnic groups. Under the capitalist system, the bourgeoisie of the ruling nation, in order to extract the maximum profit, will always limit the development of industry in the areas of the oppressed nation. After the proletariat seizes power, in order to strengthen the unity among the working people of all ethnic groups, it is necessary to strengthen the industrial construction in frontier and ethnic minority areas in a planned and step-by-step manner, so as to gradually promote the disparity in the level of economic and cultural development of various ethnic groups. Zoom out. In short, the rational distribution of socialist social productive forces must be subordinated to the need to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and to the need to develop socialist production as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible. The core problem of transforming the distribution of productive forces is, as Engels pointed out, to change the state of abnormal development of industry left over from the old society, so as to create " '''the distribution of large-scale industries in the country as balanced as possible '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 336.. The distribution of productivity in old China was extremely unreasonable. The long-term rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism has made the old semi-colonial and semi-feudal China into such a situation: the only modern industries are concentrated in some coastal provinces and cities, while the vast interior has hardly any modern industries. In the early days of liberation, the total industrial output value of the coastal areas accounted for about 73% of the national total industrial output value. In terms of heavy industry, taking the steel industry as an example, about 80% of the production capacity is distributed along the coast, while in Inner Mongolia, northwest, southwest and other places where resources are very rich, there is almost no steel industry. In the light industry, taking the textile industry as an example , more than 80% of the spindles and more than 90% of the looms are distributed along the coast, but there are few textile factories in the vast cotton-producing areas and inland areas. In order to change this unreasonable situation left over from old China, the key issue is to develop industry in the vast interior. In this way, the relationship between the coastal industry (the original industrial base) and the inland industry (the new industrial base) occurs. Chairman Mao deeply analyzed the relationship between them and clarified the principles of correct handling. In order to change the original unreasonable situation of coastal industries and inland industries, it is necessary to vigorously develop inland industries, most of the new factories must be built in the inland, and the original industrial bases along the coast must be relocated, contracted, and supported by manpower and material resources. Support the development of inland industries through various channels, so that the national industrial layout will be gradually balanced. This is extremely important to strengthen the general leadership of the working class throughout the country, to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, to consolidate our national defense, and to build socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible. This is by no means, however, to say that a negative attitude towards coastal industries is acceptable. Generally speaking, coastal industries have a long history and can support inland industries in terms of technical strength, equipment, raw materials, and product design. Making full use of and rationally developing coastal industries can better support the development of inland industries. In the more than 20 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's theory on the relationship between coastal industries and inland industries, my country's inland industries have developed rapidly, and the newly built industrial bases in inland provinces have begun to take shape. At the same time, the original industrial bases in coastal provinces and cities have also been fully utilized and developed reasonably. Inland industry and coastal industry have jointly played a major role in my country's socialist construction. In the process of changing the unreasonable distribution of productive forces left over from the old China, it is of particular significance to accelerate the economic and cultural development of ethnic minority areas in our country. Although my country's ethnic minorities only account for 6 percent of the country's total population, they live in a vast area, accounting for about 50 to 60 percent of the country's total area, and are rich in underground minerals, which are very much needed for the construction of socialism in our country. In the past, due to the exploitation and oppression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, the minority areas were not able to develop their economy, not only did they have no modern industry, but agricultural production was also very backward. Since liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line and the brilliance of Chairman Mao's ethnic policy, the economy of the minority areas in our country has also developed rapidly. "North-to-South Coal Transportation" and "South-to-North Grain Transfer" are a heavy burden on the unreasonable distribution of productive forces left over from old China. A considerable part of my country's railway carrying capacity is spent on this. Since liberation, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the interference of the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao has been smashed, Chairman Mao's revolutionary line of the proletariat has been implemented, and the food self-sufficiency rate of the northern provinces has greatly increased. The three provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan, which have been suffering from disasters and lack of food all the time, are now more than self-sufficient in food, making new contributions to reversing the "south-to-north transfer of grains". The exploration and production of coal mines in the southern provinces have developed rapidly. The coal production in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other provinces has increased greatly. Tibet, which has never produced coal, has also found coal. The situation of "North-South Coal Transportation" and "South-to-North Grain Transfer" left over from history is gradually changing. === {{anchor|header-n8087}} {{anchor|Toc83471772}} Section 2 The Influence of the Law of Value in the Process of Distributing Social Labor === When analyzing the connection between capitalist society and previous social forms, Marx pointed out: " '''Bourgeois society is built up by the fragments and factors of these social forms, some of which are relics that have not yet been overcome, and continue to survive here, and some of them are relics. What was originally only a symptom develops into full significance, etc. '''" Marx: "Introduction to Critique of Political Economy", Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 108.Socialist society is born out of capitalist society, and this is also the case. In the distribution of social labor according to a certain proportion, the use of planning to regulate production has already appeared in the stage of monopoly capitalism, but it will not appear as a law until the birth of socialist society. full meaning. At the same time, there are still unsurmountable relics in socialist society, such as the law of value in the process of distributing social labor in a certain proportion. To understand the distribution of social labor in the process of socialist production, we must understand the interaction between the law of planned and proportional development and the law of value in the process of distributing social labor. What, then, is the law of value? How does the law of value affect the process of distributing social labor? Under socialist conditions, the commodity system is still implemented. That is to say, the production of social products is still commodity production. Where there is commodity production, there is the law of value. " '''Where there are commodities and commodity production, the law of value cannot exist without it. '''" Stalin: "Soviet Socialist Economic Problems", People's Publishing House, 1961 edition, p. 14.The basic content of the law of value is: (1) the value of a commodity is determined by the socially necessary labor time consumed to produce the commodity; (2) the value of the commodity is determined by the The exchange should be carried out according to the principle of equivalence. These two aspects are interrelated, the latter is based on the former, and the former must be implemented through the latter. In fact, the individual labor time consumed by various enterprises producing the same commodity is very different, but they must be exchanged with the socially necessary labor time as a unified measure. This form of equality that is actually unequal, embodied by the law of value, is bourgeois right. This basic content of the law of value is not much different in a socialist society than in the old society. However, commodity production in socialist society is mainly commodity production under two conditions of socialist public ownership, so the way, scope and consequences of the law of value functioning are already very different from capitalist society. Under the capitalist system, social production is carried out in a state of competition and anarchy of production. The price of commodities fluctuates continuously with the changes in market supply and demand, and around the transformation of commodity value. Production prices, sometimes higher than production prices prices, sometimes lower than production prices. This spontaneous fluctuation of commodity prices dictates the blind expansion or contraction of production. When the price is above the price of production, the profit is greater than the average profit, and the capitalists, seeing that there is a big profit, scramble to put their capital into these sectors. Otherwise, the capital will be withdrawn. It is in this state of blind competition that social production develops. This situation shows that under the capitalist system, the law of value is manifested as an alien force working behind people's backs, and it is the overall regulator of social production. Under the socialist system, the regulator of social production is no longer the law of value, but the national economic plan formulated according to the basic socialist economic law and the law of planning. As Marx foresaw: " '''The socially planned distribution of labor time regulates the proper proportion of various labor functions to various needs. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 96.This is because the purpose of social production has changed. The purpose of socialist production is to meet the needs of the country under the dictatorship of the proletariat and the needs of the broad masses of the working people, rather than just producing profits for capitalists as in capitalist society. A socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat can, according to the needs of the country and the people, according to the situation of the total social labor in a certain period, according to the necessary proportion, in a planned way to allocate social labor to various sectors of the national economy, without relying on the law of value for adjustment . Therefore, from a fundamental aspect, the law of value is no longer an alien force acting behind people's backs in a socialist society, and is no longer the overall regulator of social production. But the law of value still exists, but it has been possible to be recognized by people and become a law controlled by people, playing its historical role in the process of socialist construction. Under the conditions of socialist commodity production, an important manifestation of the role of the law of value is the planned price. Commodity prices under socialist conditions do not spontaneously rise and fall with changes in supply and demand in the free market, but are regulated by state plans. From this aspect, the planned price reflects the role of the law of planned and proportional development. However, it must not be concluded from this that the planned price can be determined at will, without taking into account the action of the law of value. By no means. The basis of the planned price, and nothing else, remains the value of the commodity. From the perspective of society as a whole, the price of some commodities is higher than the value, and the price of other commodities must be lower than the value. This phenomenon of price deviating from value exists everywhere in the planned price system, which is also the manifestation of the law of value. How, then, does the law of value affect the distribution of social labor through planned prices? First, what and how much a socialist state-owned enterprise produces is regulated by a national economic plan formulated in accordance with the basic socialist economic law and the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy. But under the commodity system, any national economic plan is not only expressed in physical form (how many tons of steel, how many tons of coal are produced per year...), but also in the form of value (how many 100 million yuan in investment, output value, how many 100 million yuan in profits... ) are indicated. Therefore, in this sense, the role of the law of value has been reflected in the national economic plan, affecting the distribution of social labor. Moreover, in the national plan, for some industrial products, especially daily-use industrial products, the production quantity is often only specified according to the product category, without specifying the specific varieties and specifications; Physical indicators of the product. At the same time, under certain conditions, the state also consciously uses the deviation of price and value to influence the production of such products through planned prices. Secondly, the production of the socialist collective economy is also carried out under the guidance of the state plan. In particular, the sown area and delivery and sales tasks of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, and oil produced by the rural people's communes are stipulated by the state plan. For the production of many other agricultural and sideline products, although the state does not directly issue planned tasks, it is also included in the track of the national plan through the method of signing procurement contracts with communes and teams of commercial departments. Therefore, the production of the rural collective economy, as a whole, plays a decisive role, that is, a regulating role, and it is also the law of the planned development of the national economy. However, the state also promotes the realization of the plan through the role of the plan price. For example, within a certain period of time, the state takes measures to adjust the price ratio of cotton and grain to promote the production of cotton and the realization of the cotton purchase plan. This effect of the law of value has a greater impact on the production of collective enterprises. This is because collective enterprises are self-financing economic units, and their accumulation level and member income level depend on their own production income. As for the production of sporadic native products in the collective economic production that are not very important to the national economy and people's livelihood, are not included in the state plan, and are not connected through procurement contracts, the high price and the size of the income will play a greater role in it. : Products with higher returns are easier to develop, and products with lower returns or losses are more difficult to develop. This is the degree to which the law of value regulates the production of such products. In short, as long as the commodity system is implemented, the law of value is still in play, whether it is the production of state-owned enterprises or the production of collective enterprises. However, from the perspective of socialist production as a whole, the distribution of social labor among the various production sectors , what to produce and how much to produce, are regulated by state plans that reflect the basic economic laws of socialism and the laws of planned development of the national economy. Therefore, the state plan is the first thing that plays a decisive role, and the law of value is only the second thing that plays an influential role. In the process of distributing social labor, the law of value has its historical role on the one hand and its negative role on the other. After all, the law of value is the basic law of commodity production. It is the relic of the private economy and contains the germ of all contradictions of capitalism. Lenin pointed out: " '''The individual act of exchanging a certain commodity with other commodities, as a simple form of value, already contains all the main contradictions of capitalism that have not yet unfolded '''. " Philosophical Notes. The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 38, p. 190.Under socialist conditions, although the function of the law of value can be recognized by people and can be used consciously by people, as long as the law of value exists, it will bring the possibility to socialist enterprises: expanding the value embodied by the law of value The bourgeois right of the people is eager to produce those products whose prices are higher than their value, and are reluctant to produce those whose prices are lower than their value, or which are not much higher than their value in comparison, whether or not these products are needed by the state and the people. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the harm that the law of value may bring to the socialist economy. If no restrictions are imposed, it will impact the state plan, which will not only have a destructive effect on the development of the socialist economy, but will also inflate the bourgeois business style and the spontaneous capitalist forces, accelerate the formation of new bourgeois elements, and lead to the formation of internal party leaders. The establishment of the capitalist road corrupts and disintegrates the socialist economy. This negative effect of limiting or expanding the law of value is an important aspect of the struggle between two classes, two roads, and two lines in socialist revolution and construction. In the book "The Soviet Union's Wartime Economy during the Great Patriotic War", Woznetsensky, an authoritative member of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) who took the capitalist road, vigorously advocated expanding the role of the law of value, saying what the law of value should be. In a socialist economy, it is "a minimum law that determines the cost of production, the distribution of products and the exchange of products". Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping also tried their best to expand the role of the law of value, advocating the "omnipotence theory" of the law of value. Their characteristic is to talk about a "unified plan" away from the purpose of socialist production, and the soul of this plan is profit in command, that is, to let the law of value fully regulate social production. In his so-called "Regulations" to speed up industrial development, Deng Xiaoping talked about his "must strengthen the country's unified plan" on the premise of denying the purpose of socialist production. In addition, he also attacked the proletariat's criticism of profit in command as "one-sided opposition to profit", saying, "Isn't it saying that profit is in command, it doesn't matter if you are in command on this issue, or what does the state rely on?" The law of value fully regulates the insidious purpose of production. This line is the line of Soviet revisionism. If this revisionist line is allowed to run rampant, and socialist enterprises focus on profits, big profits, small profits, and no profits, it will inevitably impact and destroy the socialist planned economy, and the legal power of the bourgeoisie will expand viciously. , development will inevitably lead to the restoration of capitalist ownership. Therefore, the practice of the two-line struggle reflected on the issue of the law of value tells us that in order to correctly use the law of value to serve socialist production, we must draw a clear line between Marxism and revisionism, socialism and capitalism, and must not Take it lightly or you will get lost. === {{anchor|header-n8105}} {{anchor|Toc83471773}} Section 3 Consciously Use Objective Laws to Distribute Social Labor in Proportion === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471774}} {{anchor|header-n8106}} The process of distributing social labor is a contradictory process ==== Under socialist conditions, the distribution of labor in a certain proportion is not only regulated by the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy, but also influenced by the law of value. This is a major feature of the socialist economic movement. Due to the change of ownership, social production is no longer fully regulated by the law of value, as in capitalist society, so competition and production anarchy appear. There is a certain influence in the labor process, so it is different from the communist society. Marx once pointed out: “ '''The process of social life, the form of the process of material production, as the product of freely associating man, is under the conscious and planned control of man, that it lifts the veil of its own mystery. However, this requires a certain social material foundation or a series of material survival conditions, which themselves are natural products of long-term and painful historical development. '''" The Capital, Volume 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 97.proletarian socialist revolution, after intense class struggle, established the proletariat Class dictatorship and socialist production relations, at this time, the social qualitative production process begins to be under the conscious and planned control of human beings. The "mysterious veil" of social products began to be lifted, and the basic economic laws of socialism and the laws of planned and proportional development began to come into play. However, this is just the beginning. People in a socialist society are still divided into classes, and they have not yet fully reached the realm of "freely associated people" in a communist society. The union of people in a socialist society is also linked to commodity relations, so to a certain extent it is still shrouded in a "mysterious veil". The so-called law of value is, by its very nature, an alien force. Its movement is always more or less free from human conscious and planned control. In this way, the process of distributing social labor is bound to manifest itself as a process full of contradictions. In the process of socialist production, the law of value and the law of planned and proportional development are sometimes in the same direction. For example, the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy requires the accelerated development of the production of certain cash crops to meet the needs of the rapid development of certain light industries for raw materials, and the prices of these cash crops can also ensure that the agricultural collective economy will bring more 's earnings. Under such circumstances, the production increase requirements of the state plan are consistent with the requirements of the agricultural collective economy to increase production and income, and the production increase plan is generally easy to complete and overfulfilled. However, there are also inconsistencies in the direction in which these two laws act. For example, there is a law of planned development that requires accelerated development of cotton production, but if the price ratio of cotton and grain is unreasonable and the income that can be obtained from cotton planting is low, it will affect the completion of the cotton production plan. At this time, it is necessary to use the law of value to promote cotton production by appropriately raising the price of cotton. Of course, in this way, under certain conditions, the prices of some cash crops can bring more income to the collective economy, while other cash crops or food crops can only bring less income. In this case, some people will be keen to increase the production of crops with more income, which is not conducive to the requirements of the national economic plan for various crops to increase the production of various crops in an all-round way. It can be seen from this that when the two laws have the same effect, the law of value plays a positive role in promoting the completion of the national plan. When the functions of the two laws are inconsistent, the law of value will impact the completion of the national plan and play a negative role.
Take the early edamame beans and early tomatoes sown in the spring of 1974 in the suburbs of Shanghai , and the vegetables and spinach sown in autumn as examples: after deducting the production cost per mu, the net income of early edamame beans is 77.1 yuan, and the early tomatoes are 100 yuan. 93.7 yuan; the net income of Qiu Qingcai is 36.7 yuan, while the autumn spinach is 148.5 yuan. In order to make more money, some production teams did not follow the national plan, but planted at a price, and cut down the sown area of early edamame and autumn greens by a large margin, while greatly increasing the planting area of early tomatoes and autumn spinach. This change in the structure of vegetable varieties, which is not regulated by the law of planning but regulated by the law of value, will inevitably affect the market supply.
The fact that vegetable planting is regulated by the law of value can be changed. In fact, some advanced cooperatives and teams have always adhered to the principle of "planning first, price second" and planting vegetables in accordance with national plans. The vegetable fields of Yangjing Commune in Chuanxi County, Shanghai account for 61% of the total farmland area. In the past, they also had the law of value regulating vegetable production. However, after the Cultural Revolution, the commune party committee's consciousness of line struggle has been greatly improved. In vegetable cultivation, they: (1) Constantly criticize the spontaneous tendency of capitalism, correct Deal with the contradiction between "line" and "money": (2) Correctly handle the contradiction between production seasonality and market balance, and ensure that urban people often have vegetables to buy; (3) Plant according to residents' needs, and focus on vegetable production and supply. A new level; (4) Handle the relationship between vegetable growers and vegetable sellers, and serve vegetable eaters together. As a result, in 1975, compared with 1966, the vegetable yield per unit increased by 21%, and the average output value per mu increased by 52%. In this way, the planting plan issued by the state has been well completed, the needs of the society have been met, and the income of the members has been increased. Under the condition of public ownership, as long as there is the guidance of the correct line, the harm caused by the law of value can be limited.
Therefore, the so-called conscious application of the law of value is to fully understand the function of the law of value, to act according to the principle of "planning first, price second", relying on the state plan to guide social production, not relying on price to guide production. Otherwise, it will slip into the evil path of "the law of value is omnipotent" advocated by the revisionists. Because the law of value, as the law of commodity production, embodies a kind of bourgeois right, which breeds and produces bourgeois elements. Under the constraints of the basic socialist economic law and the law of planned and proportional development, the application of the law of value can urge all enterprises and economic departments to increase labor productivity, reduce the socially necessary labor time per unit of product, and make social labor work in a certain proportion. Rational distribution and redistribution will enable socialist production to develop more, faster, better, and more economically. However, once it is free from the constraints of the basic socialist economic laws and the laws of planned development, and from political and ideological work, the law of value will be like a wild horse that has run away, a flood that bursts a dyke, causing some people to take advantage of the deviation between price and value to pursue profits , destroy the planned distribution of social labor, cause chaos in production, and disintegrate the economic foundation of socialism. Therefore, the contradiction between the law of planned and proportional development and the law of value in the process of distributing social labor is necessarily manifested as the difference between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the socialist road and the capitalist road, the Marxist line and the revisionist line struggle. What the Soviet revisionist renegade clique said: "The performance of people's joint activities cannot be achieved spontaneously and through competition, because we have no antagonistic contradictions and interests, and no struggle of antagonistic forces." (Soviet Rumyance Fu et al. Editor: "Socialist Political Economy") This is not only a distortion of socialist economic relations, but also a cover up for the intense existence of the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class and the proletariat in the economic field after the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union. The struggle between the various groups of the monopoly bourgeoisie. Under socialist conditions, the distribution of social labor in accordance with the objective proportional relationship of the national economy is basically achieved through the planning of the national economy. Whether the national economic plan can correctly reflect the objective laws has a great relationship not only with socialist construction, but also with the ability to limit bourgeois legal rights in the process of production and exchange. If the planning ratio is not properly arranged and the production tasks are arranged too low, the social needs cannot be met, and there will be a disconnection in the supply of certain commodities. If the production task arrangement is high, or the material supply channel is not smooth, it will cause a gap in the supply of raw materials. The occurrence of the above two situations, the light ones make the enterprises find their own way to engage in barter; the more serious ones make the old and new bourgeoisie take advantage of the situation, carry out illegal arbitrage, and resell. In either case, conditions are created for the expansion of bourgeois legal rights and the restoration of capitalism. Plans are made by people and are ideological things. It is not easy to ensure that the plans formulated by the people correctly reflect the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy, and to correctly distribute labor in a certain proportion. In a socialist society, the planning process is full of fierce struggles between two classes and two lines. The struggle between the Marxist line and the revisionist line in the economic field should be reflected in the process of formulating plans: whether politics is in command or profit is in command; Quan, whether to implement the "Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution" or the "Maanshan Iron and Steel Constitution", whether to really care about the lives of the people or to engage in material incentives, to insist on independence and self-reliance, or to worship foreigners, surrender and betray the country...? These series of problems are related to the big question of whether to consolidate the socialist economic foundation or destroy it. If the revisionist line prevails in the planning process, it will restore the capitalist economy. The bourgeoisie within the party Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others are always deliberately trying to pull the socialist national economic plan onto the track of revisionism. Deng Xiaoping has been meddling in planning work during the year he resumed work. Under the black program of "three instructions as the key link", he put forward a whole set of revisionist lines for running enterprises, namely the so-called "Regulations" on speeding up industrial development. The revisionist plan of restoration and retrogression was imposed on the whole Party and the people of the whole country. State planning agencies at all levels are important positions in the struggle between the two lines in the process of formulating plans. It should be noted that the bureaucratic style of the state planning agencies is also an important condition for easily accepting the revisionist line. This bureaucratic style cannot reflect the vigorous creative spirit of the broad masses in a timely manner, and can only stifle the lively creative spirit of the broad masses, while the revisionist line hits it off. Therefore, in order for the socialist national economic plan to truly reflect the requirements of the basic socialist economic laws and the laws of planning, and to truly reflect the requirements of the Party's basic line, we must persist in the struggle against the revisionist line and the bourgeoisie within the Party, and at the same time, continuously Reform the state planning organs at all levels, eradicate the evil habits of bureaucracy, and make the state planning organs at all levels truly become tools of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Of course, in addition to being disrupted and interfered with by the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, socialist planning also has a process of understanding objective laws. It is difficult to understand the intricate proportional relationships in the national economy all at once. However, people should try their best to make their actions meet the requirements of the law of planned and proportional development within the scope permitted by objective conditions. As long as we firmly rely on the masses, constantly sum up experience, improve consciousness, overcome blindness, conduct in-depth investigation and research before formulating plans, clarify the situation, and arrange proportional relationships according to the inherent relationship of objective things, it is possible to did it. The correct application of the law of planned and proportional development will enable the interrelated sectors of the national economy to maintain a coordinated proportional relationship in the development process. However, this law cannot give us an indication of the direction of socialist economic development. It is the basic economic laws of socialism that point out the basic direction for the development of the socialist economy. Therefore, a correct national economic plan must first reflect the basic economic laws of socialism in all aspects. ==== {{anchor|header-n8119}} {{anchor|Toc83471775}} Conscious adjustment of social labor distribution is the superiority of socialist economy ==== Consciously regulating the distribution of social labor is a constant struggle process. This is because, in the development of a socialist economy, balance is always temporary and relative, while imbalance is constant and absolute. In the process of the development of the socialist economy, due to various subjective and objective reasons, the situation of breaking the balance and proportional relationship often occurs. The superiority of a socialist economy over a capitalist economy does not lie in the fact that the socialist economy does not have imbalances among various production sectors during its development, but in the fact that in a capitalist society based on private ownership , the imbalance between the various production departments cannot be overcome through people's conscious activities and planned adjustment, so it often develops into a serious disproportion, resulting in a huge waste of human, material and financial resources; A basic socialist society can constantly overcome imbalances and establish relative balance through people's conscious activities and through the adjustment of consciousness and the state's plan. " '''Regular, consciously maintained balance is, in effect, planning '''. " "Uncritical Criticism". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 3, p. 566.From balance to unbalance, and then from unbalance to balance, means breaking the old proportional relationship and establishing a new proportional relationship on the basis of a higher level of development, so that the socialist economy will be in the unity of opposites between balanced and unbalanced. Move forward quickly. Chairman Mao pointed out: " '''Objectively, the contradiction between social production and social needs that will exist for a long time needs to be adjusted by people through national plans. Our country makes an economic plan every year, and arranges the appropriate ratio of accumulation and consumption to obtain The balance between production and demand. The so-called balance is the temporary relative unity of contradictions. After a year, this balance, as a whole, is broken by the struggle of contradictions, the unity changes, the balance If it becomes unbalanced, unity becomes disunity, and it needs to be balanced and unified for the second year. This is the superiority of our planned economy. In fact, this balance and unity is partially broken every month and every season, and it is necessary to make partial adjustments. adjustment. '''" "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, pp. 463-464.This theory of Chairman Mao, using the viewpoint of materialist dialectics, clarifies the planned development of the socialist economy and its superiority, and is a development of Marxist political economy. The view that regards the planned and proportional development of the socialist economy as having no contradictions, for fear of imbalances, is a metaphysical view. The correct attitude is to conduct a realistic analysis of the imbalances in the national economy, and treat them differently. Due to the increased socialist enthusiasm of the workers in certain sectors, the over-fulfillment of the plan has broken the balance by saving raw materials, improving the utilization rate of equipment, and not increasing production. This is a good thing and should be welcomed. Due to mistakes in the work, the plan cannot be completed, and the imbalance caused by it should be learned from experience and lessons, and try to avoid it. No matter what the reason is, after the imbalance appears, it must be treated with a positive attitude, and in accordance with the requirements of the development of the entire national economy, the production of the temporarily backward sectors should be boosted in a timely manner to establish a new balance. This is the embodiment of the superiority of the socialist planned economy. In order to overcome the imbalance that often occurs and establish a relative balance, we must pay attention to the comprehensive work of balance. The overall balance is not the balance of individual production sectors, but the balance of the entire national economy based on the balance within agriculture, the balance within industry, and the balance between industry and agriculture. The task of comprehensive balance is mainly under the guidance of the Party's basic line, in accordance with the basic economic laws of socialism and the objective requirements of the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy, and taking into account the influence of the law of value on socialist production , to arrange the national economy. Allocating human, material and financial resources to various sectors of the national economy, establishing a balance between social production and social needs, so that the increase in the production of means of production is in line with the growing needs of socialist production, and the production of means of consumption The process of comprehensively balancing the growth of China's economy to meet the needs of the gradual improvement of people's lives is a process of exposing, analyzing, and resolving contradictions. In order to do a good job of comprehensive balance, we should use a positive attitude to deal with contradictions, actively promote short-term products Short-term products refer to products that are in short supply in a certain period of time. The "short-term balance" refers to a negative balance that accommodates short-term products., and accelerate the development of those temporarily backward sectors that are critical in the national economy, so as to achieve a new and higher level. Create a new balance. Only in this way can the needs of production and construction, national defense construction and people's livelihood be better met. Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping's group fought against Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line. Sometimes they put forward some "short-term balance" and so on, and they engaged in a negative balance of cutting high and low; When the target falls short, there will be a "cutting down and withdrawing enough", but also nonsense "the donkey walks slowly, but it is steady", and promotes a right opportunist line in the planning work or a "left" and real right opportunist line. Comprehensive balance is to establish the balance of the entire national economy, and the proportional relationship in the entire national economy is extremely complex and contains many contradictions, which requires an analysis of the overall situation. Chairman Mao taught: " '''We cannot treat all contradictions in the process equally, we must distinguish them into two categories, primary and secondary, and focus on catching the main contradiction '''. " "Contradiction". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 297.Applying this teaching of Chairman Mao to the comprehensive balance, that is to say, the various proportional relations of various sectors and regions of the national economy must not be treated equally regardless of priority, but must be distinguished from primary and secondary. Focus and general. Regardless of the priority, use the force equally, which is like pressing ten fleas with ten fingers at the same time, and as a result, none of them can be held down. Key departments and key enterprises play a key role in the development of the entire national economy, so they must take care of the key points and ensure that their needs are met first. However, guaranteeing the main point does not mean that the general can be ignored. There is a close interdependent relationship between the focus and the general. If the key points are not guaranteed, the general will not develop well, but if the general is ignored, the development of the key points will also be affected. Therefore, in the comprehensive and balanced work, we must implement the policy of " '''overall planning and appropriate arrangements '''", under the premise of taking care of the key points, while taking into account the general. We must start from the whole, look ahead and look back, take into account the relationship between up, down, left and right, and avoid making one-sided mistakes. In the comprehensive balance work, labor balance, material balance and capital balance must be taken into account. Since people are the most important factor in productivity, among the above three balances, the balance of labor must be arranged first. In arranging the balance of labor force, according to the principle that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, we must first ensure that the needs of agricultural production for labor force are met. Only under the conditions that agricultural production can provide surplus labor and more commodity grains and cash crops with the development of mechanization, an appropriate amount of labor can be transferred from agriculture to develop industry and other sectors of the national economy. Absent this precondition, excessive allocation of agricultural labor force will destroy the comprehensive balance, which is not conducive to the planned and proportional high-speed development of the national economy. There is always a process from the emergence of imbalances among various sectors of the national economy to the establishment of new balances. In order to ensure proportional development among the various departments in this process, certain material reserves must be established and maintained. The quantity of various types of material reserves must be appropriate. If the reserves are too small and cannot meet the needs of filling in the vacancies, some departments will be under-operated due to the shortage of certain materials, which will affect the high-speed development of the entire national economy. Excessive reserves of materials will cause a backlog of materials and funds, so that materials and funds that could have been used for current production cannot play their role, and it is not conducive to the high-speed development of the national economy. In the process of allocating social labor according to a certain proportion, in addition to the correct use of the basic method of comprehensive balance, some basic principles summed up from the practical experience of planning work must also be followed. First of all, in the work of national economic planning, both the central and local initiatives must be brought into play, combining the central and unified leadership with the local initiative. To formulate and implement a unified national economic plan, of course there must be a highly centralized unified leadership. In the work of national economic planning, if there is no centralized and unified leadership from the central government, without advocating a holistic view, without opposing decentralism, and letting each locality go its own way, it is impossible to have a unified national economic plan. However, the centralized leadership of socialism is based on broad democratic foundations. Central leadership and local initiative are mutually conditional. Lenin's elaboration of economic work " '''Our current task is to implement democratic centralism in the economy, and to ensure absolute rigor and unity in the work of economic enterprises such as railways, post and telecommunications, and other transportation; at the same time, in the true democratic sense The premise of centralism is the possibility, for the first time in history, of making not only local characteristics, but local initiative, initiative and various ways, ways and means of reaching the general goal, can develop fully and smoothly. '''”First draft of the article "The Present Tasks of Soviet Power". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 27, p. 190. In order to combine the centralized and unified leadership of the central government and give full play to the enthusiasm of local governments, when formulating national economic plans, we must focus on local governments and implement "bottom-up, combined with top and bottom; block-based and block-based". In the process of implementing the plan, it is also necessary to allow local special practices suitable for local conditions. This kind of special is not the special kind of making an independent kingdom, but the special special that is necessary for the overall interests, in order to fully tap the potential forces in production according to local conditions, and to better complete the unified national economic plan. From the perspective of the planning work system, it is to implement a system of unified planning and hierarchical management. Chairman Mao pointed out as early as the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China: " '''China is a big country, and it is necessary to establish such a powerful local organization in order to do things well. What should be unified must be unified, and it is never allowed to govern itself; but Unification and adapting measures to local conditions must be combined with each other. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, December 4, 1949.Chairman Mao later taught us many times, '''"It is much better to have two motivations than only one", and "under the unified plan of the central government, let the localities do more things" '''. Quoted from People's Daily, January 1, 1971.However, the bourgeoisie within the Party has always opposed this revolutionary line of Chairman Mao, and has always pursued a "dictatorship of rules and regulations" in the economic management system. Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping tried their best to implement the "dictatorship of the rules", and later Lin Biao also strengthened the "dictatorship of the rules". After Deng Xiaoping resumed his work, he re-engaged in the "dictatorship of rules and regulations". The so-called "dictatorship of rules" means to engage in bureaucratic monopoly and dictatorship. Its reactionary part is that it does not allow people to be motivated. The formulation of plans is to be done "strips" independently, not "blocks". Material distribution, implement "uniform collection and distribution", and oppose local matching and local supply. Fiscal revenue and expenditure, depleted water and fishing, deduct local financial resources. After Deng Xiaoping returned to work, he viciously slandered the good situation of the economic front as "chaotic", "scattered" and "slow " . slow". Deng Xiaoping reintroduced the "dictatorship of rules and regulations", resisting the Party Central Committee, being domineering and domineering at the local level, engaging in sharp confrontation with the masses, and servile to the foreigners. His evil purpose is to facilitate the implementation of a revisionist line from top to bottom and to change the socialist economy into a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist economy. To engage in "dictatorship of rules" is to engage in the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The "dictatorship of every rule" is opposed to the dictatorship of the proletariat and is incompatible with Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. In the planning work, it is necessary to thoroughly criticize and completely overthrow the "dictatorship of every rule" politically, theoretically and ideologically. Secondly, " '''When formulating plans, the masses must be mobilized, and sufficient leeway must be left. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, February 21, 1969.This is an extremely important principle in the work of national economic planning. Each production plan should have material guarantees such as raw materials and accessories. Some plans have gaps in materials. By saving and tapping potentials, the gap is turned into a full mouth to ensure the completion of the plan. this is normal phenomenon. But be against the gap too large. Because the gap is too large, it not only undermines the seriousness of the plan, but also dampens the enthusiasm of the masses. Socialist construction is the people's own cause. Therefore, planning work must fully trust the masses, follow the mass line, expose contradictions, find gaps, and promote the transformation of which products and how much an enterprise should produce. The leaders of the enterprise should focus on the situation and be motivated. , hand over tasks to the masses, hand in the situation, hand in the measures, hand in the difficulties, and mobilize the masses to discuss. This is an important sign that workers are the masters of the country. Plans and targets are not discussed by the masses, and the ideas belong to the cadres; after they are discussed by the masses, they become the plans of the masses themselves. Program metrics should be advanced. Only advanced planning can boost morale. In order to develop advanced plans, it is necessary to fight against bourgeois ideology. Some people clearly know that the production potential is great, but they set the planned target very low, in order to use more over-produced products as a bargaining chip for unplanned cooperation; or they do not start from the needs of the country and choose the thin; ; Or one-sided pursuit of output value, ignoring variety and quality. It is clear that if bourgeois ideology is allowed to overflow and is not fought against, it is impossible to formulate scientific plans that reflect objective reality. The process of formulating plans is also the process of struggle between proletarian ideology and bourgeois ideology. The planned indicators should be advanced, but this does not mean that the higher the indicators, the better, and it can be increased or doubled without any basis. High indicators that are separated from objective possibilities will not only fail to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, but will inevitably dampen the enthusiasm of the masses. Advanced planning indicators must be scientifically based, reliable and practical. Chairman Mao taught: " '''No one can think wildly without any basis, and can not go beyond the conditions permitted by the objective situation to plan their own actions, and do not reluctantly do those things that can't be done '''. " Chairman Mao: Preface to "The Socialist Upsurge in China's Rural Areas". "The Socialist Upsurge of China's Rural Areas," Vol. 1, p. 4.If you think you can't do something and don't do it, that's called right-leaning conservative. If there is no sufficient basis, and if it does not work, it is called blindness, and it is called "left" and "right". The plan should not only oppose the right-leaning conservatives, but also oppose the "Left" and the real Right. The plan should be based on a well-founded foundation that can be accomplished through hard work. Third, when formulating capital construction plans, the principle of concentrating forces to fight the war of annihilation should be followed. The human, material and financial resources that can be used for capital construction within a certain period are limited. If the capital construction front is too long and the projects launched are greedy for more and bigger projects, it will inevitably prolong the time for completion and production. If we concentrate on fighting the war of annihilation , we can build it early and put it into production. Assume that our capital construction funds are sufficient to build five hundred projects during a five-year plan period. There are two approaches here: one is that 500 projects are launched at the same time, and the construction funds are used in a decentralized manner. By the last year of the five-year plan, 500 projects will be completed at the same time. In this case, the construction period for each project is five years. Another approach is to launch 100 projects every year and use the construction funds in a centralized manner. In five years, 100 projects will be completed every year. Then, the construction period of each project can be greatly shortened. It can be seen that Chairman Mao's principle of concentrating forces to fight a war of annihilation is not only an effective method of warfare in the military, but also a principle that must be followed when formulating capital construction plans. Some departments and units sometimes fail to implement this principle well. This is due to the misconduct of the idea of selfishness regardless of the overall situation, and the lack of understanding of the harm caused by violating this principle. In order to implement this principle, it is necessary to strengthen the propaganda and education of the principle of concentrating on fighting the war of annihilation, and to fight against views and actions that only care about local needs and ignore overall interests. Fourth, the national economic planning work must implement a combination of long-term plans (five-year plans and long-term plans for ten and twenty years) and short-term plans (annual plans, quarterly plans, and monthly plans). Without a long-term plan, it will be difficult to make planned arrangements for capital construction. Long-term plans reflect long-term goals, so that people's vision is not limited to one step ahead, so that people can stand tall, see far, and be motivated. The worker comrades said it well: "Without a big goal in the chest, a straw can stoop to the waist; with a big goal in the chest, Mount Tai will not stoop to the top." It is convenient for inspection and evaluation during the implementation process. In this way, the realization of the long-term plan will not fail. The planning work in the economy of socialist collective ownership has its own characteristics. The collectively-owned economy must obey the leadership of the state's unified economic plan, but it can maintain more flexibility and independence without violating the state's unified plan, policies and decrees, so as to adapt to local conditions and fully mobilize the collective economy's enthusiasm and enthusiasm for developing socialist production. initiative, so that the collective economy has achieved rapid development. == {{anchor|header-n8148}} {{anchor|Toc83471776}} Chapter 5 Socialist Agriculture and Industry == === {{anchor|Toc83471777}} {{anchor|header-n8149}} Section 1 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471778}} {{anchor|header-n8150}} The basic role of agriculture in the socialist national economy ==== Agriculture and industry are the two main branches of material production of the socialist national economy. Analyzing how the two major departments of agriculture and industry depend on each other, restrict each other, and exchange activities with each other in accordance with certain laws, is an important issue in the study of the proportional distribution of total social labor in the national economy. " '''Agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor '''" is the general policy for the development of China's socialist national economy formulated by Chairman Mao himself. Why should the development of the socialist national economy be based on agriculture and lead by industry? If not, what are the consequences? To understand this problem, we must understand the relationship between agriculture and industry, and especially understand why agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Why is agriculture the foundation of the national economy? One of the simplest reasons is: people want to produce, or engage in cultural and social activities, they must first obtain the necessary material means of subsistence and solve the problem of eating. If there is no labor engaged in the production of material means of subsistence, all other labor or activities are impossible to speak of. Marx pointed out: " '''All labor is first and foremost for the appropriation and production of food '''". Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 713.Agricultural labor is the labor engaged in the production of means of living and the labor of providing food. It is the most necessary condition for human existence and all production. Only after agricultural production has developed to a certain extent, can other sectors of the national economy emerge than agriculture. Agriculture turned out to be the only productive sector in the early days of human society. At that time, although there was labor and textile labor for making tools for agricultural production, this industrial labor and agricultural labor were not separate. If we call the economy at that time also the national economy, then agriculture was the only sector of the "national economy" at that time. Besides agriculture, under what circumstances did other branches of the national economy subsequently arise? Marx pointed out that the total labor of a part of society employed in agriculture " '''must be sufficient to produce the necessary food for the whole society, and therefore also for the non-agricultural workers; that is, to enable the agricultural and industrial workers to carry out this great division of labor. possible '''” Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 716.. Marx's historical summary of the occurrence of social division of labor clearly tells us that only when the labor productivity of agriculture has increased to a certain level, will other sectors of the national economy occur. Therefore, the certain development of agricultural production is the basis for the independence of other branches of the national economy. After these production sectors become independent from agriculture, further development must be based on the development of agriculture. This is because agricultural labor productivity has increased, and it is possible to provide society with more living materials and labor to meet the development needs of other sectors. Assuming that there are 400 million laborers in the country, and 300 million laborers need to be spent on agricultural labor to solve the problem of food and provide other necessary means of subsistence, then only 100 million laborers are left to do other things. Suppose further that the productivity of agricultural labor increases, and only 100 million laborers are needed to engage in agricultural production among the same 400 million laborers, then 300 million laborers can be engaged in other labors or activities. As Marx pointed out: " '''The less time society needs to produce wheat, livestock, etc., the more time it takes for other material and spiritual production. '''" Marx: "On Monetary, One of the Economic Manuscripts of 1857-1858". Quoted from "Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin on Communist Society", People's Publishing House, 1958 edition, p. 67.Marx was analyzing the law of development of the capitalist economy At the time, the total labor of the society was divided into two parts: necessary labor and surplus labor, and labor that provided material living means for the whole society, such as agriculture, was called necessary labor See Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 713; p. 716.. This also applies under socialist conditions. Within the total labor time of the society, only if the productivity of agricultural labor, which is necessary labor, increases, and the time required for this necessary labor is saved, the time used for other production can be increased. This shows that the improvement of agricultural labor productivity is also the basis for the further development of other sectors of the national economy. Agriculture is the foundation of human existence and the foundation for the independence and further development of other sectors of the national economy. This is the objective economic law of the development of human society. Marx pointed out: " '''The productivity of agricultural labor, which exceeds the individual needs of the laborer, is the foundation of all societies '''. "Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 885. In the capitalist world, we can often see that some countries are relatively developed in industry, while agriculture is relatively backward, and there is not even much agriculture. Does this mean that the development of capitalist production can be divorced from the foundation of agriculture? Do not! The development of capital is not only based on domestic agriculture, but also on foreign agriculture under certain conditions. Some capitalist countries obtain agricultural products through foreign trade, especially by exploiting and plundering the vast majority of people in colonial and semi-colonial countries, and laying the foundation for the development of their own industries. Marx regarded the capitalist world as an organically connected whole, he pointed out: " '''A certain stage of development of agriculture, whether domestic or foreign, is the basis for the development of capital. '''"Marx: The Theory of Surplus Value. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 26, Vol. 1, p. 23. The economy of contemporary Soviet revisionist social imperialism is no exception. In order to realize his ambition to dominate the world, the Soviet revisionists desperately developed the military industry and expanded their armaments to prepare for war, resulting in a serious backwardness of agriculture, which in turn determined that it must be based on foreign agriculture at the same time In terms of the population of the Soviet Union, the contradiction between food production and demand is very serious. In 1975, the total grain output of the Soviet Union fell to about 137 million tons, one-third less than the planned target. In normal years, there is a shortage of more than 10 million tons of grain every year. In order to rescue the crisis, Su Xiu tried his best to buy food from the world market. According to reports, in 1969, the Soviet Union imported more than 10 million tons of grain. From the winter of 1972 to the first half of 1973, it imported nearly 30 million tons of grain. In the following two years, it imported more than 20 to 30 million tons of grain every year. . The Soviet revisionists also plundered a large number of agricultural and sideline products from abroad, and turned Bulgaria, Hungary, Cuba, and Mongolia, among the member states of the "Merchant for Economic Cooperation," into their agricultural product supply bases and orchards. As far as livestock products are concerned, the Soviet revisionists have long been plundering Mongolia. From 1961 to 1965, Su Xiu imported 5.5 million live livestock from Mongolia each year; since the 1970s, it has exceeded 10 million each year. Such plundering forced the Mongolian meat consumption to drop from 125 kilograms in 1960 to 101 kilograms in 1972. In 1975, the Mongi authorities had asked the people in the country to switch to eating wild animal meat to solve the problem of insufficient meat supply.. The fundamental role of agriculture in the socialist national economy is more evident than in any previous society. This is because socialist public ownership closely links all sectors of the national economy into a whole, and in order to meet the needs of the entire society, the state can plan and arrange the labor of all sectors in a proportionate manner. It is possible to consciously apply the objective law that agriculture is the foundation. The socialist economy is an independent and self-reliant economy, and its development must be based on the development of the country's agriculture. In this way, the role of agriculture in the development of the entire national economy will become more prominent. The development of the national economy of a socialist country must be based on agriculture, which can be clearly seen from the following aspects. If we look at the production of socialist agriculture from the perspective of direct social production, then it is a process of planned production of special use values such as grain, non-staple food and industrial raw materials. The grains and non-staple foods produced through such a process are not only used to meet the living needs of the agricultural workers themselves, but also provide food for the non-agricultural workers of the whole society. When agricultural production starts, the amount of food and non-staple food provided to the society increases, so that various social undertakings can be developed accordingly, and people's lives can be improved accordingly. At the same time, socialist agricultural products (especially cash crops) are also an important source of industrial raw materials. Heavy industry needs certain agricultural products as raw materials, and light industry needs a lot of agricultural products as raw materials. At present, about 70% of the raw materials used in my country's light industry come from agriculture. If we look at socialist agricultural production from the perspective of commodity production, then agriculture and industry are mutual markets in commodity exchange. The more food and raw materials that agriculture provides to the society, marks a corresponding increase in the sale of industrial products to the countryside. With the gradual realization of mechanization of agriculture and the continuous improvement of farmers' lives, the role of the countryside as an important market for industrial products will become increasingly evident. Agriculture, an extremely broad market, is an important source of capital accumulation necessary for the development of industry. In addition, some of the value created by agricultural labor also provides the country with the necessary capital accumulation in the form of agricultural taxes. Socialist agriculture is also the main source of labor for industry and other sectors. The development of industry, transportation and commerce requires an increase in the workforce. This part of the labor force, in addition to relying on the department's efforts to improve labor productivity and using the saved labor force to meet the growing demand, mainly relies on the agricultural sector to provide. The expansion of the labor force in industry and other sectors depends on the amount of agricultural products produced by agricultural laborers that exceeds their own consumption, and on the increase in the productivity of agricultural labor. The prominent role of agriculture in the socialist national economy requires people to more consciously grasp and apply the law that agriculture is the foundation to serve the construction of socialism. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and this law is realized in capitalist society as an alien force of people under the commodity system. In a capitalist society, only when the agricultural sector is profitable will there be a large transfer of capital to agriculture, thereby enabling the development of agricultural production. Under the conditions of socialism, the basic role of agriculture in the national economy, although it still needs to be manifested through commodity-money relations, cannot be freed from the constraints of commodity-money relations like in the advanced stage of communism. However, due to the establishment of socialist public ownership, the basic role of agriculture through the commodity system has, on the whole, been governed by the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy, and can already be distributed among the total social labor according to a plan Agricultural labor has brought about a great change in ownership, showing that for the first time in human history it is possible to more consciously apply the objective law that agriculture is the foundation. The planned distribution of socialist agricultural labor is intertwined with commodity-money relations. The most obvious thing is that the basic role of agriculture is largely reflected in the commodity rate of agricultural products. There are two parts in the products of socialist agriculture: one part is the products that meet the farmers' individual and collective self-sufficiency needs, and the other part is the commodities provided to meet the needs of the non-agricultural workers of the whole society. The greater the commodity volume in agricultural products, that is, the higher the commodity rate of agricultural products, the greater the contribution of agriculture to industry and other sectors of the national economy. Under the condition that people's consumption level of grain and non-staple food remains unchanged, the amount of commodity grain and non-staple food that agriculture can provide determines how much labor force industry and other sectors can accommodate; the amount of commodity raw materials and cash crops in agriculture determines the use of agricultural products as the The scale of development of those industrial production of raw materials. The development of agricultural commodity production means an increase in the collective peasants' monetary income, which means an increase in their purchasing power for industrial products; that is to say, the commodity rate of agricultural products determines the size of the industrial product market to a certain extent. Agriculture and industry are each other’s markets in commodity exchange, so the increase in the commodity rate of agricultural products promotes the development of the entire socialist commodity economy, which is bound to accumulate more funds for the expansion of reproduction for the socialist countries, thereby improving the Have the ability to speed up the pace of socialist construction. As far as the process of socialist production and reproduction is concerned, the premise is always to meet the needs of collective peasants' self-sufficient products, otherwise reproduction will not be possible. With the development of agricultural production, the absolute quantity of the self-sufficiency part and the commodity part will increase accordingly. Since the self-sufficiency part has a certain limit, relatively speaking, the commodity part will always increase faster. As far as the whole society is concerned, the commodity rate of agricultural products varies from place to place, and changes in the production level will also affect the change in the commodity rate. If the state does not proceed from the actual local conditions, the excessive purchase of agricultural products will affect the satisfaction of the farmers' self-sufficiency, affect the collective farmers' enthusiasm for production, and thus affect the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance. On the contrary, if we only care about the needs of farmers for self-sufficient products, and ignore the needs of the country and society for agricultural commodities, it will weaken the role that agriculture should play, affect the pace of socialist construction, and thus affect the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance. So reflected in the ratio of the two parts of agricultural products, there is a problem of correctly handling the relationship between the state, the collective and the individual farmers. At different stages of revolutionary development, Chairman Mao made systematic and incisive expositions on the proportion of agricultural labor in the total social labor and on how to develop agriculture. As early as January 1934, Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"Agricultural production is the first priority in our economic construction '''"Our Economic Policy". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 117.. " In 1945, Chairman Mao further analyzed the basic role of agriculture in his report "On Coalition Government" and pointed out: '''"The peasants—this is the predecessor of the Chinese workers. In the future, tens of millions of peasants will enter the cities. , into the factory". "Farmers - this is the main body of China's industrial market. Only they can supply the most abundant grain and raw materials, and absorb the largest amount of industrial products. '''" "On Coalition Government". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 978.In 1948, it was more clear in his speech at the Jinsui Cadre Conference The question of the foundation of agriculture was mentioned, Chairman Mao said: '''"Abolishing the feudal system and developing agricultural production lays the foundation for the task of developing industrial production and transforming an agricultural country into an industrial country '''"Speech at the Jinsui Cadre Meeting". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1211.. " After our country entered the stage of socialist revolution, Chairman Mao has repeatedly expounded the idea that agriculture is the foundation of the development of the national economy. Chairman Mao repeatedly emphasized that in the entire national economy, the development of agriculture should be given top priority, '''"without agriculture, there would be no light industry", "with the development of agriculture and light industry, heavy industry has a market, and with funds, it will be more efficient. develop rapidly" '''"On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 496.. Later, Chairman Mao successively put forward a series of brilliant ideas such as the simultaneous development of industry and agriculture, and the arrangement of the national economy in the order of agriculture, lightness, and importance. policy. Chairman Mao repeatedly asked us to attach importance to agriculture, "store grain widely", and warned us that we could not rely on foreign countries to eat. Relying on foreign countries for food, independence and self-reliance are empty words. Chairman Mao's important expositions on agriculture, light industry and heavy industry enriched and developed the basic principles of Marxist political economy, revealed the internal connection between agriculture and industry under socialist conditions, and theoretically armed the broad masses of cadres and the masses. Repairing prevention and repairing, developing the socialist economy in a faster, better and more economical way points out the way forward. The practice of our country's socialist construction shows that if socialist agriculture is done well and grows fast, it can provide more grain, non-staple food and raw materials, continuously open up the important market in the countryside, and all sectors of the national economy can also obtain faster agricultural production. development; on the contrary, if agriculture is not well done, it will slow down, and other sectors will also develop slowly. The Great Leap Forward of our national economy that started in 1958 started with the Great Leap Forward of Agriculture. During the three years of natural disasters, agricultural harvests failed and the supply of commercial crops decreased, which greatly affected the development of various sectors of the national economy. From 1962 onwards, agricultural harvests continued to be bumper year after year, and our country's industry and other sectors of the national economy also experienced vigorous development accordingly. ==== {{anchor|header-n8185}} {{anchor|Toc83471779}} The fundamental way out of agriculture lies in mechanization ==== Under the conditions of socialism, the soaring wings of agriculture can promote the economic growth of the whole country. People consciously apply the basic law of agriculture, and they must put the development of agriculture in the first place and improve agricultural labor productivity as soon as possible. In socialist countries where the degree of agricultural mechanization is not high and the level of productivity is low, the development of agriculture should be given an extremely important position. Our country was originally a backward agricultural country. In addition to the collectivization of agriculture, the revolution of the agricultural production mode also has the problem of realizing agricultural mechanization on the basis of collectivization. On the basis of the scattered small-scale peasant economy like the ocean, it is impossible to use mechanical farming at all, so agricultural collectivization is the premise of agricultural mechanization. On the basis of agricultural collectivization, farmers have the conditions and requirements to change production tools, adopt machine farming, and develop productive forces as soon as possible. Therefore, agricultural mechanization is the inevitable trend of agricultural collectivization The agricultural mechanization we are talking about here refers to agricultural modernization, which includes all departments and places that can be operated by machines, such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and by-fishing. means of production.. The practice of the international communist movement has proved that if collectivization fails, even if machine farming is adopted, agriculture will not be able to go up. As a result, not only will the problem of food not be solved, but also the rural areas will be rapidly polarized, and capitalist forces will inevitably regain development. . The poor and lower-middle peasants in our country put it well: if they do not engage in collectivization, they will be polarized; my country's agriculture has basically completed the socialist transformation of ownership. On the basis of continuously consolidating the collective economy of the people's communes, it has become an inevitable trend to arm agriculture with modern large machinery and science and technology to rapidly increase agricultural labor productivity. . Chairman Mao pointed out as early as 1955 when the socialist upsurge occurred in our country's rural areas: " '''China can only complete socialist transformation thoroughly in terms of the social and economic system, and in terms of technology, in all departments and localities that can be operated by machinery. Only by using all machine operations can the social and economic situation be completely changed. '''”"On the Problem of Agricultural Cooperatives". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 432. The continuous consolidation and improvement of the collective ownership of the rural people's communes is inseparable from the continuous development of the productive forces. "The fundamental way out of agriculture lies in mechanization", and its meaning is here.
The Dazhai Brigade of Xiyang County, Shanxi Province, in the process of marching towards agricultural mechanization, after years of hard work, by 1975, the whole brigade had more than 80 agricultural machinery. , which is equivalent to doubling and a half the labor force of the entire brigade.
The realization of agricultural mechanization and the use of machines in farming, sowing, harvesting, and transportation can double, ten, or even hundreds of times increase the productivity of agricultural labor, free farmers from heavy manual labor, and save a lot of labor.
The conditions of agricultural production are different from those of industry, and are often influenced to a large extent by natural conditions. However, "man will conquer the sky". With the development of agricultural mechanization, it is possible to continuously change the situation of relying on the sky to achieve stable and high yield in agriculture.
The predecessor of the Xipu Brigade in Zunhua County, Hebei Province was a cooperative led by Wang Guofan, who was famous throughout the country in the cooperative movement. When the cooperative was established, the poor and lower-middle peasants carried forward the spirit of "poor stick" and overcame the difficulty of severely lacking production materials in the early stage of the cooperative. After establishing cooperatives and people's communes, they continued to carry forward the "poor stick" spirit and started agricultural mechanization. During the three years from 1971 to 1973, the brigade purchased more than 170 sets (pieces) of various agricultural machinery with the funds accumulated by itself. The pace of agricultural mechanization has been increased, and the ability to resist disasters has become stronger, and agricultural production has achieved stable and high yields year after year. In 1970, the yield per mu of grain exceeded the "Yangtze River", and in 1974 the yield per mu reached 1,350 catties.
Since 1956, Shanghai County in Shanghai has focused on the mechanization of irrigation and drainage for eight years; after another three years, the mechanization of threshing, agricultural and sideline products processing and feed processing has basically been realized; after another four years, the main focus is on mechanization of cultivated land. , so that the area of machine farming reached 80%, and then it took another three years to basically realize the mechanization of paddy field operations. By the end of 1974, the county had more than 2,000 mixed tractors, one for every 190 mu of land on average; 98.3% of the county's land was irrigated by electromechanical systems. Plant protection, rice and wheat threshing, agricultural and sideline products processing, and long-distance water and land transportation have also been mechanized and semi-mechanized; the mechanization of seedling pulling, transplanting, rice cultivation, and harvesting is also rapidly developing. Mechanization has promoted the continuous improvement of agricultural production levels. Since 1970, the county's more than 180,000 mu of grain fields have all achieved the three-cropping system, and the annual per mu grain yield has been revised for two consecutive years since 1973.
Agricultural mechanization can greatly improve labor productivity and promote agricultural production to advance in depth and breadth. Since the purchase of large and medium-sized agricultural machinery requires more funds, and needs to be arranged and used uniformly within the brigade or commune, its benefits can be fully exerted. Therefore, the development of agricultural mechanization will inevitably promote the commune-level and brigade-level collectives The development and expansion of the economy has continuously increased the degree of public ownership of the collective economy of the people's communes, which is conducive to narrowing the differences between production teams, promoting the transition from the current basic ownership of production teams to basic ownership by brigade, and promoting the transformation of small-scale production. Traditional ideas and old habits help to limit bourgeois rights. The realization of agricultural mechanization will have far-reaching significance for the gradual narrowing of the differences between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas. The improvement of agricultural labor productivity will provide a solid foundation for the development of industry; the development of industry will further support and promote the mechanization of agriculture. The mutual promotion between workers and peasants, and the alliance of workers and peasants under the leadership of the working class will also be further consolidated on a new basis. The process of socialist agricultural mechanization is full of struggles between two classes, two roads and two lines. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, he criticized Liu Shaoqi's group's advocacy of "the Chinese people do not need mechanization", "the mountainous area cannot be mechanized", "intensive farming cannot be mechanized" and other fallacies against agricultural technological transformation, Chairman Mao's comments on agricultural mechanization A series of instructions have been further rooted in the hearts of the people, and the enthusiasm of relevant departments and farmers to develop agricultural mechanization has been greatly improved. With the rapid development of China's industry, especially the local small-scale industry, and the strengthening of support for agriculture from all walks of life, under the guidance of the Party's basic line , the agricultural machinery manufacturing formulated by the Party Central Committee is mainly local, and agricultural machinery products are mainly produced. Under the guidance of the correct policy of focusing on small and medium-sized agricultural machinery and purchasing agricultural machinery mainly by collectives, agricultural mechanization in China has developed rapidly.
Compared with 1965, my country's rural electricity consumption increased by 2.8 times; the amount of chemical fertilizer application increased by nearly 1.9 times; the number of tractors (mixed tractors) increased by 2.2 times, and the number of walking tractors increased 74.8 times, the actual area of machine farming has increased by about 70%; the power irrigation and drainage machinery has also increased by 2.8 times. More than 90% of the counties in the country have agricultural machinery repair factories.
==== {{anchor|header-n8202}} {{anchor|Toc83471780}} Agricultural Science Dazhai ==== In order to give full play to its basic role, agriculture must further realize agricultural mechanization on the basis of consolidating and developing agricultural collectivization; and the realization of agricultural mechanization and the development of agricultural production must be commanded by revolution. The Dazhai Brigade of the Dazhai Commune in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province is a red flag for the construction of socialist agriculture by insisting on the dictatorship of the proletariat and continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat after basically completing the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production in rural my country. It is a model for developing socialist agriculture in accordance with Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line. "Learn from Dazhai in agriculture" is a great call issued by Chairman Mao.
Before the collectivization of agriculture, the competition team was a poor mountainous area with extremely poor production conditions with "seven ditches, eight beams and one slope", "the mountains are high and there are many rocks, and they climb the slopes when they go out. The entire Dazhai Brigade has a total of 83 households with a population of more than 450. However, from 1971 to 1974, they moved 33 hills, large and small, filled in 15 ditches, moved Nearly 700,000 square meters of soil and stones were used, and the original 4,700-odd pieces of land were merged into 2,900 pieces of land, and then transformed into 1,500 pieces of land. Now the Dazhai Brigade has appeared many "small artificial plains", and half of the land can be cultivated by machinery. The people of Dazhai managed the mountains and changed the soil, changed the production conditions, and the production landscape has undergone great changes.
Before liberation, the average grain yield in Dazhai was less than 100 catties per mu, and the maximum total output was 80,000 catties. In 1974, the total output reached 770,000 catties. The income of forestry, animal husbandry and sideline business increased seventy-six times in 1974 compared with 1955 in the early stage of the cooperative development. In the same year, the total revenue of the entire brigade reached more than 194,800 yuan, an increase of more than ten times over 1955. From 1955 to 1958, Dazhai sold an average of 105,000 catties of grain per year; from 1959 to 1970, an average of 245,000 catties a year; from 1971 to 1974, an average of 245,000 catties per year Thirty-three thousand pounds. The latter figure has more than tripled the total grain output before liberation.
With the development of agricultural productivity, the commodity rate of agricultural products in Dazhai Brigade is not high, which fully reflects the role of agriculture in promoting industry and the entire national economy. Why did the Dazhai Brigade have such a big change? The key is that the Dazhai Brigade, under the leadership of the Party branch, adheres to the principle of class struggle, adheres to the basic line of the party, and insists on continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, so that the revolution drives the great development of production. Dazhai has always adhered to the party's basic line, constantly waged a tit-for-tat struggle against revisionism and capitalism, consolidated and developed the collective economy; insisted on educating peasants with Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and worked hard to eliminate the influence of the bourgeoisie and other exploiting classes , to get rid of the traditional concept of small production; to carry out the revolution in the superstructure and production relations, constantly restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and implement a comprehensive dictatorship over the bourgeoisie.
Around 1961 , Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and his group cooperated with the Soviet revisionists to rampantly oppose China. When serious natural disasters occurred in China for three consecutive years, a demonic wind to restore capitalism was blown up. Some people said: "In this difficult time, you can try it alone!" The poor and lower-middle peasants of the Dazhai brigade said: "I have tried for so many lives, and shed a lot of blood and tears, haven't I tried enough?! "At that time, there were people who came to buy Dazhai's forage at a high price, but Dazhai didn't sell it, but only sold it at a fair price.
In 1963, Dazhai was swept away by a catastrophic flood and destroyed and collapsed. The state sent relief funds and materials, but the poor and lower-middle peasants of the Dazhai brigade insisted not to. If they have the idea of reaching out to the country, they will lose the idea of relying on the masses, socialist collective strength, and hard struggle, and the pace of rebuilding Dazhai will be slower. During the socialist education movement in 1964, the work team implemented the "Taoyuan Experience" in Dazhai. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, in order to hide their counter-revolutionary appearance, the Lin Biao anti-Party clique played a two-faced approach. For a period of time, they carried out formalist activities everywhere, but the poor and lower-middle peasants of the Dazhai brigade felt that it was of little use in real life. Hardly don't do it. After the Cultural Revolution, he deeply criticized the counter-revolutionary revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao, and achieved great victories. However, in 1975, Deng Xiaoping, the general representative of the bourgeoisie in the party, trumpeted the "theory of extinction of class struggle" and the "theory of only productive forces". The Party branch of the Dazhai Brigade resolutely resisted this right-leaning trend of overturning the verdict, resolutely led the masses to adhere to the class struggle as the key link, insisted on studying Chairman Mao's writings, and a large number of revisionists and capitalists. At the same time, it also mobilized the masses to comprehensively sum up their experience in the struggle to restrict bourgeois legal rights, educated cadres and the masses to be promoters of restricting bourgeois legal rights, worked hard to eradicate the breeding ground for capitalism and the bourgeoisie, and actively consolidated and developed new socialist things.
The road that Dazhai takes is not a simple road to control mountains and waters, nor is it a simple road to increase grain output. Its experience is very rich, and it is concentrated on one point, that is, it has always adhered to the program of class struggle, and a large number of revisionists, a large number of capitalists, and a large number of socialism. To learn agriculture from Dazhai, the first and most important thing is to learn this fundamental experience and solve the problem of the direction and road of agricultural development. It is very different to learn agriculture from Dazhai or not. Countless cases have shown that if you do not learn from Dazhai, you will focus on production and production will fail. After learning from Dazhai, grasping proletarian politics, and using revolution to command production, profound changes will take place in people's spirituality, and the face of agricultural production will be completely changed.
Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Xiyang County, where the Dazhai Brigade was located, was disturbed and destroyed by Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line, and did not earnestly carry out the mass movement to learn agriculture from Dazhai, and the development of agricultural production was very slow. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the broad masses of poor and lower-middle peasants and revolutionary cadres in Xiyang County deeply criticized Liu Shaoqi's counter-revolutionary revisionist line, vigorously and earnestly launched the Dazhai Agriculture Movement, resisted the interference and destruction of Lin Biao's revisionist line, and the entire county The people fought against each other and rearranged the mountains and rivers. As a result, the land appearance of the county has undergone great changes, and agricultural production has developed rapidly. In 1966, the total grain output of the whole county was more than 80 million pieces. In 1967, Dazhai began to learn. Outline. From 1972 to 1975, there were three consecutive years of severe drought, but still achieved high yields. In 1975, the total grain output reached 230 to 900 million catties, three times the highest annual output before the Cultural Revolution; the commercial grain sold to the country reached 80 million catties, more than ten times the highest sales volume before the Cultural Revolution.
In Jinshan County, Shanghai, before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, also due to the disturbance of the revisionist line, the progress of agricultural production was not fast. In 1965, the grain yield per mu was only 919 catties, which was more than 10% lower than the average yield per mu of ten counties in the suburbs of Shanghai. In 1970, the county party committee put forward the slogan "Work hard for three to five years, and vow to turn Jinshan into a Dazhai". However, after two years in 1970 and 1971, the production progress was still very small. Where is the problem? They conducted in-depth investigation and research, dissected typical examples, and found that the root cause was that Xue Dacha did not learn the fundamental experience of Dazhai. For example, the root cause of Jin Discovery in the same county is that learning from Dazhai did not learn the fundamental experience of Dazhai. For example, the 82 brigade and the permanent brigade of the Jinwei commune in the county, the village by the village, and Tian Liantian, were originally advanced units that learned from Dazhai, but around 1970, it was different. The 82 Brigade adheres to the party's basic line, pays close attention to class struggle, and earnestly implements the policies of "taking agriculture as the foundation, industry as the leading" and "taking grain as the key link, and developing in an all-round way", working hard, farming scientifically, and learning from Dazhai Step by step, the official grain output in 1971 reached 1,838 catties; however, the permanent brigade loosened the string of class struggle at that time, capitalist tendencies were on the rise, emphasising money over grain, labor outflows, and as a result, collective Root food production is reduced, and the income of members is reduced. After summarizing the above typical experience, the Jinshan County Party Committee strengthened the leadership of the party, adhered to the principle of class struggle, paid attention to educating people with Mao Zedong Thought, grasped the line, and promoted the development of agricultural production. The permanent brigade also caught up. In 1974, the county's grain yield per mu reached 1,554 catties, an increase of 272 catties compared with 1971; The breeding quantity was 790,000 heads (an average of 1.37 heads per mu), which was a big increase compared to 1971. In recent years, each agricultural population has provided the country with 850 catties of commercial grain, 22 catties of lint cotton, 23 catties of edible oil, and 1.06 pigs per year.
The experience of agricultural learning from Dazhai in Xiyang County and Jinshan County is: "If you can't block the road of capitalism, you will not be able to start learning from Dazhai." Continuing the revolution, sticking to the socialist road, constantly criticizing revisionism and capitalism, restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and arming the broad masses of cadres and commune members with Mao Zedong Thought, will be able to generate an overwhelming force and overcome all human difficulties. , any miracle in the world can be created, unfavorable natural conditions can be transformed into favorable conditions, low yields can be transformed into high yields, and the original high yields can be even higher. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the movement to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, and the struggle against the Rightist style of overturning the verdict, the mass movement to learn agriculture from Dazhai has flourished. However, there is still a serious struggle over the issue of agricultural learning from Dazhai. Deng Xiaoping, an unrepentant capitalist roader in the Party, viciously attacked our country's agriculture in order to implement the revisionist program of "Three Directives as the key link", change the Party's basic line, restore capitalism in the countryside, and "remain a hindrance to industry". ", and put forward the reactionary policy of "agriculture should be rectified". Deng Xiaoping's so-called "reorganization of agriculture" is to deny Dazhai's fundamental experience of insisting on class struggle as the key link, and to re-examine the "white cats and black cats" black goods. He said nonsense that "if you do it honestly, you will learn from Dazhai", in an attempt to bring the mass movement of agriculture to learn from Dazhai into the track of revisionism. Now, the mass movement of learning agriculture from Dazhai is developing victoriously in the great struggle to criticize Deng Xiaoping and counter the rightist style of overturning the verdict. In the Dazhai movement in agriculture, there are more and more Dazhai-style counties, communes, and teams across the country, and a large number of areas with low yields becoming high yields, and high yields and higher yields have emerged. In 1975, there were more than 300 advanced counties in my country that learned from Dazhai; the number of provinces and municipalities listed in the "Outline" for grain yield per mu has increased to nine. The three northern provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan, which have suffered from disasters and shortages of food all the time, have achieved food self- sufficiency. Carrying out the campaign to learn from Dazhai in agriculture and let the flowers of Dazhai bloom all over the country will surely further consolidate the socialist position in rural areas, speed up the development of agricultural production, and make agriculture play a greater basic role in my country's national economy. === {{anchor|header-n8219}} {{anchor|Toc83471781}} Section 2 Industry is the Dominance of the National Economy === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471782}} {{anchor|header-n8220}} The Leading Role of Industry in the Socialist National Economy ==== Since among the total social labor, the agricultural labor that provides the necessary means of subsistence for the entire society is socially necessary labor, does it mean that all industrial labor is social surplus labor? If we say that industrial labor is social surplus labor, does this mean that industrial labor is irrelevant in the national economy? In the history of economic theory, there is a school of Physiocrats. People in this school saw the importance of agriculture, and after criticizing the erroneous view of the mercantilists that wealth came from foreign trade, they shifted the study of the origin of surplus value from the field of circulation to the field of production. progress. But the Physiocrats believed that only agricultural labor created wealth, and that labor in all other branches of labor could only change the shape of objects, and could not increase the number of objects in any way. They also tried to demonstrate, for example, that the weavers spinning cotton into yarn and weaving them into cloth, and the millers grinding wheat into flour, all only changed the shape of the objects and did not increase the number of objects in the slightest. From this they draw the erroneous conclusion that only those in the agricultural sector are the "producing class" and those in the industrial sector are the "unproducing class". On the basis of criticizing the Physiocratic School, Marx revealed that both industrial labor and agricultural labor are the material transformation process between man and nature, and both are productive labor, and both industry and agriculture are material production sectors. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, which shows the important position of agriculture in the national economy, but the development of agriculture is by no means isolated. Even before industry is independent from agriculture, the development of agriculture is inseparable from the manufacture of tools. Marx pointed out: " '''Hunting, fishing, and farming are impossible without corresponding tools. '''" Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 713.The manufacture and application of production tools are not only the decisive conditions for human beings to break away from the animal kingdom, but also for the development of the entire national economy including agriculture. all play a huge role. The development history of production tools in human society proves that from the development of stone tools to metal tools, social production transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture based on planting; the continuous improvement of metal tools led to the rapid development of handicrafts; the development of hand tools For the machine tools, the manufacture of handicrafts transitioned to the large-scale machine industry. Therefore, Marx once pointed out: " '''The difference between various economic times lies not in what is produced, but in how to produce and what means of labor are used to produce it. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 204.Since industry has formed an independent sector, especially after the emergence of modern industry, the effect of industry on agriculture has been The role of industry in the entire national economy is even more pronounced. Modern industry not only provides a large number of daily industrial products to the society through machine production, but also provides modern technical equipment for agriculture and other sectors of the national economy, promotes the technological transformation of agriculture, and promotes the high-speed development of the entire national economy. An important feature of industrial production is that it produces not only consumer goods, but also the special use value of mechanical means of labor. It is this feature that determines the dominant position of industry in the national economy. The development of industry will inevitably drive the modernization of the entire national economy and strengthen the material basis for technological transformation of the national economy. The level of industrial production reflects the level of a country's national economy. The higher the degree of industrialization under socialist conditions, the greater the material power for the technological transformation of agriculture and the entire national economy. The development of industry must be based on agriculture; and the development of agriculture and the improvement of agricultural labor productivity are inseparable from the leading role of industry. This is precisely the dialectical relationship of interdependence, mutual promotion and mutual restriction of industry and agriculture in the national economy. After we have generally analyzed the relationship between industry and agriculture, we need to further study the different positions and roles of heavy industry and light industry in the national economy. As mentioned earlier, industry is the dominant force of the national economy, and this refers to the entire industry. In fact, the industries that can play this role should refer to industries that provide means of production, especially means of labor. Different labor materials have played a role in technological transformation of the national economy in different periods, and promoted the progress of the national economy. Among the means of labor, the "mechanical means of labor" such as production tools, as "the skeletal system and the muscular system of production", "can show the decisive features of a social production era more than other means of labor" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 204.. In the modern social economy, the industries that produce mechanical labor materials are basically heavy industries, such as metallurgy, machinery, electronics and other industries. They are industries that provide "mechanical labor materials" and other modern technical equipment for various sectors of the national economy. . They can play a decisive role in transforming agriculture, light industry and other sectors of the national economy with modern technology. Under the socialist system, the leading role of heavy industry in the national economy can be brought into full play. This leading role is manifested as: (1) Heavy industry produces a large number of water conservancy and electric power equipment, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery and other products to support agriculture, carry out technological transformation, gradually realize mechanization of agriculture, transform backward agriculture into modern agriculture, and promote the continuous improvement of agricultural labor productivity. (2) Heavy industry produces all kinds of light industry machinery and raw materials for light industry, promotes the technological transformation of light industry and the continuous improvement of labor productivity, enables light industry to provide the people with more means of life, and makes light industry relatively less dependent on agricultural raw materials. (3) Heavy industry also provides modern technical equipment for the national economic sectors such as handicraft, transportation, construction and national defense industry, and promotes the technological transformation and development of these sectors. The leading role of industry is embodied by heavy industry, which does not mean that light industry is not important. There is a class of industrial labour which, like agricultural labour, is labour which produces the means of subsistence. This industrial labor to meet the needs of society for the means of subsistence is the continuation and supplement of agricultural labor. This kind of industry for the production of living materials is mainly an industry that uses agricultural raw materials and some industrial raw materials, and adopts machine processing methods to produce food, textiles, daily necessities and stationery, etc., to meet the needs of people for food, clothing and use. This industry is basically light industry. Light industry is an indispensable industrial sector for people to maintain the reproduction of labor force in modern society. Marx said: " '''Just as a worker's labor is divided into necessary labor and surplus labor, so the total labor of the working class can be divided in this way: the part that produces all the means of subsistence for the working class (including the means of production required for it), The labor that is necessary to complete the entire society; the labor that is performed by all the rest of the working class can be regarded as surplus labor. '''” Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 713.Marx went on to point out: “A '''part of industrial labor is also materialized in the materials used as necessary means of consumption for agricultural and non-agricultural workers. In the product. From the social point of view, it is wrong to regard this industrial labor as surplus labor. A part of industrial labor is as necessary labor as the necessary part of agricultural labor. '''” Ibid., pp. 713-714.This part of industrial labor that Marx said is basically It is light industrial labor. According to Marx's discussion on dividing the labor of the whole society into necessary labor and surplus labor, light industrial labor is also a kind of social necessary labor. Then, the development of heavy industry, which embodies the social surplus labor, must be based on agriculture. The development of light industry is also the premise. In the national economy, only the development of agriculture and light industry can promote the rapid development of heavy industry. In order to further understand the important role of light industry in the national economy, we can also briefly examine the history of its emergence and development. We know that modern light industry is mainly an industry that uses machines to process agricultural and sideline products (including cash crops and livestock products). Before the use of machines, the processing of agricultural and sideline products was undertaken by independent handicrafts; before handicrafts were not separated from agriculture, they were rural household industries. Farmers have grown rice, wheat, and cotton, and raised or hunted livestock and animals, which can only be transformed into food or clothing and other products after milling, milling, spinning or slaughtering, and leather processing. If agriculture is the foundation of human existence and the foundation for the independence and development of other sectors of the national economy, then domestic industrial labor under such conditions is naturally combined with agricultural labor. When this kind of domestic industrial labor was separated from agriculture into handicraft and developed into modern light industry, it became an industry that helped agriculture to play its basic role. So Marx pointed out that this industry is " '''the necessary complement of pure agricultural labor '''" Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 714.. In the socialist national economy, the importance of light industry is very significant: the food, cash crops and other agricultural and sideline products produced by agriculture need to be processed by light industry in order to provide industrial and agricultural workers with all kinds of necessary living materials and meet the needs of society. The need for subsistence to improve people's lives. Light industry also has the characteristics of less investment, fast production, and fast capital turnover. As a process of creating value, light industry can provide the country with more capital accumulation in a short period of time. According to Marx's theory of dividing the labor of the laborers in the whole society into necessary labor and surplus labor, the laborers in light industry and agriculture are all doing necessary labor for the whole society. Does that mean, then, that light industry has also become the basis of the national economy? no. The raw materials of light industry come from agriculture, the labor force needed to develop light industry mainly comes from rural areas, and the domestic market of light industry is mainly based on rural areas. Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: "Without agriculture, there will be no light industry." '''Although light industry labor is also a socially necessary labor for the production of living means, on the whole, the development of light industry is still based on agriculture. In addition, the development of light industry requires heavy industry to provide technical equipment. Therefore, on the one hand, "the large-scale development of light industry requires not only the development of heavy industry , but also the development of agriculture '''. " "On the Problem of Agricultural Cooperatives". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 425.On the other hand, the development of light industry is a "necessary complement" to agriculture, which can help agriculture play a fundamental role and promote the development of heavy industry. ==== {{anchor|header-n8245}} {{anchor|Toc83471783}} socialist industrialization ==== The importance of industry in the entire national economy illustrates the necessity for socialist countries to develop industry and realize socialist industrialization. Due to the unbalanced economic development of capitalist countries and the enslavement and plundering of colonies and semi-colonies by imperialism, modern industry is relatively developed in only a few major capitalist countries, while the industries of most countries in the world, especially colonies and semi-colonies, are relatively backward . A major task faced by the proletariat of these industrially backward countries after seizing power is to rapidly develop modern industry and realize socialist industrialization, so as to give full play to the leading role of industry in the national economy, and to build a modern agriculture, modern industry, A powerful socialist country with modern national defense and modern science and technology. The old Chinese industry was extremely backward. When the country was liberated in 1949, the annual output of steel was only 158,000 tons, and the production of other industrial products was also very backward. Faced with such a weak industrial base, it becomes more urgent for the proletariat to rapidly develop industry and realize socialist industrialization after gaining power. Chairman Mao pointed out long ago: " '''Without industry, there will be no solid national defense, there will be no welfare of the people, and there will be no prosperity of the country. '''""On Coalition Government". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 981. The gradual realization of socialist industrialization will inevitably increase the proportion of the socialist economy owned by the whole people in the entire national economy, and strengthen the leadership of the state-run economy over the entire national economy. The development of socialist industrialization will accelerate the development of industry in areas where the industry was originally backward, changing the unreasonable layout of industry; at the same time, the ranks of the working class will grow along with it, in order to strengthen the general leadership of the working class in the country. The development of socialist industrialization can give full play to the leading role of industry, equip agriculture and light industry with advanced technology, promote the development of agriculture and light industry, and gradually improve the material and cultural living standards of the working people. Socialist industrialization is also an indispensable condition for ensuring the country's economic independence and consolidating national defense. In accordance with the objective needs of our country's socialist revolution and socialist construction practice, Chairman Mao, in the Party's general line for the transitional period formulated under the auspices of himself in 1953, defined the "gradual realization of the country's socialist industrialization" as the requirement of the whole Party and the A major task that the people of the whole country must strive to achieve. To realize socialist industrialization in our country is to establish a socialist industrial system with iron and steel industry and machinery industry as the center, complete categories, a combination of large, medium and small enterprises, and a relatively reasonable regional distribution. Each cooperative zone and province needs to establish its own industrial system. In each cooperative area, and within the scope of many provinces, a relatively independent and complete modern industrial system with different conditions will be established in a planned and step-by-step manner. In this way, the national industrial system will be stronger. To develop industry and realize industrialization, what road should we take? There are two distinct paths: one is the path of "independence and self-reliance", and the other is the path of relying on foreign countries, selling out sovereignty or plundering foreign countries. The road of industrialization of capitalist countries, and the road of traitorousism pursued by Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others in vain, belong to the latter road. In the so-called "Regulations" to speed up industrial development, Deng Xiaoping tried his best to promote that to speed up industrial development, we can only rely on the introduction of foreign technology and equipment, and borrow foreign debts from monopoly capital; The policy was slandered as "Yelang is arrogant and self-absorbed". This path of Deng Xiaoping was the path of the Westernization faction Li Hongzhang, Zhang Zhidong and the like and the Kuomintang reactionaries who acted as imperialist foreign slave compradors. In the contemporary world, if the economically backward countries rely on imperialism or social-imperialism to develop their industry, they will not be able to achieve industrialization at all, and there is absolutely nothing to say about the "Four Modernizations" or "the people are prosperous and the country is strong", and they can only lead wolves into the house and become degraded. As a vassal of imperialism or social-imperialism, there is no other way out. A socialist country that adheres to the dictatorship of the proletariat should not and cannot take the road of foreign slaves and compradors or the road of plundering foreign countries to develop industry, but can only take the road of independence and self-reliance to realize socialist industrialization. To achieve socialist industrialization independently and independently, it is required to implement a set of "walking on two legs" policy according to the specific conditions of the country, relying on the accumulation within the socialist country, making full use of all the resources of the country, and relying on the creativity of the people. The interrelationship of agriculture, light and heavy industry, and the planned and proportionate development of the national economy. Chairman Mao pointed out: " '''The problem of the road to industrialization mentioned here mainly refers to the relationship between the development of heavy industry, light industry and agriculture. China's economic construction is centered on heavy industry, which must be affirmed. But at the same time, full attention must be paid to the development of agriculture and agriculture. Light industry." "If our agriculture can develop more, so that light industry can develop more, it will be good for the entire national economy. '''" "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 496.Chairman Mao's instructions pointed out the road of socialist industrialization. Adhering to Chairman Mao's theory, line, guidelines and policies on the relationship between agriculture, lightness and emphasis on development means insisting on the pursuit of independence and self-reliance to realize socialist industrialization, and of course we must focus on the development of heavy industry. Only in this way can we build socialism as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible, safeguard the country's economic independence and the consolidation of its national defense, and fight vigorously against the imperialists, revisionists, and rebels. Lenin pointed out: " '''Without saving heavy industry, without restoring heavy industry, we cannot build any industry, and without industry we will perish without becoming an independent state. '''"The Fifth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution and the Prospects of the World Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 666. There are two different ways to develop heavy industry: one is not to take agriculture as the foundation, but one-sidedly emphasizes heavy industry, and develops heavy industry by developing less agriculture and light industry; the other is to develop under the guidance of the policy of taking agriculture as the foundation. Heavy industry, develop heavy industry by developing more agriculture and light industry. The former method, unilaterally focusing on heavy industry and ignoring the development of light industry and agriculture, will inevitably lead to insufficient supply of consumer goods in the market, unstable currency, and difficulties in labor and capital required for industrialization. The consequence of this approach is that the people are not satisfied, and heavy industry will not really do well. This is a way to save time and money, and it's the wrong way. The situation is different if we take agriculture as the foundation, develop heavy industry by developing more agriculture and light industry, and base the development of heavy industry on meeting the needs of the people's livelihood. From the perspective of the year, the labor force, capital and materials used in agriculture and light industry have increased, and the use of heavy industry has decreased, and the development speed of heavy industry seems to be slower. But from a long-term point of view, doing so will promote the development of heavy industry more quickly. In terms of proportion, the focus of investment is still heavy industry, but agriculture and light industry are heavier. With the development of agriculture and light industry, more labor force and consumer goods can be added to heavy industry, more capital can be accumulated, and a broader market can be provided. There is a question of whether heavy industry is real or hypothetical, whether it is serious or not. If you really think about it and think hard enough, you must unswervingly establish the idea of agriculture as the foundation and speed up the development of agriculture and light industry. In this way, a solid foundation will be laid for the rapid development of heavy industry and the entire national economy. This is a method that is faster, more economical, and the only correct way to realize socialist industrialization independently and independently. Facts have proved that following Chairman Mao's general policy of developing the national economy with agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor, and correcting the relationship between beaver farming, lightness, and importance, these sectors of material production can promote each other; This translates into the development of the production of means of production, which in turn translates into the growth of the production of means of subsistence. Since the liberation of our country, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, we have achieved an all-round leap forward in the national economy, and achieved major victories in industrial construction. Great changes have taken place in the agricultural, light and heavy output values and their proportions in the national economy.
From 1950 to 1973, my country's agricultural output value increased by an average of 4.3% per year, and the output value of light industry increased by an average of 11.6% per year. On the basis of the development of agriculture and light industry, the output value of heavy industry increased by an average of 18.6% per year, achieving greater development.
In 1949, my country's agriculture accounted for 70% of the total industrial and agricultural output value, light and heavy industries only accounted for 30%, of which heavy industry accounted for only 7.9%. By 1957, the proportion of light and heavy industry had increased to 56.5%, of which heavy industry had reached 273%. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1973, the proportion of light and heavy industry increased to 70.3%, of which the proportion of heavy industry rose to 40%.
After more than 20 years of construction, the great changes in the relationship between agriculture, light and heavy ratios have shown that my country's socialist industrialization has made rapid progress. There are now new industrial sectors that were not there in the past. Many important industrial products that were not designed and manufactured by themselves in the past can now be independently designed and manufactured. Due to the establishment of new industrial sectors and the enhancement of technical strength, the degree of self-sufficiency in equipment and raw materials has also been greatly improved; machinery, equipment and steel have basically been self-sufficient; oil production can not only basically meet the growing needs of our country, but there are still surplus available. Export. The regional distribution of industry has also undergone significant changes: the inland industry has developed rapidly, and new industrial bases and new industrial cities have been established one after another. Following Chairman Mao's instructions, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed in the government work report of the third National People's Congress that starting from the third five-year plan, the development of my country's national economy can be conceived in two steps: the first step is to spend fifteen years. That is to say, before 1980, an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system will be built; the second step is to fully realize the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense and science and technology within this century, so that the national economy of our country will be fully modernized. Be at the forefront of the world. my country's socialist industrialization has made great achievements, but compared with the lofty goals of socialist revolution and construction, there is still a considerable gap. We must follow the path of socialist industrialization guided by Chairman Mao , continue to struggle, and spend more than 20 years to build our country into a powerful modern socialist country within this century. This is a great goal that conforms to the fundamental interests of the broad masses of working people. Deng Xiaoping, the biggest unrepentant capitalist roader in the Party, took advantage of the urgent desire of the people of the whole country to build the four powerful modern socialist countries on this issue. Around the summer of 1975, he viciously attacked our country The national economy is "not developing rapidly". On the one hand, the realization of the "Four Modernizations" is taken as the "general plan" of various tasks, and it is an attempt to abolish the class struggle as the key link and completely reverse the direction of socialism in our country. The development of the socialist national economy and the full realization of the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, science and technology within this century is a grand task for our people. Only by constantly fighting and criticizing the revisionist line can we successfully accomplish this magnificent task. ==== {{anchor|header-n8268}} {{anchor|Toc83471784}} Industrial Daqing ==== To give full play to the leading role of industry in the national economy, we must realize socialist industrialization, and in order to realize socialist industrialization, we must be commanded by the revolution. The development of socialist industry, like the development of any other undertaking, is full of struggles between two classes, two roads and two lines. If the revolution is not used to command production, and the revolution is not used to command industrialization, it is bound to go down the wrong road. Daqing Oilfield is a typical example of firmly implementing the Party's basic line on the industrial front, commanding the economy with proletarian politics, holding high the banner of the "Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution", and taking our own path of industrial development. The proletarian revolutionary line of the People's Republic of China, carry forward the revolutionary spirit of independence, self-reliance, hard work, diligence and thrift to build the country, and build a model of socialist industry that is more, faster, better and more economical. Therefore, in order to develop socialist industry, we must respond to Chairman Mao's great call and carry out the mass movement of "industry learning from Daqing".
The Daqing Oilfield was originally a vast expanse of wilderness. In 1960, when the renegade group of Soviet revisionists broke their promise, tore up the contract, stopped supplying oil to my country, and tried to undermine the cause of socialist construction in my country, tens of thousands of workers who developed oil fields came here full of anger, with the sky above their heads and their feet on the ground. Wasteland, vowed to take this big oil field and smash Su Xiu's vicious conspiracy. At that time, the weather was cold and the ground was freezing, there was no house, no bed, and there were not enough stoves and utensils. Dozens of large drilling rigs were deployed all at once on the grassland, but the equipment was not complete or complete. There were not enough cars and cranes, the roads were muddy, and the water supply and power supply equipment was not enough. Under such difficult conditions, the heroic Daqing workers put forward the battle slogan of "taking the big oil field, mad at the emperor, repairing and rebelling", insisting on the command of proletarian politics, and diligently studying Chairman Mao's "Theory of Practice" and "Theory of Contradiction" , armed with Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, held high the banner of the "Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution", and fought against the sky, the ground, and the class enemy. Daqing workers adhered to Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line, smashed the interference of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line, insisted on the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and carried forward the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and hard work. , and built my country's first-class large oil field with high quality, making my country's petroleum products basically self-sufficient in 1963. Daqing workers also conducted a lot of scientific research and solved several major technical problems in the history of world oilfield development. Daqing workers actively carried out the campaign to increase production and save, and by 1963 the net income created was equivalent to the entire investment of the state. The "Iron Man Spirit" nurtured by Mao Zedong Thought has always inspired the Daqing working class to stride forward on the road of self-reliance. Since 1966, Daqing's crude oil production has increased by an average annual rate of 31%. In the movement to criticize Lin and Confucius, Daqing workers criticized Lin Biao and Kong Lao Er's idealistic view of history of "the superior wisdom and inferior ignorance"; in the struggle against the rightist style of overturning the case , the Daqing workers also criticized Deng Xiaoping's "class struggle extinguished" "Theory of Productivity" and "Theory of Productivity", exerted great energy, wisdom and creativity, and the entire oilfield revolution and production showed a steaming good situation. In terms of crude oil production, one Daqing in 1975 has surpassed the five Daqings before the Cultural Revolution.
To study Daqing in industry is the same as studying Dazhai in agriculture. The most fundamental thing is to insist on proletarian politics in command, implement the basic line of the party, and adhere to the direction of socialism. There are various contradictions in factories and enterprises, but the main and decisive factor is the contradiction between the two classes and the two roads. Daqing's experience has proved that as long as we adhere to the Party's basic line, do a good job in the socialist revolution in the superstructure, pay attention to solving problems in production relations, use proletarian politics to command the economy, and resolutely rely on the masses to implement the tasks of the dictatorship of the proletariat at the grassroots level. , is the fundamental guarantee for the continuous advancement of factories and enterprises along the socialist road.
Kailuan Coal Mine is a century-old mine and a typical unit of industrial science in Daqing. From an old-fashioned perspective, this mine should have been scrapped a long time ago, but the workers of this mine did not think so. They worked hard and explored new ways to further exploit this coal mine, which restored the youth of this century-old mine, and achieved a substantial increase in production year after year since 1968. How can such an old mine as Kailuan continue to develop and make strides? The most fundamental experience is to study Daqing, adhere to the party's basic line, rely on the working class wholeheartedly, and engage in mass movements. In 1974, the majority of cadres and workers in this mine made progress in the campaign to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius. The mining area spanning hundreds of miles presents a vibrant scene. In 1975, the annual output of raw coal doubled from the original design capacity, and one Kailuan became two Kailuan; labor productivity was about 80% higher than the national average; the average monthly output of working faces was twice the national average Raw coal cost is 37% lower than the national average. On July 28, 1976, the Kailuan Coal Mine was damaged by a strong earthquake. Some foreigners say that after Kailuan is over, and the people who have been sent down are over, there will be no more coal. However, the heroic Kailuan coal miners, under the cordial care of Chairman Mao and the party members, and with the support of the military and civilians across the country, fought in solidarity with the revolutionary spirit of fearlessness, not only did the vast majority of the workers escape safely, but also survived the earthquake. After just ten days, coal production began, creating a rare miracle in the history of earthquake resistance.
Shanghai No. 5 Iron and Steel Plant is also a typical unit of industrial study in Daqing. This factory is a high-quality alloy steel factory built in 1958. The equipment and technical conditions are relatively good, and it has contributed to the development of my country's iron and steel industry. However, due to the interference of the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi and his group, the steel output of this factory has been stagnant for a long time since 1961. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the majority of workers and cadres conscientiously studied the Party's basic line, carried out a mass movement to learn from Daqing in industry, and criticized Liu Shaoqi and his group for their crimes of sabotaging the development of my country's iron and steel industry. They smashed the "theories about the extinction of class struggle" and the "only productive forces" and insisted on continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat; they smashed the "theory of shrewd leadership" and insisted on the mass line; production potential. As a result, the factory changed very quickly. The "one-step steelmaking method" was successfully innovated, and new processes such as Kuaiyuan steelmaking and vacuum smelting were created, which greatly shortened the smelting time and ended the long-term lingering old situation. Entered a new realm of substantial increase in production. In the in-depth development of the movement to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, and in the struggle to criticize the unrepentant capitalist roader Deng Xiaoping in the Party, the workers' Marxist theoretical team has grown vigorously, the socialist enthusiasm of the masses has been fully developed, revolution and production Thriving. During the fourth five-year plan (1971-1975), the output of steel and steel products of this factory increased by 66.8% and 86.9% respectively compared with the third five-year plan period, and the variety and specification of steel soared to one. There are more than 1,800 kinds of metal materials, and a large number of high-quality, precise and sharp new metal materials have also been developed. Chairman Mao's great call on "industrial learning Daqing" pointed out the direction for my country's industrial development. Under this great call, the working class of our country held high the banner of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, became self-reliant, worked hard, and rapidly changed the face of our country's industry. Now, all parts of the country have their own Daqing-style industrial enterprises. The spirit of Daqing is blooming and bearing fruit all over the country. As long as we adhere to the party's basic line, insist on criticizing revisionism and the bourgeoisie, and further develop a mass movement to learn from Daqing in industry, we will surely accelerate the pace of socialist industrialization in our country, and we will be able to fully realize agriculture, industry, national defense and industrialization within this century. The modernization of science and technology has made our national economy take the lead in the world. === {{anchor|header-n8277}} {{anchor|Toc83471785}} Section 3 The Combination of Socialist Industry and Agriculture === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471786}} {{anchor|header-n8278}} The Combination of Industry and Agriculture under Socialist Conditions ==== From the internal connection between agricultural labor and industrial labor in the total social labor, we can see that in any social form, there is a problem of the combination of industry and agriculture, but in different social forms, this combination has different ways. Then, under socialist conditions, what method is adopted to combine industry and agriculture? Under the premise of two types of socialist public ownership, since socialist industrial production and agricultural production have begun to have a direct social nature, the combination of industry and agriculture is realized through national economic planning according to the needs of the country and the people. From this aspect, the combination of industry and agriculture is a direct combination, which is the prototype of the direct combination of industry and agriculture in the future communist society. However, the production of socialist industry and agriculture still has private traditions or traces, and the combination of industry and agriculture is still a combination under the commodity system, and it has to be realized through the roundabout way of currency exchange, which is different from the old society. How much difference. This duality of the combination of socialist industry and agriculture is a reflection of the duality of the socialist production process. In the history of human society, the combination of industry and agriculture has taken many forms. The evolution of each combination form is continuously developed with the evolution of the social production mode. In the primitive commune economy, handicraft industry is directly subordinate to agriculture, spinning and weaving and the manufacture of daily utensils are also carried out as a sideline of agriculture. Primitive family bonds bind industry and agriculture together. Later, with the development of productive forces, social division of labor and private ownership emerged. This primitive direct combination of industry and agriculture in the primitive communal economy began to disintegrate, and handicraft industry was separated from agriculture.In my country, according to the excavation materials of the ancient city ruins in the middle and late Shang Dynasty, the handicraft production in the Shang Dynasty has formed an independent department, and has further division of labor, and there are various handicraft workshops. Among the workshop sites found near Shangcheng and Yinxu in Zhengzhou, there are copper-casting, jade-making, bone-making and pottery-making, etc., especially the copper-making workshop sites occupy a prominent position. The separation of handicrafts and agriculture, under the conditions of private ownership, determined that the labor exchange between industry and agriculture had to take the form of commodities. Since then, the combination of industry and agriculture has been carried out through the roundabout way of currency exchange. This is as Engels pointed out: '''"As production is divided into the two main branches of agriculture and handicrafts, there is production directly for the purpose of exchange, that is, the production of commodities " '''Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 159.. Once the labor exchange between industry and agriculture takes the form of commodity exchange, the combination of industry and agriculture becomes an indirect combination mediated by money In the Shang Dynasty of our country, the handicraft industry became an independent department, the commodity economy began to develop, and the currency used for the exchange of agriculture and handicraft industry, shellfish and "copper shells" have appeared.. The process of separation of industry and agriculture proceeded slowly in the long history of slave society and feudal society. However, when agriculture was still mainly peasants' individual production and industry was mainly family handicraft production, the original direct bond between agriculture and handicrafts was never completely severed. The development of large-scale capitalist machine industry and capitalist production relations compatible with this productive force has completely destroyed individual agriculture and individual handicrafts, and finally completely tore off the original direct link between Marx: Capital Volume 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 551.industry and agriculture, and the The combination takes a completely circuitous, dizzying approach to currency exchange. In this way, the bourgeoisie has created and expanded the "scissors difference" in the prices of industrial and agricultural products The scissors difference refers to a development trend of changes in the exchange rate of industrial and agricultural products. When the price of industrial products grows faster than the price of agricultural products (or the price of industrial products remains unchanged and the price of agricultural products falls, or the price of industrial products rises and the price of agricultural products remains unchanged), if this situation is drawn into a statistical chart, then The price ratio of industrial products to agricultural products is an ascending line, and the price ratio of agricultural products to industrial products is a descending line. These two lines are like open scissors on the chart, so they are called scissors difference., intensified the exploitation of agriculture, and made the antagonistic contradiction between the exploitation of agriculture by industry and the exploitation of the countryside by cities to an extreme degree of sharpness. In this way, the time has come when the capitalist system will turn to its opposite. Industry and agriculture, from the original direct combination, to the separation under the private system and even sharp opposition, will definitely be re-joined directly under new conditions with the establishment and development of socialist public ownership. Marx pointed out: '''"The capitalist mode of production at the same time creates a material premise for a new and higher synthesis" '''Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 552.. The "new and higher synthesis" of industry and agriculture predicted by Marx refers to a new type of industrial-agricultural relationship based on public ownership of the means of production and socialized production after the abolition of the capitalist system. The material prerequisites for such socialized production already exist in capitalist society. However, its socio-economic premise, namely public ownership of the means of production and the planned regulation of industrial and agricultural production by a society based on public ownership, can only arise after the proletariat seizes power. Therefore, Marx and Engels stipulated that after the proletariat seizes power, one of the major tasks to be achieved under the dictatorship of the proletariat is: '''"To combine agriculture and industry, and to promote the gradual elimination of the antagonism between urban and rural areas." '''"The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 273.In socialist society , due to the implementation of socialist public ownership, the antagonistic contradiction between industry and agriculture, which exploited agriculture and the cities exploited the countryside, disappeared. Under socialist conditions, a nationally unified national economic plan enables socialist agriculture to produce grain, non-staple food and raw materials for industrial development in a planned way, and socialist industry to produce in a planned way various industries for daily use in rural areas. Fertilizers , pesticides and various agricultural machinery and equipment needed for the development of agriculture . This creates conditions for the close integration of industry and agriculture in the national economy. The mutual support and promotion between industry and agriculture will continue to reproduce a more closely integrated relationship between workers and peasants, gradually creating conditions for eliminating the differences between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas and transforming them into a communist relationship between workers and peasants. However, the integration of socialist industry and agriculture is a form of transition from the sharp opposition between industry and agriculture under capitalist conditions to the direct integration of communism industry and agriculture. This combination of industry and agriculture is still realized under the commodity system, which cannot rule out a series of contradictions and struggles in the process of combining industry and agriculture. Next, we will analyze the duality of the combination of socialist industry and agriculture in different spheres. ==== {{anchor|header-n8293}} {{anchor|Toc83471787}} Combination of industry and agriculture within the same collective ownership ==== How can industry and agriculture be combined within the collective economy of our country's rural people's communes? In the collective economy of rural people's communes in our country, industrial enterprises organized by communes and production brigades have emerged and are developing vigorously. This rural commune industry is a combination of industry and agriculture within the collective ownership of the same people's commune. The labor force of the commune and brigade industry comes directly from collectively-owned agriculture. The workers in the commune and brigade industrial enterprises are farmers themselves. As workers in the commune and brigade industries, they still have a certain amount of time each year to participate in agricultural labor and practice the practice of being both a worker and a farmer. Funds for the establishment of such industrial enterprises come directly from the accumulation of agriculture. The commune and brigade industries organized at the two levels of the people's commune, commune and brigade are based on the needs of developing agriculture. The production of commune and brigade industries is mainly to produce products (means of production, especially labor tools) needed to directly support agricultural production, and secondly, there are also some products processed by large-scale industries, and the profits brought by these products are used as indirect Sources of funds needed to support agricultural expansion of reproduction. In the words of our country's poor and lower-middle peasants, this is a new type of industrial-agricultural combination that "revolves around agriculture to run industry and run industry well to promote agriculture". The emergence of the commune and brigade industry is a vivid manifestation of the superiority of the rural people's communes in my country. First of all, under the conditions of socialist public ownership, the working people, as the masters of social production, have great socialist enthusiasm. Through socialist education, they have aroused their enthusiasm for socialism, so that while they are developing agriculture, they urgently demand to set up their own communes and brigade industries, so that agriculture can be directly integrated with industry. Secondly, the growing collective economy of the people's communes provides the necessary labor, capital, raw materials and markets for the development of commune and brigade industries. Third, the collective economy of the people's communes is an integral part of the unified national economy of a socialist country. The state can provide certain material conditions for the development of commune and brigade industries through the support of urban industries to agriculture according to the needs of the development of the people's communes. The emergence of the commune and brigade industry is a new thing under the socialist system. It has begun to have a new high-level comprehensive communist sprout of industry and agriculture, so it has a strong vitality. Then, how can the emergence and development of commune and brigade industry be conducive to the further integration of industry and agriculture, and what are the implications? First, the development of commune and brigade industry directly strengthens the power of the collective economy of the rural people's communes.
Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Shanghai County, Shanghai started to develop communal and brigade industries from the establishment of a three-level agricultural machinery repair network. By 1975, there were 433 communal and brigade industrial enterprises with more than 32,000 employees. In 1974 The total output value is more than 110 million yuan. This figure is equivalent to one-half of the total output value of the county's agriculture, industry, and sideline industries. Accumulated nearly 30 million yuan, more than double the accumulation of the county's production team that year. 92% of the accumulation at the commune level was provided by the commune-run industry; 82% of the accumulation at the brigade level was provided by the team-run industry. As a result, the proportion of the county's commune-level economy in the total income of the third-level collective economy has risen from 17.6% in 1970 to 31.9 % in 1974; 6.3% in 1974 rose to 17.2% in 1974.
Second, the development of the commune and brigade industry makes it possible for the commune and the brigade to use their own economic strength to support the poor team in developing the collective economy, so that the gap between the poor and the rich team will continue to narrow, and the three-level collective economy of the people's commune will continue to change from one to the other. The lower level provides the material basis for the development of the higher level.
Huiguo Town Commune, Gongxian County, Henan Province, due to the development of commune and brigade industries, has strengthened the power of the collective economy, so that the commune can use its own economic strength to support the poor teams to develop agricultural production, help the disaster-stricken teams to carry out production self-education, and enable some poorer teams to develop agricultural production. Production teams are able to catch up with richer production teams faster. In the past few years, the commune alone has spent more than 400,000 yuan on supporting the poor teams.
Third, the development of communal and brigade industries can take various methods to support agriculture in terms of manpower, technology, material resources, and financial resources, and "golden wings" for the rapid development of agricultural mechanization.
During the nine years from 1957 to 1965, Shanghai County, Shanghai, basically did not have any industry in the county, and the total investment in agricultural mechanization was only 327,700 yuan, with an average annual investment of 150 yuan per brigade. For about ten yuan, you can only buy six human-powered sprayers. In the four years from 1966 to 1969, when the brigade-run industry just began to emerge, the total investment in agricultural mechanization at the brigade level rose to 2.68 million yuan, with an average annual investment of more than 2,800 yuan per brigade. Buy a little more than a walking tractor. During the five-year period from 1970 to 1974, the industry of the squadron has developed considerably. The total investment in agricultural mechanization at the brigade level is as high as 8,331,500 yuan. The average annual investment of each brigade is 7,000 yuan. Buy three multi-walking tractors.
Fourth, the development of commune and brigade industries can narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. In a socialist society, "it is not an utopian to eliminate the separation of city and country", and " '''this legacy must be eliminated, and will be eliminated '''" left by the old society Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 336.. Of course, this is conditional, " '''the distribution of large-scale industry in the country as evenly as possible is a condition for the abolition of the separation of town and country '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 336.. With the development of commune and brigade industry, factories are scattered in the vast socialist countryside, and industry and agriculture are directly integrated, which will create conditions for the separation of urban and rural areas and the gradual narrowing of the differences between urban and rural areas. Fifth, the development of commune and brigade industry has brought about new changes in the class ranks in the vast socialist countryside. A larger and larger industrial technical team is emerging in the rural people's commune, and a new generation of peasants who have mastered industrial technology is growing and expanding.
In Shanghai County, Shanghai, it can be seen that with the development of communal and brigade industry, a rural industrial technical team has grown up. They are both peasants and new workers in the socialist countryside. In 1975, the county had 3,397 tractor operators, 2,328 rice transplanter operators, 3,504 electricians, and 162 ship drivers. One hundred and sixty-eight people, 3,030 construction workers of various kinds, a total of 12,562 people above, and a total of 40,000 people including 32,745 people in the communes and factories There are 5,307 people, accounting for 17.4% of the county's rural labor force, and almost one in six labor force has a rural worker with industrial skills.
In a word, the development of commune and brigade industry has combined industry and agriculture, which is conducive to narrowing the differences between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas, and is a very important aspect of restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. This is the newness of socialism. Because of this, it was vigorously opposed by the bourgeoisie within the party. In the people's commune movement, when the commune and brigade industry had just achieved some development, the bourgeoisie in our party called the commune and brigade industry "very bad", and they attacked small chemical fertilizers as "bad" and "more than worth the loss" in an attempt to stifle the communal industry. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the movement to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, the commune and brigade industries have further developed. However, under the instigation of the unrepentant capitalist roader Deng Xiaoping, the bourgeoisie within the party attacked the "spontaneity" and "blindness" of the development of the communes and brigade industries, and "disintegrated and destroyed the country's unified plan". They tried in vain to slaughter the commune and brigade industries in the name of "rectification". This also tells us from the negative side that the development of the commune and brigade industry is very good. At present, there are not many communal and brigade industries in my country's rural areas, and they do not account for a large proportion of the entire industry. It will encounter many difficulties and twists and turns in the development process. Nonetheless, here is our great, bright hope. The commune and brigade industries in my country's rural areas also developed under the commodity system, which will inevitably bring about new contradictions. For example, communes and brigade industries process or produce products for urban industries, and the funds accumulated can be used for agriculture, which is a way for commune and brigade industries to indirectly support agriculture. This indirect support for agriculture is of course also a combination of industry and agriculture. However, if the commune and brigade industries do not serve agricultural production, but only pay attention to the processing of urban industries and pursue profits, they will do big profits and small profits, and they will not work without profit. In that case, capitalist management will inevitably spread, directly weaken the strength of supporting agriculture, and even compete with agriculture for capital and labor, going down the wrong road, thereby destroying the combination of industry and agriculture. Since the production of commune and brigade industry is also a kind of commodity production, it must also be the breeding ground for capitalism and the bourgeoisie. The state's planned leadership over commune and brigade industry is weaker than its leadership over state-run industrial production and over the production of major crops such as grain, cotton, and oil in the rural people's communes, and it is easier for the spontaneous forces of capitalism to grow here. Therefore, the development of commune and brigade industry also involves the struggle of two classes and two roads. On the issue of developing the commune and brigade industry, one cannot give up food because of the spontaneous tendencies of capitalism, and cannot support them enthusiastically. On the contrary, only by insisting on taking class struggle as the key link, restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, resolutely fighting against the capitalist tendency in the development of commune and brigade industry, and actively supporting commune and brigade industry, so that it adheres to the direction of serving agriculture, can the commune and brigade industry be able to make the Only by embarking on the road of healthy development and truly integrating commune and brigade industry with agriculture will it be conducive to gradually narrowing the three major differences, strengthening the alliance of workers and peasants, and consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat. ==== {{anchor|header-n8315}} {{anchor|Toc83471788}} The integration of industry and agriculture within the national economy ==== In addition to the integration of industry and agriculture within the same people's commune, in the entire national economy, on the basis of the two socialist public ownership, there is also the problem of the integration of industry and agriculture on a larger scale. Realizing socialist industrialization and correctly handling the development relationship between agriculture, light and heavy is a question of how to integrate industry and agriculture within the scope of the national economy. The socialist system offers the possibility of planned integration of industry and agriculture in the development of the national economy. However, to make this possibility a reality, the key lies in the ability to handle the development relationship between agriculture, light and heavy. When people follow the objective laws of socialist economic development to arrange national economic plans, they must put the development of agriculture in the first place, first arrange the scale of agricultural development, and then determine the plan for light industry on this basis. Once agriculture and light industry have been arranged, heavy industry will be arranged, and heavy industry will not only have the foundation for its development, but also define its direction of development. In this way, the national economy will develop at a high speed under the close integration of industry and agriculture. However, the bourgeoisie Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others in the Party always want to carry out the revisionist line of emphasizing, neglecting and peasant. Under the influence of this revisionist line, people tend to put heavy industry in opposition to light industry and agriculture, and only focus on the role of heavy industry in agriculture and light industry, but ignore the role of agriculture and light industry in heavy industry. Whether the foundation can be adapted, the result is that the foundation of industrial development is not consolidated, which will not only make the development of heavy industry slower and worse, but also destroy the proportional relationship between the various sectors of the national economy, becoming a one-legged road that affects industry and agriculture. organically combined. Judging from our country's practice, whenever the state emphasizes the speed of national economic development, whenever it points out that our country's economic construction is centered on heavy industry, some comrades forget the objective laws and talk about agriculture, Light and heavy, in fact, they are doing heavy, light, and agricultural, deviating from Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. In the process of economic construction, they have stretched the industrial capital construction front, which will inevitably crowd out the human, material and financial resources necessary for the development of agriculture and light industry to a certain extent. Under the commodity system, only industrial development is taken care of, but agricultural development is ignored, so that agriculture lags seriously behind industrial development. What will be the result? As a result, not only did the national economy fail to develop at a high speed, but more importantly, the gap between workers and peasants and the gap between urban and rural areas was widened, thereby expanding the de facto inequality in labor exchange between industry and agriculture, and a new “scissors gap” emerged. If the development of industry has created an excessive burden on agriculture, it will also bring about a sharp confrontation between industry and agriculture. In order to gradually integrate industry and agriculture, in addition to the development of industry based on agriculture, the most fundamental way is to develop agriculture and rapidly increase the productivity of agricultural labor. Only in this way can the gap between workers and peasants be gradually narrowed and bourgeois legal rights in this area be restricted. Since the combination of socialist industry and agriculture is realized under the commodity system, the law of value, which is the law of commodity production, will inevitably affect industrial and agricultural production. Correct use of categories such as commodity, currency, value, price, etc., will play a positive role in the combination of industrial and agricultural production. However, the law of value and the categories associated with it are the product of the private economy and the embodiment of bourgeois legal rights. If the harm it may bring is not restricted, it will lead to renewed sharpness between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas. opposition. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly handle the contradictions that occurred in the process of combining industry and agriculture with the commodity system. If not handled properly, the combination of industry and agriculture will also leave the socialist track. In the process of integrating socialist industry and agriculture, the "scissors difference" in the prices of industrial and agricultural products is a legacy of the capitalist commodity system. It reflects an unequal exchange relationship. Under the influence of the basic economic laws of socialism, this "scissors gap" will continue to shrink. But to eliminate it completely, it needs a long historical process. The existence of "scissors" in industrial and agricultural products under socialist conditions shows a contradiction between workers and peasants based on the same fundamental interests. In order to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat, the old and new bourgeoisie often want to expand this "scissors difference" to destroy the combination of socialist industry and agriculture and the alliance of workers and peasants. We must do the opposite and actively create conditions to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate this "scissors difference". In order to correctly combine socialist industry and agriculture, we must also properly arrange the relationship between the prices of various agricultural and sideline products purchased by the state. If the price comparison arrangement is not appropriate, it will affect the collective economy's enthusiasm for organizing production in accordance with the state plan, which will also affect the combination of industry and agriculture. Give full play to the leading role of industry, so that industry and agriculture can be correctly combined, in addition to resolutely shifting the direction of industrial development to the track based on agriculture, it is also required to do everything possible to improve the labor productivity of industry and reduce support for agriculture. The production cost of the product to lower the price of supporting agricultural products. Doing so will help promote the development of agricultural production. When agricultural production develops, industry develops faster. On the contrary, if the labor productivity of supporting agricultural products is low, the production cost is high, or the pursuit of profit, raising the sales price, and creating new "scissors difference", then the collective economy of the people's commune will not be able to buy it; Excessive costs appear to increase production without increasing income. This would prevent the direct integration of industry and agriculture on the socialist track. In the process of combining socialist industry and agriculture, the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is very acute. In a socialist society, the combination of industry and agriculture uses the currency exchange relationship; and the currency exchange relationship is the soil from which capitalism and the bourgeoisie arise. Because of the existence of the bourgeoisie, because of the existence of bourgeois jurisprudence, because of the habitual power of the small producers, new bourgeois elements will inevitably be created in batches. New and old bourgeois elements always want to use the currency exchange relationship between industry and agriculture to speculate and sell to make huge profits. Such capitalist activities must be attacked; the right of the bourgeoisie in the process of combining industry and agriculture must be restricted; and the spontaneous forces of small producers must be criticized. Only in this way can the exchange activities between industry and agriculture always adhere to the socialist direction. ==== {{anchor|header-n8323}} {{anchor|Toc83471789}} The essence of the combination of industry and agriculture is the problem of the union of workers and peasants ==== The question of the integration of industry and agriculture in the socialist national economy not only involves how the two sectors exchange labor and the development of the national economy, but also directly concerns the alliance of the two major working classes, workers and peasants. On the eve of national liberation, Chairman Mao pointed out that " '''urban and rural areas must be balanced, and urban work and rural work must be closely linked, workers and peasants, and industry and agriculture '''. " "Report on the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1317.It is necessary and is a major political issue in consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat. Our country is a socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. Our country is also a country where the rural population accounts for more than 80 percent of the country's population. What is the state of agriculture and what is the situation of the peasants? It has a great relationship with my country's economic development and the consolidation of the regime. The agricultural problem and the peasant problem have always been the major problems of our country's revolution and construction. In a socialist society, there are also essential differences between industry and agriculture, between urban and rural areas. If this difference is not eliminated, the legal rights of the bourgeoisie will not be eliminated, and the bourgeoisie will still have the soil for its emergence. In order to narrow the gap between workers and peasants and the gap between urban and rural areas, we must first attach importance to agriculture, attach importance to farmers, attach importance to industry supporting agriculture, and help the development of agriculture. Put the focus of medical and health work on the countryside, train barefoot doctors, educated young people go to the mountains and the countryside, and so on. We must not only change the situation that the countryside is lagging behind the cities economically, but also change the traditional idea that people ignore agriculture and despise farmers, criticize the idea of bourgeois legal rights, so that industry and agriculture will be more closely integrated, and the alliance between workers and peasants will be further consolidated. Therefore, taking agriculture as the foundation, industry as the leading role, and doing a good job in the integration of industry and agriculture is not only an economic issue, but also a political issue, a line issue, and a major issue related to the implementation of the Party's basic line. In order to restore capitalism and undermine the dictatorship of the proletariat, the enemies of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie within the Party will always destroy the alliance of workers and peasants, and economically the combination of industry and agriculture. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others undermined the developmental relationship between agriculture, lightness, and importance, and wantonly spread fallacies such as "doing agriculture in places with a lot of industry is not a proper job", and promoted a revisionist line of "focusing on industry and neglecting agriculture" and "crowding out agriculture with workers" , to separate the development of industry from the development of agriculture, and to discourage the development of agriculture in areas with a large proportion of industry, in an attempt to weaken the foundation of the national economy. At the same time, in the exchange of commodities between industry and agriculture, they tried their best to expand the "scissors gap" and called "the peasants' necks" in an attempt to recreate the sharp confrontation between the workers and peasants and destroy the alliance of workers and peasants. They also slandered the educated youth going to the mountains and the countryside as "re-education through labor in disguised form", opposed college students' "community to work", and incited peasants to "eat all the money". The bourgeoisie within the Party is trying to undermine the socialist economic foundation by widening the differences between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas in all respects. The practice of the struggle between the two lines in our country tells us that only when we understand the relationship between agriculture and industry development from a theoretical and line level can we identify and defeat the revisionist line, and only then can we correctly handle the relationship between industry and agriculture, workers and peasant relations. Under the socialist system, the fundamental interests of workers and peasants are the same. " '''Socialism can fully satisfy the interests of both '''" The Union of Workers and Exploited Working Peasants. The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 26, p. 311.. The objective law of the development of socialist industrial-agricultural relations will inevitably lead to the gradual narrowing of the urban-rural differences and the differences between workers and peasants, and eventually their elimination. The function of this objective law is realized through people's conscious activities. The mutual support of socialist industry and agriculture, the working class educates and guides the peasants to take the socialist road, rapidly realizes the mechanization of agriculture, gradually guides the peasant masses to expand the scale of collective ownership and increase its degree of public ownership, and when conditions are ripe It has developed into socialist ownership by the whole people, and the conscious activities under the leadership of these parties will create conditions for the gradual narrowing and eventual elimination of the essential differences between industry and agriculture, urban and rural, workers and peasants. In order to invade and expand externally and suppress the people internally, the Soviet revisionist social-imperialism frantically pursued Hitler's policy of "cannons, not butter", and accelerated the militarization of the national economy. To this end, it is bound to extort levies and expropriate the Soviet peasants brutally by increasing the peasants' tax burden and raising the prices of industrial products. The Soviet revisionist dreamed of building a new empire that would dominate the world on the basis of depriving farmers and all working people. The result of this is now evident: industry and agriculture have re-emerged as sharp opposition as capitalist society. The separation of industry and agriculture has increased the confrontation between urban and rural areas, and the resistance of the Soviet people, including the vast number of peasants, has been increasing. This phenomenon heralded the disintegration of the Soviet revisionist social-imperialist system. In the development of agriculture and industry, there has always been a struggle between the Marxist line and the revisionist line. Correctly handling the relationship between the development of agriculture and industry is in essence a question of consolidating the leadership of the working class, of consolidating the alliance between the working class and the peasantry, of the struggle between the working class and the bourgeoisie for the peasantry, and of a new aspect of class struggle under the socialist system. question. == {{anchor|header-n8335}} {{anchor|Toc83471790}} CHAPTER VI ECONOMY UNDER THE SOCIALIST SYSTEM == === {{anchor|Toc83471791}} {{anchor|header-n8336}} Section 1 Labor time saving is the economic law of socialism === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471792}} {{anchor|header-n8337}} Socialism opens up broad paths for labor-time saving laws ==== The production process is the creation process of the product, and at the same time, it is the consumption process of the means of production and labor. Therefore, in the production process, there is a problem of saving manpower, material and financial resources. The saving of manpower is the saving of living labor, the saving of material resources is the saving of materialized labor, and the saving of financial resources is the monetary expression of the saving of living and materialized labor. All savings, in the final analysis, are savings in labor time. Economy is of great significance to the development of all social production, especially to the development of socialist production. why? This is because, whether an individual or a society, if the time used to produce a certain product is saved, the same time can be used to produce more products, or to do other things. Marx said: '''"The comprehensiveness of development, needs and activities of both individuals and societies is determined by the saving of time." "Therefore, saving time and the planned distribution of labor time in various branches of production, It becomes the primary economic law based on collective production. It is even an extremely advanced law.”'''Marx, "One of the 1857-1858 Economic Manuscripts (On Monetary)". Quoted from "Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin on Communist Society", People's Publishing House, 1958 edition, p. 67. In a society dominated by the exploiting classes, the saving of labor time is limited by the system of exploitation. The abolition of the capitalist system and the establishment of the socialist system have opened up a wide field for the laws of labor-time economy to come into play. The saving of labor time is an objective requirement to increase the accumulation of socialist funds. If socialist countries want to speed up socialist construction, they need to accumulate more and more funds. During the development of capitalism, the bourgeoisie always relies on exploitation and plunder to increase capital accumulation. In addition to brutally plundering and exploiting the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people in their own countries, they also increased the accumulation of capital by launching wars of aggression and plundering the wealth of the colonial and semi-colonial people. The history of capital accumulation is a bloody history of exploitation and plunder. Socialist countries cannot increase their capital accumulation by exploiting their own people internally, engaging in aggression or plundering externally, or extorting war reparations, or selling their own resources, as capital imperialism and social-imperialism do, but can only rely on the efforts of all working people. Diligent work depends on the strict economy of the people of the whole country. my country is a big country, but its economy is still relatively backward. In order to build our country into a powerful socialist country with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense and modern science and technology at an early date, it is of great significance to practice economy. Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"We want to carry out large-scale construction, but our country is still a very poor country, which is a contradiction. Comprehensive and lasting practice of economy is a method to solve this contradiction."'''"On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 494. Strict practice of economy is not only an objective requirement for increasing socialist accumulation, but also a necessary condition for the funds that have been accumulated to be brought into full play. Saving all possible human, material and financial resources in economic construction, cultural construction, national defense construction and other aspects, and using the same human, material and financial resources to do more things, is also an important condition for accelerating China's socialist construction. The working masses have said it well: "Only diligent and not rude, hard work in vain." Only by being diligent and thrifty can the wealth created by the working masses be brought into full play and our country can be built into a powerful socialist country at an early date. At the same time, our country undertakes the obligation of internationalism to the outside world, and only by saving more in all aspects at home can we contribute more to the world revolution. The saving of labor time is also an objective requirement to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate the three major differences. The proletarian revolutionary mentors have always regarded the training of newcomers with all-round development who can engage in both physical and mental labor, both direct production work and management functions, as an important step in narrowing the three major differences. In order for the broad masses of working people to gradually become able to work with a hammer, to farm with a hoe, to attack the enemy with a gun, and to criticize the bourgeoisie with a pen, it is necessary to continuously raise their level of all-round development. Marx said: '''"Time is the vast world of developing talents, etc." '''Marx: The Theory of Surplus Value. Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 26, Vol. 3, p. 281.Only by increasing the level of labor time saving in the material production sector, the whole society can use less and less time to produce more and more abundant social products, and individual laborers can produce more and more social products. Only then can the labor time for material production be gradually shortened, the activity time for all-round development can be gradually increased, and only then can the differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, and the essential differences between mental and physical labor be gradually narrowed. The development of socialist revolution and socialist construction objectively requires strict economy. The socialist system provides an objective possibility for practising economy. Under the socialist system, due to the state power of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist public ownership of the means of production, the national economy can develop in a planned and proportionate manner, thus making it possible to eliminate the blind competition and economic crisis under the capitalist system. A staggering waste of society's wealth and a catastrophic destruction of productivity. More importantly, in a socialist society, the working people become the masters of the country and the socialist economy, and saving is consistent with the fundamental interests of the working people. Under the education of Marxist ideology and political line, the consciousness of working people to practice economy is increasing day by day. All these have opened up a broad path for economy under the socialist system. ==== {{anchor|header-n8349}} {{anchor|Toc83471793}} Contradictions in the process of saving labor time ==== Although the socialist system provides an objective possibility for practising economy, it may not equal reality. In a socialist society, the continuous saving of labor time is definitely smooth sailing, but a process of continuous practice and struggle, a process of constantly exposing and resolving contradictions. The ability of people to understand and transform the natural world is limitless. In terms of rational exploitation of natural resources, environmental protection, comprehensive utilization, improvement of product quality, and reduction of production costs, there is a process of continuous practice, continuous exploration and summing up experience. More importantly, in the socialist production relations and the superstructure, there are still parts that are not compatible with the social productive forces and the socialist economic foundation, and these incompatible parts are in contradiction with the practice of economy. Although the socialist society has established public ownership of the means of production and has overcome the astonishing waste of social wealth caused by blind competition based on capitalist private ownership, since socialist public ownership enterprises implement the commodity system, each enterprise is In the process of saving, there will inevitably be conflicts between local interests and overall interests, conflicts between immediate interests and long-term interests, conflicts between production increase and savings, conflicts between quality and savings, etc., which need to be handled correctly. Socialist public ownership links the entire national economy into a whole, and every socialist enterprise, including those owned by the whole people and those owned by collectives, is an integral part of the national economy. The saving of labor time in an enterprise, generally speaking, is bound to be beneficial to the development of the entire national economy. However, due to the existence of two types of socialist public ownership and the relative independence of the management of enterprises owned by the whole people, there will also be conflicts between the two. Sometimes, from the point of view of a single enterprise, the saving measures it adopts are beneficial to the enterprise, but it is unfavorable from the overall point of view. Therefore, when an enterprise implements economy, it must first consider whether it will bring losses and inconvenience to the country, consumers or other enterprises, and consider the effect of the entire national economy. When an enterprise takes saving measures, it must also calculate the effect from a long-term perspective. It is not advisable if temporary savings in production will result in long-term losses. Excessive and possibly high standard facilities are wasteful when determining capital investment, but so is the elimination or reduction of necessary production facilities, auxiliary facilities or lowering of their reasonable standard. The saving in the production process is the saving of living labor and materialized labor under the premise of producing a certain quantity and quality of products within a certain period of time. Increasing production and expanding the scale of production, in general, is conducive to the specialization of production, the adoption of new technologies and processes, and thus the further saving of labor costs per unit of product. With strict economy, more products can be produced with the same human and material resources, creating conditions for increased production. Therefore, the increase in production and the saving are inherently complementary and mutually reinforcing. However, if we look at the problem one-sidedly, there will be a contradiction between increasing production and saving. If you simply pursue the increase in output, increase equipment, consume more raw materials, and increase labor inappropriately, then, along with the increase in output, the cost will also increase significantly. As a result, the output will increase, but the accumulation of funds cannot be proportional The increase in land, even the rise in output and the decline in accumulation, are all unfavorable to the development of socialist construction. If you simply pursue the saving of power, raw materials and labor costs, and raise the premise of ensuring product quality, then although the saved manpower and material resources can be used to increase the production of some products, the products with reduced quality cannot be used one by one. waste. The point of view of overall saving is to closely link saving and production increase, implement economy in production increase, and use economical methods to promote production increase. It is easy to understand that there is a conflict between ensuring product quality and practising economy. In the case of no improvement in product design, production technology, and technological process, reducing the cost of living labor and physical labor is not "saving", but "cutting corners", which will inevitably affect the quality of the product. It is precisely because of this that some people think that emphasizing quality cannot save money, and saving cannot improve quality. This view is the absolute opposite of economy and quality. In fact, in addition to the contradictory side, the guarantee and improvement of product quality and saving also have a unified side. The quality of the product is improved, the service life of the product is extended, and the performance of the product is enhanced, which is to save the human and material consumption of the society. From the point of view of a factory and enterprise, improving product quality, reducing scrap and defective products, reducing the rate of product rework and repair, is also a saving of material and manpower. The key to correctly handling the contradiction between quality and economy is to fully mobilize the masses to reform unreasonable product design, reform cumbersome processes and processes, reduce unreasonable material consumption, rationally select raw materials, improve the comprehensive utilization of materials, and turn waste. Weibao, etc., so that the solution can be realized on the premise of ensuring the improvement of product quality. The struggle between the two classes, the two roads and the two lines that existed throughout the socialist period will also be reflected in the question of economy. The bourgeoisie inside and outside the party always takes advantage of the commodity system, currency exchange, and three major differences in socialist society to desperately spread the decadent bourgeois ideas of pursuit of enjoyment, covetousness, and extravagance. Corruption, theft, and profligacy are not only their class nature, but also their evil means of attacking the proletariat in the economic field, undermining socialist construction and dismantling the socialist economic foundation. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, the biggest capitalist roaders in the party, always strongly opposed Chairman Mao's policy of "building the country with diligence and thrift". The ideas of some workers, party members, and cadres provide fertile soil for the generation of new bourgeois elements; conditions for new and old bourgeois elements to carry out corrupt activities such as corruption, speculation, and malpractice; social foundation. Therefore, practising economy and opposing waste will not only speed up the pace of socialist construction economically, but will also be a powerful blow to the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party politically. === {{anchor|header-n8359}} {{anchor|Toc83471794}} Section 2 Labor Productivity under the Socialist System === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471795}} {{anchor|header-n8360}} Increased labor productivity is a sign of labor time savings ==== The economic law of socialist labor time saving requires continuous improvement of labor productivity Labor productivity is the quantitative expression of the efficiency of laborers in producing a certain product within a certain labor time, that is, the level of labor productivity. The greater the number of products that can be produced with the same amount of labor, or the less labor costs per unit of product, the higher the labor productivity. The labor productivity calculated only on the basis of the living labor expenditure of the producer is called the individual labor productivity. Starting from the whole society, when calculating labor productivity, not only the cost of living labor, but also the cost of materialized labor should be considered; the labor productivity calculated by taking both the cost of materialized labor and living labor into account is called social labor productivity.. In the process of the development of socialist production, laborers continue to create new and higher labor productivity, which means consuming the same amount of labor and producing more material materials, marking the saving of materialized labor and living labor. The high-speed growth of labor productivity is the decisive link for the high-speed development of production, and it is of great significance to the development of the socialist economy. Lenin pointed out: '''"Labor productivity is, in the final analysis, the most important and most important thing to ensure the victory of the new social system." The '''"The Great Creation". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 16.reason why the socialist system will inevitably defeat the capitalist system is, in the final analysis, because under the socialist system there will inevitably be more problems than capital. The much higher labor productivity under the socialist system creates a material foundation for the growing prosperity of the country and the improving material and cultural life of the people. The changes that have taken place in our country since the founding of the People's Republic of my country, especially since the socialist transformation has basically been completed, are the most powerful confirmations of Lenin's thesis. Why must such a change occur? In analyzing the factors affecting labor productivity, Marx pointed out: '''"Labor productivity is determined by a variety of conditions, including: the average proficiency of workers, the level of scientific development and its application in craftsmanship, the social integration of the production process, The scale and efficiency of the means of production, as well as natural conditions.” '''Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Mark and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 53.The factors that Marx pointed out to affect labor productivity can play a greater role under the socialist system. Under the socialist system, laborers start from wage slaves and become masters of production. Continuously improving labor proficiency has become a conscious activity for laborers to exert their socialist enthusiasm. Under the planned training in socialist countries and the mutual learning and mutual help among laborers, especially since the "July 21" workers' universities have been widely promoted in factories since the Cultural Revolution, the average proficiency level of the vast number of laborers in China improve rapidly. Under the socialist system, the development of science and its application in industrial and agricultural production are no longer bound by the law of surplus value, but by the basic economic law of socialism. The monopoly of science and technology by a few bourgeois experts has gradually changed. Under the condition that the masses of workers and peasants, revolutionary cadres and professionals implement the "three-in-one" combination, science and technology will be more widely used in production and will develop more rapidly. Under the socialist system, the planned social integration of the production process and the planned division of labor and cooperation among producers have broken through the scope of one enterprise and one capital, and have extended to various enterprises, various production departments, and various industries. between regions; the scale of utilization of means of production is also expanding with the transformation of private ownership into public ownership and the continuous improvement of the degree of public ownership; the transformation of natural conditions is like the construction of “Dazhaitian” in my country and the construction of “Red Flag Canal”. Projects such as the management of the Yellow River, Huaihe River, and Haihe River have also been carried out at a scale and speed unimaginable in the old society. The socialist system opened up broad prospects for rapid increases in labor productivity. However, since the bourgeoisie still exists in socialist society, there are bourgeois legal rights, and there is widespread bourgeois influence among the ranks of workers, peasants, state functionaries and intellectuals. The increase in productivity can never be without resistance. This resistance mainly comes from the bourgeoisie within the party. The leaders of the revisionist line such as Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping have always lavished Marxism on the issue of labor productivity, selling "the theory of the extinction of class struggle" and "the theory of productivity." They and their royal theorists, on the one hand, distorted Lenin's theory of the role of labor productivity in securing the victory of the new social system, distorting Lenin's view as if after the proletariat seized power, increasing labor productivity was the overriding priority On the other hand, they distorted Marx's theory on the factors affecting labor productivity, said the development of science and technology as the primary factor to ensure the improvement of labor productivity, and advocated the supremacy of technology and the priority of experts. In 1975, when Deng Xiaohu was blowing the right-leaning verdict, he vigorously preached the fallacy that "productivity is science" and that bourgeois experts should be in command in the field of science and technology. In his view, only by relying on bourgeois experts can science and technology develop, labor productivity increase, and the "four modernizations" realized. " '''They simply deny that thousands of years of human history are the history of class struggle, the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, the revolution of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. '''" Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 5, 1967.They advocated on the issue of labor productivity The "theory of extinction of the class struggle" and the "theory of only productive forces" are intended to cover up the bourgeoisie's rampant attack on the proletariat and their evil activities of restoring capitalism. According to Marxism, socialism is the abolition of classes. The improvement of labor productivity is important to the consolidation and victory of the socialist system, but it is by no means the first thing. Because the elimination of classes and the realization of communism will never be realized spontaneously with the improvement of labor productivity; at the same time, only by insisting on the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, constantly improving socialist production relations, and giving full play to the socialist system Only by virtue of the superiority of socialist industry, agriculture, and transportation can labor productivity grow lastingly and rapidly. ==== {{anchor|header-n8371}} {{anchor|Toc83471796}} The role of technological innovation in improving labor productivity ==== The increase in labor productivity is determined by a variety of circumstances. However, workers with certain labor experience, creation and use of production tools are always the active and most important factor in productivity. Under the socialist system, laborers are masters of the country, full of revolutionary pride, and have great enthusiasm and initiative to develop socialist production. They are not only able to work hard and work hard in the struggle for production, but also know how to work skillfully. They constantly sum up and accumulate experience in the struggle for production, engage in technological innovation, and promote the development of science and technology, so as to promote the improvement of labor productivity. Through the practice of production struggle, laborers engage in technological innovation, which is an important way to improve labor productivity. It not only directly determines the improvement of production tools and production technology, but also has a significant impact on the utilization range of production materials and the degree of transformation of natural conditions. In the course of the development of socialist revolution and socialist construction, the demands placed on socialist production from all aspects will inevitably become higher and higher. If we do not engage in technological innovation and improve labor productivity, it will be difficult to meet the requirements of the country and the people. In a socialist society, technological innovation is an important means for workers to complete and overfulfill national and collective production tasks, and gradually transform production labor from heavy manual labor to semi-mechanized, mechanized, automated, and electronic operations. Typical examples of reducing labor intensity, improving labor conditions and increasing labor productivity through technological innovation can be found all over our country. The important role of technological innovation is also very clear from some materials in Shanghai:
Those who are familiar with the glass bottle industry will naturally think of the "three treasures" of bottlemakers in the past: the first is an iron rod. One end reached into the red furnace, the other twisted back and forth in the hands of the workers. Each worker has to pick materials six or seven thousand times a day. Many workers have sprained their wrists and have to undergo surgery. The second item is a towel. Workers soaked it in cold water and wrapped it around their foreheads to resist the heat in front of the furnace. The third is a pair of three-inch-thick wooden slippers, which I wear to prevent the heat from burning my feet. But today, when we walked into the bottle-making workshop of Shanghai Glass Bottle No. 10 Factory, we saw a different scene: several kinds of glass raw materials were automatically mixed by electronic scales and a set of control mechanisms and sent to the feeding machine; The liquid level controller automatically controls the feeding machine according to the height of the glass solution surface in the furnace, so that the raw materials are evenly fed into the furnace; After it is done, it is grabbed by the manipulator on the conveyor belt and sent to the annealing furnace. All this is controlled by an electronic computer. In the simple machine room built by the workers themselves, all kinds of indicator lights are flashing, and the industrial TV screen is showing the operation status of the machine. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the factory has undergone four relatively large technological innovations, from manual operation to semi-mechanization, from semi-mechanization to mechanization, and from mechanization to electronics. The worker comrade said happily: "In the past, bottle-making was: nodding the head and shaking the whole body by hand, ten fingers were scalded with foam, and the bottle had to be run on two legs. The labor intensity was really high; The bottles run around the machine, and the production leaps and makes people laugh." The annual output of the factory was 1,358 tons in 1966, and reached 3,110 tons in 1974; The semi-mechanization was realized in 2008, and each machine was reduced to four and a half people. Now it is electronic, and one person can manage two bottle-making machines.
Before the liberation of the Shanghai glove industry, what was left was a mess of "three olds and one miscellaneous", that is, old factories, old equipment, old products, and miscellaneous machine models. The technical conditions of the entire industry are very poor, and all operations are done by hand. Workers need to shake hands, jump with their feet, count their mouths, and remember them. The labor intensity is high and the production efficiency is low. One worker produces four or five dozen gloves a day and needs to shake 30,000. Many times, over many years, workers have "shoulders with heights and arms with thicknesses". Since the Great Leap Forward in 1958, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the vast number of workers in the glove industry have carried forward the revolutionary spirit of daring to think and act, and have successively innovated the hand-cranked glove machine into electric, semi-automatic, automatic, and fully automatic glove machines, with great labor intensity. Labor productivity increased by more than twenty times, the total number of people in the industry was reduced by two-thirds, and the total output increased by four times. On this basis, they continued to advance to the depth and breadth of technological innovation, and successfully trial-produced an electronic digital program-controlled glove machine, whose output was 12.6 times higher than that of the semi-automatic glove machine. After the group control glove machine was put into production, the stand rate increased nine times, the shift output per person increased ten times, and the labor of the shift workers could be saved by 90%. All of this is just as the worker comrades said: "Innovation has no peak, and the potential is endless. With great efforts and skillful efforts, the face is changing day by day."
Technological innovation has promoted the improvement of machines, equipment and tools, and increased the level of mechanization, automation and continuity of production; promoted the reform of product design and the reform of production processes; and also promoted the reform of raw materials, replacing good money with waste and inferior materials. The raw materials with more resources are used to replace the raw materials with less resources. All of this has greatly improved labor productivity and greatly saved raw materials, materials, equipment and labor. The road of technological innovation is also full of struggles between two classes, two roads and two lines. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, these representatives of the bourgeoisie, on the issue of technological innovation, carried out "foreign slave philosophy" and "creepism" and pursued a line of traitorous surrender. In their view, to carry out technological innovation, only by purchasing patents from foreigners and importing machinery and equipment can we succeed, otherwise it is impossible. Deng Xiaoping said in the "Regulations" that he concocted called "speeding up industrial development", which was actually speeding up the restoration of capitalism, saying that in our country to achieve "four modernizations", we must rely on the introduction of more "advanced foreign technologies" and rely on foreign countries. Supply of "modern complete equipment". If Deng Xiaoping's scheme continues, China will become an economic vassal of imperialism and social imperialism. Deng Xiaoping's revisionist line of traitorous surrender runs counter to Chairman Mao's great policy of "independence and self-reliance". Chairman Mao taught us a long time ago: " '''On what basis should our policy be based? Put it on the basis of our own strength, which is called self-reliance '''. " "The Current Situation After the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War and Our Policy". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1030., Deng Xiaoping's sharp criticism of the line of traitorous surrender, which serves as the basis for our country's technological The technological innovation pointed out the direction, greatly inspired the enthusiasm and creativity of the working class, working people and scientific and technical personnel in our country, and vigorously promoted the development of technological innovation. We emphasize that we insist on self-reliance, not to refuse to adopt foreign advanced technology, but to learn and adopt all foreign new technologies that meet the actual needs of my country's production and development. But we must be based on self-reliance, proceed from the actual situation in our country, and learn and adopt purposefully and selectively. When dealing with foreign new technologies, as Mr. Lu Xun said: "You must use your brain, open your eyes, and get it yourself", and after you bring it, "either use it or store it". For the imported samples, prototypes and other technologies, only after a batch of two-use, three-reform and four-innovation, learning for innovation, and foreign use for my country, will it be beneficial to the construction of our country. To carry out technological innovation independently and independently, we must fully trust and rely on the broad masses of workers. The bourgeoisie and its representatives in the party always do not believe in the wisdom and power of the masses, emphasize the special nature of science and technology, and think that the development of science and technology can only rely on a few experts, not on the broad masses, and cannot engage in mass movements. This is completely wrong. . The mass line is the fundamental line of the party. The masses of workers are the masters of the factory, the most vivid and decisive factor among the factors of productive forces. Only by adhering to the mass line, letting go of mobilizing the masses, and engaging in mass movements, can we mobilize the masses’ revolutionary energy, revolutionary perseverance, and revolutionary wisdom, that is, the socialist enthusiasm and creativity of the workers, so that technological innovation can flourish. Under the leadership of the party, the implementation of the three-part combination of the masses of workers, leading cadres and technical personnel is the embodiment of the party's mass line in the technological innovation movement. China's technological innovation has developed from the "three-in-one" inside the factory to the outside, and the "three-in-one" of factories, schools and scientific research institutions has been implemented, and the "three-in-one" of design units, manufacturing units and user units has been implemented. form. These different types of "three combinations" are new things of socialism and vivid manifestations of the new interrelationships established by people in the technological innovation movement. Adhering to the implementation of "three combinations" in the technological innovation movement will continuously improve socialist production relations, fully mobilize the masses, and promote the development of social productive forces. In the technological innovation movement, we must also implement the principle of "walking on two legs" of the combination of local and foreign methods. Those who only value the foreign and look down on the soil are actually excluding the broad masses from the door of technological innovation. Practice has proved that only when the local law is launched and the local and foreign countries are combined can the masses be most fully mobilized. The various innovations and creations of the broad masses of workers are created by them, based on the actual needs of production development, summarizing their years of practical experience in production, and relying on self-reliance. Local methods generally have the characteristics and advantages of being relatively simple and easy to implement, adapting measures to local conditions, using local materials, spending less money, getting started quickly, having great results, and being easy to popularize. Adhering to the implementation of local laws will better enable people to make the best use of their talents and materials, fully mobilize positive factors in all aspects, and open up the broadest world for the masses to participate in technological innovation.
Take Shanghai sweater industry as an example. Before the Cultural Revolution, under the interference of the revisionist line, in order to pursue "decent" and "regular", a small number of people closed their doors and started automation. In 1973, two young electricians from a sweater factory, proceeding from the actual needs of production, started the local method and only spent 72 yuan to create a "photoelectric control box" to automate the four operations. . Workers are very welcome because of the low cost and quick results. In half a year, it was rapidly promoted on 1,500 looms in the industry, increasing production efficiency by more than 15%. Since 1974, this easy-to-use program control has been gradually popularized and used in 20 industries such as steel rolling, forging, gold chip cutting, and rubber in the city.
Numerous examples vividly prove that home-grown methods are deeply rooted in the soil of production practices. It is connected with the flesh and blood of the masses and has a strong vitality. Engels once said: '''"The occurrence and development of science is determined by production from the very beginning '''. " Engels: Dialectics of Nature, People's Publishing House, 1971, p. 162.The simple earthly methods developed from the actual production situation are in line with the objective law of the development of production technology from low-level to high-level, from quantitative change to qualitative change. We emphasize the introduction of "local" law, and we are by no means rejecting "foreign" law. The so-called "earth" and "foreign" both exist in comparison and develop through struggle. Not based on the soil, worshiping the ocean and dumping the soil, the result is that nothing can be done. Only in the process of technological innovation, if we insist on the introduction of local laws and the combination of local and foreign countries, can we fully mobilize the masses, make vigorous efforts, and obtain the effect of speeding up and saving money; Many restrictions have excluded the broad masses of the masses from the door to technological innovation, thus greatly dampening their enthusiasm and creativity. Therefore, whether or not to adhere to the policy of implementing local laws and combining local and foreign laws is in essence a major issue of whether or not to carry out mass movements, and whether to do more quickly and efficiently. === {{anchor|header-n8387}} {{anchor|Toc83471797}} Section 3 Socialist Cooperation and Competition === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471798}} {{anchor|header-n8388}} socialist collaboration ==== The social integration of the production process is an important factor in determining labor productivity. Collaboration is an important form of social integration in the production process. Marx said: '''"Many people work together in a planned way in the same production process, or in different but interrelated production processes. This form of labor is called cooperation." '''Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 362.This kind of cooperation has the characteristics of different production relations. different social nature and scope. The capitalist private ownership of the means of production is a social condition for wage-wage workers to gather and collaborate. The characteristic of cooperation under the capitalist system is that the cooperative labor among laborers is compelled by capital. The purpose of capitalist development cooperation is to strengthen the exploitation of workers and extract more surplus value. This capitalist cooperation will inevitably arouse the resistance of the workers and develop into a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. At the same time, the scope of collaboration is limited by the scale of capital. As far as individual capital is concerned, capitalist cooperation is planned, but from the perspective of society as a whole, production and exchange are anarchic. Between different factories and different capital groups, cooperation is maintained by order contracts, so this cooperative relationship is extremely unstable. The nature of capitalists' profit-seeking, profit-seeking, and profit-seeking determines that between capitalist enterprises, there must be intrigue, the law of the jungle, and mutual conflict, which often interrupts and destroys this cooperative relationship. Socialist cooperation denies the relationship and anarchy of capital forced labor in capitalist cooperation, and it reflects a new type of relationship of mutual support formed by people on the basis of public ownership of the means of production. The purpose of socialist cooperation is to produce more products to meet the needs of society. It can break through the limitations of an enterprise, widely in the whole society, in different enterprises, different departments, and different regions in a planned way. "One factory, one corner, one hundred factories cooperate, one factory one, one hundred factories form a line." The power generated by the socialist cooperation is by no means equal to the simple sum of the production capacity of many enterprises, but creates a new larger productivity. Socialist cooperation is conducive to promoting the development of social division of labor and production specialization. Lenin pointed out: " '''In order to increase the productivity of human labor for the production of a certain part of the whole product, it is necessary to specialize the production of this part, to make it a special kind of production that makes a large number of products and thus allows (and requires) the use of machines, etc. The cooperative relationship usually called "one-stop '''" "On the So-called Market Problem". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 1, p. 84.organized between enterprises creates conditions for mutual integration and mutual promotion between enterprises, which is conducive to the realization of social division of labor and production specialization, and is conducive to overcoming the need for a single enterprise. In order to quickly break through the weak links in production to promote the rapid development of production.
Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the industrial sector of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province has widely mobilized the masses, conscientiously summed up experience, not newly adjusted the parts of production relations that are not suitable for the development of productive forces, constantly reformed the aspects of the superstructure that are not suitable for the economic foundation, and established and developed walking tractors. Eight production cooperation lines, including corduroy, khaki, printed cloth , chemical fiber, transistor radio, glass fiber reinforced plastic products, and plastic products, have changed the "small and complete" process of the factory in the past, with scattered power and insufficient capacity. The situation of Changzhou has made great changes in the industrial landscape of Changzhou:
From 1966 to 1973, the total industrial output value increased by an average of more than 15% every year; during these eight years, the accumulation provided to the country was equivalent to five times the total output value of the city's original industrial fixed assets, equivalent to ten times the total national investment during the same period. doubled.
Socialist cooperation is conducive to concentrating the necessary human, material and financial resources to accomplish tasks that are difficult for an enterprise, a department or a region to accomplish in a short period of time in terms of capital construction and industrial technological transformation.
The construction of the Shanghai Petrochemical Plant is a triumph of the great socialist collaboration. This is the largest construction project in Shanghai since liberation. With the joint battle of 23 bureaus, 23 design units, hundreds of thousands of people, and strong cooperation and support from all over the country, the construction started on January 1, 1974. Since the first foundation pile was laid, it took only one year and nine months to build six production plants, four auxiliary plants, as well as the offshore oil unloading wharf, sewage discharge tunnel, Jinshan Railway Branch Line, Huangpu River Bridge, living quarters, businesses, schools, hospitals, etc., have mythically risen from the sea of the old tide, and the muddy beach has risen from the tide, and made the first set of eighteen installations. Device ignition production.
The industrial technological transformation of Shanghai's textile industry is another example of the superiority of socialist cooperation. Since the liberation, especially since the Cultural Revolution, under the auspices of relevant leading departments, the technical force of the whole industry has been used intensively to solve one or two weak links every year. In 1970, the city's spinning frames were renovated, increasing the cotton yarn yield per spindle from 35kg to 43kg. In 1971, a "people's war" was fought to develop synthetic fibers, which doubled the production capacity of synthetic fibers. In 1972, a battle to manufacture broad-width looms took place, resulting in an increase of 1.6% of the city's high-efficiency broad-width looms. In 1973 and 1974, the development of polyester was concentrated. In 1974, the output of polyester printing and dyeing fabrics increased by 42 times compared with 1965. Due to socialist cooperation and concentrated efforts to fight the war of annihilation in the technological transformation of the industry, the Liberation 26 textile industry system basically did not build new factories, and according to the national requirements, more than 80 factories were relocated and converted, and the number of spindles was reduced by 25. %, the cloth machine decreased by 18%, the number of employees decreased by 12%, but the output value increased by nearly four times compared with 1949, and the funds accumulated for the country were equivalent to 62 times the state's investment in the capital construction of Shanghai's textile industry.
Since there is still a commodity system in the socialist period, the cooperative relationship between socialist enterprises is still based on the commodity-currency relationship, so it also has a duality. It is not only a new type of cooperative relationship based on socialist public ownership, and enterprises support each other, but at the same time, it still must follow the principle of equivalent exchange, and it is still a commodity exchange relationship with currency as the medium. This objectively existing monetary relationship and buying and selling relationship between socialist enterprises are produced in the process of cooperation, and they are based on conditions. They only want to be the protagonist, not supporting roles. The economic basis for capitalist collaborations such as beggar-thy-neighbor. Therefore, the development process of socialist cooperation cannot but be a process of struggle between socialism and capitalism. This is a reflection of the cooperative relationship between public ownership and private ownership. To carry out socialist cooperation, we must insist that proletarian politics be in command, and deal with problems in cooperation with class struggle as the key link. We must adhere to the principles of socialism, consciously abide by the state's various financial systems, and resolutely implement the various economic policies of the proletariat. In the cooperative relationship between state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises, between state-owned enterprises and between collective enterprises, the principle of equivalent exchange must be observed, and reasonable pricing must be implemented; contracts must be strictly enforced to ensure that the varieties and specifications are met. , Complete collaborative tasks according to quality, quantity and deadline. At the same time, we must advocate the "Longjiang" style, use difficulties to promote ourselves, and give up convenience to others, so that the communist style of cooperation will be carried forward day by day. ==== {{anchor|header-n8404}} {{anchor|Toc83471799}} socialist competition ==== Social integration in the process of socialist production is not only manifested in socialist cooperation, but also in socialist competition. Socialist competition, a form of social integration in the production process, has never existed in human history. Its appearance indicates that the relationship between people in the production process has developed to a new stage. Socialist competition is fundamentally different from capitalist competition. Lenin said: '''"Competition is the unprecedented and brutal suppression of the masses of the people, the overwhelming majority of the population, the enterprising spirit, perseverance and boldness of initiative of the ninety-nine percent of the working people; Fraud, tyranny and flattery to the upper echelons of society." '''"How to organize a competition? ". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 392.That is to say, capitalist competition expresses the law of the jungle of capitalist production, its principle is that the advanced defeat the laggard and expand their own power on the basis of the bankruptcy of the laggard. site. Competition is the product of commodity production, especially commodity production based on capitalist private ownership. It not only deepens the contradictions between capital groups, but also because capitalists always strengthen their competitiveness by strengthening the exploitation of laborers. It is also bound to deepen the contradiction between capital and labor. The principle of the socialist competition is to "compete with the advanced, learn from the advanced, catch up with the advanced, and help the backward", so as to achieve common progress and common improvement. The brand-new historical phenomenon of socialist competition can only appear after the proletariat and all the working people have seized state power and become the masters of the state and enterprises. It is a product of the socialist public ownership of the means of production and reflects the unanimity of the fundamental interests of the working people. Lenin pointed out: " '''Socialism not only does not stifle competition, but, for the first time in history, makes it possible to use competition on a really wide and really large scale, attracting the real majority of working people to a work arena where they Be able to show off your skills, display your skills, and give full play to your talents. '''”Ditto. The socialist competition in our country is a form of mass movement under the leadership of the party to implement the party's general line of building socialism. In the course of the competition, the latest technology and advanced experience created by the masses will be promoted to various industries and the whole society in a timely manner through learning and helping. Therefore, the socialist labor competition has a great role in promoting the development of socialist production, the advancement of technology, and the improvement of labor productivity. Socialist competition is a broad mass movement in the struggle for production, and an important method for correctly handling the contradiction between the advanced and the backward in production. By comparing the advanced between enterprises, find the gap, and find the typical example of the advanced and the backward; and then expose the contradictions within each enterprise, first of all, to expose the problems existing in the leadership of the enterprise, and then to work together to solve the contradictions and change the backwardness into the backwardness. Advanced, make advanced more advanced. In the socialist competition, " When '''one contradiction is overcome, new contradictions will arise, and the competition will continue in this way. In this way, society will continue to advance. '''"Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from People's Daily, May 24, 1955.
In 1970, the Shanghai newspaper published the "Comparative Investigation Report between No. 1 Water Pump Factory and Shanghai Water Pump Factory", which compared the situation of Shanghai No. Small, poor conditions, mobilized the masses, and made the production steaming, a comparison was made. The publication of the investigation report aroused great repercussions in Shanghai Pump Factory. The broad masses of cadres and workers could no longer sit still. With a strong desire to quickly change the backward appearance, they exposed contradictions and found gaps, and put forward more than 300 suggestions for improvement at once. The leading cadres of the factory also corrected their line, improved their style of work, went deep into the masses, and mobilized the masses. With the efforts of the whole factory cadres and the masses, the backward appearance has been quickly changed. In the four years from 1970 to 1974, the production of this factory has made continuous leaps, and the annual output value has increased by about 20% every year. Now the annual output is equal to two and a half times that of four years ago, and the variety has also doubled and one half. New products with high pressure, large flow and long lift that could not be produced in the past have now been put into production in batches.
Under the condition that the commodity system is implemented in a socialist society, the relationship of competition and money related to the relationship of commodities will inevitably be reflected in the socialist competition. Therefore, it is very important to insist on proletarian politics in the socialist competition. Otherwise, It will bring serious consequences to the socialist revolution and socialist construction The famous Stakhanov movement that appeared in the Soviet Union in the 1930s was a socialist competition initiated by the working masses. In this competition, the Soviet working class showed great socialist enthusiasm and creativity, and vigorously promoted the development of production and technology. However, in the process of organizing the competition, they did not insist on proletarian politics and communist ideological education. On the contrary, the use of bonuses as a means of stimulating the development of the movement resulted in the expansion of bourgeois legal rights in material distribution, the promotion of bourgeois ideas in pursuit of fame and fortune, and the severe corrosion of socialist interrelationships by capitalism. The Novo movement has finally left the path of healthy development. This is a lesson worth remembering.. Representatives of the bourgeoisie in the party always see competition as simply a means of accomplishing production tasks, and always make the profit and material incentives that dominate capitalist competition in command and flood the socialist competition in order to destroy socialist production. relationship, corroding the thinking of the majority of workers. The so-called competition advocated by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, etc., pursues the philosophy of bourgeois egoism and the principle of material incentives. The core of which is the word "money". We must do the opposite. In the process of organizing socialist competitions, we should carry forward the communist labor attitude and style, and resolutely fight against the revisionist line of profit and material stimulation, so that the competition can develop healthily along the socialist track. == {{anchor|header-n8417}} {{anchor|Toc83471800}} Chapter VII Socialist System of Economic Accounting == === {{anchor|Toc83471801}} {{anchor|header-n8418}} Section 1 Duality of Economic Accounting === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471802}} {{anchor|header-n8419}} Economic accounting is an important means of practising thrift ==== Economic accounting is a product of the development of production. When social production develops to a certain stage, there will be a need to record, calculate, analyze and compare production costs and production results. This activity of recording, calculating, analyzing and comparing the production costs and production results in the production process (or business process) is called economic accounting, which is commonly referred to as bookkeeping or accounting. In the case of individual producers, this kind of calculation is often carried out only in the mind of the producer himself, which is relatively simple. The more social the production process, the more important economic accounting becomes. Marx pointed out: "The '''more the process takes place on a social scale, and the more it loses its purely individual character, the more necessary is bookkeeping as a control and conceptual summary of the process; therefore, bookkeeping is more important to capitalist production than artisanal and peasant production. Decentralized production is more necessary, more necessary for communal production than for capitalist production. '''”Marx: Capital, Vol. 2. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 24, p. 152. The economic accounting under the socialist system is different from the economic accounting under the capitalist system, but this accounting is still linked to commodity money and is not much different from the old society. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique is taking advantage of the fact that economic accounting is not much different from that of the old society, and is trying to restore capitalism by promoting profits and material incentives. In order to help fight against the bourgeoisie's attempts to restore capitalism within the party, we must first draw a clear line between economic accounting under the socialist system and economic accounting under the capitalist system. Under capitalist private ownership, economic accounting is governed by the basic economic laws of capitalism. The purpose of capitalist production is to realize valorization, the surplus value created by the exploitation of workers. Capitalist economic accounting is always subordinate to the purpose of capitalist production, in order to obtain maximum surplus value with minimum capital expenditure. For example, the adoption of new technologies and new processes can save raw materials and improve labor productivity, that is to say, it can save materialized labor and living labor, and labor time can be saved. However, this will only be used if it can bring more surplus value to the capitalist. If it is said that hiring more cheap labor can save capital expenditure and bring more surplus value to capitalists than adopting new technology and new technology, then although new technology and new technology can save labor time In time, the capitalists will not adopt it. This situation shows: " '''Capitalist production is extremely economical in the labor that has been realized and materialized in commodities. On the contrary, it wastes people and living labor far more than any other mode of production. It not only wastes blood and meat, but also a waste of nerves and brains. '''”Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 105.
There is a Minamata town in southern Kyushu, Japan, where a monopoly capital Nippon Nippon Fertilizer Company specializes in the production of vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate. In order to reduce costs and obtain higher profits, capitalists have adopted mercury catalyst processes since 1950, regardless of the health and lives of workers and residents. As a result, a large amount of poisonous water and waste residues containing methylmercury were discharged into Minamata Bay, causing serious pollution of seawater and poisoning of a large number of fish. The residents of Minamata ate this type of fish, and at first they suffered from slurred speech, unsteady gait, facial dementia, then deafness and blindness, numbness all over the body, and finally insanity, bending of the body, and howling to death. Among the 50,000 residents of Minamata Town, there are more than 10,000 people suffering from this disease, so it is commonly called "Minamata disease". After investigation, after finding out the source of the disease, the capitalists did everything possible to keep the investigation results secret, and colluded with the authorities, refusing to change the process, resulting in the spread of "Minamata disease" all over Japan.
The spread of the "Minamata disease" in Japan fully demonstrates that the internal economy of capitalist enterprises is in essence strengthening the exploitation of wage labor. As far as the capitalist society as a whole is concerned, due to the anarchy of production, there is a lot of waste, let alone any savings. The cyclical outbreak of capitalist economic crises causes social production to decline, the number of unemployed to increase, a large number of labor and production equipment to be idled, and material wealth created by labor to be destroyed in large quantities. This massive waste created by the capitalist system is unavoidable. Therefore, in a capitalist society, economic accounting is governed by the laws of capitalist economics, and the saving of labor time in the production of individual enterprises coexists with the enormous waste of living and materialized labor in society as a whole. This contradiction cannot be resolved under the capitalist system. Under the condition of socialist public ownership of the means of production, economic accounting is governed by the basic economic laws of socialism. The purpose of socialist production is to serve the interests of the proletariat and all working people, and to meet the growing needs of the country and the people. Socialist economic accounting, by saving labor time and promoting the continuous growth of socialist production, can better serve the purpose of socialist production. At the same time, socialist economic accounting can not only be carried out within each enterprise, but also within the scope of the entire national economy due to the existence of socialist public ownership of the means of production, which makes it possible for human, material and financial resources to be spread across the entire society. It can be fully and rationally utilized, so as to better realize savings and meet the needs of the country and the people better. Socialist economic accounting, as a means to develop the socialist economy in a comprehensive and economical manner, is realized by relying on the conscious activities of the broad masses of working people. Since socialist economic accounting is consistent with the fundamental interests of the working masses, the economic accounting in socialist enterprises is not only the work of professionals, but also an economic activity that the masses consciously participate in. The team accounting, economic supervision organization and economic activity analysis meeting in my country's socialist enterprises are some important forms of economic accounting in which the masses are in charge of financial management. The laboring masses participate in the economic accounting activities of enterprises, which are required by socialist public ownership and are socialist Demonstration of institutional superiority. The working masses are the most familiar with the production process. They have been fighting on the front line of production for many years. They are the clearest about the status of their part of the work and have the most say in increasing production and saving money. In factories and enterprises, workers participate in team accounting, participate in the analysis of economic activities in the workshop and the whole factory, and manage financial management as masters, which can not only make economic accounting play a greater role, promote the rapid development of the movement of increasing production and saving, but also can supervise enterprises. Leaders act in accordance with the party's line, principles and policies, so that enterprises can move forward healthily along the socialist road. While relying on the working masses, socialist economic accounting also requires attention to the role of professionals, combining mass accounting with professional accounting. Professional accounting personnel have contact with various workshops and teams of the enterprise, and have a better understanding of the overall situation of the enterprise's economic activities. Therefore, the combination of working people and professionals is conducive to the realization of comprehensive economy, and promotes the continuous development of the socialist economy in more, faster, better and more economical ways. ==== {{anchor|header-n8432}} {{anchor|Toc83471803}} Value in use accounting and value accounting ==== Economic accounting is the comparison and accounting of production costs and production results in the production process. The socialist production process is the unification of the direct social labor process and the value creation process. In the process of direct social labor, laborers have to consume a certain type and quantity of use value, and at the same time create various use values that meet the needs of the country and the people in a planned way. Therefore, socialist economic accounting must account for use values. In the process of value creation, laborers not only transfer the old value of means of production and raw materials to new products, but also create new value. Therefore, socialist economic accounting must account for value. Use value accounting and value accounting constitute two aspects of socialist economic accounting. The economic accounting indicators of socialist enterprises, whether they are accounting indicators reflecting production results or accounting indicators reflecting production consumption, have two different aspects: use value accounting and value accounting. Among the accounting indicators reflecting production results, product variety, output and quality are the accounting indicators of use value; while output value and profit are the indicators of value accounting. For the production results of socialist enterprises, we must calculate and measure from the two aspects of use value and value at the same time. Only when a socialist enterprise fully realizes the accounting indicators of use value and value in terms of product variety, output, quality, output value, and profit can it be said that its production results, whether in physical form or value form, are guaranteed to meet the The growing needs of the country and the people have made due contributions. In the accounting indicators reflecting the production consumption of enterprises, there are also two aspects of use value accounting and value accounting. For example, raw material consumption quota, auxiliary material consumption quota and equipment utilization coefficient, etc., are the accounting indicators of the value in use; and the amount of reduction in the cost of comparable products is an indicator of value accounting. Socialist enterprises should not exceed the consumption quota of various raw materials and auxiliary materials in physical form, and not lower than the utilization coefficient of various major equipment, save various useful material wealth for the country, and strive to achieve comparable value in terms of value. The cost of products is reduced by the amount, and the country saves funds for socialist construction. Only then can it be said that its production and operation have better implemented the socialist principle of conservation. They are all put together according to a unified form of monetary value, so as to comprehensively compare its entire production results and production costs, and analyze the subjective and objective factors that cause increases and decreases to promote comprehensive savings in all kinds of materialized labor and living labor, so as to produce more quantity. , more variety and higher quality use value to meet the needs of the country and the people. Accounting value is to create more and better use value. In this respect, use value accounting and value accounting are unified. However, use value accounting and value accounting are after all accounting from two different angles, and there are also contradictions between them. This unity of opposites between use value accounting and value accounting is the duality of socialist economic accounting. The contradiction between use value accounting and value accounting is the manifestation of the contradiction of commodities under the socialist system. The purpose of socialist production is to ensure that the needs of the state and the people are met. Therefore, the state must issue various use-value indicators to state-owned enterprises. However, socialist production is still commodity production, and the state must issue various value indicators while issuing various use-value indicators. The value indicators such as the output value and the profits handed over by the state to various state-owned enterprises are comprehensive indicators, while the use value indicators such as product variety, output and quality issued by the state are classified indicators; For certain products, the state often only issues general categories of products, but not specific varieties and specifications. This will make the state-owned enterprises' completion of use value accounting indicators and value accounting indicators uneven, even very inconsistent, often the enterprises have achieved the use value accounting indicators, but the value accounting indicators have not been achieved; or the enterprises are based on value accounting. The indicators have been achieved, but the indicators based on value-in-use accounting have not been achieved. Changes in prices can also cause conflicts between value accounting and use value accounting. Taking the accounting of production costs as an example, we often encounter such a situation: the cost of raw materials consumed by a product is calculated from the use value, and the various physical quantities it consumes have all achieved the quota indicators, or are still However, since the price of raw materials has been raised, it will appear as an increase in the cost of raw materials in terms of value. Similarly, taking the accounting of production results as an example, we often see another situation: the operating results of enterprises in a certain period of time, the product variety and output, etc., which are reflected in the physical form, have all been accounted for in terms of use value. index. However, since the product has lowered its price and is accounted for by value, the profit it pays in in monetary terms does not fulfill the plan. These situations show that use-value accounting and value-accounting contradict each other as prices move in different directions. Under the condition of price change, the contradiction between use value calculation and value calculation will arise. Then, under the condition of constant price, will there be a contradiction between use value calculation and value calculation? Since the price level does not necessarily reflect the size of labor consumption in production, at the same time, the planned price stipulated by the state is relatively stable, and the value is constantly changing, so sometimes, it will also have a use value. The contradictory situation in which accounting and value accounting move in different directions. For example, the use-value accounting index of products only specifies general categories, but not specific varieties, and it is assumed that the prices of these specific varieties have not been adjusted. However, due to the different deviations of price from value between specific varieties, some prices are higher than the value, and some prices are lower than the value. Therefore, when the use value accounting indicators of these major categories are also completed, from the perspective of value accounting, it is easier to complete the output value indicators when producing specific varieties whose price is higher than the value; producing specific varieties whose price is lower than the value. , the output value index is more difficult to complete. Such contradictory movements of use-value accounting and value-accounting occur under the condition that prices do not change, and we often encounter them in our actual life. In value accounting, value indicators such as cost, price, and profit are associated with commodities. Capitalist economic accounting uses economic categories such as cost, price and profit, and socialist economic accounting also uses these economic categories. Although the ownership system is different, these categories are after all the relics of the private economy and embody bourgeois legal rights. Its basic characteristics are to use value and its transformed form as a unified scale to measure production units with different conditions, and to cover up actual inequality with apparent equality. This is not much different from the old society. Socialist enterprises use value accounting to better save labor time and produce more and better use values needed by society. Value accounting should be dominated by the main contradiction of use value accounting. When there is a contradiction between use value accounting and value accounting, socialist enterprises are required to ensure that use value indicators such as product variety, quantity and quality are fulfilled. Under this premise, efforts should be made to increase output value, reduce costs and increase profits through proper channels, so as to achieve various value indicators at the same time. However, under the conditions of commodity-currency relations, the capitalist roaders in the party can also make value accounting the main aspect of the contradiction by pushing the revisionist black goods such as "putting the first" and "profit in command". Under the domination of “in command”, enterprises will inevitably go against the purpose of socialist production, disregard the rational use of social labor, do not put the needs of the national economy and the people’s livelihood first, but put the pursuit of output value and profits first. This will inevitably impact the national plan. , causing a huge waste of social labor, and causing some commodities to be in short supply and others to be oversupplied, sharpening the contradiction between social production and social needs. In this case, as value accounting replaces use value accounting, it becomes a contradiction In the main aspect of economic accounting, the nature of economic accounting has also degenerated from socialism to capitalism. Contradictions of this kind under the commodity system will always arise. However, as long as we have a Marxist line, rely closely on the broad masses of the working class and the poor and lower-middle peasants, insist on taking class struggle as the key link, and constantly criticize the bourgeoisie within the party and criticize revisionism, then the contradiction between value accounting and value accounting will be used. , it will be able to get the correct treatment, so that the socialist economic accounting will continue to develop along the healthy road.
The 32-ton mine self-unloading heavy-duty truck produced by Shanghai Truck Factory is an urgently needed transportation vehicle in the mining area. In the past, under the sabotage of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line, foreign capitalists and Soviet revisionist social-imperialists bullied our country's inability to produce, and thwarted us by refusing to supply spare parts. For a period of time, many imported cars in the mining area became scrap iron due to the lack of spare parts supply and could not move. The employees of Shanghai Truck Factory, self-reliant and hard-working, built their own "competitive car" in 1969 to support mining production. After the 32-ton truck was officially put into production, the output increased year by year, but the increase in spare parts was very small. There is a 886 mine, because the domestic heavy-duty vehicle parts cannot be supplied, and some vehicles have to sleep. They said: "With the domestic 'competitive car', we support our 'big battle in the mines', which has severely attacked the emperor, the repairer and the rebel. Now the supply of spare parts is low, but it has hindered our mining production." The employees of the truck factory visited the mining area and saw the situation with their own eyes. They were shocked. They investigated the production of spare parts in the factory and found that there was indeed a phenomenon of "reforming machines and light parts". Why "reform machine, light accessories"? It turned out to be caused by the "first in output value" of the virus. Because the same complete set of spare parts for a thirty-two truck, if it is assembled into a complete vehicle (including the output value of the cooperative parts manufactured by the brother factory), the output value will be more than ten times larger than that calculated by one piece of spare parts. Therefore, when some comrades proposed to send all the spare parts of the 20 complete vehicles to be assembled in the workshop to support the mining area, they encountered resistance. After the two opinions have been debated, everyone believes that putting value accounting in the first place and unilaterally pursuing output value and disregarding the needs of national construction is a manifestation of capitalist economic accounting and must be criticized. Socialist economic accounting must first ensure the needs of the country and the people in terms of use value. The spare parts of 20 vehicles are sent to the mining area to repair old vehicles, and the use value that can be exerted is not only 20, but hundreds; and in terms of value, hundreds of heavy-duty vehicles can be used. When it is activated, the increased output value of the mining area, as well as the increased output value of the steel mill as a result of obtaining more ore raw materials, will be many times higher than the reduced output value of a single truck factory. The workers of the truck factory unified their thoughts and happily sent the spare parts of 20 vehicles to the mining area. At the same time, the production of spare parts for various trucks in 1975 was rearranged, increasing by 40% over the previous year. At the end of the year, the total output value of the plant did not decrease as a result, on the contrary, it increased by 30% compared to the previous year.
The Qingjiang Rubber Shoe Factory in Qingjiang City, Jiangsu Province was originally a small alley factory producing "Jiefang shoes". Later, the superiors asked the factory to produce all rubber shoes based on the production of "Jiefang shoes" to supply urban and rural markets. What kind of rubber shoes are produced? Some people believe that the area of the rural areas in northern Jiangsu is increasing, and it is necessary to produce cheap and high-quality non-slip boots that are urgently needed by the lower-middle peasants. Some people also think that the process of anti-skid boots is complicated and the output value is low. A cadre also went out to process a batch of aluminum lasts of this general rubber shoe, and suggested that this variety be produced immediately. Through investigation and research, they learned that there are currently many factories producing general rubber shoes with high output value, and the product supply is sufficient. However, there is an urgent need for anti-skid boots in rural areas, and some people in the factory are reluctant to produce. This is not a mercenary style of capitalist management. Is there something wrong in your head? Socialist enterprises cannot only care about output value and profits, and ignore the needs of the people! As a result, the entire factory staff made the decision to produce anti-skid boots. After the anti-skid boots were put into production, they were welcomed by the poor and lower-middle peasants and sold very well. Commercial departments in various places continued to demand more orders. Under the promotion of various aspects, this factory not only meets the needs of the poor and lower-middle peasants in terms of use value, but also fulfills various value indicators well.
Some people think that completing more output value and profits is also a contribution to the socialist country, and it has not been put into the pockets of individuals. How can it be wrong? This view is wrong. If a socialist enterprise guides production based on the level of output value and profit, and ignores the needs of the people and national plans, it will not only fundamentally deviate from the purpose of socialist production, but will also result in a huge waste of social labor, giving rise to a huge waste of social labor. The country suffers losses. Because, in order to one-sidedly pursue output value and profits, enterprises only produce products with high output value and large profits, while the products needed by society are not produced according to the plan. In this way, enterprises that need such products as planned cannot obtain such products. products, it will directly and indirectly affect a series of enterprises related to such products to stop work and wait for materials, resulting in a serious waste of social labor. On the other hand, the products that are not needed or not urgently needed by the society have multiplied, and this part of the products has to be put in the warehouse, which will cause a backlog of a lot of funds. Under socialist conditions, no matter whether it is an enterprise owned by the whole people or a collectively owned enterprise, it is not allowed to change the direction of production according to the size of the output value and the amount of profit, as capitalist enterprises do, to produce non-planned items of the enterprise. product. However, as long as the commodity system exists, there will still be situations in which more funds are diverted to produce certain products whose prices are higher than the value in the project planned by the enterprise. In collectively owned units, this situation is more prominent. This situation, reflected in the market, will create a "gap" between supply and demand. This "gap" is the fertile soil for urban and rural capitalism. Groups of new bourgeois elements will grow out of this soil to arbitrage state and collective materials, engage in long-distance trafficking, resale, price gouging, and capitalism that harms the public and private, malpractices, embezzlement, bribery, etc. Activity. If the proletariat does not fight against such phenomena, socialist enterprises will degenerate into capitalist enterprises; the capitalist forces in society will become more rampant. Therefore, in the process of socialist economic accounting, the contradiction between the use of value accounting and the value accounting should, in the final analysis, be expressed as the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the struggle between the socialist road and the capitalist road. Only by grasping the principle of the struggle between the two classes and the two roads can we correctly understand and correctly handle this contradiction and make economic accounting move in the direction of socialism. === {{anchor|header-n8446}} {{anchor|Toc83471804}} Section 2 Socialist Economic Accounting System === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471805}} {{anchor|header-n8447}} The economic accounting system is the economic system for managing socialist enterprises ==== The history of socialist society tells us that two systems have been adopted successively for the management of socialist state-owned enterprises: one is that the state adopts the method of supplying all state-owned enterprises (mainly industries) with centralized management, that is, the factory needs The means of production and all production costs are supplied by the state according to actual needs, and the products are distributed uniformly by the state regardless of price. This system of management was used in the Soviet Union during wartime communism. It played a positive role in ensuring the supply of the revolutionary war at that time. However, this is incompatible with the large-scale socialist construction in peacetime and with the characteristics of socialist economic development, and it is not conducive to fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of enterprises to improve their operation and management. Therefore, after the Soviet Union entered the period of the New Economic Policy, according to Lenin's advocacy, it gradually changed to another management system, that is, the management system of the economic accounting system. Lenin clearly pointed out that the economic accounting system should be the basis for the operation of all state-owned enterprises. In the revolutionary base areas of our country during the Revolutionary War, a supply-based management system was also implemented for the socialist public economy. After 1942, all commerce, agriculture, industry and livestock transportation began to be implemented as enterprises, and gradually changed to the economic accounting system. After the liberation of the whole country, the State Council immediately issued relevant regulations to gradually check the assets and capital of state-owned enterprises, and fully implemented the management of the economic accounting system. Then, what is the economic accounting system? To put it simply, the economic accounting system is an economic management system that not only ensures the unified leadership of the country, but also allows enterprises to operate relatively independently. This economic management system is linked with the commodity system. The management of the economic accounting system not only requires socialist enterprises to organize production in accordance with the state plan, and compensate for the things consumed in the production process in physical form; it also requires that the consumption and results of economic activities should be compared through currency, and the income of the enterprise itself should be used to compensate. Offset expenses, get compensation in the form of value, and guarantee to pay profits (including profits and taxes) to the state. As a system for the planned management of socialist enterprises, economic accounting reflects a certain relationship between socialist countries and socialist enterprises, as well as between socialist enterprises and enterprises. Below we examine these relationships separately. (1) Economic relations between socialist countries and enterprises. This is a relationship between the unified leadership of the state and the decentralized management of enterprises. As early as in 1942, when Chairman Mao instructed all public economies to establish an economic accounting system, he put forward the principle of "unified leadership and decentralized management". Unified leadership means that under the leadership of the party and the state, the enterprise achieves unified understanding, unified policy, unified plan, unified command, unified action, and fully completes or exceeds the national plan. Decentralized operation means that enterprises use the production funds allocated by the state to organize production, supply and sales activities according to the planned tasks assigned by the state. Each state-owned enterprise is relatively independent in operation, calculates its own profits and losses, relies on the income of the enterprise itself to compensate for expenses, and provides accumulation for the country. Specifically, there are some relationships between socialist countries and socialist state-owned enterprises: According to the entire national economic plan, the state allocates a certain amount of funds to each enterprise, and issues various plan indicators; each enterprise properly uses the funds according to the national plan requirements, organizes production reasonably, and fully completes the various plan indicators handed over by the state. You cannot modify the plan without authorization. According to the needs of the comprehensive balance of the national economy, the state uniformly regulates the prices of products, and the important products are uniformly distributed by the state. Enterprises must increase income and increase accumulation by continuously improving labor productivity and reducing costs, and must not change prices at will. The net income of all state-owned enterprises belongs to the state. Enterprises should pay taxes and turn over profits in accordance with state regulations. The depreciation funds retained by the enterprise shall also be used in accordance with the provisions of the state. The employees of all state-owned enterprises shall be allocated by the state according to the plan. Enterprises have no right to recruit or lay off personnel on their own. The wage system of an enterprise is also uniformly regulated by the state and cannot be changed on its own. However, the situation of each enterprise is vastly different and extremely complex. It is impossible for the country to unify everything, and unifying too much will restrict the enthusiasm of enterprises to operate. Therefore, the unified leadership of the state must be combined with the decentralized management of enterprises. Under the unified leadership of the state, enterprises have a certain degree of operational independence, and have their own independent accounts in banks. On the basis of fully completing the products stipulated in the national plan, enterprises can enter into separate economic contracts with other enterprises according to their own production capacity. contracts, and each clears current accounts as separate economic units. " '''Unified leadership, decentralized management '''" embodies the relationship between socialist countries and state-owned enterprises, and reflects an important aspect of socialist production relations. In order to disintegrate the socialist economic foundation, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping have always tried their best to oppose the principle of "unified leadership and decentralized management", which is the management principle of the socialist economic accounting system. They attack the socialist planned economy as "simple" and "inflexible", not as "flexible" and "variety" as the capitalist economy; they want socialist enterprises to "learn from the capitalists earnestly" and "accept the legacy of the bourgeoisie"; Don't "pretend the economy", give enterprises "the power to handle all economic affairs independently", make enterprises into completely independent accounting enterprises, and try to turn socialist enterprises into economic groups that operate independently and oppose each other, and embark on the pursuit of profit , competing capitalist economic paths. At the same time, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, and others have engaged in "dictatorship of rules and regulations" in an attempt to turn the socialist economy into a bureaucratic monopoly capitalist economy. In the process of implementing the economic accounting system management of socialist enterprises in accordance with the principle of " '''unified leadership and decentralized management ", there is a struggle between two classes, two roads and two lines. '''Therefore, we must adhere to the political leadership of the proletariat, correctly understand and handle the contradictions in the process of economic accounting, resolutely fight the revisionist line and the influence of bourgeois ideology, and give full play to the subjective initiative of enterprises under the premise of adhering to the unified leadership of the state. Only in this way can we continuously improve the relationship between the state and enterprises, and promote the development of enterprises in the direction of socialism. (2) Economic relations between socialist enterprises. This is a relationship of mutual cooperation and relatively independent accounting. Enterprises that implement the system of economic accounting belong to the same owner, whether they are state-owned enterprises or state-owned enterprises, or each commune-run enterprise in the same commune or each brigade-run enterprise in the same brigade. The economic exchanges between them are relations within the same ownership system. This is fundamentally different from the economic exchanges between capitalist enterprises that are owned by different individuals. However, under the condition of implementing the economic accounting system, these socialist enterprises are all relatively independent accounting and operating units. Therefore, when economic contact and cooperation between enterprises occur, the principle of equivalent exchange must be implemented. , carry out bookkeeping and settlement in order to calculate the economic effect. Due to the existence of a large number of economic links between socialist enterprises, and because each of them has to carry out economic accounting in this link, conflicts between the economic interests of enterprises sometimes occur. Such contradictions among socialist enterprises can be resolved through the comprehensive balance of state plans and the unified arrangements of higher-level departments under the guidance of the proletarian revolutionary line. The mutual relationship between enterprises required by the socialist economic accounting system must be independent accounting under the premise of joint cooperation. Every socialist enterprise is, on the one hand, a relatively independent business unit, and on the other hand, an integral part of a unified socialist economy. If we only start from independent accounting and simply consider equivalent exchanges, it will hinder the development of the communist style of cooperation. That is not much different from capitalist economic accounting. Therefore, when there is a relationship between socialist industries in terms of human, material and financial resources, the communist style of cooperation must be promoted. Under this premise, the implementation of equivalent exchange is the kind of enterprise required by socialist economic accounting. economic relations with companies. All enterprises start from the overall interests of the national economy, support and cooperate with each other, which is bound to help consolidate and develop socialist production relations between enterprises, and develop socialist production in a faster, better, and more economical manner.
Shanghai special-shaped steel pipe factory is a typical example of correctly handling the economic accounting system relationship between socialist enterprises. Every time they receive a production task, whatever is urgently needed by the brother unit, even if the output value is low, they must do everything possible to complete it. The workers said it well: this is a "subtraction" from the perspective of the factory, but from the perspective of the user, they can start production or expand production in time when they have the necessary steel pipes, which becomes an "addition"; From the perspective of the scope of the national economy, the pace of socialist construction can be accelerated, which has become a "multiplication". The workers of Shanghai Special-shaped Steel Pipe Factory have been like this for more than ten years. They regard the difficulties of their fraternal units as their own difficulties, regard the needs of the country as the direction of their own production development, and always keep in mind the purpose of socialist production. In the eight years from 1966 to 1973, the varieties and specifications of pipes produced by this factory increased by nearly four times compared with the eight years before the Cultural Revolution (1958-1965), among which the special-shaped pipes increased by nearly ten times. It has contributed to national construction and supported the production and development of fraternal units.
The relationship between the state and enterprises and between enterprises and enterprises established under the economic accounting system is aimed at enabling enterprises to give full play to their business responsibility and enthusiasm under the unified leadership of the state, to fully tap their potential, and to increase production and economy, so as to help consolidate socialism. Public ownership is conducive to the state's planned management of the socialist economy. Lin Biao and his gang spread the rhetoric that "if you don't keep accounts for three years, the money will not go abroad", in order to oppose economic accounting and undermine the socialist country's management of the national economy, so that new and old bourgeois elements can take advantage of the opportunity to fish in the water and steal Socialist property, disintegrate the socialist economy, restore capitalism. ==== {{anchor|header-n8463}} {{anchor|Toc83471806}} The specific content of the economic accounting system ==== The economic accounting system is an effective system for the planned management of socialist enterprises and the development of socialist production in a more efficient and economical manner. It includes the following specific content: 1. The state exercises unified leadership and planning management over state-owned enterprises, and specifies planned indicators such as product variety, output, quality and output value, labor productivity, cost, and profits turned over to the enterprises; item indicator. 2. According to the needs of the production and operation of state-owned enterprises, the state, after verification, allocates certain funds (current funds and fixed funds) to the enterprises, so that the enterprises can make their own turnover, and will not hinder production due to frequent shortage of funds. 3. The enterprise organizes production in accordance with the tasks stipulated by the state, sells products at the price stipulated by the state, uses the income from the sales of products to offset the expenditure, and turns over the profits in accordance with the state regulations to provide accumulation for the state. 4. There should be certain systems and procedures for the income and expenditure of state-owned enterprises; there should be cost calculation; there should be an inspection system for the completion of production plans on an annual and monthly basis; and the habit of caring for tools. 5. All economic connections between state-owned enterprises and between state-owned enterprises and collectively-owned enterprises must implement the principle of equal exchange. For major economic ties between enterprises, economic contracts must be concluded in advance. Every major social enterprise must seriously fulfill its contractual obligations and be jointly responsible to the country. Collectively-owned enterprises organize production under the guidance of the state plan, sell commodities at prices set by the state, operate independently, take responsibility for their own profits and losses, and increase income and accumulation for the collective. At the same time, it provides accumulation for the state in the form of paying taxes. The rural people's communes in our country basically still practice the three-level collective ownership system of the commune, the production brigade and the production team. The commune, the brigade and the production team are all independent accounting units that are responsible for their own profits and losses, of which the first level of the production team is the basic accounting unit. The collective funds of the production team are paid and accumulated by the members, not allocated by the brigade or the commune. The commune and the brigade are responsible for leading, helping and supporting the production team in developing the collective economy, but they cannot allocate funds from the production team to develop the communal economy or the brigade economy. In the collective ownership economy of the rural people's commune, the commune also implements the management of the economic accounting system for the commune-run enterprises and the brigade for the team-run enterprises. The commune and the brigade exercise unified leadership over their own commune-run enterprises and brigade-run enterprises respectively, and at the same time allocate a certain amount of funds to each enterprise, requiring them to use the funds responsibly to complete the state, commune or For the planned production tasks assigned by the brigade, the expenditures are offset with their own income, and the accumulation tasks specified by the commune or brigade are completed or exceeded. It can be seen from the content of the above-mentioned economic accounting system that the management of enterprises to implement the economic accounting system still needs to use economic categories such as capital, cost, price, and profit. However, these categories in the socialist system of economic accounting reflect socialist production relations and serve to consolidate and develop socialist production relations. Let us now examine the characteristics of these economic categories separately: Funding in socialist enterprises is fundamentally different from capital in capitalist enterprises. Capital is the value that brings surplus value and reflects the exploitative relationship of capitalists to working people. The funds of socialist enterprises are the monetary expression of state or collective property. Socialist enterprises use these funds to carry out production and business activities, obey the requirements of the basic socialist economic laws, expand reproduction in socialist society, and serve the growing needs of the country and the people. The purpose of capital accounting in socialist enterprises is to ensure that the property of the state and the collective is not infringed, and that it can be used reasonably and effectively. The production funds of enterprises can be divided into fixed funds and working funds according to the nature of their turnover in the production process. The physical form of fixed funds is represented by fixed assets such as plant and machinery and equipment. Plants and machinery and equipment are used many times in the production process, and their value is gradually transferred to the product. The enterprise draws the depreciation fund in accordance with the depreciation method of fixed assets stipulated by the state, so that its fixed assets can be continuously updated, and it has the ability to carry out necessary technical transformation. In addition to accounting for the depreciation of fixed assets, the enterprise should also calculate the utilization rate of fixed funds, reflecting the utilization of fixed funds, in order to expand its production capacity without increasing fixed funds. Socialist enterprises also need to carry out the accounting of working capital. Working capital is the capital used by the enterprise to pay labor objects (raw materials), employee wages and various expenses in the process of selling finished products. The raw material changes its shape after a production cycle is completed, and its value is fully transferred to the new product. Liquidity in its continuous cycle, the less time it takes to turn once a week, the more times it can turn around in a year. Therefore, enterprises also need to calculate the quota and turnover rate of working capital, in order to obtain the same amount of working capital to produce and sell more products and services. The production cost of socialist enterprises and the production cost of capitalism are two economic categories with different essences. The production cost of capitalism is the consumption of capital; the reduction of the production cost of capitalist enterprises means the saving of capital and the deepening of the exploitation of laborers. The production cost of a socialist enterprise is the expenditure incurred for the production of a certain product. It basically includes the value of the means of production that have been consumed and the portion of the newly created value that is attributed to the producer's personal consumption. Deducting the above two parts from the total product value constitutes corporate profits. Therefore, enterprises continuously reduce the production cost of products through cost accounting, which means that labor time is continuously saved and labor productivity is improved, thereby providing more accumulation for the country or collective. The effect of cost reduction on socialist construction can be seen in the following simple figure: Based on the figures in 1972, every 1% reduction in the total cost of our state-owned industrial enterprises will result in The accumulation for the country is equivalent to the investment in the construction of three Nanjing Yangtze River Bridges. The main ways for socialist enterprises to reduce costs are: 1. Fully mobilize the socialist enthusiasm of the laboring masses, improve the technical proficiency of laborers, continuously carry out technological innovation, adopt new technologies, and improve labor productivity, so as to reduce the consumption of working hours per unit of product. 2. Save the consumption of raw materials and various materials, reasonably select new and more economical raw materials, carry out comprehensive utilization of raw materials, turn waste into treasure, rationally tailor, improve formulas, and adopt new processes to reduce the raw materials per unit product. cost. 3. Fully tap the potential of the existing equipment, improve the utilization rate of the equipment, and reduce the depreciation expense shared by the unit product. Fourth, streamline the administration, improve the efficiency of enterprise administrative management, improve transportation, supply and marketing, and strive to save enterprise management costs. The profits of socialist enterprises are the net income created by the working masses, which are mainly used to expand socialist production and improve people's lives. The profitability of a socialist economy can also be viewed from the perspective of the entire national economy. Under certain conditions, socialist countries can allow some enterprises to temporarily not make profits, or even lose money. For example, in the inland industry and local industry developed for the sake of a rational distribution of national industries, individual enterprises are temporarily unable to make profits due to limited conditions. However, the development of these industries is in line with the long-term interests of the national economy, and is conducive to building a strategic rear that cannot be broken or dragged down. Therefore, even though these enterprises are temporarily unable to make profits, the state still has to support their development. Another example is that for certain industrial products, especially new products, new materials and products that support agriculture, some enterprises that produce these products will lose money in a certain period of time. However, the development of these products is conducive to industrial construction and the development of agricultural production. . In the interests of the entire national economy, and in order to consolidate the alliance of workers and peasants, temporary policy losses are permitted. This kind of profit viewed from the perspective of the overall interests of the entire national economy, we call it "advanced profit". This high-level profit reflects the superiority of the socialist system. Of course, this does not mean that the profits of individual companies and departments are irrelevant, nor can it be used as an excuse for individual companies to suffer losses due to poor management. The profitability of the entire national economy is, in the final analysis, based on the profitability of various enterprises and departments. Therefore, temporarily loss-making enterprises should strive to improve their operations, reduce costs, strive to reduce losses, turn losses into profits, and actively provide accumulation for the country. The profits of socialist state-owned enterprises are the main source of socialist accumulation. Socialist enterprises should not only criticize "profits in command", but also oppose the erroneous idea of ignoring costs, not focusing on profits, and not paying attention to increasing accumulation for the country. "Profit is in command" is to disregard the national plan and the needs of the country and the people, pursue profit only, guide production with profit, and use profit as the driving force for the production of enterprises. This is the operating principle of capitalism and must be criticized. Carrying out proletarian politics in command, in accordance with the party's line, principles and policies, and in accordance with the tasks assigned by the state plan, increase socialist profits by increasing production and saving money, and doing so is to contribute to the socialist revolution and socialist construction. In my country's national budget revenue, contributions from state-owned enterprises (turnover profits, taxes, etc.) account for more than 90%. If enterprises cannot actively increase accumulation for the country, or even cause undue losses, it will affect the income of the state budget, delay the socialist revolution and construction, and affect the fulfillment of internationalist obligations. In short, the state's management of enterprises by the economic accounting system is to better realize the instruction of Chairman Mao: " '''Any socialist economic undertaking must pay attention to making full use of manpower and equipment as much as possible, improving labor organization, Improve business management and increase labor productivity, save all possible human and material resources, implement labor competition and economic accounting, so as to reduce costs year by year, increase personal income and increase accumulation '''.Chairman Mao: A Note to "The Experience of Saving Production Costs in Liziyuan Agricultural Production Cooperative in Zhenru District". "The Socialist Upsurge of China's Rural Areas", Vol. 768. === {{anchor|header-n8488}} {{anchor|Toc83471807}} third section analyzes the "complete economic accounting system" of Su Xiu === The Brezhnev renegade clique fully restored capitalism in the Soviet Union and carried out a series of "economic reforms". One of the important measures of these "reforms" is to implement the so-called "complete economic accounting system" in enterprises. The "complete economic accounting system" implemented by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique is a wonderful negative teaching material. Analyzing the product of this revisionist line helps us understand how the bourgeoisie, by expanding and strengthening the role of the law of value, makes the system of economic accounting a tool for the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie to maintain its domination economically and to intensify the extraction of the sweat of the working people. . 1. What exactly is the "complete economic accounting system" of the Soviet revisionists? "Complete economic accounting system" is to engage in capitalist free management. The Soviet Union under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin was the first country in human history to establish a socialist economic accounting system. The Soviet regime at that time, according to Lenin's advocacy, implemented an economic accounting system for socialist state-owned enterprises. This system of managing enterprises is stipulated in the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Brazzaville): "Giving enterprises independence within the scope of the national plan, so that enterprises can better determine the way to complete the plan, use funds flexibly, mobilize Internal resources, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing product costs.” On December 5, 1929, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Both) "Resolution on the Improvement of Industrial Management Organizations".The independence granted to enterprises by the socialist state is independence under the condition of state planning and management, which is an important principle of the socialist economic accounting system, which is the same as the free operation of capitalist enterprises. It is precisely on this issue of the principle of Leninism that the renegade clique that is fundamentally opposed to Soviet revisionism has been revised. They vigorously advocated: "It is necessary to reduce the number of planning targets set by higher-level organizations for enterprises", "to expand the management initiative and independence of enterprises in solving problems in production activities" (Soviet Revision in 1965 Resolution on Industrial Management and Economic Stimulation ). The company's product production plan has only two indicators: 1. The total amount of products sold or the sales output value. 2. The most important product varieties represented by physical objects. Most of the production activities of an enterprise can be done on its own. Enterprises can produce what they want to produce, and do whatever is beneficial to them. Lenin pointed out a long time ago: "If the production and distribution of products are not comprehensively calculated and monitored by the state, the power of the workers and the freedom of the workers cannot be maintained, and the restoration of the capitalist system of oppression is inevitable." "The Current Tasks of Soviet Power". "Selected Works of Lenin", Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 506-507.In the "Complete Economic Accounting System" of the Soviet revisionists, except that some products of some enterprises have product indicators stipulated by the superior, "all other planned indicators do not need the approval of the superior authority, but are formulated by the enterprises themselves" (1965 Central Committee of Soviet Revision, 1965). and the Council of Ministers "Resolution on Improving Planning Work and Strengthening Economic Stimulation for Industrial Production"), "to give enterprises the right to modify their own production plans after reaching an agreement with consumers (orderers)", "plans should be based on consumers order as the basis", in order to expand the "independence" and "autonomy" of the enterprise, and engage in free business activities. Isn't this a replica of the anarchy of competition and production under monopoly capitalism? Second, the "complete economic accounting system" is to implement the capitalist principle of profit. As we have analyzed earlier, the economic accounting under a certain social system is consistent with the production purpose of a certain society. Capitalist economic accounting is subject to the basic economic laws of capitalism, and its purpose is to realize the value of capital and make profits; it is not to save social labor and to produce more use value that meets social needs. Socialist economic accounting is subject to the basic economic laws of socialism, and its purpose is to develop socialist production as quickly, efficiently, and economically as possible, so as to provide more use value to meet the growing needs of the country and the people. The realization of value, the saving of labor time, the provision of accumulation for the state, are all subject to the above-mentioned purposes of production. When there is a contradiction between value and use value, we must first obey this aspect of use value and obey the needs of society. That is to say, if society needs a certain product, even if the production of this product may bring losses, it must be actively produced. However, to implement a "complete economic accounting system" means that "the ruble decides everything" (the Soviet revisionist "Leningrad Pravda", April 8, 1967), and everything is about making money. The Soviet traitor group and its imperial economists tried their best to advocate: "The most important summary indicators of corporate financial activities are profits and profit margins." Value accounting has become the main contradiction in economic accounting. All production and business activities of enterprises are revolving around profits. This "mill" spins. When explaining the purpose of capitalist production, Marx said: "The '''production of surplus value or making money is the absolute law of this mode of production. '''" Marx; Capital Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 679.It is the capitalist profit principle that governs the "complete economic accounting system" of the Soviet revisionists. Since profit has become the "most important summary indicator", the pursuit of profit has become the highest purpose of production, and all business activities of an enterprise must be subject to this purpose. To this end, it is necessary to expand the business autonomy of enterprises (or "production associations under the economic accounting system", the same below). When the power of the enterprise is great, the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist elements of the enterprise can recklessly pursue profits through various crooked ways. That's exactly what happened:
The Soviet revisionist "Communist" magazine confessed in 1970: "Certain enterprises try to . The way to increase profits." Su Xiu's "Economic News" confessed: Saratov Enamel Products Factory originally planned to produce 147,000 pots with a volume of 1.5 to 5.5 liters in 1970. Due to the low profit of this product, only 47,200 were produced. But at the same time, in order to get the bonus, he doubled the cauldron production plan with less labor. As a result, there is a backlog of large-scale enamel products, but the common people cannot buy the necessary small-scale enamel products.
Suxiu enterprises can set their own product prices, even if they are uniformly stipulated, they can also set their own prices in the name of "one-time temporary bargaining". As a result, arbitrary price gouging has become an important means of making huge profits.
On May 23, 1970, the Soviet revisionist "Socialist Industry News" revealed that many furniture factories unfoundedly raised wholesale and retail prices in many cases and sold products at arbitrarily set prices. Thirty-six furniture factories belonging to the Ministry of Forestry and Woodworking Industries earned an additional profit of almost five million rubles in 1969 due to arbitrary price hikes. In May 1969, the Soviet revisionist "Economic News" confessed: "An effective temporary wholesale price as usual can guarantee an unreasonably high profit level". The Shymkent Electric Factory once produced a product at an effective temporary wholesale price, and the profit margin was seven times higher than the profit margin of the factory's entire product. It is for this reason that many companies have long listed a large number of products as "temporary price" products that can capture excess profits. "Economic News" admitted that only in the General Administration of Cable Industry of the Ministry of Electrical Equipment Industry of the Soviet Union, there are as many as 500 kinds of so-called "temporary price" products.
In the Soviet Union, so-called "new products" were widely used to raise the prices of consumer goods in disguised form and to make huge profits. According to Su Xiu's 1972 No. 2 "Planned Economy" report: "The price authority approves the prices of more than 500,000 new consumer products for the people every year". For example, the "Climber" brand semiconductor radio, which originally cost 17 rubles each, became a so-called "new product" after changing the casing, raising the price to 27 rubles. The Soviet revisionist enterprises can decide to fire their workers and determine their own wage standards, which can "save production costs" like capitalist enterprises, and achieve the purpose of increasing value by strengthening the exploitation of workers. The so-called "Shekino test" that the Soviet revisionists hyped up and popularized was just like capitalist enterprises, using the method of dismissing workers without authorization to intensify the exploitation of workers. According to the "Labor Daily" of the Soviet revision, only 292 enterprises in the Russian Federation "working according to the example of the Shekino people" had laid off 70,000 people by July 1, 1973, most of which Staff layoffs are directly and indirectly related to increasing the labor intensity of workers. In the Soviet Union, the arbitrary dismissal of workers by the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist elements and the forced "voluntary resignation" of workers who could not bear the poor working conditions were extremely common, so that Liao became a serious phenomenon of worker mobility. According to a report by the Soviet revisionist "Socialist Labor" magazine: in 1972, the floating workers in the industrial sector accounted for 20% of the total industrial workers, or nearly 6 million people. The Soviet revisionists' implementation of a complete economic accounting system and their high profits will inevitably hinder the adoption of new technologies, cause great waste of social labor, hinder the development of social productive forces, and fully expose the decadent nature of social imperialism. An article published by the Soviet revisionist "Money and Credit" magazine admitted that in 1969 the real profit rate of Soviet industry was 40 percent higher than normal, and that it was even 1.9 times higher in the instrument manufacturing industry and 1.6 times higher in the telecommunications industry. Such a high profit margin "destroys the collective interest in product updates". Su Xiu's "Qilibao" said: "If new technology, new technology, and equipment are used, production, bonuses, and profits will be reduced within a certain period of time, and this will be a disaster for enterprise leaders." The gate is blocked like a dam, preventing new technology from entering.” The Soviet revisionist "Communist" magazine revealed that "relatively cheap labor hinders the development of technological progress, because from the point of view of improving the profitability index, it is more cost-effective to use manual labor than to use machines that replace manual labor." Among them, manual labor accounts for more than half. "Money and Credit" magazine also revealed that, according to the analysis of more than 100 machine-building factories in Moscow, Leningrad and Central Ural, when the value of products produced by adopting new technologies accounts for 10% of the total production value, the profit is profitable. The rate is 30%, but when the proportion of products produced by new technology accounts for 50%, the rate of interest is reduced to 8~10%. In this way, companies are of course reluctant to purchase and use new technologies in pursuit of high profits and high bonuses. In today's Soviet Union, new technologies are not adopted and promoted, and the development of productive forces is artificially hindered. This is by no means an isolated phenomenon, but a serious problem that exists in the Soviet society. 3. "Complete economic accounting system" is a system of strengthening the exploitation of the working people of the Soviet Union. Enterprises that implement the "complete economic accounting system" adopt the method of "profit sharing" so-called "profit sharing". According to the "Regulations" of the Soviet revision, "a commission from the profits obtained shall be controlled by the enterprise", and the rest shall be turned over to the bureaucrats dominated by the monopoly capitalist state. Profits from corporate commissions form an economic stimulus fund. It is mainly used as a material stimulus. The greater the profit, the more material stimulus funds for the enterprise. Then, who controls this stimulus fund of the enterprise, and whose pockets mainly fall into it? Su Xiu "Regulations" stipulated that the right to distribute bonuses is the manager's. Since the bureaucratic-monopoly capitalist elements of the enterprise have the right to distribute bonuses, it is natural that the bonuses are mainly appropriated by them. According to Su Xiu's "Economic Issues" magazine: in the more than 700 factories and enterprises surveyed, workers who account for 80 to 90% of the company's employees only receive 18% of the bonus, while a small number of managers, factory directors and a few Technicians account for 82% of the bonus. Some factories distribute even less bonuses to workers, accounting for only 0.3-0.8% of the entire bonus fund. The workers angrily pointed out: "The 'new system' is characterized by the fact that the workers complete the plans and the leaders receive bonuses." The "complete economic accounting system" adopted by the Soviet revisionists prompted the bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie, big and small, to recklessly expand and strengthen bourgeois legal rights and seize the fruits of the Soviet people's labor. They also used bonuses and other forms to buy and support a small number of workers and nobles, which intensified the class division of Soviet society. It can be seen from this that the "complete economic accounting system" is the tool used by the Soviet revisionist bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie to restore capitalism. It reflects the production relationship of bureaucratic monopoly capitalism: the original relationship between socialist enterprises and the state has been changed into a cold money relationship (ie, the profit sharing relationship) Article 9 of the "Regulations on Socialist State-Owned Production Enterprises" of the Soviet revision: "The state is not responsible for the obligations of enterprises, and enterprises are not responsible for the obligations of the state." One of the leaders of the Soviet revisionists said: "The development of economic methods of leading industry has changed the nature of the interrelationship between enterprises and higher authorities. It should be abandoned in the interrelationship between economic leading authorities and enterprises that the former only has rights, and the latter the habitual conception of the duty only" (Soviet Revised Pravda, September 28, 1965).; the original socialist cooperative relationship between enterprises has been changed into intrigue The competitive relationship has changed the socialist relationship within the enterprise into an exploiting and exploited employment relationship. The Soviet revisionist bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie is in charge of economic accounting, and the calculation is done for their own sake, making the working people increasingly impoverished, and causing the most wanton waste in society as a whole. This contradiction can only be resolved after the victory of the second socialist revolution of the Soviet proletariat. = {{anchor|header-n8518}} {{anchor|Toc83471808}} Part 3 The Circulation Process of Socialism = == {{anchor|Toc83471809}} {{anchor|header-n8519}} Chapter VIII Commodity Exchange in Socialist Society == === {{anchor|Toc83471810}} {{anchor|header-n8520}} Section 1 Exchange Relations and Characteristics of Socialist Society === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471811}} {{anchor|header-n8521}} Several types of exchange relations in socialist society ==== The means of production and consumption that are consumed in the process of socialist production and reproduction need to go through the process of circulation before they can be compensated in the form of material objects and in the form of value. Otherwise, reproduction cannot continue. Therefore, after a preliminary analysis of the socialist production process, we will then analyze the socialist circulation process. The socialist circulation process is still a process of commodity exchange. Commodity exchange is an important breeding ground for capitalism and the bourgeoisie. Under the socialist system, the emergence of the new bourgeoisie and the activities of the capitalist roaders within the party to restore capitalism are all inextricably linked with the exchange of commodities. How can the socialist commodity exchange based on public ownership become the economic basis for the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie? Since commodity exchange has to become the economic basis for the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie, why should a socialist society retain commodity exchange? How can the socialist countries under the dictatorship of the proletariat fight against capitalism and the bourgeoisie under the condition of exchanging commodities and push socialist society forward? In order to clarify these problems, it is first necessary to analyze several types of exchange relations existing in socialist society. After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, the following three types of exchange relations still exist in socialist society: The first category is the exchange relationship between different owners within the socialist public ownership economy. The exchange of commodities between the socialist state economy and the collective economy (including the exchange between the members of the rural people's communes and the state business), as well as the exchange of commodities between this collective economy and another collective economy, are of this type. exchange relationship. At the current stage of our country, industrial production is mainly run by enterprises owned by the whole people, and agricultural production is mainly run by rural people's communes owned by collectives. The state-owned industrial sector needs grain, non-staple food and various agricultural raw materials produced by the rural people's communes, and the rural people's communes need agricultural machinery, fertilizers, pesticides and other means of production and various consumption materials produced by the state-owned industrial sector. Between the state-run economy and the collective economy, in order to obtain the products they need, an exchange relationship is bound to take place. People's commune members go to state-run stores to buy daily industrial products, which is in fact an exchange between state-run economy and collective economy. Among the various collective economies of the rural people's communes, there is a need to exchange and adjust surplus and deficiency in terms of seeds, breeding animals and farming animals. There is also communication among the collective economies at all levels in the same rural people's commune, such as the commune farm, the brigade farm and the production team farm, the commune farm machinery repair factory, the brigade farm machinery repair station and the production team. The need to obtain certain products from the other party. Therefore, commodity exchange relations will inevitably occur between the collective economies of each rural people's commune and between the collective economies at all levels within the same commune. The second category is the exchange relationship within the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people. It includes commodity exchanges between socialist state-owned enterprises, as well as commodity exchanges between socialist state-run businesses and workers. In the process of socialist production, some state-owned enterprises are engaged in the production of means of production, and some state-owned enterprises are engaged in the production of means of consumption. State-owned enterprises engaged in the production of means of consumption need to obtain the necessary means of production from the state-owned enterprises that produce means of production before they can produce. State-owned enterprises engaged in the production of means of production also need to obtain the means of production they need from each other in order to carry out production. In this way, between state-owned enterprises, in order to obtain the products they need, an exchange relationship will inevitably occur. The state pays labor remuneration in the form of monetary wages to employees working in state-owned enterprises, state organs and cultural, educational and health departments, according to the socialist principle of "from each according to his ability and according to his work". The workers took the currency and went to the state store to buy various consumer goods. This kind of commodity exchange between state-run businesses and workers is actually an exchange relationship between the state and workers. The third category is the exchange relationship associated with the economic remnants of individual ownership. In addition to the commodity exchange between the remaining individual workers in industry, agriculture and commerce and the masses of workers and peasants, this exchange mainly refers to the exchange of commodities between farmers and farmers, between farmers and urban residents, and between farmers and the commercial sector. On the condition that the members of the rural people's commune retain their own land and family sideline business, in exchange for the products they need, the commune members will sell the surplus part of their own land and family sideline products to the commercial sector, or in rural markets in accordance with national regulations. directly sold to members and urban residents. This is also an exchange relationship. It accounts for a small proportion of the entire commodity circulation, but it is still necessary at the current stage. Because it is conducive to increasing the income of members and supplementing certain commodity resources for the socialist market, it is conducive to adjusting the needs of non-staple food for urban residents. The three types of exchanges in socialist society reflect the transformation process of socialist labor products from commodities to future direct communist social products. A capitalist society is a society in which commodity production and commodity exchange have reached their peak. There, not only does all the products of labour appear in the form of commodities, but even the labour-power of the worker becomes a commodity. The communist society of the future will be a society in which commodity production and commodity exchange have completely disappeared. At that time, all products of labor, including consumer goods and means of production, will be the objects of direct social distribution and no longer appear as commodities. In a socialist society in the transition period from a capitalist society to a communist society, the products of labor have a process of transforming from commodities to direct social products of communism. This is a centuries-long historical process, but the beginning of this transformation can already be seen in the above three types of exchanges. The third type of exchange mentioned above is the exchange of commodities based on private ownership, which has much in common with the exchange of commodities in the old society. The first type of exchange is the commodity exchange based on socialist public ownership. As far as it is the commodity exchange between different owners, it is not much different from the commodity exchange in the old society. However, it is based on socialist public ownership. The planned exchange of commodities is different from the capitalist exchange of commodities in a state of complete competition and anarchy. The second type of exchange is the exchange of commodities within the scope of ownership by the whole people. Compared with the exchange of commodities between different owners in history, the difference is even greater. The exchange of commodities between socialist state-owned enterprises has not fundamentally changed the ownership of the products, and the products after the exchange are still the property of the state, which already contains the factors that the society directly distributes the means of production. As far as the exchange between the state and workers is concerned, since labor power is no longer a commodity, the commodity exchange here is also different from the previous commodity exchange, and it already includes the factor of direct social distribution of consumer goods. The three different types of exchanges in socialist society, although their form and nature of exchange differ, are all exchanges of labor. The exchange of products between state-owned enterprises and the collective economy is the exchange of labor between workers and peasants. Similarly, the exchange of products between state-owned enterprises and the collective economy is also the exchange of labor between workers and peasants. For all products are the materialization of labor. This exchange of labor exists even in a communist society as long as there are different sectors of the economy. Because no economic sector can be completely self-sufficient and produce all the products required by that sector. However, under socialist conditions, the exchange of labor also takes the form of the exchange of commodities, which complicates the problem. Under socialist conditions, except for a small amount of the remnants of the individual ownership economy, the entire social production is carried out on the basis of two types of socialist public ownership, namely, ownership by the whole people and ownership by collectives. Socialist public ownership is an incomplete public ownership with the traditions or traces of private ownership. The production based on this public ownership, the products produced, and the labor that creates these products all have a direct social nature. They all have private traditions or traces. All collectively-owned enterprises are the owners of their respective products. All enterprises owned by the whole people are not only the owners of their respective products compared with collectively-owned enterprises, but also maintain the "you and me boundary" among the enterprises owned by the whole people due to the relative independence of business operations. In this way, each socialist enterprise linked by the social division of labor can only obtain the products of other enterprises by adopting the form of commodity exchange and carrying out equivalent exchange. In the history of commodity exchange, we have passed through two major stages. Under the conditions of simple commodity production, the entire exchange process is represented by such a formula: commodity (W) - money (G) - commodity (W). " '''The ultimate purpose of this cycle is consumption, the satisfaction of needs, and in short, use-values. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1, Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 171.Under capitalist commodity production, the entire exchange process is represented by another formula: money (G)—commodity (W)— — Currency (G). Since G at both ends of this formula are money as general equivalents, and are completely equal in quality, this exchange formula would be meaningless if G at both ends of the formula were equal. Therefore, the formula of M-C-G must be expressed as the formula of M-C-G', and it must be meaningful only if there is an increase in value. Therefore, the commodity circulation formula of C-M-C in the simple commodity economy will inevitably develop into the capital circulation formula of M-C-M' under the conditions of capitalist commodity economy. This is what Marx pointed out: " '''The motive and determining purpose of this cycle is the exchange value itself. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1, Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 171.These two kinds of commodity exchanges reflect different social relations, have their own different purposes, and are differentiated in principle. How does the process of commodity exchange manifest itself under socialism? This is a question that people often care about. From the point of view of the ultimate purpose of commodity exchange under socialist conditions, it seems to be the same as exchange under simple commodity production conditions, which is to satisfy needs and use value. However, it is qualitatively different from exchange under conditions of simple commodity production. Simple commodity production is based on individual ownership. Generally speaking, each family is a production unit, so in the process of production and exchange, it can only be regulated by the law of value, and the polarization is particularly intense. Commodity production in socialist society is established on the basis of ownership by the whole people and collective ownership. Therefore, in the process of production and exchange, there is a law of planned and proportional development, which can regulate commodity production and exchange across the country; while the law of value The scope of action has been greatly affected by Constraints, in general, do not appear as polarized as under individual ownership conditions. In addition, the needs to be satisfied are different: simple commodity production satisfies the individual needs of the producers; commodity production in socialist society satisfies the society's needs. Marx said: " '''The capitalist mode of appropriation arising from the capitalist mode of production, and thus capitalist private property, is the first negation of individual private property based on one's own labor. But capitalist production, due to the inevitability of the natural process, It creates a negation of itself. This is the negation of negation. This negation is not a re-establishment of private property, but on the basis of the achievements of the capitalist era, that is, on cooperation and on the land and the means of production produced by labor itself Re-establish individual ownership on '''the Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 832.'''basis of the common possession '''of the owner of the product . In this sense, this kind of social ownership is indeed the return of "individual ownership", but at a higher stage. At that stage, the exchange process of social labor is neither selling for the sake of buying nor buying for the sake of selling; both the formulas C—M—C and M—C—M′ will withdraw from the stage of history; is transformed into a commodity, and thus no longer appears as a value. Society proceeds from its own needs in the production and distribution of direct social products. In a socialist society, the whole society has not yet reached the point where all the means of production are possessed, and there are still two types of public ownership. Taking a fragment of the production process of an enterprise under socialist conditions, we can still see the form of the money-capital circuit M-C-M', but even an increased amount of value realized in this fragmentary circuit will not It is not the surplus value brought to capital by the transformation of labor power into commodities, but the laborers as the masters of society. New value created by society - social net income. This new value is still to meet the needs of laborers, to further expand the production of use values. Therefore, from the perspective of the overall process of socialist production, social production is essentially the production of C—M—C. In a socialist society, M-C-M' is only a fragment of the entire capital cycle, and its existence is not isolated, but subordinate to C-M-C. Therefore, the exchange of commodities under socialist conditions can also be said to be the exchange under the conditions of simple commodity production in an expanded and higher stage. What they have in common is that they are all C—M— W is all about buying and selling. It's just that under socialist conditions, this kind of meeting needs through commodity exchange is not for one household, but for thousands of households, that is, to meet the needs of the country and the people. However, " '''commodity production and developed commodity circulation, that is, trade, are the historical prerequisites for the production of capital. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 167.Socialist society is born out of capitalist society. As long as it still has commodity circulation, that is, C-M-C, it will Produce capitalism and the bourgeoisie. That is to say, under certain conditions, the commodity exchange for the purpose of realizing use value, namely C-M-C, will also be transformed into M-C-M' for the purpose of pursuing surplus value, so that C-M-C This circuit, subordinated to the circuit M-C-M', turns money into capital. This is because, no matter what kind of commodity exchange, it is to realize the value of the commodity. The value of a commodity is determined by the amount of labor necessary to produce this commodity, that is, the socially necessary labor time. Here, value is shown as the embodiment of bourgeois right. In order to realize the value of commodities, there will be "value-chasing madness", thus fundamentally denying that the purpose of socialist production and exchange is to use value. In the process of socialist commodity exchange, the phenomena of profit in command, speculation, etc., are actually realizing the process of transformation from C—M—C to M—C—M’, giving the latter an independent significance. Once this transformation is completed, labor power is re-reduced into a commodity, money is re-converted into capital, and capitalism is restored. This is how the Soviet revisionist renegade clique came to restore capitalism in the process of commodity exchange. ==== {{anchor|header-n8549}} {{anchor|Toc83471812}} Bourgeois Right in Exchange Relations ==== Exchanges in socialist society still take the form of commodity exchanges, and there must be bourgeois rights. Further analyze and recognize the bourgeois legal rights existing in the exchange relations of socialist society, consciously limit it under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and create conditions for the continuous improvement of the exchange relations in socialist society so that in the future, it will gradually become more direct and direct to the communist society. The transition in the form of distribution products is of great significance. The law of commodity exchange is exchange of equal value. Marx said: " '''Commodity exchange, in its pure form, is the exchange of equivalents '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, pp. 180-181.. That is to say, commodities are exchanged in principle in accordance with the amount of socially necessary labor that it contains, that is, the amount of value. On the surface, this seems to be equal, but in fact it is unequal. In a capitalist society, capitalists purchase workers' labor power based on the principle of equivalent exchange, thereby extracting workers' unpaid labor. The conditions of production are different between capitalists and small producers; capitalist enterprises with strong capital and modern technical equipment consume much less labor to produce the same commodity than small producers, but the exchange of commodities It can only be done according to the necessary amount of labor in the same society, which will inevitably lead to inequality in income; it will lead to polarization such as big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimp. It is quite obvious that equal rights in the exchange of equal value are bourgeois legal rights, and in fact contain inequality, which is good for the bourgeoisie and not good for the workers; it is good for the big bourgeoisie and not good for the petty bourgeoisie. . The bourgeoisie of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in order to safeguard the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, once attacked the feudal system under the political slogan of demanding equal rights and fairness. Engels pointed out: " '''Labour determines the value of commodities, and the products of labour are freely exchanged according to this measure of value among commodity owners with equal rights, which - as Marx has proved - is the whole political, legal and philosophical aspect of the modern bourgeoisie. The real basis on which ideology is built. '''”Engels: "Marx and Rodbertus". The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 21, p. 210. In a socialist society, although socialist public ownership has been established, laborers are the masters of the means of production and do not sell their labor force as commodities. In this regard, bourgeois legal rights are no longer recognized by society. However, as far as general products are concerned, they are still exchanged as commodities. Although the production conditions of each production unit are different, and the actual labor time spent to produce the same product is different, in principle, it must be exchanged according to the necessary labor amount of the same society. For example, in the purchase of commodities, the commercial sector must not have different purchase prices for various units producing the same product because of the different production conditions of these production units, but only at the price uniformly stipulated by the state. . That is to say, in the purchase of commodities, the state only recognizes the socially necessary amount of labor to produce a certain commodity, but does not recognize the different labor hours actually expended by each production unit. Units with different production conditions bring unequal income. For another example, in the purchase of agricultural and sideline products, the state still implements the method of "bonus sale and over-purchase increase", which will also bring unequal income to units with different production conditions. This kind of acquisition of the products of production units with different conditions on a unified scale still embodies a kind of bourgeois right. The exchange of commodities is mediated by money. The value of commodities entering into exchange is also expressed as price. Due to the existence of the contradiction between the supply and demand of commodities, the principle of equivalent exchange " '''exists only in the average, not in every individual situation '''" Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 11.. In every commodity exchange, it is impossible in any society to achieve equivalence, to achieve complete agreement between price and value. The price of a commodity will deviate from its value, and various commodities of equal value will be sold at different prices in the market. This is another manifestation of bourgeois legal rights in commodity exchange. In capitalist society, under conditions of competition and anarchy of production, the tendency to exchange equivalents can only be expressed through fluctuations in market prices, through constant deviations in prices that are sometimes higher and sometimes lower than value. In a socialist society, the prices of commodities exchanged in market trade will also fluctuate higher or lower. In the planned market, commodity prices are not formed spontaneously in market competition but are determined in a planned manner by state agencies. However, the prices of various commodities stipulated in the plan also deviate from the value to varying degrees. The production units of commodities whose prices are higher than their value can obtain more income through exchange; otherwise, they can only obtain less income, thus bringing about de facto inequality. In socialist exchange, the existence of bourgeois right is inevitable. A socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, in accordance with the interests of the proletariat, also uses it to serve socialist construction. However, the bourgeois right in commodity exchange is also the soil from which capitalism and the bourgeoisie arise. From the perspective of human history, since the emergence of the third great division of labor in society, the merchant class has emerged. "It does not take part in production at all, but completely seizes the leadership of production and subordinates the producers to itself economically, it becomes an indispensable intermediary between every two producers and exploits both of them." Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 162.With the formation of this true social parasitic class, the commodity system based on private ownership finally came into being. Later capitalism and the bourgeoisie also emerged from the polarization of small commodity producers through incubation in the sphere of circulation. This historical phenomenon is worth noting, it tells us that as long as the commodity exchange system is implemented, there is the soil for the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. In socialist society, individual farmers and handicraftsmen have already embarked on the road of collectivization, but each collectively-owned enterprise is still owned by different owners; due to the different technical equipment and natural conditions of each collective production unit, the production of the same commodity requires The amount of labor entrusted to the fee is different, and the income brought to each collective production unit under the condition of equivalent exchange will also be different, which will produce the difference between the poor team and the rich team. The divergence between the prices and values of various agricultural and sideline products provides an economic basis for the capitalist tendency to pursue high-priced and big products. At the same time, collective farmers still retain a small amount of reserved land and family sideline business; there are still a small number of non-agricultural self-employed workers in the society. Under such circumstances, the habitual power of small producers and the idea of some wealthy peasants to get rich individually cannot be eliminated immediately. Some of them with serious capitalist thoughts will take advantage of the bourgeois legal rights in commodity exchange to make waves in market trade, or take advantage of the contradiction between supply and demand in commodity exchange to engage in long-distance trafficking, speculation and other capitalist activities. As far as socialist state-owned enterprises are concerned, due to the different technical equipment and management conditions, the amount of labor expended to produce commodities is different, and the implementation of equivalent exchange will also bring different incomes to different state-owned enterprise units. These different incomes will not bring about differences in personal income under the condition that they are all turned over to the state for unified control and use. However, it will affect how well these state-run companies meet profit targets. When the commodity price deviates from the value, some enterprises will leave the socialist production goal, arrange commodity production and commodity exchange only according to the level of cost, price and profit, and unilaterally pursue the realization of output value indicators and sales indicators; Management, the management of light and small commodities; the management of heavy parts, the management of light parts. If the revisionist line prevails, enterprises will implement the policy of profit in command, disregarding the needs of the country and the people, benefiting the big ones, benefiting the small ones, and not doing them without profit. For the most urgently needed commodities, they are put aside, and those commodities whose prices are higher than their value are devoted to making more profits. If this development continues, socialist production relations will also degenerate into capitalist production relations. The principle of commodity exchange also intrudes into the political life of the party and the state. The bourgeoisie in the party will inevitably use its power to change the healthy political life of the party and the country in accordance with the principle of commodity exchange, and turn the relationship between people into '''"naked interests" '''and '''"ruthless" cash. '" '''"The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 253., even treating themselves as commodities, demanding high prices from the party and the people. Therefore, the exchange of commodities in a socialist society, regardless of its form and substance, is the soil for the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. It is not much different from the old society. It must be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and vigilance must not be lost. . In order to promote the revisionist line of restoring capitalism, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique and its imperial economists tried their best to deny that the commodity exchange system was a remnant of the old society. Since Brezhnev came to power, the Soviet economic circles have intensified their efforts to beautify the commodity system to meet the needs of the revisionist line of so-called "economic reform", and have tried their best to attack the commodity system that believes that the socialist society reflects the traditions or traditions of the old society. Trace's correct view, saying that this view is "a major obstacle to the correct understanding of commodity-money relations under the socialist system" and must be "surmounted". They also tried their best to spread the myth that the commodity-money relations under the socialist system would not produce capitalism and the bourgeoisie, saying that "the use of commodity-money relations cannot lead to personal enrichment and the emergence of capitalist factors". Its purpose is to cover up the evil reality of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union, and to create a theoretical basis for the exploitation of the working people of the Soviet Union by a small group of bureaucratic monopoly capitalists. === {{anchor|header-n8567}} {{anchor|Toc83471813}} Section 2 The role and restriction of socialist commodity exchange, and the struggle against restriction === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471814}} {{anchor|header-n8568}} Promote production development and improve people's lives ==== In the process of social reproduction, production plays a decisive role. Without production, there can be no exchange. Moreover, the depth, breadth and manner of exchange are the material basis for the exchange of commodities produced by socialism. Chairman Mao pointed out as early as 1942: " '''Developing the economy and ensuring supply is the general policy of our economic and financial work. '''" "Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese Period". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 846.Only when industrial and agricultural production develops can there be sufficient means of production to meet the further development of production In order to meet the needs of expanding infrastructure and infrastructure, there will be sufficient consumer goods to supply the market, and the living standards of the people will be continuously improved. Without the development of industrial and agricultural production, it is impossible to do a good job of socialist commodity exchange. But exchange is by no means a negative, passive factor in production. Engels said that trade in products '''is "generally governed by the movement of production '''", but " '''acts in turn on the movement of production '''" Engels: To Kahn Schmidt (27 October 1890). "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 481.. Production and exchange " '''These two functions restrict and influence each other at every instant, so that they can be called the abscissa and ordinate of the economic curve '''. " Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition.The exchange of materials between regions, various departments of the national economy, and various enterprises is an important guarantee for the normal production and accelerated development. The planned and proportional development of the national economy requires the planned distribution of the means of production among various departments; the planned distribution of the means of production must be realized through the planned exchange of the means of production. According to production needs, the planned exchange of production means on time, according to quality, according to quantity and according to variety and specifications plays an important role in promoting production and the development of the national economy. The exchange between the two socialist public ownership economies is the bridge between agriculture and industry, the link between production and consumption, and the intermediate link linking the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people and the economy of collective ownership, cities and villages. The role of this exchange is to promote the development of industrial and agricultural production and meet people's needs for industrial and agricultural products. The smooth exchange of industrial and agricultural products is conducive to promoting mutual support between industrial and agricultural production and between urban and rural areas, consolidating the alliance of workers and peasants, and strengthening the class foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. As Lenin pointed out: " '''Commodity exchange is the standard for measuring whether the mutual relations between industry and agriculture are normal '''" "Order of the Labour and Defense Committee to the Local Soviet Organs (Draft)." The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 32, p. 374., " '''The exchange of large-scale (socialized) industrial products for peasant products is the economic essence of socialism. The foundations of socialism. '''" "Outline of the Book "On Grain Tax". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 32, p. 311.. In order to give full play to the positive effect of socialist exchange on production and consumption, various contradictions in the exchange process must be properly handled. In the process of exchanging the means of production between socialist state-owned enterprises, the contradiction between production and demand occurs a lot. The circulation of means of production from production enterprises to consumption enterprises is a very complicated process. The means of production produced by a state-owned enterprise must be supplied to hundreds of state-owned enterprises for consumption; similarly, a state-owned enterprise needs hundreds of state-owned enterprises to provide it with means of production; due to the variety, specifications and models of means of production, Although the lack of main materials will make production impossible, even the lack of auxiliary materials will seriously affect production. In the process of high-speed development of the socialist national economy, although the growth rate of the production of means of production is generally faster than that of the production of consumer goods, the quantity, quality, variety and specification of the means of production cannot meet the needs of the rapid development of the socialist cause. The need for development is a frequent phenomenon. The contradiction between the production and demand of the means of production is bound to manifest itself as the contradiction between the central and local governments, various departments of the national economy, various regions, and various state-owned enterprises. Under socialism, these contradictions are not resolved through the spontaneous action of the law of value in the anarchy of competition and production, as in capitalist society, but are mainly based on the requirements of the law of planned development of the national economy on the basis of "unified leadership, hierarchical Management, division of labor" principle, establish a certain material management system, and continuously solve the problem by formulating the supply plan of production materials. The practical experience of my country's socialist construction shows that in the process of exchange of means of production, how to deal with the contradiction between production and demand, there is always a fierce struggle between two classes, two roads and two lines. The line of the bourgeoisie within the party to resolve this contradiction is either to advocate "free management" or to advocate "dictatorship of all rules". To deal with the contradiction between production and demand according to this line will not only be detrimental to the close connection between production and consumption of means of production, but will also destroy this connection; The interrelationships between enterprises, regions, departments, and central and local economic sectors, and will destroy them, and make capitalist interrelationships proliferate. As early as before the Cultural Revolution, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping and their group tried their best to implement the revisionist line of "high monopoly" in the material management system, and carried out "district dictatorship", tying up local hands and feet. In the circulation of means of production, there have been phenomena of "national large-scale dispatch" and "national large-scale matching", which are the products of this "dictatorship of rules and regulations". The enthusiasm of enterprises to develop production destroys the socialist ownership by the whole people and destroys production. Socialist revolution and socialist construction are the cause of millions of people. The "dictatorship of every rule" has stifled the enthusiasm of millions of people to engage in socialism. This is in the name of strengthening the leadership of the central unified planning, and the reality of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Chairman Mao's teaching on "Let the localities do more things under the unified plan of the central government Quoted from People's Daily, November 6, 1971." is a powerful critique of the "dictatorship of rules". On the basis of criticizing the "dictatorship of rules and regulations", our country implements the reform of the material management system in accordance with the principles of "unified leadership, hierarchical management, and division of labor"; Regional balance, balance allocation, variety allocation, and guarantee turn-over” approach. This requires that under the premise of the national unified plan and the local guarantee to turn over, let the local do more things, and implement local balance and local matching of raw materials and equipment produced in the region. The correct implementation of this method is conducive to the implementation of Chairman Mao's great strategic policy of "preparing for war, preparing for famine, and serving the people", is conducive to strengthening the party's unified leadership over economic work, and is conducive to the gradual establishment of industrial cooperation areas and even many provinces. The system is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of the central and local governments, and is conducive to properly handling the interrelationships between the central and local governments, regions and regions, and enterprises, and promotes the development of production. However, not long after Deng Xiaoping, the biggest capitalist roader in the party, resumed work, he tried his best to overturn the case of the Cultural Revolution and resumed the "dictatorship of rules and regulations". He slandered that the decentralization of the material management system was "scattered" and that the ongoing reform of the material management system should be stopped and returned; in the so-called "Regulations" to speed up industrial development that he concocted, he even publicly shouted: "What should be centralized, It must be concentrated, not dispersed." This is one of the important measures Deng Xiaoping took to implement the counter-revolutionary revisionist line in the economic field: "recovering power and governing dispersion". The material management system reformed by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm and initiative of local governments and enterprises to improve material management. No matter in the aspects of planning and distribution, organizing supply, digging potentials and adjusting surplus and deficiency in Qinglun, there have been vivid results. Lively situation; in the material adjustment work, there are endless examples of breaking the boundaries of industries and enterprises, telling the line, taking into account the overall situation, carrying forward the style, and supporting each other. Deng Xiaoping's attack on the reform of the material management system is a so-called "scatter", which is an excuse for re-engaging in "dictatorship of rules". There is also the problem of "scattering" in material management work. For example, some enterprises and units have their own "reserves", each finds its own "access", beggar-thy-neighbor, free exchange, etc. This tendency of capitalist liberalization, In the entire historical stage of socialism, it has its profound social and economic roots and political and ideological roots. However, many of these "disintegrations" were the result of Deng Xiaoping's re-engagement of the "Dictatorship of Articles". The "Dictatorship of Articles" regards the "stripes" of various industries produced by the social division of labor as "independent kingdoms" that cannot be inserted or splashed, and the hands and feet of factories and enterprises are bound to death; at the same time, In the supply of raw materials, there is a big gap, forcing factories and enterprises to find their own way, and the tendency of capitalist liberalization in the circulation of production materials is rampant. Therefore, such "scattering" is the inevitable result of the "district dictatorship". In the process of commodity exchange between socialist enterprises under the ownership of the whole people and enterprises under collective ownership, and between enterprises under collective ownership, the situation is also very complicated. The objects of their exchange are mainly consumer goods, but also some means of production. In the complex commodity exchange relationship, the contradiction between production and demand will also exist for a long time. This contradiction is embodied in the contradiction between the commercial sector and the agricultural, industrial and consumer sectors. The contradiction between socialist commerce and agriculture is mainly manifested in the ratio of purchase and retention of agricultural and sideline products, the purchase price, the form of purchase, and the supply and price of industrial products. The production of agricultural and sideline products is partly commercial production to meet social needs, and the other is self-sufficient production to meet farmers' own needs. Under the condition that the level of agricultural mechanization is not high and agricultural production is easily affected by natural conditions, the commodity rate of agricultural products in my country is still relatively low. For example, in 1974, the commercial grain provided by farmers accounted for only 21.6 percent of the total grain output. Under such conditions, it is of great significance to properly arrange the purchase and retention ratio of agricultural and sideline products. The principle of properly arranging the ratio of purchase and retention of agricultural and sideline products is to enable the country to obtain the necessary amount of agricultural and sideline products, and to make proper arrangements for the production and living of farmers. While purchasing agricultural and sideline products, socialist commerce must also do a good job of sending industrial products to the countryside, and strive to have contacts and contacts to fully meet the needs of socialist agricultural production and peasant life. The purchase price of agricultural and sideline products and the supply price of industrial products are directly related to the income of farmers and related to the expansion of agricultural reproduction and the accumulation of the country. It is necessary to determine the reasonable purchase price of agricultural and sideline products and the supply price of industrial products, so that the exchange of industrial and agricultural products can maintain the relationship of equivalent or nearly equivalent exchange. Only by handling the contradiction between commerce and agriculture in accordance with the principles of socialism can we do a good job in the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas, mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers for socialist production, promote the development of industrial and agricultural production, and consolidate the alliance of workers and peasants. The relationship between socialist commerce and industry is mainly the relationship within the state economy. State-run industries are engaged in production, and state-run businesses are engaged in sales, and there are often conflicts between industry and commerce over the issue of whether the quantity, quality, variety, and price of industrial products meet market needs. Industrial production is generally relatively stable, while market demands are generally variable. The contradiction between relatively stable industrial production and changing market demands often brings about contradictions between business and industry. Other contradictions are caused by the poor integration of production and marketing plans between industry and commerce, and the lack of investigation and research on production and market development and changes and their laws. However, the contradictions between business and industry are, in general, inseparable from the interference of wrong lines and the influence of capitalist management ideas. In order to correctly resolve the contradictions between industry and commerce, the departments of industry and commerce must closely cooperate with each other in accordance with the principles of socialism. The commercial sector should strengthen investigation and research, reflect the needs, and actively assist the industrial sector in developing production, expanding varieties, improving quality, and giving full play to its dynamic role. The industrial sector should meet the procurement needs of the commercial sector as much as possible, and supply on time, according to quality, according to quantity, according to variety and according to specifications. The contradiction between production and demand in the process of exchanging industrial and agricultural commodities will ultimately manifest as the contradiction between socialist commerce and consumers. With the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production and the continuous improvement of the purchasing power of the people, there are more and more requirements for food, clothing and use. Correctly handling the contradictions between commerce and agriculture, and commerce and industry is the prerequisite for correctly handling the contradictions between commerce and consumers. In order to correctly resolve the contradiction between business and consumers, business workers are also required to further establish the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly and deal with the emerging contradictions in a timely manner. Our commercial workers put it well: "The three-foot counter is limited, and the service for the workers, peasants and soldiers is unlimited." With this kind of thinking, socialist commerce will actively organize the supply of goods and allocate them rationally according to the needs of the workers, peasants and soldiers in all aspects. Commodities, arrange the socialist market, create a variety of forms to serve the workers, peasants and soldiers, and shoulder the responsibility of better organizing the people's economic life. ==== {{anchor|header-n8586}} {{anchor|Toc83471815}} The struggle against restrictions and anti-restrictions in the field of commodity exchange ==== In the field of commodity exchange, if the proletariat wants to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie must do everything possible to resist. Therefore, the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in socialist exchange is essentially a struggle between restrictions and anti-restrictions. The struggle is fierce and will last for a long time. In the Soviet Union, capitalism has been fully restored in the field of exchange, overflowing into disaster. This fact is meaningful for us to fully understand the sharp and complex class struggle in the field of exchange. In the field of exchange, the Soviet renegade clique is desperately trying to expand the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, turning the socialist commerce that serves the development of socialist production and the improvement of people's lives into a capitalist commerce that pursues profit as its highest purpose.
Today's Soviet Union has implemented capitalist commercialization in the circulation of means of production. As early as 1955, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR cancelled the regulations adopted in 1951 on the prohibition of the sale and exchange of unused equipment and materials. In 1957, the direct sales and purchase system of production and sales units was implemented, and some important production materials, such as automobiles, tractors, electrical equipment, etc., were freely sold, and the planned allocation and distribution system was cancelled. In 1965, it was stipulated that enterprises could freely buy and sell "excess" means of production, and could rent out "temporarily unused" plant and equipment. As for the countryside, in 1968 the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union adopted the "Principles of Land Legislation", which stipulated that collective farms had the right to transfer or disguised leased "state-owned" land. The new model collective farm regulations promulgated by the Soviet Union in 1969 stipulated that the chairman of the farm has the right to freely buy and sell agricultural machinery and other means of production. As the Soviet revisionists successively lifted various restrictions on the field of commodity circulation and expanded the scope of commodity trading without compliance, one-third of the means of production was brought into the wholesale business track, and two-thirds of the supply and demand enterprises were free to buy and sell.
The circulation channels of consumer materials have also degenerated into capitalist circulation channels. The capitalist operating principle with the aim of chasing profit rules the field of circulation. The state-run stores of the Brezhnev brand charged consumers with high prices, deducted weights for shoddy goods, cheated, and extended working hours to commercial workers, intensified labor intensity, and squeezed more surplus labor. In addition to state-run stores, there are three free markets in the Soviet Union for buying and selling consumer goods, namely the collective farm market, the high-priced commercial consumer cooperatives and the free market for industrial consumer goods. Seventy percent of the collective farm markets in the Soviet Union were located in cities, where market prices differed in the morning and in the evening, and were filled with all kinds of speculation. The high-priced business of consumer cooperatives also deals in agricultural and sideline products. It implements the mode of operation of high-priced purchases and high-priced sales, and also operates agency sales, which is not much different from the collective farm market. Many cooperative high-priced businesses are located in collective farm markets. Most of the goods sold in the free market for industrial consumer goods are obtained by corruption, theft, backdoors, arbitrage and privileges from "in-house stores", or from foreign tourists and seafarers for resale, and most of the goods sold here are in state-run stores The prices of items that have been out of stock for a long time or simply cannot be bought are generally two or three times higher than that of state-run stores. Many of the sellers of the free market for manufactured goods are speculators who travel thousands of miles back and forth. Like the collective farm market, the free market for manufactured goods is a speculator's playground.
In a socialist society, the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party must strive to expand the free market in order to expand the bourgeois legal rights in commodity exchange and restore capitalism. Bukharin once advocated the fallacy of the "normalization" of the market, advocating that prices can be freely manipulated in the market, in an attempt to cancel the adjustment of the market planned by the socialist state, and promote the development of capitalist spontaneous forces. Lenin said: "What is freedom of turnover? Freedom of turnover is freedom of trade, and freedom of trade means a regression to capitalism." "This freedom of turnover and trade inevitably divides commodity producers into owners of capital and ownership of labor. to the capitalist and wage-worker, that is, to restore capitalist wage-slavery ” The Tenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 32, p. 206.. The full restoration of capitalism in the exchange field of the Soviet Union emerged under the slogan of the so-called "freedom of trade". This shocking fact shows that after the proletariat seizes power and establishes socialist public ownership of the means of production, if the system of commodity exchange is not restricted, capitalism will develop rapidly, which in turn will disintegrate the economic foundation of socialism. In the field of commodity exchange in our country, the struggle against the restriction and anti-restriction of bourgeois legal rights is also very fierce. This struggle is concentrated on whether to bring commodity exchange into the planned orbit, or go against the plan and engage in "free trade". In order to limit the bourgeois legal rights in exchange, my country implements a policy of centralized purchase and sales of grain, oilseeds, cotton, etc., and implements a planned state allocation and distribution of important means of production. For example, one national price has been implemented for most medicines and some daily industrial products. State organs have also taken various measures to strengthen market management, combat capitalist speculation in urban and rural areas, and safeguard the basic needs of the masses. The proletariat imposes restrictions on bourgeois legal rights, and the bourgeoisie must oppose this restriction. The bourgeoisie Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping in the party tried their best to promote the revisionist line of "free trade", advocated fallacies such as "free market", "free price" and "free competition", and desperately opposed the proletariat's harassment of the bourgeoisie in the field of circulation. The restriction of the legal fork is an attempt to make the capitalist forces in urban and rural areas flood the field of circulation. They also come up with "profit in command", "serving the whole people", "business first" and other black goods, in an attempt to implement the capitalist management principles into the socialist commodity exchange. Liu Shaoqi also advocated the so-called "people who engage in that line of business, you can buy a little more for that line of business"; Lin Biao advocated such fallacies as "human affection is greater than king's law" and "going through the back door" is legal, in an attempt to corrupt people's minds. Their evil purpose is to restore capitalism by strengthening and expanding bourgeois rights in exchange. New and old bourgeois elements in society also often make waves in the field of circulation, attacking the proletariat and socialism. They engage in speculative trafficking, disrupting and destroying the socialist market; they engage in illegal bartering for the personal gain of individuals or small groups in the name of "collaboration". Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, the conspiracies of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping were smashed, and the capitalist forces were constantly hit hard. But as long as the commodity exchange system exists, there will be soil for capitalism and the bourgeoisie. Therefore, in the field of exchange, the struggle for restriction and anti-restriction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie will continue for a long time. Restricting bourgeois right to exchange in socialist society is by no means abolishing commodity exchange. On the contrary, with the development of production, there must also be leadership and a planned development of commodity exchange under the socialist system. But at the same time, the bourgeois right of exchange must be limited. In particular, it is necessary to limit the spontaneous role of the law of value in exchange, combat the spontaneous capitalist tendency in exchange, and combat the use of commodity exchange to engage in capitalist activities and undermine the socialist economy. Fundamentally speaking, to limit bourgeois legal rights in exchange, we must adhere to the principle of class struggle, adhere to the party's basic line, strengthen party leadership and mass supervision; continue to criticize Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaohu The revisionist line of "freedom of trade", "profits in command", and "dictatorship of all rules" promoted, vigorously cultivated new socialist things in the field of commodity exchange, consciously restricted the bourgeois legal rights in exchange, and adhered to the socialism of commodity exchange. direction. In addition to the exchange of means of production between state-owned enterprises mainly through the state material management department, the exchange of commodities in our country is carried out through two channels: socialist state-run commerce and collectively-owned cooperative commerce. These two channels constitute the unified market of my country's socialism. State-run commerce is the main body and leading force of the unified socialist market, and it controls the vast majority of commodities and retail links, as well as all wholesale links. The collectively owned cooperative business is an assistant to the state business. Giving full play to their role, ensuring the smooth flow of commodity circulation channels and promoting the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas plays an important role in restricting the activities of capitalist forces in urban and rural areas. The rural market trade is the supplement of the socialist unified market at the present stage, and its existence is necessary. But there, the law of value plays a spontaneous regulating role, and bourgeois right is seriously present. Some people tend to speculate and sell the products of their private plots and family sideline businesses in the market trade. A country under the dictatorship of the proletariat must strengthen leadership and strictly manage market trade, and impose restrictions on trading locations, trading objects, trading products, and market prices. === {{anchor|header-n8601}} {{anchor|Toc83471816}} Section 3 Prices and Price Policy under the Socialist System === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471817}} {{anchor|header-n8602}} The role of the law of value in the circulation of commodities ==== To give full play to the positive effect of socialist exchange on production and consumption, it is also necessary to correctly understand and apply the law of value in the circulation of commodities. The law of value is the economic law of commodity production and commodity exchange. Under the condition that the socialist society implements the commodity system, the law of value has an influence on the production of socialism, and its role in the circulation of commodities is even greater. In the process of commodity circulation in socialist society, the exchange of commodities with currency as the medium must follow the principle of equivalent exchange; the price changes expressed by currency as value will affect the circulation of socialist commodities to varying degrees; The circulation of some personal consumer goods even has a certain degree of regulation. Fundamentally speaking, the commodity circulation process in socialist society is regulated by the circulation plan formulated according to the law of planned development of the national economy. The exchange of means of production in socialist society mainly takes the form of state-planned distribution. The products produced by the factory are supplied to which units, what to supply, how much to supply, and the supply time, generally under the guidance of national plans. Even the circulation of consumer goods is largely regulated by state planning. Because the total amount and composition of consumer goods entering the field of circulation are determined by the state's production plan, the social purchasing power is also controlled by the state plan. On the basis of balancing the supply and demand of consumer goods in a planned way, the state formulates a plan for the circulation of consumer goods to regulate the circulation of consumer goods. In particular, some consumer goods that are closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as grain, cotton, oil, etc., are purchased and sold by the state, and the supply is planned. These planned economic systems based on public ownership of the means of production objectively limit the scope and extent of the law of value's effect on commodity circulation. However, most consumer goods are openly available in the market, allowing consumers to choose freely. Because the needs of hundreds of millions of consumers vary widely and change in different periods, and production conditions are constantly changing, it is often difficult for planning work to fully grasp these specific changes, so the contradiction between supply and demand will often appear. There are many factors that affect consumer demand, but the most important ones are the amount of income and the level of price. Under normal circumstances, the higher the price of a certain personal consumer goods, its sales volume will be reduced; on the contrary, the lower the price, its sales volume will expand. This is the regulating effect of the law of value on the circulation of individual consumer goods to a certain extent and to a certain extent. Socialist countries consciously use the law of value to adjust the circulation of consumer goods to a certain extent. Restrict or expand the sales of these consumer goods, so as to promote the balance between the supply and demand of these consumer goods, and realize the national commodity circulation plan. For example, for those consumer goods whose production is greatly increased, the output exceeds the sales, and the price is high, the method of lowering the price can increase the purchasing power of consumers for these consumer goods. For those consumer goods whose production growth cannot keep pace with the need for growth for a while, in addition to increasing production, maintaining a relatively high price level for some of these non-necessary goods within a certain limit can limit the demand for these consumer goods. For those consumer goods with strong seasonality, such as vegetables, fruits, etc., it is also necessary to adopt a reasonable seasonal price difference. Because, on the one hand, due to the different seasons, the amount of labor expended in production, storage, and storage will also vary; on the other hand, lowering the price appropriately during the peak production season can expand sales and avoid spoilage losses. Appropriately raising prices during the off-season can compress sales. This also plays a role in properly maintaining the balance of supply and demand between different seasons. However, in order for the law of value to play a supplementary role in planning and regulation in circulation, to use it to balance the contradiction between supply and demand of consumer goods, and to promote the development of the socialist economy, it is only possible when people correctly understand the law of value and limit the scope of its effect. do it. If the law of value is allowed to spread freely and prices are adjusted frequently based solely on market supply and demand, it will violate the principle of "planning first, price second", and will certainly impact socialist planning and undermine the economic foundation of socialism. ==== {{anchor|header-n8609}} {{anchor|Toc83471818}} The basis of prices under socialism ==== The conscious use of the law of value is mainly achieved through the formulation of planned prices by the state. The planned price is an important aspect of the planned economy and a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. Then, what is the scientific basis for socialist countries to formulate planned prices? This involves the fundamental issue of prices under the socialist system. Under capitalism, the concrete form of commodity value has been transformed into the price of production (that is, the sectoral average cost of production plus the social average profit in terms of the rate of profit of funds). The price fluctuates spontaneously around the production price as the market supply and demand changes. The price of production is the basis of prices in a capitalist economy. The socialist planned price is not formed spontaneously in the market, but is formulated by the state plan. The socialist countries set different prices for different kinds of products according to the party's line and economic policies, and they can make them higher or lower. How is this price set? Can I do whatever I want? No, the formulation of prices, whether the price is too high or too low, always has a basis and cannot be separated from a center. What is the basis of socialist prices? According to the requirements of the law of value, the price in the socialist economy is still the monetary form of value, and the price of commodities should be based on its value. That is to say, when setting the price of a commodity, it is still necessary to refer to its value. If we deny this, then we deny the objective existence of the law of value. However, the complexity of the problem lies in how to correctly calculate the value that underlies the price. The value of any product is composed of three parts: (1) materialized labor consumed in production (c), that is , raw materials, fuel, auxiliary materials, and depreciation expenses of machinery, equipment and workshops consumed in production; ( 2) Labor remuneration (v), which is the wages paid to employees in state-owned enterprises; (3) Profit (m). If these three items (c, v, m) can be calculated separately, the value of the product will be known. The first two items (c+v) constitute the production cost of the product. The production cost as a component of value is, of course, not the production cost of individual firms, but the sector average cost. Relatively speaking, sector average production costs are relatively easy to determine. But how is the amount of the profit (m) portion determined? This is difficult. According to the Marxist labor theory of value, only the labor of producers is the only source of value creation. Under the conditions of distribution according to work, labor remuneration is roughly proportional to the cost of living labor. In a state-owned enterprise, under normal circumstances, the more wages are paid, the more living labor is expended in production, and the more profit should be created. Therefore, there is objectively a certain proportional relationship between profits and wages. This proportional relationship (m:v) can be called the wage earning rate. As long as we obtain an average wage profit rate (that is, the ratio between the total profit of the whole society and the total wage) in the whole society in advance, under the condition that the wage payment (v) for producing a certain product is known, we can The amount of profit (m) that should be obtained from the production of this product can be calculated. In this way, the commodity value as the basis of the price can be calculated indirectly according to the average production cost of the sector, plus the profit determined by the social average wage profit rate In actual work, it is impossible to directly measure the value of commodities, and no one has ever done such a measure; even if it is estimated indirectly based on the average production cost of the department and the profit method determined by the average social wage profit rate, there are certain difficulties. . However, since the cost profit rate is generally calculated when the price is determined in actual work, we can also use another method to calculate the commodity value, that is, on the average cost of the department, plus a cost profit rate Calculated profit amount: The cost profit rate can be determined with reference to the technical composition of each production department. The profit rate should be lower if the material is heavy and the production is light, and the profit rate should be appropriately higher if the material is light. The value of a commodity calculated in this way should be roughly the same as the socially necessary amount of labor consumed in this commodity.. In the past, some people advocated that the profit should be determined according to the social average capital profit rate (the ratio of profit to production capital), and believed that the basis of price in a socialist economy should not be the value of the commodity, but the production price (that is, the average cost of the sector plus a The average profit determined by the capital gain rate). That is to say, departmental boundaries should be broken down and prices should be set according to the principle of equal distribution of profits within the whole society. In order to meet the needs of the restoration of capitalism, many economists in the Soviet revisionists advocated that profits should be determined according to the average capital profit rate, and that the price of production should be the basis for setting prices. In fact, this principle is a product of capitalist relations of production; it is the fullest expression of bourgeois right. Marx pointed out: " '''Commodities are exchanged not only as commodities, but as products of capital. These capitals require a share out of the total amount of surplus-value proportional to their respective quantities, or in their When the quantity is equal, an equal share is required. '''” Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 196.Only when production is aimed at chasing profits and funds can flow freely among various departments, will the equalization of profits become an inevitable trend. However, the purpose of socialist production is to meet the needs of the country and the people, not to increase the value of capital. The investment of funds among various departments is planned and cannot be transferred freely. There are no objective conditions for the formation of average profits in a socialist society. Therefore, it is theoretically wrong to form a socialist price according to the social average capital profit rate. The production cost plus the profit determined by the above-mentioned average capital profit rate is of course not the value of the commodity, but the transformed form of the value of the commodity. In a socialist society, commodity prices are not based on their value, but on the transformed form of their value. Not only has no objective basis, but it is also harmful, because only when prices are based on value can production be more accurately accounted for The labor consumption in the national economy is conducive to the correct reflection and proper arrangement of various proportional relationships in the national economy. If the price is not based on value, but on any transformed form of value, these proportional relations will not be correctly reflected, thus affecting the arrangement of national economic planning. Whether the price is based on value is also of great significance to the economic accounting of individual enterprises and to the social labor saving of the entire national economy. Because to produce a variety of products, several different production schemes can often be adopted, various raw materials and different types of machinery and equipment are used, and different amounts of materialized labor and living labor are consumed. Price is based on value and can help us choose the one that consumes the least physical and living labor. If the price is not based on value, and the price of some products is much lower than its value, then the production plan using these products as raw materials may be the most economical in terms of price, but in fact, the social labor consumption is on the contrary. biggest. ==== {{anchor|header-n8619}} {{anchor|Toc83471819}} socialist price policy ==== Socialist countries must set prices on the basis of value, but this does not mean that prices can only be consistent with value without any deviation. This is because price is not a simple monetary representation of value. The formulation of prices should also be subject to the party's political and economic tasks in a certain period, reflect the party's line, principles and policies, and properly consider the market supply and demand. That is to say, according to the socialist price policy, the reasonable price of products should be formulated by using and restricting the objective law of value. Only in this way can prices be conducive to strengthening economic accounting, conducive to the development of production, conducive to stabilizing the market and people's lives, and conducive to the improvement of socialist production relations. Therefore, in the socialist economy, not only the prices of various commodities are basically consistent with their values, but there are also situations where prices and values deviate from each other. For example, the prices of agricultural products in my country are generally set in accordance with the principle of maintaining capital and making small profits, and some also allow temporary losses, so that the price is lower than the value. The cost of new products is generally higher, so the price of similar products can only be compared based on the quality, rather than the cost plus profit, and the price of the product is often lower than the value. For a few high-end commodities, which are not urgently needed in life, or in short supply, and need to be adjusted by price, the price of such commodities is higher than the value. It can be seen that the basis for the pricing of various commodities is different, so the deviation between price and value is also different. Changes in market prices are actually the redistribution of national income, which will directly affect the economic accounting of enterprises and the actual income of urban and rural people. Maintaining the basic stability of prices is conducive to the implementation of the planned economy, the economic accounting of state-owned enterprises and people's communes, the protection of the actual income and the gradual improvement of the living standards of the working people in urban and rural areas, and the restriction and crackdown on the speculative activities of capitalist forces. to ensure the smooth progress of socialist construction. my country has always adopted a policy of stabilizing prices. Since 1950, prices in the Chinese market have been stable. This is a manifestation of the superiority of our socialist system. In old China, the Kuomintang reactionaries issued banknotes indiscriminately, causing prices to rise day by day, production slumped, and people living in poverty. The birth of the People's Republic of China ended the history of skyrocketing prices in old China. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the party and the state adopted a series of measures to stabilize prices, waged a resolute struggle against capitalist forces, and severely cracked down on speculative activities. For more than 20 years, the prices of people's basic necessities, such as grain, cotton cloth, vegetables, and briquettes, have remained stable. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the state has lowered the sales prices of some industrial products in a planned way. National retail prices in 1974 were 2.9 percent lower than in 1965. The prosperity of the market and the stability of prices in our country show the superiority of the socialist system, which is in stark contrast to the hyperinflation of capitalism and the drastic price fluctuations. The main purpose of implementing the policy of stabilizing prices is to ensure the stability of the overall price level and the prices of people's basic necessities. Under this premise, for the unreasonable prices left over from the history and due to economic development, the adjustment will be adjusted up and down according to the policy of basically unchanged and individual adjustment. For example, for agricultural and sideline products such as grain, oil, pigs, poultry, eggs, etc., the state has raised the purchase price many times, but the sales price has basically remained unchanged. The business sector's operating losses are subsidized by the state. For some high-end consumer goods, keep prices relatively high. Profits and losses are uniformly balanced by the state, which is conducive to the stability of market prices. This is simply impossible under capitalism. The planned and proportional development of the national economy requires price stability, and price stability is a comprehensive reflection of the coordinated development of the national economy. The long-term stability of my country's prices is due to the implementation of the general policy of "developing the economy and ensuring supply", rapidly developing production, and expanding the circulation of commodities, so that the supply of commodities can roughly adapt to the purchasing power of society. The exchange and price ratio of industrial and agricultural products is an important issue in price policy. It is related to the redistribution of national income between industry and agriculture, the stability of market prices, the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas and the integration and development of industrial and agricultural production, and also directly affects the lives of urban and rural working people and the alliance between workers and peasants. This requires the formulation of a reasonable price in accordance with the principle of equivalent exchange. During the period when Stalin was leading the socialist construction of the Soviet Union, the opposition alliance headed by Trotsky, in order to disintegrate the combination of urban and rural areas and destroy the alliance of workers and peasants, once clamored to "raise the ex-factory prices of industrial products" and "impose maximum taxes on the peasants" Oppression” and other reactionary propositions. If we follow this proposition, it will inevitably lead to an increase in the prices of industrial products, shrink the domestic market for industrial products, plunge the vast number of peasants into poverty, provoke contradictions between the proletariat and the vast number of peasants, and undermine the foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat— - Union of Workers and Peasants. This reactionary proposition of the Trotskyites was ruthlessly exposed and criticized by Stalin. Before the liberation of our country, imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism had always exploited and plundered the vast number of peasants frantically by buying agricultural products at low prices and selling industrial products at high prices, that is, by expanding the gap of scissors, making them impoverished and bankrupt, causing urban and rural areas sharp contrast between them. Especially in the more than ten years from 1937 to 1949, due to the invasion of Japanese imperialism and the anti-communist and anti-people's war launched by the Kuomintang reactionaries, production and transportation were severely damaged, the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas came to a standstill, and industrial and agricultural products came to a standstill. The scissors gap in price widened more violently. Taking the average price difference from 1930 to 1936 to be 100, it expanded to more than 130 in 1949.
According to a typical survey of several primary rural markets in Anhui, Guangxi, Sichuan, and Shaanxi before liberation, the change in the exchange rate of industrial and agricultural products was 100 in 1936, and expanded to 165.11 in 1948. In the primary market in Ankang, Shaanxi, 39.7 feet of white cloth could be exchanged for every 100 catties of rice in 1936, but only 10.02 feet of white cloth in 1946.
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has been a serious line struggle over whether to reduce the scissors gap between the prices of industrial and agricultural products. Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping's group have always advocated expanding the scissors gap, advocating "stuck the peasants' necks" and "matching high (price) with high (price)". In the struggle against Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and others, Chairman Mao repeatedly instructed that in the commodity relationship between the state-run economy and the collective economy, the principle of equal exchange must be implemented, and a policy of gradually narrowing the price scissors difference between industrial and agricultural products should be implemented. According to the principles and policies formulated by Chairman Mao, the state has raised the purchase price of agricultural and sideline products several times over the past 20 years, while the prices of industrial products supplied to the countryside have remained basically stable, and some have even fallen, which has greatly improved the economy of the vast number of farmers. status, promoted the development of agricultural production, and consolidated the alliance of workers and peasants.
According to statistics, as early as 1958, the scissors difference in the price of industrial and agricultural products was reduced by 25.4% compared with 1951. Twenty-two years from 1952 to 1973. The national purchase price of agricultural and sideline products increased by 67%, the sales price of agricultural production materials decreased by 48%, and the price of industrial products supplied to the countryside decreased by 0.7%. With the same amount of agricultural products, exchangeable industrial goods increased by more than 66%.
The price scissors difference of industrial and agricultural products reflects the unequal exchange of industrial and agricultural products between industry and agriculture, and between cities and villages. The price scissors difference of industrial and agricultural products is generally based on the price of industrial and agricultural products in a certain year, and the generation, expansion or reduction of the scissors difference is analyzed from the changes in the prices of industrial and agricultural products in the future. However, if we want to deeply analyze whether the exchange between industrial and agricultural products is equivalent exchange, we must not only understand the changing trend of the prices of industrial and agricultural products, but also the changing trend of the value of industrial and agricultural products. From the perspective of price changes, the scissors gap of industrial and agricultural products is gradually narrowing. However, if the factor of value change is added, in addition to the fact that the scissors difference left over from the old society has not been completely eliminated, there may also be a new scissors difference in the prices of industrial and agricultural products. This is because, in a certain period of time, the planned prices of industrial and agricultural products are basically stable, but labor productivity is an extremely active factor. It always improves continuously with the change of production technical conditions. In this way, the value of industrial and agricultural products is constantly decreasing. Moreover, generally speaking, the growth rate of labor productivity in the industrial sector is faster than that in the agricultural sector, and the decline in the value of industrial products is faster than the decline in the value of agricultural products. New scissors may emerge even with unchanged prices. This is a new problem that needs people to study and solve. However, whether it is the scissors gap left over from the old society or the scissors gap newly created in the development of socialist construction, it can only be gradually reduced with the development of industrial and agricultural production. If the level of development of industrial production has not yet reached a certain level, and an attempt is made to reduce the sales price of industrial products all at once, this will increase the burden on the state and reduce the accumulation of state funds, which will be detrimental to socialist construction. If the prices of industrial products remain unchanged, the solution is to drastically and violently increase the purchase price and sales price of agricultural products, which will increase the burden on the urban people. Therefore, in order to gradually narrow the gap between workers and peasants and the gap between urban and rural areas, and continue to narrow the scissors gap between the prices of industrial and agricultural products, it is necessary to accelerate the development of industry, vigorously support agriculture, accelerate the realization of agricultural mechanization, and increase agricultural labor productivity. The policy of small profits but quick turnover of industrial products is also an important socialist price policy formulated by Chairman Mao for our party. Implementing the policy of small profits but quick turnover of industrial products requires the prices of products to drop in a planned way with the improvement of industrial labor productivity and the decline of product costs. A planned drop in the price of industrial products under certain conditions can expand sales, promote industrial production, and help strengthen economic accounting, so as not to make excessive profit margins a waste of air-raid shelters; it is conducive to improving the lives of urban and rural people; Gradually narrowing the scissors gap between the prices of industrial and agricultural products is conducive to strengthening the alliance of workers and peasants. Of course, this does not mean that all industrial products with high profits should be reduced in price, but should be based on the supply, production and sales of various industrial products, their role in the national economy and people's livelihood, and the industrial development of various regions of the country. , make overall plans and make appropriate arrangements. === {{anchor|header-n8636}} {{anchor|Toc83471820}} Section 4 Foreign Trade of Socialist Countries === There are various economic ties between socialist countries and between socialist countries and capitalist countries to varying degrees. Therefore, in addition to domestic commodity exchange relations, socialist countries also have international commodity exchange relations, that is, foreign trade. A country's social and economic system determines the law of its foreign trade activities. The foreign trade of capitalist countries is based on capitalist private ownership and governed by the basic economic laws of capitalism, in order to brutally exploit and plunder the working people of other countries, grab high profits and accelerate capital accumulation. The foreign trade of imperialist countries is a tool for monopoly capital to enslave and plunder other countries, to maximize profits, and to compete for world hegemony. The foreign trade of socialist countries is based on the socialist public ownership of the means of production and is governed by the basic economic laws of socialism. It must serve the needs of the country and the people from all aspects. That is to say, the foreign trade of socialist countries must be conducive to the development of domestic socialist production and construction, and must not hinder the development of socialist production and construction; it must be conducive to the consolidation of national defense and the gradual improvement of people's lives; it must be It is conducive to strengthening unity with the peoples of all countries, especially the peoples of the third world, and to uniting all forces that can be united in the international community to fight against imperialism, social-imperialism and modern revisionism. In short, the foreign trade of socialist countries is a tool for the proletariat to carry out socialist revolution and socialist construction. To carry out foreign trade of socialist countries consciously in accordance with the requirements of the basic socialist economic laws, we must correctly handle the relationship between foreign trade and domestic trade. "Overall planning and appropriate arrangements", with the domestic market as the main and the foreign market as the supplement, is an important principle for handling domestic and foreign trade relations. Our country has a population of 800 million. Our country's vast domestic market is an extremely favorable condition for the development of socialist industrial and agricultural production. The practice of socialist construction for more than 20 years has proved that the vast rural areas of our country are not only an important market for daily industrial products, but also an important market for means of production with the development of agricultural mechanization. Only by conscientiously implementing the principle of giving priority to the domestic market and supplementing the foreign market, can my country's production and construction flourish, the market is stable and prosperous, the people's livelihood can be gradually improved, and the alliance of workers and peasants can be consolidated. Only on the basis of arranging the domestic market well and in accordance with the needs of the development of the socialist national economy, and rationally organizing imports and exports, can foreign trade truly serve the socialist construction. Without first arranging the domestic market, not in accordance with the needs of the development of the socialist national economy, sitting on the buttocks abroad, staring at the foreign country, extending both hands abroad, always emphasizing "foreign trade is special", "domestic sales are subject to export", this is not socialism The country's foreign trade is not even the foreign trade of an independent country, but a foreign trade of bureaucratic comprador and traitorous surrender. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping practiced such a revisionist line of traitorous surrender. If we follow this revisionist line, the result will be stagnation of domestic production and construction, and the people's living needs will not be guaranteed. Therefore, in dealing with the relationship between domestic and foreign trade, it should be based on the domestic market, proceeding from the needs of national construction and people's life, so as to be conducive to the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance and the development of the national economy. Of course, foreign markets are also very important and cannot be ignored. In order to build socialism at home, it is necessary to properly import some advanced technical equipment and materials that are in short supply in the country, and it is necessary to actively organize exports. Moreover, the revolutionary struggles of the peoples of various countries always support each other. In order to materially support the socialist fraternal countries and support the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed people and nations, a socialist country always needs to export a part of its materials. Domestic trade and foreign trade are two parts of a unified body, and their relationship should be a relationship of mutual cooperation and cooperation under the unified national plan. In order to successfully build socialism and defend national independence, a country under the dictatorship of the proletariat will inevitably require the implementation of state control or monopoly of foreign trade. After the October Revolution, Trotsky, Bukharin and others opposed the implementation of state monopoly on foreign trade, and advocated the so-called "tariff policy" to regulate foreign trade. This fallacy was severely criticized by Lenin. Lenin pointed out: " '''In the age of imperialism, when the disparity between the rich and the poor is staggering, no tariff policy can take effect. '''" "On Foreign Trade Monopoly". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 33, p. 414." '''Without industrial protection, the industrial proletariat will never be able to restore our industry and make Russia an industrial country. The industrial protection here refers only to the foreign trade monopoly system, not any tariff policy '''." Ibid., p. 415.Stalin also emphasized that '''"to abolish the foreign trade monopoly system" "is to turn our country from an independent country into a semi-colonial country" '''"A Conversation with the First American Workers Delegation." The Complete Works of Stalin, Vol. 10, p. 99.. Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, the opportunist line of Trotsky and Bukharin was smashed, foreign trade monopoly was implemented, and the economic independence of the new socialist countries was guaranteed. On the eve of the birth of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: "The restoration and development of the national economy of the People's Republic is impossible without the control policy of foreign trade. Imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism have been eliminated from China. And the rule of the Kuomintang (this is the concentrated expression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism), the problem of establishing an independent and complete industrial system has not yet been solved. Only by becoming an advanced industrial country can this problem be finally solved. To achieve this goal, it is impossible without the control of foreign trade.” After the founding of the "Report on the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1323.People’s Republic of China, the Chinese government implemented Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and gradually The imperialist system of ownership was abolished, the imperialist forces of economic aggression were expelled, the imperialist privileges in our country were abolished, and the right to manage customs was taken back. The era of foreign business manipulating my country's foreign trade operations and foreign exchange finance, shipping, and insurance is over forever. At the same time, the state confiscated foreign trade enterprises with bureaucratic capital, established state organs and state-owned foreign trade enterprises to control foreign trade, and gradually transformed capitalist private import and export enterprises. This fundamentally changed the semi-colonial nature of old China's foreign trade, making my country's foreign trade an independent foreign trade governed by the dictatorship of the proletariat. The implementation of foreign trade control will ensure the constitutional independence of the country's politics and economy, defend against imperialist economic aggression, resist the impact of the capitalist world economic crisis, and conduct normal trade exchanges with the vast number of countries and regions in the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. It plays an important role in accelerating the pace of socialist construction. Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping undermined the principle of centralized leadership and unification of foreign trade, and tried their best to promote capitalist liberalization in foreign trade work. The socialist cooperative relationship has turned into a capitalist competition relationship, which in turn has brought foreign trade back to the track of semi-colonialism. The foreign trade of socialist countries and the foreign trade of capitalist countries are governed by different basic economic laws due to the difference in the basis of ownership of the means of production, and have different business purposes and modes of operation. However, the foreign trade of socialist countries, like the foreign trade of capitalist countries, is a commodity exchange relationship between countries, so the law of value must play a dominant role in this exchange relationship. Of course, the value of a commodity on the domestic market is different from the value on the world market. Marx pointed out: " '''In a country, only an intensity exceeding the national average can change the measure of value measured purely by the duration of labor. The situation is different in the world market of which individual countries are components. The medium intensity of labor varies from one country to another; it is higher in some countries and lower in others. The national averages then form a ladder whose unit of measurement is the average unit of labor in the world. '''” Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 614.That is, each country have a flat The average labor intensity, under this intensity, the socially necessary labor time and its value of the production of a commodity is fixed; when this intensity changes, the socially necessary labor time and its value of the commodity are also has changed. Because the average labor intensity of different countries is inconsistent, the socially necessary labor time and its value of the production of a commodity are different in each country. The world market is a market formed on the basis of national markets. The amount of value of a commodity in the world market does not depend on the socially necessary labor time in a country to produce this commodity, but on the production of this commodity at its average intensity by taking the countries of the world as a whole socially necessary labor time. The price of a commodity in the world market depends not only on the value of this commodity in the world market, but also on the supply and demand of this commodity in the world market. Due to the competition and anarchy of capitalist production and exchange, the supply and demand of commodities in the capitalist world market is constantly changing. Therefore, it is an inevitable phenomenon that commodity prices in the world market will be different sooner or later. Coupled with the frequent outbreaks of capitalist economic crises, competition and collusion between international monopoly capital groups, the turbulence of the capitalist world financial and monetary system, and the intensification of international class struggles, etc. Impact. Therefore, when socialist countries conduct foreign trade, they must fully evaluate the role of the law of value and its characteristics in the world market, and flexibly determine the reasonable prices of export commodities. The principle of price is applied to foreign trade. If this is not the case, the socialist countries will suffer great losses in foreign trade. From the perspective of the composition of import and export commodities and trade settlement methods in the foreign trade of socialist countries, because in a large number of exchange relations, the party participating in the exchange is the capitalist country, therefore, the socialist countries have a great deal of control over the color, variety, and quality of their export commodities. Packaging, etc., should take due account of the national characteristics and customs of these countries, but must not violate the principles of socialist countries; some of the commodities imported from capitalist countries are those that promote the bourgeois way of life. must be resisted. In the international market, the methods of ordering, transaction, transportation, insurance, currency settlement, etc., in fact, follow the same set of capitalism; socialist countries should be highly vigilant in foreign trade activities. Compared with domestic trade, bourgeois right is more serious in foreign trade. How to limit the influence of this aspect of bourgeois law on domestic production and exchange and on the foreign trade sector is an important issue that socialist countries must take seriously. The status and role of foreign trade in the national economy of socialist countries are different from those in capitalist countries. Marx pointed out: " '''The expansion of foreign trade, although in the infancy of the capitalist mode of production was the basis of this mode of production, in the development of the capitalist mode of production, because of the inherent necessity of this mode of production, because of the requirements of this mode of production. Constantly expanding the market, it becomes the product of this mode of production itself. '''" Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 264.Lenin also pointed out: " '''A capitalist country without foreign trade cannot be conceived, and there is indeed no such country. '''" The Development of Russian Capitalism. The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 3, p. 4.In socialist countries, foreign trade is the national An important capital of the economy, however, the high-speed development of the national economy of a socialist country does not depend on the foreign market, but on the superiority of the socialist system and the planned economy, and on the hard work of the working people at home. "Independence and self-reliance" is the fundamental policy for socialist countries to carry out economic construction, and it is also the policy that foreign trade must strictly follow. Adhering to or opposing the policy of independence and self-reliance has always been the focus of the struggle between the two lines in socialist construction. In the early days of the Soviet Union's implementation of socialist industrialization, Trotsky once put forward a so-called "theory of the division of labor in the world", saying that "ignoring the division of labor in the world economy" "will greatly reduce the speed of our economic development" and oppose the independence of the Soviet people, Self-reliance builds socialism in an attempt to make the Soviet Union a vassal of imperialism. In our country, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and their group also vigorously opposed the policy of independence and self-reliance, and desperately advocated "foreign aid determinism" and "red comprador theory". Deng Xiaoping even furiously attacked the policy of "self-reliance and self-reliance" as "be arrogant and self-isolating". In his eyes, the only way to carry out economic construction and the four modernizations is to "adopt the most advanced technology", and to obtain advanced technology, we can only rely on the introduction of "the latest and best foreign equipment". Therefore, he advocated that one is to "exchange more things in exchange", that is, to buy; the other is to "make a long-term contract" with foreign capitalists, so that they will supply our equipment, and then use the minerals produced in my country to "pay", that is, borrowing , saying "this is the most reliable" "big policy". In fact, the "big policy" he sells is nothing new. The leaders of the Westernization faction, Li Hongzhang and Zeng Guofan, shouted, "If China wants to strengthen itself, it is better to learn foreign weapons. If you want to learn foreign weapons, it is better to find tools to make them." "Economic construction" must rely on "international cooperation to develop our vast and rich sources of wealth". The set of foreign slave comprador ideas advocated by Deng Xiaoping is in the same vein as Li Hongzhang, Zeng Guofan, and Chiang Kai-shek, and they are all out-and-out traitorous foreigners. Whether or not to adhere to the policy of independence and self-reliance in socialist construction is not only an economic issue, but first and foremost a political issue, that is, whether the independence of a socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat can be consolidated. World history and reality have fully proved that a country is not politically independent, and of course it is impossible to build an independent economy, and without an independent economy, political independence is also impossible, or it will not be consolidated. If the basic point of economic construction is "introducing foreign technology and equipment", in order to "introduce foreign technology and equipment", a large number of national resources must be sold, and even the mining sovereignty of mines will be transferred to foreign countries. This is not a socialist China. Has it become a commodity sales market and a raw material supply base for imperialist countries? In this way, the industrial sectors related to exports will develop abnormally, the industrial sectors that have nothing or little to do with exports will be suppressed, the planned and proportional development of the national economy will be severely damaged, and an independent and complete national economic system will be destroyed. will be destroyed. Where can we talk about building socialism independently? The more equipment is imported, the more resources are sold, and the more dependent the national economy is. Without economic independence, political independence is of course impossible. If the basic point of economic construction is "introducing foreign technology and equipment", then there is no need to manufacture what can be manufactured by oneself, and what cannot be manufactured by oneself for the time being, let alone research and manufacture by oneself, as long as it is imported from foreign countries. Even if you manufacture a little by yourself, you are just copying and copying foreign designs and craftsmanship, imitating foreign equipment, and crawling step by step behind the ass of foreigners. In this way, in terms of technological development, we will never get rid of the situation of relying on foreigners. Here and there, can we talk about realizing the four modernizations and catching up with the world's advanced level? As a result, the technological development of our country and the development of the entire national economy will be brought under the control of foreign capitalists. Once they refuse to supply our country with technical equipment, our economy will be paralyzed immediately. In 1960, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique reneged on its promises, tore up the United Nations, and evacuated experts, which caused serious difficulties in our country's economic construction. We still remember it fresh. If we put the basic point of economic construction on "introducing foreign technology and equipment", in order to "introduce", "make long-term contracts with foreign capitalists and pay with coal". In this way, won't our country become an investment site for imperialist countries? This method of borrowing foreign debts is tantamount to accepting capital exports from imperialist countries. Chairman Mao pointed out: " '''We do business with these countries and assume that these countries are willing to lend us money in the future on mutually beneficial terms. What is the reason for this? This is because the capitalists of these countries want to make money, and the bankers want to earn interest. It is not an aid to the Chinese people in order to rescue their own crisis '''.” The "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1363.old China borrowed foreign debts for more than a hundred years, and as a result, the national sovereignty and the lifeline of the national economy fell into the hands of imperialism. Did people forget the ruined scene? Deng Xiaoping advocated accepting capital exports from imperialist countries. In fact, he was trying to reintroduce the imperialist forces that our people had driven out after a long and bloody battle, and let them continue to exploit and enslave the Chinese people. Of course, we are not all opposed to the introduction of some advanced foreign technology and equipment, nor are we all opposed to the export of some domestic mineral raw materials. The question is where should the basis of economic construction be placed? If the starting point is "introducing foreign technology and equipment" advocated by Deng Xiaoping's "grand policy", then as a result, our country will become a colony or semi-colonial again, and there will be no other way out. In the past, we adhered to the policy of independence and self-reliance, broke the blockade and embargo imposed by the U.S. imperialists, overcame the difficulties and sabotage by the Soviet revisionists, and built a poor and backward old China into a prosperous and prosperous new socialist China. As long as we continue to adhere to this policy formulated by Chairman Mao in the future, we will surely be able to build our country into a powerful socialist country with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense, and modern science and technology within this century. On the basis of adhering to the principle of independence and self-reliance, the socialist countries will actively carry out economic cooperation and mutual assistance with fraternal and friendly countries; jointly promote the economic development of their respective countries; and at the same time develop equal and mutually beneficial trade exchanges with capitalist countries. Under such conditions, the development of international trade exchanges will promote the development of the socialist economy. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao clearly pointed out on the issue of normal international trade exchanges: "The '''Chinese people are willing to carry out friendly cooperation with people from all over the world to restore and develop international trade and commerce, so as to facilitate the development of production and the prosperity of the economy. '''" "Speech at the Preparatory Meeting for the New Political Consultative Conference". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 1355.Through foreign trade, socialist countries can adjust their surpluses and deficiencies, and can introduce certain foreign technologies that are really useful to facilitate the technological transformation of industrial and agricultural production . To this end, the foreign trade of socialist countries should actively and systematically organize the export and import of commodities according to the needs and possibilities of the development of socialist production, and support and promote the development of industrial and agricultural production. Any thought or practice that departs from this premise is wrong. my country's foreign trade was established and developed in the process of banning the foreign trade of foreign slave compradors in semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China. The practice of more than 20 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China has proved that foreign slave comprador thinking is deeply rooted in the field of foreign trade, and the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping has a long history in the field of foreign trade. After the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, although the foreign slave comprador ideology and the revisionist foreign trade line have been criticized, the poison is far from being eradicated. Deng Xiaoping's "grand policy" of admiring foreign countries, capitulating and betraying the country is the latest specimen of foreign slave comprador thinking. If we follow Deng Xiaoping's "major policy" and the revisionist line of "foreign exchange in command" and "output value first", then the greater the volume of foreign trade accomplished, the greater the damage to domestic production. The more you help foreign capitalists to suck the blood of domestic workers and peasants, the more things will be lost and humiliated. This is the old road of semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China's foreign trade. The Chinese people will never allow the bourgeoisie within the Party to lead my country's foreign trade to this evil road. == {{anchor|header-n8667}} {{anchor|Toc83471821}} Chapter IX: Money and the Circulation of Money in Socialist Society == === {{anchor|Toc83471822}} {{anchor|header-n8668}} Section 1 The Currency of Socialist Society === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471823}} {{anchor|header-n8669}} The nature and function of money ==== Since there is still commodity exchange in a socialist society, there must be money. Marx once pointed out: " '''For this era, money is the power of all power. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 786.This assertion of Marx is easier for people to understand in a society based on private ownership. Then, in a socialist society based on public ownership, does money still have such great power? In other words, compared with the old society, in what ways has it changed, and in what ways is it not much different from the old society? How should the proletariat limit the power of the bourgeoisie linked to money? To answer these questions, it is necessary to carry out a specific analysis of the nature of money, the functions of money and the laws of money circulation in socialist society. What is the nature of money? Marx said: " '''As long as it is understood that the source of money lies in the commodity itself, the main difficulty in money analysis is overcome. '''" Marx: Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, p. 54.To explain the nature of money, we must analyze it in relation to the exchange of commodities. Historically, money was nothing but a special commodity that was spontaneously separated from the commodity world in the long-term process of commodity exchange. It is "special" in that it can be exchanged directly and unconditionally with all commodities, and in exchange acts as the general equivalent of commodities. Since the emergence of money at the end of the primitive commune, although human society has gone through various historical stages of slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and socialist society, the essence of money as a general equivalent has not changed. In a socialist society, money is still a general equivalent, mainly serving as a measure of value and a means of circulation. However, as Marx pointed out: " '''Money represents a social production relationship, but it takes the form of a natural thing with certain properties. '''" Marx: Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, p. 23.On the surface, money is a thing. In fact, like commodities, it is a social production relationship embodied through objects. As a general equivalent, money reflects the labor exchange relationship between commodity producers. The nature of social production relations is determined by the nature of ownership of the means of production. Although the essence of money is a general equivalent in different social forms, the nature of the social production relations it embodies has changed due to changes in the ownership of means of production. In a socialist society, commodity production based on public ownership of the means of production is commodity production linked to direct social production. Correspondingly, linked to currency, capitalism no longer reflects capital’s exploitation of wage labor. It mainly reflects the socialist relationship between the working class and the peasant class, the two working classes, and the mutual exchange of labor within these two classes. Socialist society implements a planned economy. When socialist countries carry out planning and leadership of the national economy, regardless of the regulation of production targets, the allocation of materials or the distribution of total social products, currency must be used as a unified measure of social labor. This shows that the currency under the socialist system has begun to play a brand-new role, that is, it plays the role of measuring labor in the national economic planning work. And the further we go, the more and more important this new role of money will be. From the perspective of development, in the communist society, commodity production and commodity exchange will disappear, and currency as a general equivalent will also disappear, but the national economic planning work still needs to have labor measurement tools. Of course, whatever name the instrument for measuring labor was called at that time, it was actually no longer money in the original sense. This change in social production relations reflected by money under the socialist system is also reflected in the function of money. The first function of money is the measure of value, which is the same in socialist society. But socialist countries use the function of money to measure labor materialized in commodities, not through market competition, but through the formulation of planned prices. Socialist countries also use planned prices to formulate and assess value indicators such as output value, cost and profit, and realize the planned management of the national economy. Currency still has the function of a means of circulation under the socialist system. Socialist countries use this function of currency to strengthen economic ties between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, and between state-owned enterprises, and to promote the development of socialist production. When money as a means of circulation is owned by individuals, socialist countries are not allowed to purchase labor power and large-scale means of production, but can only be used to purchase personal consumer goods and certain hand tools. Under such conditions, the scope of the function of money as a means of circulation has been greatly limited. In a socialist society, money also functions as a means of payment. Socialist enterprises use this function of currency to pay taxes and profits to the state, pay wages to employees, pay labor remuneration to members of the people's commune, and pay off various arrears to fraternal enterprises. Using this function of currency, socialist countries centralize and distribute state budgetary funds and credit funds, and organize non-cash settlements between enterprises, so as to realize the supervision of the economic activities of enterprises, consolidate the economic accounting system, and promote the development of the national economy. In a socialist society, money also functions as a socialist means of accumulation and savings. The social net income created by the working people is accumulated by the state and collective socialism in the form of currency. The temporarily unused portion of the labor income of the working people is also deposited in the national bank in the form of currency and used to promote socialist construction. In the foreign economic relations of socialist countries, currency performs the function of world currency. As the world currency, it is still gold. Because the balance of payments still has to be paid in gold in the final analysis. Socialist countries use this function of the world currency to conduct trade with foreign countries and provide economic assistance to fraternal and friendly countries. In this case, money plays the role of a general means of purchase, a general means of payment, and the embodiment of social wealth. These functions performed by money in socialist society illustrate that, due to the establishment of socialist public ownership of the means of production and the resulting changes in the process of production and exchange, the relations of production reflected by money and the role it plays are closely related to capital. Socialism is no longer the same. In capitalist society, currency is mainly in the hands of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeois state, and is used to purchase labor and means of production, exploiting the surplus value created by workers. The bourgeois countries use the method of issuing additional currency to make up for the fiscal deficit, cause inflation, strengthen the exploitation of the working people, and use the currency as a means of foreign economic aggression and expansion to export capital and capture high profits. In a socialist society, currency is mainly controlled by the state under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and is used to measure and account for labor consumption in social production, strengthen and expand the economic ties between industry and agriculture, and between state-owned enterprises. The socialist principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" organizes the distribution of individual consumer goods. It is a tool used by the dictatorship of the proletariat to manage socialist production and realize the distribution of products, and it is also a tool for foreign economic relations. ==== {{anchor|header-n8685}} {{anchor|Toc83471824}} Money is still the soil from which capitalism emerges ==== Although the currency of socialist society plays an active role in the cause of socialist construction, it, like commodities, is after all a relic of the private economy, " '''a remnant of yesterday's exploitation '''" "On deceiving the people with the slogan of freedom and equality." "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 838.. Its existence is bound up with traditions or traces in which the production and exchange of socialist products are still private. Under socialist conditions, currency is still a general equivalent, still the crystallization of social wealth, and still has functions such as a measure of value, a means of circulation, and a means of payment. The existence of money and money exchange is still the soil from which capitalism and new bourgeois elements emerge. These are not much different from the old society. It is a revisionist fallacy in the field of political economy to deny that money in a socialist society is a relic of the private economy, and that money can still be converted into capital under certain conditions. As early as the early 1930s, Woznesensky, an authoritative member of the Allied Communist Party (Brazzaville) who took the capitalist road, advocated that in a socialist economy, money cannot become a tool of exploitation, nor will it become capital. In his 1931 article "On the Problem of Socialist Economy", Woznetsensky said: "In a socialist economy, money can never become capital." In 1935, in his 1935 article "On Soviet Money," he said : "During the period of the first five-year plan, the rich peasants were smashed as a class, thereby essentially eliminating the possibility of turning money into capital, that is, money into an instrument of exploitation. The second five-year plan eliminated capitalism elements and classes in general, thus completely eliminating this capitalist remnant in the Soviet state that could turn money into an instrument of exploitation, enrichment and speculation.”. Today, in the Soviet Union, where capitalism has been fully restored and currency has become a means of exploitation, this kind of fallacy is regarded as a treasure by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, and it is hyped and hyped up for a while. The two so-called "Political Economy" published in Moscow in 1974 (edited by Л В Sokolova and Ю·В Yakovitz respectively) concluded almost verbatim in unison; in a socialist society , "Money can no longer be converted into capital, and money can no longer be a means of exploiting others." However, they could neither make any sense nor make any arguments, and could only resort to a modern Soviet novel called "The Golden Calf", in which the protagonist, the great liar, Biengel, was used to defraud After becoming a millionaire, I suddenly realized the truth that "in the Soviet Union, you must not use this money as capital", as an argument in the Soviet Union that "currency cannot be converted into capital". What else can people say about the political economy of Soviet revisionism with such a clumsy deceit? !. In fact, this fallacy cannot be refuted. Marxism teaches us that money "is a commodity that conceals all other commodities, and is the magical means by which it can be changed at will into anything at will" Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 162.. In the form of money, bourgeois legal rights are embodied centrally. In front of money, people are equal in form: money can be possessed by anyone, and can be used by anyone as a "magic means" to buy the goods he needs. Money is radical egalitarian. But there is real inequality here. Because mastering the currency means mastering a certain amount of commodities, which means having the right to exploit the labor of others. In a society with a commodity system, it is impossible for different people to possess the same amount of money. In a capitalist society, some people are millionaires, while others are impoverished and even run into high debts. The capitalist relies on the money in his possession to open factories, hire workers, and extract the surplus value of the workers; speculators and loan sharks also exploit the money they hold. Thus, the formal equality that exists in money masks the de facto unequal bourgeois right, which is evident in capitalist society. In a socialist society, the public ownership of the means of production has replaced the private ownership of the means of production, the working class and the working people have become the masters of society and the means of production, and the role of money as a general equivalent is correspondingly limited. It is no longer all-governing. But the bourgeois right over money continued. Since money, as a general equivalent, still retains its basic functions, and because people's money income varies under the condition of distribution according to work, whoever owns more money will own more commodities, and it will also be used for some people. The use of money and money exchange provides the possibility of appropriating the labor of others for free. When Marx talked about the monetary system as a system of equality and freedom, he pointed out: " '''Equality is inequality, and freedom is not freedom. If you want the exchange value not to develop into capital, or the labor that produces exchange value does not develop into wage labor, that is a This is a pious and stupid wish. '''" Marx: The second volume of the "Outline of the Critique of Political Economy". People's Publishing House, 1962 edition, p. 15.Lenin also clearly pointed out when talking about money under socialist conditions: " '''Before the disappearance of money, equality can only be verbal and constitutional, while everyone who has money have real rights of exploitation '''. ""On deceiving the people with the slogan of freedom and equality." "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 838. There is a difference between money and capital. However, capital is always initially expressed as a certain amount of money. Historically, the emergence of capitalism began with the accumulation of money. At the end of feudal society, under the control of the spontaneous action of the law of value, the small producers were polarized in the fierce competition: most people became poor and bankrupt, and became "free" laborers with nothing, and had to sell labor force for a living; In the hands of a small number of people, more and more money is accumulated and used to buy production materials and labor, and to engage in capitalist operations. Thus, the separation of means of production and labor power and this particular way of recombining the two lead to the transformation of simple commodity production into capitalist commodity production, the differentiation of small producers into capitalists and proletarians, and the transformation of money into capital. In a socialist society, the laws of the dictatorship of the proletariat prohibit all exploitative activities. However, the practice of socialist revolution and construction shows that as long as money continues to exist, the possibility of converting money into capital will always exist. Whoever has money can possess social wealth. The capitalist forces in urban and rural areas, old and new bourgeois elements will be willing to run the risk of breaking the law, and in those links and units where the leadership of the proletariat is not yet consolidated, " '''use the paper money that is still private property, and use these to give the exploiters the right to receive du Proof of wealth to speculate, enrich and plunder the laborers '''. ” "Draft Party Program of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 750.Because in the stage of socialism, the exchange of industrial and agricultural products and the distribution of consumer goods still have to be carried out with currency as a medium, which provides a possibility that if you buy today, you can sell it tomorrow; if you buy in one place, you can arrive Another place to sell. Speculators will convert the currency they own into capital, and take advantage of the temporary and partial imbalance in the supply and demand of commodities in a certain region and a certain season to buy and sell agricultural and sideline products and industrial products, and make huge profits. . Some even colluded with some people in state-run and collective units, and adopted various means to use currency to open underground factories or organize underground labor contracting teams to exploit laborers. In addition, some people will store the currency they own and use it for usury and exploit usury. As Marx pointed out: " '''It is impossible to see from the money how it fell into the hands of the money owner, or what it was transformed from. Money has no odor, no matter where it comes from. '''" Capital, Volume 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 129.Engels criticized Dühring's economic commune also pointed out: "The '''commune accepts money payments without any consideration, thus offering a possibility to obtain this money through other means, not through its own labor. There is no smell. The commune does not know it. where did it come from. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 343.Therefore, In a socialist society, although exploitation is illegal, new bourgeois elements can be continuously hatched from currency exchange. The legitimate and illegitimate benefits of a large part of the bourgeois legal rights enjoyed by the bourgeoisie within the party are also inseparable from the exchange of money. Currency exchange is also an important economic basis for them to pursue the revisionist line of profit-oriented and material-stinging. In the Soviet Union, capitalism has been fully restored, and money has long been turned into a tool of exploitation and transformed into capital, isn't it a very obvious fact? ! In a socialist society, the transformation of the ownership of the means of production has been achieved, the socialist public ownership of the means of production has been established, the bourgeois legal rights in commodity production and commodity exchange have been restricted, and the economic foundation of currency fetishism has been greatly weakened. However, the money of socialist society is still the general equivalent, still " '''the ready -to-use absolute social form of wealth '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 151., and thus " '''money appears both as the object of the desire to get rich and as the source of the desire to get rich '''" Marx: Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, p. 122.. As long as there is money in society, there will be a market for the ideas of the exploiting classes who pursue money and make a fortune by themselves. "The Good Song" of "A Dream of Red Mansions" said: "The world knows that the gods are good, only gold and silver can't forget it." This sentence pierces the essence of currency fetishism, and vividly depicts those wealthy fans who bowed at the feet of "Marshal Zhao". their greed. This kind of money fanatic who believes in currency fetishism will never disappear in a socialist society. Those new bourgeois elements just couldn't stand the temptation and corruption of the bourgeoisie and were "pulled into the water". Capitalist society is a society in which currency fetishism has developed to its zenith. In today's Soviet Union, where capitalism has been fully restored, currency fetishism is prevalent, even more so than in Western capitalist society. Under the banner of "economic reform", the Soviet revisionist renegade clique tried their best to promote the extremely ugly ideas of "money is omnipotent" and "struggle for money", and publicly taught the "art of making money" stinky. The works of the Soviet revisionist newspapers advocating getting rich and getting rich were even more flooded.
Brezhnev said at the December 1973 Plenum of the Central Committee of Soviet revisionism: "Put every rouble in time to the place where tomorrow we can get back two, three, or even ten roubles." He called this practice "the art of making money" and said that "all of us, from central to local, should learn this complex art of making money." When talking about the effect of promoting the "art of making money", the Su Xiu Renegade Group even said proudly: "We must give material encouragement without hesitation—this fund will be compensated a hundredfold." Scholars, politicians and others also wrote books one after another, and made great use of Brezhnev's "art of making money". For example, an economics "doctor" named A. Bierman published an article entitled "The Economist's Conscience" in Komsomolskaya Pravda on August 7, 1975, proposing a The formula of "ruble-conscience" advocates starting from "conscience" and striving for big rubles, saying that "wage is the proper document to test the quality of one's work", "the more rubles one earns, the more rubles one earns. , the greater his honor." According to Bierman's teachings, the ruble is profit, honor is fame, and conscience drives people to strive for fame and fortune. This is the essence of the economics of "ruble and conscience".
Leaders of revisionism such as Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping are also loyal followers of currency fetishism and fanatical advocates of bourgeois egoism. Liu Shaoqi repeatedly preached the business philosophy of "making money"; Lin Biao, in addition to publicly advocating "a big profit", also believed that "there is only one reliable thing in the world, and that is money"; "Our revolution depends on material incentives", and so on. Modern revisionists in both the Soviet Union and China, although they have different opinions, all preach the currency fetishism that "money can enlighten the gods" and "money can make ghosts run the mill". They all use money as a weapon to poison people's souls and achieve the restoration of capitalism. In a socialist society, if we want to gradually eliminate the fetishism of money, we must actively create conditions to weaken the social and economic foundation of its existence, limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the exchange of money, and carry out unremitting efforts with the capitalist activities of the bourgeoisie using money. struggle. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out in-depth criticism of the fallacy of modern revisionists advocating currency fetishism; promote Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and advocate the spirit of revolution in work and farming as revolution. In the historical period of socialism, the constant struggle against currency fetishism is an important aspect of the comprehensive dictatorship of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie, and an important task of the proletariat and all working people throughout the historical stage of socialism. === {{anchor|header-n8709}} {{anchor|Toc83471825}} Section 1 Currency Circulation in Socialist Society === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471826}} {{anchor|header-n8710}} The relationship between the circulation of money and the circulation of commodities ==== Currency circulation and commodity circulation are closely related. Marx said: " '''The form of movement that the circulation of commodities directly imparts to money is that the constant departure of money from the starting point is the transfer of money from the hands of one commodity owner to the hands of another commodity owner, or the circulation of money. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 134."The '''circulation of money is nothing but The performance of commodity form changes '''” Marx: Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, p. 126.. The process of currency circulation is the process in which currency continuously mediates the movement of commodities as a means of circulation and payment. Therefore, commodity circulation is the basis of currency circulation, commodity circulation determines currency circulation, and currency circulation serves commodity circulation, which is one aspect. On the other hand, currency circulation itself has relative independence, which is embodied in: first, currency circulation and commodity circulation move in opposite directions; second, currency circulation and commodity circulation may be separated in time and space; third, Commodities exit the sphere of circulation through one or two exchanges, while money remains in circulation to serve the exchange of commodities. The above-mentioned characteristics of currency circulation determine that it has a certain reaction to the circulation of commodities. Normal currency circulation can promote the circulation of commodities and is a necessary condition to ensure the smooth progress of socialist reproduction. Too much or too little money in circulation, or improper distribution, will hinder the normal circulation of commodities, have an adverse impact on socialist reproduction, and provide more opportunities for capitalist forces in urban and rural areas. Therefore, organizing currency circulation well and strengthening the purpose and planning of currency circulation are the objective requirements of socialist economic development, and it is also an important task for the dictatorship of the proletariat to restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the economic field. The internal connection between the circulation of money and the circulation of commodities determines that the circulation of money must be adapted to the circulation of commodities. This requires that while the circulation of commodities is organized in a planned way, the planned nature of the circulation of money must be strengthened so that it can be adapted to the circulation of commodities not only in general, but also in terms of composition, region and time. Commodity circulation and currency circulation under the capitalist system are blind and anarchic, and there can be no stable currency circulation. It is only under the socialist system that for the first time has the objective possibility of consciously and systematically adjusting the circulation of money to suit the circulation of commodities. ==== {{anchor|header-n8717}} {{anchor|Toc83471827}} currency circulation channel ==== In a socialist society, all financial receipts and payments caused by commodity circulation are realized through cash payment and non-cash settlement. Cash payment refers to the circulation of real currency in the market, and non-cash settlement refers to bank transfer. Under the capitalist system, all enterprises are in the hands of capitalists, and the capitalists' deposits in the bank can be withdrawn in cash at any time. The conversion between cash payment and non-cash settlement is realized according to the needs of capitalists. Under the socialist system, all sectors of the national economy must accept the state's cash management, and all income and expenditure, except for sporadic expenses, must be settled in non-cash through the national bank. The deposits of any enterprise or unit in the bank cannot be converted into cash at will, except for the payment of wages and the receipt of sporadic cash as required. In this way, the scope of currency circulation is strictly limited within a certain channel, which provides important conditions for the country to realize the planning of currency circulation. Strictly separating cash payment from non-cash settlement and restricting currency circulation within certain channels is an important feature of currency circulation in socialist countries. It is not only conducive to reducing the amount of currency in circulation and saving currency circulation costs, but also conducive to the state to strengthen the management of currency circulation, regulate currency circulation more effectively, limit the blindness and spontaneity in currency exchange, and limit currency exchange. bourgeois right. Non-cash settlement reflects the planned movement of bulk materials between socialist enterprises, which is only reflected in the transfer and growth of monetary funds in bank accounts, which the state can supervise and control through banks; It will directly affect the changes in the currency circulation in the market, and the exchange activities can be carried out normally without actual currency circulation between the two parties. The amount of money in circulation is much smaller than the non-cash settlement amount. In socialist society, only a small part of the circulation of money is connected with the circulation of means of production, and the main part is connected with the circulation of consumer goods. Most of the currency in circulation is in the hands of urban and rural working people, and is mainly used to buy personal consumer goods such as food, clothing, and use. It is characterized by frequent and sporadic numbers. The channels for the release and withdrawal of currency in socialist society (currency circulation channels) mainly include the following four: First, state-owned enterprises, institutions and agencies receive currency from the National Bank and pay wages to employees; employees use the income from wages to purchase personal consumer goods or pay other labor costs from the commercial sector. In this way, the currency flows back to the bank through commerce, service industries and other departments. Or workers save, and the money goes directly back to the bank without being exchanged for commodities. Second, the commercial sector receives currency from the national bank and purchases agricultural and sideline products from rural collective economic units; the collective economic units will sell part of the currency income from agricultural and sideline products, and purchase fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery and other means of production from state-owned enterprises. In this way, this part of the currency flows back to the bank through the state-owned enterprise. Another part of the monetary income of the collective economy is distributed to the collective farmers according to the principle of distribution according to their work; the collective farmers use it to buy industrial products from the commercial sector or make savings. In this way, this part of the currency will eventually flow back to the bank indirectly or directly. Third, under the conditions of market trade, part of the money income of urban residents is also circulated by purchasing commodities in the market, but it will also flow back to the bank through farmers' purchase of industrial products and savings. Fourth, the economic exchanges between various state-owned enterprises, institutions and state organs are basically settled by non-cash settlement. However, some sporadic and small payments must also be made in cash, and these cash will eventually flow through the payment. back to the bank. It can be seen from the above-mentioned channels of currency delivery and withdrawal that the socialist currency circulation is mainly directly related to the quantity of personal consumer goods put on the market by the state. Whether the supply of personal consumer goods is appropriate or not plays a decisive role in withdrawing currency and stabilizing currency circulation. In the field of cash flow, currency is in the hands of millions of different owners, and their consumption needs are varied and constantly changing; the state generally cannot manage these through administrative measures, and can only manage these according to the relevant indicators of the national economy. The situation of mutual connection and the strengthening of wage fund management should be indirectly regulated. If the amount of money issued exceeds the supply of commodities, or the quantity and variety of commodities supplied do not meet the needs of consumers, then some commodity reserves will be reduced, some commodities will be overstocked, and the supply and demand of some commodities will be disconnected. Under such circumstances, some currencies that cannot achieve purchasing power will turn to the market trade market; urban and rural capitalist forces may take advantage of the opportunity to make waves, use currency exchange, speculate, sell at high prices, and even open underground factories, dig socialist walls, and destroy Socialist unified planned market. Cash flow and non-cash settlement in the market are both different and related. Whether it is cash flow or non-cash settlement, it is the basic function of money and the movement of media commodities, so the two can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. For example, if some localities or departments arbitrarily expand fiscal expenditures and loans, and the fiscal and banking departments do not rely on enterprises to strengthen fiscal discipline and relax credit management, settlement management, cash management and wage fund management, it is possible that a large number of non-cash Settlement, converted into cash flow, forcing the country to issue more currency will destroy the comprehensive balance of the national economy. If the leadership of the enterprise is not in the hands of the real Marxists and the working masses, some people only care about their own convenience, regardless of the overall interests, arbitrarily recruiting rural labor force, increasing wages, and even superstitious "money is omnipotent", engaging in material incentives In order to stimulate production by raising wages, welfare standards and other methods to expand bourgeois legal rights, disbursing cash indiscriminately will also expand the country's currency issuance, undermine the socialist planned economy, and lead enterprises to the evil path of capitalism. ==== {{anchor|header-n8731}} {{anchor|Toc83471828}} The law of currency circulation ==== The law of currency circulation reflects the intrinsic relationship between the various elements of currency circulation. The basic elements that constitute currency circulation are: (1) the total price of commodities; (2) the amount of currency in circulation; (3) the velocity of currency circulation (expressed by the number of times a unit of currency is exchanged with commodities in a certain period of time). According to Marx, the internal relationship between these three elements The essential connection of the currency circulation law is summarized as the following formula: The necessary amount of money to perform the function of the means of circulation = the total price of commodities to be realized in cash / the number of circulations per unit of currency Marx's law of currency circulation shows that the necessary amount of currency in circulation in a certain period of time is proportional to the total price of commodities to be realized in cash, and inversely proportional to the speed of currency circulation. Its basic requirement is that the circulation of money must be compatible with the circulation of commodities. Money, as a general equivalent, is the material for expressing, measuring and realizing the value of commodities. The exchange of money and commodities is essentially the equivalent movement of the value of money and the value of commodities. Therefore, the necessary quantity of money to circulate in a given period should correspond in value to the quantity of value of the commodities in circulation to be realized in cash during that period. Under the condition that the value of each currency unit has been determined, the greater the value of the commodities in circulation, the greater the necessary amount of money circulation; the smaller the value of the commodities in circulation, the smaller the necessary amount of money circulation. Under the condition that the value of commodities in circulation has been determined, the greater the value of each currency unit, the smaller the necessary amount of currency circulation; the smaller the value of each currency unit, the greater the necessary amount of currency circulation. In the actual circulation process, the process of converting commodities into money always occurs first and then one after another. The same currency can serve the process of converting commodities into currency many times within a certain period of time, and one currency can function as several currencies. Therefore, the amount of money value in circulation need not actually be exactly equal to the amount of commodity value in circulation to be realized in cash. Under the condition that the amount of commodity value in circulation and the value of each currency unit have been determined, the necessary amount of currency circulation in a certain period of time depends on the number of times each currency realizes the commodity value, that is, the speed of currency circulation. The faster the money circulation speed, the smaller the necessary amount of money circulation; the slower the money circulation speed, the greater the necessary amount of money circulation. The above-mentioned laws of currency circulation are based on the circulation of metal currency. However, this principle also applies to the circulation of banknotes, because banknotes are nothing more than the representative of metal currency or its value symbol. The emergence of paper money as a value symbol of currency has a historical evolution. At a certain historical stage of currency development, the widely circulated currency was precious metals such as gold or silver bullion, which were later replaced by gold or silver coins. Coins gradually wear out in circulation, and their real value is lower than their nominal value, but they can still be circulated as usual. At this time, coinage has begun to play the role of a value symbol. On this basis, coinage was gradually replaced by paper money that had no value in itself. Why is this evolution possible? Because money, as a general equivalent, must have value in itself, but when it plays the role of a measure of value, it is only conceptual money, and does not need to have real gold and silver in hand; and when money acts as a means of circulation, Commodities are exchanged for currency in order to exchange these currencies for commodities, so whether it is full of value or not, as long as everyone accepts it. Therefore, metal currency must be replaced by paper money as a value symbol at a certain stage of historical development. The circulation of paper money is a phenomenon that conceals the essence of money and makes people delusional that money is nothing more than an abstract value symbol, or directly represents the value of commodities. The task of science is to see the essence through the phenomenon. Even if there is no specified gold content in paper money, it cannot be exchanged for gold and silver, but in essence, it is not an abstract concept of value In the process of clarifying the theory of money, Marx once criticized the idealist interpretation of money given by Berkeley (1684-1753), the bishop of England and the representative of mystical idealism in philosophy. Marx said: " '''Because precious metals can be replaced by signs in the behavior of circulation, Berkeley concluded that these signs themselves do not represent anything, but only an abstract concept of value." , on the other hand confuses gold and silver as a measure of value with gold and silver as a means of circulation. '''" ("Critique of Political Economy". "Complete Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 13, p. 69.) According to the Marxist monetary theory, The paper money itself, as a price standard and a means of circulation, can represent nothing but an abstract concept of value, but the paper money as a measure of value is different. It can only be a symbol of gold, representing a certain amount of gold, otherwise, it will cannot function as a measure of value., and at the same time, it does not directly represent the value of commodities Paper money directly represents the value of commodities, which is also a wrong view criticized by Marx. He said: "On the '''surface, the value sign directly represents the value of the commodity, it does not appear as a gold sign, but as a sign of exchange value which is only expressed in price and actually exists in the commodity. However, this The appearance is wrong. The sign of value is directly only the sign of price, and therefore of gold, and it is indirectly the sign of commodity value. '''" (Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, p. 105 pages.), but can only be a symbol of gold or silver. Marx said it very clearly: " '''Paper money is the symbol or currency symbol of gold. The relationship between paper money and the value of commodities is only that: the value of commodities is conceptually expressed in a gold quantity, and this gold quantity is symbolically and sensibly embodied by paper. Paper money becomes a sign of value only when it represents the quantity of gold (which, like the quantity of all other commodities, is also the quantity of value). '''”Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 148. Just because banknotes are symbols of gold or currency, the circulation of banknotes is ultimately governed and restricted by the laws of currency circulation. "The '''state may, of course, put into circulation any number of paper notes bearing any coin name, but its control ends with this mechanical action. Once the sign of value or paper money is in the hands of circulation, it is governed by the inherent laws of circulation '''. That is to Marx: Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, pp. 109-110.say: " The issuance of paper money is limited to the actual circulating quantity '''of gold (or silver) which it symbolically represents. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 147.Only in this way can the amount of unit value represented by paper money be stable. If this is not the case, and the issuance of paper money exceeds this objective limit, then it will cause the devaluation of paper money and the rise in prices. This " '''increase in price is nothing but the reaction of the process of circulation forcing the signs of value to equal the quantity of gold they replace in circulation. '''"Marx: Critique of Political Economy. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 13, p. 110. Under the socialist system, the relations of production reflected by money and the role it plays have undergone great changes, but the essence of money as a general equivalent has not changed, and the basic functions of money have not changed. Marx's theory on the law of currency circulation continues Effective, currency circulation " '''this law is universally applicable '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 139.. The law of currency circulation, like other economic laws that act together in several societies, does not depend on people's will, but the form in which it acts varies according to different social forms. In capitalist society, the law of currency circulation acts as an alien force in the state of market competition and production anarchy. However, in a socialist society, due to the implementation of a planned economy, after we have a correct understanding of the law of currency circulation, under the guidance of the correct line, it is possible to consciously use it to realize the planning of currency circulation, eliminate the interference of capitalist spontaneous forces, and make It serves the organization of production and commodity circulation, and serves to consolidate the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. === {{anchor|header-n8753}} {{anchor|Toc83471829}} Section 2 my country's Renminbi === In semi-colonial and semi-feudal China, because the Kuomintang reactionary government, which represented the interests of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie, turned to imperialism, the power of currency issuance and management was completely controlled by the imperialist powers. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, our government abolished all the financial privileges of imperialism, forbid any foreign bank to issue currency in our country, and forbid all foreign currency to be circulated and traded in our market; Banks, prohibiting the circulation of counterfeit legal tenders, have established an independent, unified and stable currency system based on the issuance of RMB. During the course of the successful development of the revolutionary war, the reactionary regime of the Kuomintang was shattered piece by piece with the establishment and development of the revolutionary base areas. Therefore, the positions of currency circulation were also occupied piece by piece. During the Anti-Japanese War, the anti-Japanese democratic regimes led by the Communist Party of China issued their own banknotes in various anti-Japanese base areas. For example, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Liberated Area issued the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Bank Notes, the Jinsui Liberated Area issued the Northwest Farmer's Bank Notes, the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Liberated Area issued the Jinan Bank Notes, the Shandong Liberated Area issued the Beihai Bank Notes, and the Central China Liberated Area issued the Central China Bank Notes Bank notes, Guangdong Dongjiang Jiefang District issued southern bank notes. During the Third Civil Revolutionary War, with the successive victories of the People's Liberation War, some new banknotes were issued in some newly liberated areas, such as Northeast Bank Notes in Northeast Liberated Areas, Kanto Bank Notes in Luda Area, Jireliao Great Wall bank notes in the liberated area, Zhongzhou peasant bank notes in the liberated area of the Central Plains, etc. In the winter of 1948, when the three major campaigns of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin were victorious, the situation of national victory in the People's Liberation War had already emerged. In order to further support the war, win victory, and prepare for post-war economic recovery and planned socialist construction, establishing an independent, unified and stable socialist monetary system became an important task of the party on the economic front at that time. . On December 1, 1948, the People's Bank of China was established on the basis of the former Huabei Bank, Beihai Bank, and Northwest Farmers' Bank. It first issued renminbi in the Liberated Areas of North China, and successively recovered the banknotes issued by the Liberated Areas at a certain price. As the currency of the new China, the renminbi began to perform its historical mission. The practice of more than 20 years shows that my country's RMB has become a rare stable currency in the world. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, my country's market prices have been stable for a long time, which is the main symbol of the stability of the RMB. Compared with the soaring prices and the sharp depreciation of fake legal tenders before liberation, this is really a double world of two societies!
In old China, the Kuomintang reactionaries implemented a hyperinflation policy in order to make up for the huge military expenditures of the counter-revolutionary war. During the 12 years of inflation from 1937 to 1949, the circulation of counterfeit fiat currency increased by more than 140 billion times, and the price of goods rose by more than 850 billion times during the same period, reaching a scale rarely seen in the world. Someone once made a visual analysis of the devaluation of counterfeit fiat currency: the purchasing power of one hundred yuan of counterfeit fiat currency was worth two scalpers in 1937, one scalper in 1938, one pig in 1939, and one bag of flour in 1941. , 1 chicken in 1943, 2 eggs in 1945, 1/6 block of solid soap in 1946, 1 briquettes in 1947, 0.002 rice on 19 August 1948, 416 taels (16 taels) ), valued at 0.000,000,00,185 taels in May 1949 (ie 2.45 millionths of a grain of rice). From two cattle to 2.45/10 million of a grain of rice, how much bitterness and blood and tears of the people are contained in the middle!
my country's trade with many countries and regions has been priced and settled in RMB. The international reputation of the renminbi is getting higher and higher, which fully shows that my country's monetary system has great advantages over the capitalist system. Contrary to the situation in our country, the entire capitalist world economic crisis and financial and monetary crisis broke out continuously, causing chaos. In the so-called "superpowers" of U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionist social-imperialism, the value of the currency is declining day by day, and gold is constantly flowing out. This is a profound manifestation of the growing decay of the capitalist system.
For more than 30 years after the war, while the capitalist countries in the West were clamoring for inflation and soaring prices at home, there was a continuous wave of selling dollars and rushing to buy gold in the financial market . . After the United States announced a 7.89% depreciation of the dollar at the end of 1971, it announced a 10% depreciation again in February 1973. In the international market, the actual depreciation of the US dollar has far exceeded the official US figures. In 1974, the official gold price in the United States was $42.22 per ounce, while the price of gold in the London free market was as high as $195.25 per ounce, a difference of nearly five times. The status of the "Gold and Yuan Empire" plummeted, the dollar-centered capitalist monetary system collapsed, and the international monetary and financial system of the capitalist world fell into great turmoil and chaos.
In Soviet revisionist social-imperialism, the ruble also depreciated substantially. According to the comprehensive calculation of the prices of more than 60 kinds of consumer goods in the Soviet Union, the prices in 1973 were about 30% higher than those in 1960. Prices of goods in the free market rose even more, with retail food prices in the free market 62 percent higher than state-run prices in 1972. The foreign value of the Soviet ruble was 55% lower than when it was converted to new rubles in 1961.
In capitalist and social-imperialist countries and many other capitalist countries, why does the currency in circulation keep depreciating, while the value of my country's renminbi is very stable and enjoys high prestige at home and abroad? The correct answer can only be found in the economic systems of different societies. In imperialist countries, the contradiction between production relations and productive forces is increasingly intensifying, causing profound economic crises and disasters. In order to get out of this predicament, the governments of these countries resorted to expanding their arms and preparing for war, running large fiscal deficits, issuing paper money indiscriminately, and trying to stimulate social purchasing power by artificial means. But then they cannot go unpunished, causing prices to rise and currency to fall. This phenomenon is precisely the reaction of the process of circulation forcing the signs of value to be equal to the amount of gold they replace in circulation. In our country it is another case. The establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the establishment of socialist public ownership has eliminated the inherent antagonistic contradictions of capitalism, enabling us to organize social production, circulation and distribution in a planned way, and according to the objective requirements of the law of currency circulation, planned release and withdrawal money, so that the circulation of money is basically adapted to the needs of the circulation of commodities. The long-term stability of the value of the renminbi in our country was achieved through struggle, and is the result of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line constantly defeating the counter-revolutionary revisionist lines of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping. If the currency circulation is organized according to the revisionist lines of Liu Shaoqi's so-called "you can issue a little more money" and the currency "expands more richly", the currency circulation will inevitably exceed the objective needs of commodity circulation, which will lead to tight commodity supply. Prices go up and currencies depreciate. In this way, the socialist revolution and socialist construction will be destroyed, the lives of the working people will fall into many difficulties, and a handful of bourgeois elements will surely make waves and make a fortune. There is no doubt about that. The China of the past and the Soviet Union of today are just a mirror. "Whether the ideological and political line is correct or not determines everything." The same is true for the stability of the RMB. The practice of more than 20 years has proved that only by resolutely implementing Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line can we give full play to the superiority of the socialist system, consciously make use of the laws of currency circulation, limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the process of currency circulation, and consolidate the proletariat. The class dictatorship promotes the development of socialist construction and the improvement of working people's lives. Specifically, my country's renminbi can maintain long-term stability mainly because: First, there is a strong socialist economy, which ensures that a large number of commodities are put into the market at stable prices, which provides a solid material basis for the stability of the RMB. Currency circulation serves the circulation of commodities. The more commodities in the hands of the state, the more necessary money is needed to serve the circulation of commodities according to the requirements of the law of currency circulation. In this way, the amount of money in circulation will not exceed the demand, and there will be no rise in prices and depreciation of the currency. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has initially established an independent industrial system. Our people adhere to the policy of " '''developing the economy and ensuring supply '''", and vigorously develop production according to the order of agriculture, light and heavy, so as to supply food, clothing, and other supplies to the market. All kinds of commodities continue to increase, and the inventory of commodities held by the state continues to expand. Compared with 1964, the industrial output value increased by 1.9 times, and the total agricultural output value increased by 51%. In 1973, the total amount of merchandise purchased and retail sales increased compared with the beginning of liberation. more than six times. For every yuan of RMB issued in my country, there are several yuan of commodities as a guarantee. This proves that the stability of my country's renminbi value is the result of our adequate supply of commodities. Second, the circulation of currency in our country, just like the circulation of commodities, is carried out under the guidance of the state plan. How much wages the state pays each year, how much agricultural and sideline products it purchases, how much currency it needs to put in, how much commodities it needs to supply to the market, and how much currency it returns are all planned by the state according to the objective requirements of the currency circulation law. Guided by the general policy of developing the national economy with "agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor", the state, on the one hand, strives to make the growth of production meet the needs of the people; Send out and take back in accordance with the planned channels to ensure that currency circulation can meet the needs of commodity circulation, which is another reason for the long-term stability of my country's RMB currency value. Third, the state's fiscal balance of payments ensures that currency circulation will not exceed commodities The track required for circulation. Chairman Mao pointed out a long time ago: " '''Consolidate the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure and the stability of prices '''" "The Struggle for a Fundamental Improvement in the National Fiscal and Economic Situation". People's Publishing House, 1950 edition, pp. 6-7.; "The '''issuance of banknotes by the national bank should basically be based on the needs of the development of the national economy '''. " "Our Economic Policy". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 120.If the national fiscal revenue and expenditure are unbalanced, it will inevitably lead to the consequence of issuing additional banknotes; once the issuance of banknotes exceeds the needs of commodity circulation, the circulation process will force the banknotes (value symbols) to be equal to the amount of gold they replace, that is, to cause the currency value falls and prices rise. In the socialist construction of our country, in accordance with Chairman Mao's teaching, we have always adhered to the policy of balancing fiscal revenue and expenditure, and we must do as many things as we have, and we are not allowed to use the method of increasing the issuance of banknotes to make up for fiscal expenditures. my country has long since become a "debt-free country" with no foreign or domestic debt. The vast majority of socialist fiscal revenue comes from the revenue of state-owned enterprises. The continuous development of industrial and agricultural production and the continuous expansion of commodity circulation have provided a definite guarantee for the gradual increase of fiscal revenue. The socialist financial expenditure is mainly used for the development of the socialist economy and national defense culture and education. my country's sound and consolidated fiscal balance of payments provides an important prerequisite for the long-term stability of the RMB. The development of the socialist economy requires the state to control the issuance of currency in a planned way in accordance with the requirements of the law of currency circulation, so that currency circulation can be adapted to the circulation of commodities, and the stability of prices and currency values can be maintained. possibility of fulfilling this requirement. However, this does not mean that there is no contradiction between the socialist circulation of money and the circulation of commodities. In the process of national economic development, there are many factors that may affect the balance of currency circulation and commodity circulation, and affect the stability of currency value. In terms of objective factors, such as the disturbance and destruction of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, the impact of capitalist forces in urban and rural areas, and the poor harvest in agricultural production, etc., will directly affect the supply of consumer goods in the market. In terms of subjective factors, the arrangement of the proportional relationship between agriculture, light industry and heavy industry may be inappropriate, and the arrangement of commodities and currency allocation between regions and seasons may also be unbalanced. All of these will affect the purchasing power of some currencies cannot be realized, thereby affecting the stability of the currency value. Especially in places and departments affected by the revisionist line of the bourgeoisie within the party, it will inevitably lead to rampant capitalist forces and disrupt the normal circulation of currency. Therefore, we must adhere to the struggle of the correct line against the wrong line, and under the guidance of the correct line, we must discover contradictions in a timely manner, and the state shall adjust the plan and take correct measures to overcome them in a timely manner, so that the currency circulation can be adapted to the business circulation and a new balance can be achieved. . This situation of constantly exposing and resolving contradictions in the course of the class struggle shows the incomparable superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist system. = {{anchor|header-n8777}} {{anchor|Toc83471830}} Title IV: Distribution and Reproduction in Socialist Society = == {{anchor|Toc83471831}} {{anchor|header-n8778}} Chapter 10 The Distribution of Socialist Society == === {{anchor|Toc83471832}} {{anchor|header-n8779}} Section 1 Distribution of National Income === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471833}} {{anchor|header-n8780}} Ownership relationship determines distribution relationship ==== Distribution is an important link in social reproduction. Only through this link can social products enter into production consumption and individual consumption, and social reproduction can continue. Therefore, after we understand the socialist production process and circulation process, we must further understand the socialist distribution and reproduction process. Socialist distribution is, fundamentally, different from capitalist distribution. However, in distribution, bourgeois right still reigns. Those in power who take the capitalist road in the party always seize the important link of distribution, and strive to strengthen and expand the bourgeois legal rights in distribution, so as to restore the capitalist relationship of exploitation. In order to fight against the bourgeoisie, prevent the restoration of capitalism and promote the development of socialist production, the proletariat must limit the distribution of bourgeois rights and correctly handle the relationship between the state, the collective and the individual. Distribution is first of all the distribution of national income, and only then can we talk about the distribution of individual consumer goods. Let's start with the distribution of national income. The sum of the means of production and means of consumption produced by workers in the material production sector in a country within a certain period of time (usually calculated in units of one year) is called the total social product; it is deducted from the total social product to compensate for the consumption already consumed. The part of the social product that remains after the lost means of production is national income. It is created by the living labor consumed by laborers in the material production sector within a certain period of time. How national income is distributed will not only affect the development direction and scale of social reproduction, but also reflect the production relations of a certain society. The material production sectors that create national income are: industry (including construction), agriculture (including forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, and fishery), the part of the transportation industry that serves freight transport, the part of the post and telecommunications industry that serves production , and the part of the production industry. The part of material supply and commerce in which the process continues (eg, packaging, storage, processing, and shipping necessary for distribution) In a capitalist society, anything that can bring profits to the capitalists is considered to be an act of production. Therefore, the part of the service industry and business that does not create value is also included in the national income. A considerable part of the national income of capitalist society is false and artificially exaggerated.. Because the socialist production process has the duality of direct social labor process and value creation process, the national income of socialist society is expressed in both the physical form and the value form. The national income in material form cannot be summed up by simple addition due to the different types of products, but we can calculate its sum in the form of value, that is, at a fixed price in a certain year. In this way, the national income calculated at a fixed price in a certain year can reflect the growth and change of the national income in the form of physical objects in several years. National income is a comprehensive indicator in the national economic plan. Analyzing the changes in the growth of national income can reveal the level of a country's productivity development and the speed of its economic development. What determines the distribution of that part of the social product as national income? The distribution relationship of products in any society cannot be arbitrarily chosen by people, but is determined by a certain ownership system and the relationship between people in production. What kind of ownership of the means of production and the mutual relationship between people in production, there is what kind of product distribution relationship. Ownership of means of production is a decisive factor. Once the nature of ownership is determined, the nature of product distribution relations is also determined. Marx pointed out: " '''A certain form of participation in production determines the specific form of distribution, and determines the form of participation in distribution. " The "certain form of participation in production '''" Marx: Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy. Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 98.Marx mentioned here refers to the ownership of means of production and the relationship between people in production. . In a capitalist society, because the means of production are in the hands of the capitalists, the proletariat has no means of production, and can only sell labor power to the capitalists and suffer exploitation and oppression by the capitalists. Therefore, the basic distribution relationship of capitalist society is that workers can only receive a small part of the national income in the form of wages that is only necessary to maintain the reproduction of labor force; capitalists take most of the national income created by workers in various forms as Owned, part is used for their profligate and shameless parasitic life, and the other part is converted into capital to expand capitalist reproduction in order to extract more surplus value from workers. In a socialist society, the socialist public ownership of the means of production has replaced the private ownership of the means of production, and the working people have become the masters of the means of production and will no longer be exploited and oppressed. The corresponding distribution relationship is that all the national income created by the working people belongs to the working people and is distributed according to the principle of benefiting the working people, that is, taking into account the interests of the state, the collective and the individual. Therefore, to talk about the distribution problem cannot be separated from the ownership and the relationship between people in production; to talk about the distribution problem without the ownership and the relationship between people in production is a departure from Marxism. In the 19th century, the German Lassalle, Dühring and others talked about distribution issues precisely from the ownership of the means of production. They think the capitalist mode of production is good, but the distribution is unfair. They advocate the use of so-called "fair distribution" that does not violate the private ownership of the means of production to eliminate the poverty of the working people. Obviously, this is a reactionary theory that deceives the working people and defends capitalist private ownership. When Marx criticized the Lassalleans, he pointed out: " '''It is also fundamentally wrong to regard the so-called distribution as the essence of things and to focus on it '''."Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 3, 1972 edition, p. 13. The wrong view that Marx criticized here is a view of "distributive determinism". Although this "distributive determinism" was deeply criticized by Marx more than 100 years ago, the old and new revisionists in foreign countries and China often reinvented it to oppose Marxism and socialism. Liu Shaoqi desperately promoted the view that "the contradiction between the relations of production and the productive forces in a socialist society is mainly manifested in the issue of distribution". Lin Biao and his gang advocated the "principle of distribution according to work and material interests" as the "decisive driving force" for the development of production. These capitalist roaders deliberately left the ownership of the means of production and their relationship with each other, and raised the issue of distribution as the most important issue, " '''thus describing socialism as mainly going around in circles on the issue of distribution '''" Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 3, 1972 edition, p. 13., and using the so-called "issue of distribution" to cover up ownership and mutual relations The problem of relations, covering up class contradictions and class struggle, its evil purpose is to disintegrate the socialist relations of production and subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat. While criticizing "distributive determinism", we must see that distribution is not a purely passive negative factor in social production. Distribution is determined by production, and it reacts on production, on the interaction of people in production, on ownership. In a socialist society, correctly handling the distribution problem will help to mobilize all positive factors, accelerate the pace of socialist construction, and consolidate and develop socialist public ownership. ==== {{anchor|header-n8797}} {{anchor|Toc83471834}} The primary distribution and redistribution of national income ==== How is the distribution of national income in socialist society carried out? It has to be first distributed in the production area, and then it has to be redistributed. Since the two types of socialist public ownership have different distribution forms, the distribution of national income in socialist society presents a certain complexity. Let us first take a look at how the national income is initially distributed in the two socialist public ownership economies. The total output value created by socialist state-owned enterprises must first deduct the value of the means of production consumed in the production process. This part of the income created by state-owned enterprises is directly distributed by the socialist country in accordance with the needs of the entire national economy, and firstly distributed in a unified and reasonable manner, and is divided into two major parts: the wages of employees and the net income (profit) of the society. The social net income is concentrated in the hands of the state in the form of profits and taxes turned over by enterprises, and the state will distribute and use it in a planned way according to the needs of the development of the national economy and the interests of the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people. In the collective economy of the rural people's communes in our country, the value of the means of production consumed in the production process is deducted from the total output value, and the remaining part is the national income created by the members during the year. At present, the rural people's communes in our country implement a three-level collective ownership system based on production teams. The initial distribution of national income is also based on production teams and is carried out separately in the three-level collective economy of communes, brigades and production teams. In some communes that take the production brigade as the basic accounting unit, the initial distribution of national income is carried out on the basis of the brigade, in the commune and brigade collective economy. The national income created by the collective economy at all levels of the commune, after initial distribution, is broken down into the following parts: (1) the net income in the form of taxes for centralized use by the state; (2) the accumulation fund (including grain reserves) used by the collective economy and public welfare funds; (3) work-point income at the disposal of members. The primary distribution of the national income of the rural people's communes involves three aspects: national interests, collective interests and individual interests, and must be handled correctly. As Chairman Mao taught: " '''On the issue of distribution, we must take into account national interests, collective interests and individual interests. The relationship between the state's taxation, the accumulation of cooperatives, and the farmers' personal income must be properly handled and constantly adjusted. '''" We should "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 471.'''try our best to enable farmers to increase their personal income year by year from increasing production in normal years. '''" Ditto.Considering that agricultural production is largely affected by natural conditions, rural people's communes must Implementing the principle of "replenishing apology with abundance", some accumulations can be appropriately added in good harvest years, and less or no accumulation in poor harvest years, so that the life of the members can be stable and can be improved year by year. After the primary distribution in the field of material production, national income forms the original income of socialist countries, collectively-owned enterprises, and workers and peasants. However, the allocation doesn't end there. After the initial distribution of national income, it has to be redistributed to form the second income The concentrated net income obtained by the socialist countries from participating in the first distribution will be used for various purposes, but not every expenditure will form the redistribution of national income. For example, the productive appropriation of state-owned enterprises by the state does not involve the change of ownership or the formation of secondary income, so it does not belong to the scope of national income redistribution.. Why redistribute? This is because, in addition to the production sectors such as industry and agriculture, socialist society also has various non-material production sectors, such as culture, education, health sector, some service industries, as well as the military and state administrative agencies. These departments are very necessary for the comprehensive development of the socialist economy and culture, for improving and enriching the material and cultural life of the working people, and for consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat. The labor of workers in these sectors does not create social products and national income, but it is also labor needed by a socialist society. Workers in the productive and non-productive sectors serve each other, and there is, in fact, a relationship of exchange activities between them. Therefore, after the initial distribution of national income, it has to be redistributed again. The labor wages and various expenses paid by the non-production sector are provided through the redistribution of the national income created by the production sector. In addition, the socialist society should give proper care to the living and educational needs of citizens who have lost the ability to work, martyrs, military families, families in need, and the elderly, weak, orphans, widows, and disabled people who have no support for their lives. . At the same time, the society also provides free medical care, hardship subsidies, etc. to employees. To meet these needs, there should be a social security fund. This fund is also established through the redistribution of national income. The redistribution of national income in socialist society is mainly carried out through the following two channels: (1) State budget. In socialist countries, the monetary funds collected through budgetary revenue and then through budgetary expenditures are transformed into the income of non-production sectors and their workers, and are used to meet the growing needs of the collective welfare of the whole society. (2) Activities in the service industry. Workers, farmers and other workers use the personal income they have already obtained to pay the fees charged by the service industry; some service industries do not create value, and part of the income they obtain will be converted into wage expenses, which will become this. Personal income of workers in some service industries. The redistribution of national income is also affected by price changes to a certain extent. For example, in order to reduce the "scissors gap" in the prices of industrial and agricultural products left over from the old society, under the conditions of production development, lowering the sales price of industrial products and raising the purchase price of agricultural products will increase farmers' income. The national income of a socialist society, after distribution and redistribution, is finally divided into two parts: one part is controlled by socialist countries and collectively-owned enterprises to expand reproduction and meet other common needs of society; the other part is owned by workers, It is mainly used to meet the individual needs of workers. In the process of using these two parts of national income, it is finally boiled down to two purposes: accumulation fund and consumption fund. The results of the distribution and redistribution of the entire social product and national income can be listed as follows Socialist countries' foreign aid expenditures, like other items of the balance of payments, are not reflected in the national income distribution table. We believe that foreign aid expenditure should neither be included in accumulation funds nor consumption funds, but should be called "foreign aid funds" truthfully. This foreign aid fund must be deducted from the total national income, and at the same time, other balance of payments caused by remittances, international trade, etc. must be added or subtracted, and then the national income that can be used domestically can be obtained. The national income that can be used in the country is distributed and redistributed, and finally decomposed into two major items: accumulation fund and consumption fund. After the foreign aid fund (referring to the loan part) has been paid for several years, if there is a repayment part, it should be calculated in combination with other balance of payments items in the year. If the international income is greater than the expenditure, the national income that can be used domestically in that year will be increased accordingly. Increase accumulation and consumption.: [[Image:Image1.png|top]] The total social product and national income are produced and created by the working people and belong to the working people in a socialist society. However, it can be seen from the above table that all social products belong to the working people, not all social products are directly distributed to the individual working people. When criticizing the fallacy of "uncompromised labor income" advocated by the Lassalleans, Marx pointed out that various necessary deductions must be made before the distribution of personal consumption goods. Of course, these deductions, in the final analysis, are also used to seek benefits for workers. beneficial. " '''Everything deducted from a producer in a private position will be used directly or indirectly for the benefit of this producer in the position of a member of society. '''" Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 10.This is fundamentally different from the distribution of products and national income in the old society . Social products and national income should be distributed with “discounts and discounts”. It does not mean that the more withholding, the better, but should take into account national, collective and individual interests, long-term interests and immediate interests, and gradually develop on the basis of production development. Improve the lives of working people. === {{anchor|header-n8818}} {{anchor|Toc83471835}} Section 2 Distribution of Personal Consumables === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471836}} {{anchor|header-n8819}} Historical reasons for implementing the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" ==== The distribution of individual consumption goods takes place after all necessary deductions have been made for the total social product. More than 100 years ago, Marx scientifically predicted that in a socialist society, the distribution of consumer goods would not be able to implement the communist principle of "from each according to his ability and according to his needs", but also according to what each worker provided to the society. The amount of labor is distributed, that is, distribution according to labor is implemented. Marx explained distribution according to work in this way: "The '''social working day consists of all the individual working hours; the individual working time of each producer is the part of the social working day he provides, his share of the social working day. points. He receives a certificate from the social side showing how much labor he has provided (deducting the labor he has performed for the social fund), and with this certificate he receives from the social storage an amount of labor that he has provided. A penny of the means of consumption. The quantity of labour which he gives to society in one form, he takes back in another form. '''”Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 11. Marx's theory of distribution according to work was formed on the basis of analyzing the distribution theory of utopian socialists and criticizing Lassalle's fallacy of opportunism.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, some utopian socialists began to propose ideas like distribution according to work. Saint-Simon of France (1760-1825) said that in the future society, each person's status and income should be proportional to his ability; therefore, the students of Saint-Simon put forward the idea of "remuneration based on ability and determination based on work efficiency". competence" principle. Fourier (1772-1837), another French utopian socialist who was contemporary with Saint-Simon, in his vision of the basic unit of the future society, the "franc ji", is also partly distributed according to labor. Both Saint-Simon and Fourier took their initial distribution according to work as the most ideal distribution principle. However, in the ideal society they envisioned, private ownership of the means of production is still preserved. The Holy Gateists count the capitalists as laborers, and take the profits made by the capitalists as the labor remuneration for the capitalists to operate and manage enterprises; while Fourier advocates that in addition to part of the products distributed according to labor, the other part should also be distributed according to share capital ( Fourier envisaged that five-twelfths of the total income of the franc would be distributed by labor, four-twelfth by share capital, and three-twelfth by knowledge).
Marx and Engels sharply criticized the utopian socialists for taking this "distribution according to work" as the most ideal distribution principle, which does not affect the capitalist system. In "The German Ideology" written by Marx and Engels from 1845 to 1846, they criticized the "remuneration according to ability" formula of the Saint-Simonians, pointing out: " '''The most important aspect of communism is different from that of all reactionary socialism. One of the principles" is that "differences in the minds and intellects of men should not at all give rise to differences in the needs of the stomach and the body; it follows that the incorrect principle of 'reward for ability', which is based on our present system, should— -because this principle is only in the narrow sense of consumption -it becomes a principle of 'distribution according to need', in other words: differences in activity and labor do not give rise to any inequalities in appropriation and consumption, any Privileges. '''" The German Ideology. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 3, pp. 637-638.Here Marx and Engels not only criticized the reactionary nature of the so-called "remuneration according to ability" that the utopian socialists did not touch the basis of capitalism, but also pointed out that the distribution principle of "remuneration according to ability" itself still reflected the It is bourgeois right, and scientifically foresees that in a communist society, the distribution of personal consumer goods will implement the principle of "distribution according to needs", but there is no mention of the need for a transition from "distribution according to work" to "distribution according to needs". "Transition. In 1867, in the first volume of Capital, Marx proposed for the first time that after the overthrow of the capitalist system, on the basis of the public possession of the means of production, labor time " '''is a measure of the share of the individual producers in the common labor. In 1875, in the Critique of '''the Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 96.Gotha Program, Marx explicitly proposed the idea of two stages of communist social development for the first time. At the same time, he once again pointed out that the principle of distribution according to work must be implemented in the distribution of consumer goods in the first stage of the communist society, and he made an incisive and dialectical analysis of distribution according to work. Rights are "still confined within a bourgeois frame", which is undoubtedly a "disadvantage". On the other hand, it is pointed out that " '''these evils, in the first stage of communist society", "are unavoidable '''" Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 11-12.. Later, Engels and Lenin both made further in-depth expositions on distribution according to work.
The socialist society implements the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", which is determined by objective conditions. On the one hand, due to the establishment of the socialist public ownership of the means of production, the direct integration of the means of production and laborers in the whole society or within a collective, the status of the vast majority of working people and the nature of labor have undergone fundamental changes, which is a fundamental change for labor. Each of them labors for society to the best of their ability, creating the economic and political preconditions. On the other hand, since socialist society still bears the traces of the old society from which it was born in terms of economy, morality and spirituality, distribution according to needs cannot be implemented, but distribution according to work can only be implemented. Specifically, socialist society will inevitably implement the principle of distribution according to work, which is determined by the following conditions: First, the level of development of productive forces is not yet very high, social products are not yet extremely abundant, and the There are no material conditions to implement on-demand distribution. Second, the old social division of labor has not yet been eliminated, and there are still essential differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, and between mental and manual labor. These differences result in the labor that each worker can provide to society, whether in There are also differences in quantity and quality. These differences cannot but be acknowledged in the distribution of personal consumer goods, and unequal working abilities are assumed to be natural privileges. Third, for most people, labor has not yet become the first need of life, and they cannot immediately " '''learn to work for society without any legal norms '''" The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 252.; especially since socialist society has always had classes and classes In the struggle, the exploiting classes always spread the ugly ideas of "loving leisure and hating work" and "earning for nothing" through various channels, poisoning the working people. Therefore, the communist labor attitude without remuneration cannot be generally established in a short period of time, and the ideological conditions for implementing distribution according to needs are not yet available. Marx pointed out: " '''Rights can never go beyond the economic structure of the society and the cultural development of the society constrained by the economic structure. '''" Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 Edition, p. 12.Therefore, the socialist society must also implement the principle of distribution according to work, that is to say, labor must also be used as personal consumer goods allocated scale. In terms of distribution, proper consideration is given to the differences in labor provided by laborers to the society. At this stage, it is relatively easy for most people to understand and accept it . development of productivity. ==== {{anchor|header-n8832}} {{anchor|Toc83471837}} Bourgeois right to rule in distribution according to work ==== The principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" was established on the basis of socialist public ownership of the means of production. This principle requires that every member of society capable of labor should do his best to work for the society, and the society allocates consumer goods according to the amount of labor provided by each individual to the society. Those who are able to work without working for society have no right to participate in the distribution of consumer goods. In the thousands of years from slave society, feudal society to capitalist society, exploiters relied on the private ownership of means of production to seize the fruits of labor of slaves, serfs and wage workers for nothing, living a luxurious and sensual life. The implementation of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", that is, to implement the socialist principle of "no work shall not eat", is an economic coercion on the exploiting classes, forcing them to accept the transformation of the proletariat and become self-reliant. transformation of workers. The socialist countries implemented the socialist principles of "no work shall not eat" and "from each according to his ability, to be distributed according to his work", and abolished the distribution system in which people exploited others. This is a great progress in history. But, on the other hand, '''''bourgeois right' still reigns as far as the distribution of products 'according to labor' is '''concerned The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 251.. Chairman Mao pointed out: Distribution according to work " '''is not much different from the old society. The only difference is that the ownership system has changed '''. "Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975. Why is it said that distribution according to work is not much different from that of the old society, and that bourgeois right still reigns supreme? First, distribution according to work recognizes that the part of the laborer's labor after deducting his labor for social funds is his own labor. The laborer retains the right to the labor he provides, and can rely on it to participate in the distribution of personal consumption goods. In connection with this situation, under socialism, the family will exist as a consumption unit for a long period of time, and part of the cost of production and reproduction of labor force will still be borne by those with labor capacity in the family. This shows that distribution according to work is still not out of the box of bourgeois private words. In a socialist society, the acquiescence of unequal working ability is a natural privilege, which is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of historical development. Socialist society is derived from capitalist society. In a capitalist society, a worker who has been deprived of the means of production and gained personal freedom only owns his own labor force. In order for workers to survive, they must sell their labor force as commodities to capitalists and put them at the disposal of capitalists. When the proletariat seizes power and establishes socialist public ownership of the means of production, laborers become the masters of the means of production, and a new process of direct integration between the laborers and the means of production begins. In the economy of ownership by the whole people and by collectives, under the direction of state planning, the labor force of many individuals, not at the mercy of the capitalists, began to be used directly as a social or collective labor force. In this way, the laborer's labor time also directly becomes a part of the total social or collective labor day, and labor power is no longer a commodity. However, the labor of laborers is also divided into two parts: labor for social funds and labor for personal consumption funds; the latter part of labor becomes the yardstick for distributing personal consumer goods. This situation shows that the right embodied in distribution according to work is still a bourgeois right. In a socialist society, the existence of concepts such as private ownership of knowledge and wage labor, on the one hand, is left over from the old society and cannot be eliminated at once; . Second, the equal rights embodied in distribution according to work are still de facto unequal rights. In the case of distribution according to work, the amount of labor given to society by workers in one form is received in another form. Therefore, distribution according to work still prevails on the principle that regulates the exchange of commodities, that is, a certain amount of labor in one form can be exchanged for the same amount of labor in another form. This exchange principle appears to be equal on the surface, and the remuneration of each worker is measured by the same measure - labor. However, this equal right, for unequal workers, must be unequal right. First, the labor capacity of each worker varies, some are physically stronger, some are weaker; some have a higher level of culture and technology, and some have a lower level of culture and technology. Therefore, the amount of labor they can provide for the society is unequal, which will inevitably lead to differences in the actual income of various workers. Second, even if the same laborers provide the same social labor and receive the same social products, due to their different family burdens, some support a larger population, some support a smaller population, and the eight-level wage It doesn't matter how many people you have. In this way, there will also be differences in the degree of wealth between them. The application of the same measure to persons in different situations inevitably entails de facto inequalities, and this formally equal but de facto unequal right is bourgeois right. It can be seen that distribution according to work is still limited to the framework of bourgeois law. It is the soil and conditions in which capitalism can arise and must be limited under the dictatorship of the proletariat. If we make distribution according to work absolute and solidify, and consolidate, expand and strengthen bourgeois legal rights and the part of the inequality it brings, then there will inevitably be further disparities and polarization between the rich and the poor, and some members of society will be born. Under the guise of distribution according to work, the labor of another part of society is gratuitously appropriated, and capitalism and the bourgeoisie will soon emerge from this foundation. In this regard, the Soviet Union has taught us an important lesson. On the eve of the October Revolution, Lenin profoundly expounded the view that the implementation of distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights in "The State and Revolution". However, after Lenin's death, especially since the 1930s, the Soviet theoretical circles began to gradually deviate from Marxism-Leninism on the issue of distribution according to work, refusing to recognize that distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights. In 1933, the Soviet Union published the original manuscript of Marx's Critique of the Gotha Program. The Soviet theoretical circles have discussed the issue of bourgeois jurisprudence raised by Marx in this work. During the discussion, some people believe that whoever says that bourgeois jurisprudence exists in socialist society is the "enemy of the people". They deny that distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights, and call it the so-called "socialist legal rights", and do not admit that it is still a "illness" left over from the old society. For example, in an article entitled "The Victory of Socialism in the Soviet Union and the Remnants of the New", Midin says: "Bourgeois jurisprudence recognizes the instruments and means of production as private property of the individual. Socialism makes them social property, and therefore , bourgeois law has been eliminated, and it no longer exists." Korneyev said in his book review on Marx's "Critique of the Gotha Program": "Marx's statement about the existence of 'bourgeois law' under socialism cannot be dismissed. Narrow vision 'the principle that it can be completely eliminated only in the advanced stage of communism, understands that under the socialist system the bourgeois right is at work.  … Under the socialist system, the word bourgeois right is in its original meaning It has been eliminated." After this discussion, the misunderstanding of distribution according to work in the Soviet Union has been inherited. Under the guidance of the erroneous theory of denying that distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights, the Soviet Union has gradually expanded the distribution of bourgeois legal rights since the 1930s. For example, the gap between wage levels has been gradually widened, and a high-wage system has been implemented for some people. Under the erosion of bourgeois legal rights, some cadres degenerated into worker aristocrats and new bourgeois elements, and became the social foundation for the Khrushchev and Brezhnev traitor cliques to later restore capitalism in the Soviet Union. The lessons of this history are extremely profound. Chairman Mao summed up the historical experience of the international communist movement and has always insisted on restricting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie under the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country. However, bourgeois right is the lifeblood of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party. The proletariat wants to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and the bourgeoisie must expand the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie within the party like Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping are the guardians of bourgeois legal rights. Deng Xiaoping even denied that distribution according to work embodies bourgeois legal rights. He said: "Everything is now said to be bourgeois legal rights. Is it right to get more for more work? Is it also called bourgeois legal rights?" Not only exposed his ignorance, but also reflected that bourgeois legal rights are the foundation of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party. Deng Xiaoping is the general representative of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party. He wants to protect the interests of those revisionist high-ranking officials, protect the bourgeois legal rights, the soil that breeds capitalism and the bourgeoisie, and tries to make the tragedy of restoring capitalism in the Soviet Union repeated in China. . When the proletariat raises a weapon of criticism against bourgeois right, he is very annoyed, feeling that the foundation of capitalism and the existence of the bourgeoisie has been shaken, and the hope of capitalist restoration in China has dimmed, so he instinctively jumped out to The proletariat launched a furious attack. It can be seen that the struggle to limit and expand bourgeois legal rights is very fierce, and it is the focus of class struggle and line struggle in the historical stage of socialism. ==== {{anchor|header-n8847}} {{anchor|Toc83471838}} Distribution Forms in Socialist Economy of Ownership by the Whole People ==== In a socialist society, in accordance with the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", it is an important issue what specific form should be adopted for the distribution of personal consumer goods. The correct solution of this problem is of great significance for adhering to the direction of socialism, limiting the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, promoting the revolutionization of people's thinking, arranging the people's life well, and encouraging the socialist enthusiasm of the broad masses of working people. Wages are the basic form of distribution of personal consumer goods in the current socialist economy of ownership by the whole people. Wages under the socialist system and wages under the capitalist system reflect different production relations because they are based on different ownership systems. Under capitalism, labor is a commodity. It has value and price like any other commodity. Wages are a masked form of the value or price of labor. Workers are always paid a minimum standard of living for themselves and their families. Marx pointed out: "The wage labor system is a slave system, and the more social labor productivity develops, the more cruel this slave system will be, regardless of whether workers are paid better or worse." Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 17.Wages under the capitalist system reflect the capitalist and Hiring and being hired, exploited and exploited relationships among workers. Under the socialist system, the working class is the master of the country and enterprises, and labor is no longer a commodity. Socialist wages are also no longer a masked form of labor force value or price, but a form of state distribution of individual consumer goods to workers, reflecting the relationship between the individual worker and the state representing the interests of the working class as a whole. Moreover, with the development of labor productivity, workers' labor will create more and more social funds on the one hand, and workers' wages and the overall material and cultural living standards brought about by the development of collective welfare programs will also gradually increase. Since the liberation of our country, in accordance with the policy of starting from the whole country's population, making overall plans and making appropriate arrangements, and in accordance with the socialist principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", the extremely unreasonable wage system left over from the old China has been dealt with several times. Reforms have been made, and on the basis of production development, the wages of employees have been increased many times. At present, the wage level of workers in our country is generally not high, but the scope of employment has expanded, the total wage has increased, prices have been stable for a long time, and collective welfare has continued to increase, so the actual living standard of workers has gradually improved. Gone are the miserable days of old China, when you could not eat enough, wear warm clothes, and were often threatened with unemployment! However, wages are a complex issue. The current wage system in our country is partly inherited from old China, and partly copied from the Soviet Union in the 1950s. It is necessary to completely change the unreasonable situation in the distribution, correctly handle various wage relations, and gradually improve people's living standards on the basis of continuous development of production, and gradually carry out reforms in the process of improving people's living standards. The specific forms of socialist wages are mainly hourly wages and piece-rate wages. Hourly wage is based on working time as the unit for calculating labor remuneration, that is, within a certain period of time, according to the assessed wage grade, a fixed wage is paid. Piece-rate wages are based on labor products as the unit for calculating labor remuneration, that is, wages are paid at a certain unit price according to the number of product pieces completed by the laborer. In our country, these two forms of wages have a development process. Before 1958, a considerable number of state-owned enterprises in our country adopted the piece-rate wage system. However, piece rate is not a good system. With the continuous improvement of the degree of mechanization and automation and the ideological awareness of workers, especially during the Great Leap Forward in 1958, the negative effect of the bourgeois legal rights embodied by piece-rate wages has become increasingly apparent, seriously affecting the relationship between people. Perfection and development of production: (1) The piece rate system tends to foster the idea of not caring about collective careers first, but personal income first, which is not conducive to the improvement of workers' political and ideological consciousness. (2) The piece rate system widens the gap in wages and income among workers, which is not conducive to the unity among workers, and easily leads to differences between hourly workers and piece rate workers, between new and old workers, and between workers in the previous process and workers in the next process. The conflict between the time, the previous group of workers and the next group of workers. (3) The piece-rate system is also not conducive to technological innovation, production cooperation, training of workers with one specialty and multiple abilities, etc., so it is not conducive to the development of production. Therefore, the majority of workers, encouraged by the situation of the Great Leap Forward, attacked this part of the bourgeois legal rights. Finally, in this year, the piece rate system was abolished in most enterprises and switched to the time system. Only in a few manual labor-based units still retain the piece-rate system. Under the socialist system, although the production relations reflected by wages are different from the production relations reflected by wages under the capitalist system, the categories of wages and their specific forms, whether hourly wages or piece-rate wages, are inherited from capitalist society. . Wages under socialist conditions are no longer the price of labor power, but they are the monetary expression of the value created by the part of the labor that forms the individual consumption fund of the workers; the part of the money that the workers acquire is still the one through which the commodities are exchanged. In principle, formal equality masks actual inequality. Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"Our country now implements a commodity system, and the wage system is also unequal, with an eight-level wage system, etc. This can only be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat '''. '''" '''Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975.The inequality of the wage system reflects the bourgeois legal wage system embodied in distribution according to work, and the eight-grade wage system is to fix this factually unequal right in the form of a hierarchical system.
The eight-grade wage system is a wage grade system implemented among production workers. It sets wages into eight grades according to the complexity and proficiency of various production labors, but different types of work have different top grades due to different labor complexity. For example, the highest level of skilled trades such as lathes and fitters can be up to level 8, while porters and other common types of work can only be up to level 3 or level 4. The eight-level wage system emphasizes the encouraging role of wage gaps in mobilizing labor enthusiasm. The higher the rank, the larger the difference, and the more salary increases for each rank.
In this way, there is a relatively large gap in wage income between complex labor and simple labor, and between skilled labor and unskilled labor. Implemented in the Northeast region. After 1952, it was gradually extended to the whole country. Over the past two decades, some adjustments and restrictions have been made to such a wage system, but it is still used by some workers today.
In addition to wages, in a certain period and under certain conditions of socialist society, in order to praise those employees who perform well and have certain achievements, a certain amount of bonuses are also given. In this form, it does not break out of the bourgeois box of "doing things for the sake of money". Before the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, many factories and enterprises, under the influence of Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line, did not advocate proletarian politics. Passionate about the bonus system. As Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"It's not that there were no good people who led factories in the past." "However, he followed the line of Liu Shaoqi in the past, and he was nothing more than pursuing material incentives, taking profits in command, not advocating proletarian politics, and offering bonuses. And so on." '''Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 4, 1975.Practice has proved that if you do not insist on proletarian politics in command, do not raise the communist consciousness of the masses, but are keen to expand and strengthen bourgeois legal rights, engage in material incentives, make ideas about bonuses, and use bonuses as a way to mobilize the masses to produce The bait of positivity will inevitably corrode people's thinking, cause disunity among workers, and cause enterprises to go astray and slide down the evil path of revisionism.
In the early days of the establishment of the Soviet regime, Lenin once advocated the implementation of a bonus system (or a reward system in kind) within a certain period of time. He said in the "Draft Programme of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)" in 1919: " '''In a certain period of time, experts should still be paid higher wages, so that they will work not worse but better than before, and for the same purpose, it is impossible to Abolish the bonus system that encourages excellent work, especially organizational work. '''" "Draft Party Program of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)". Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 768.Here, Lenin is talking about the implementation of the bonus system among bourgeois experts. Regarding the introduction of the reward system among the workers, Lenin said in his "Report on the Work of the People's Committee" in 1920: '''"In addition to our resolute implementation of production propaganda, there is another way of influence, namely, in-kind rewards", "to reward those who A man who has shown heroism on the labor front after incalculable hardship '''. '''" '''"Report on the Work of the People's Committee". "Selected Works of Lenin", Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 391-392.However, Lenin clearly pointed out in the Tenth National Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1921: "The decree on rewarding workers with some factory products is a lack of confidence and pessimism rooted in the past. Concessions made by psychologically linked emotions. Within a small limit, such concessions are necessary.” How to understand the necessity of this concession made at that time? Lenin said: " '''The necessity of our past and present concessions can only be seen from the economic point of view, from the point of view of the interests of the proletariat, and not from any other point of view. The basic and most important of the proletariat The interests are the restoration of large-scale industry and the solid economic foundation of large-scale industry. With these, the proletariat can consolidate its dictatorship and completely implement the dictatorship in spite of all political and war difficulties. Why do we have to make concessions? Why go beyond Is it extremely dangerous to know the limits of what it should be? This is because it is only because of temporary conditions and difficulties in food and fuel that we are compelled to do so. '''" The Tenth National Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 32, pp. 401-402.This clearly shows that Lenin at the Therefore, there are specific historical reasons for advocating the implementation of the reward system. At that time, the new Soviet regime was under the threat of imperialist armed intervention and white bandit rebellion. The domestic economy was severely damaged, industrial production was greatly reduced, agricultural harvests were poor, food and fuel were extremely scarce, and famine and epidemics spread everywhere. The composition of factory workers has changed a lot due to the large number of excellent workers on the front lines. It was under such a serious situation that, as a temporary concession, Lenin proposed to implement the reward system within certain limits in order to increase industrial and agricultural production, improve people's living standards, and strengthen national defense forces to defend the nascent proletarian regime. But Lenin emphasized that " '''what is decisive is the consciousness and steadfastness of the working class", because this is "not only a historical factor, but a factor that determines and overcomes everything. '''" "Report of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville)." "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 166-167.From this it can be seen that the modern revisionists leave Under certain historical conditions, it is completely wrong to one-sidedly seize Lenin's statement about the implementation of the reward system as the basis for their implementation of the reward system, and it is fundamentally contrary to Lenin's consistent teaching. Their purpose is very clear, that is, to use bonuses as a means of corrupting the masses of workers and dismantling the foundation of the socialist economy.
==== {{anchor|header-n8871}} {{anchor|Toc83471839}} Distribution Forms in Socialist Collective Ownership Economy ==== The distribution of individual consumer goods in the socialist economy of collective ownership of the working masses, like the socialist economy of ownership by the whole people, must follow the socialist principles of distribution. However, collective ownership also has different characteristics in the distribution of consumer goods. In our country's rural people's communes under collective ownership, the basic means of production and products are owned by the collectives, and all their incomes, except for paying taxes to the state, are distributed by the collectives themselves. The level of labor remuneration for members depends on the production level and net income level of the collective they belong to, which is obviously different from the state-owned enterprise where the state sets the wage standard uniformly. Each production team in our country's rural people's communes has different levels of labor remuneration due to different levels of production and net income. Starting from the current level of development of agricultural productivity in our country and the level of consciousness of the majority of commune members, it is inevitable to recognize the differences in labor remuneration levels between communes and communes, between brigade and brigade, and between production teams. As far as a production team is concerned, after deducting national taxes, appropriate provident funds and public welfare funds for social insurance and collective welfare undertakings, the rest of the total annual income shall be distributed according to the principle of "each according to his ability, according to his work". distribute among members. At present, the distribution of personal consumer goods in my country's rural people's communes, except for some communes and brigade-run enterprises that take the form of wages due to their relatively stable income, are all in the form of labor points, which are achieved through the method of scoring and scoring.
There are two main methods for evaluating and scoring work: one is to first classify each member according to the labor ability and labor attitude of each member, and determine the work points for each working day according to the level, which is generally called "bottom score". After a member has attended work, the work points are assessed according to the "bottom points" and with reference to the specific labor conditions of the members. At present, most production teams in our country adopt this method. The other is to only record the attendance time of the members every day, and conduct a work evaluation every quarter, half a year or a year; during the evaluation, first set up a model for each level of the determined work points, and then each person will compare the pacesetter. It is up to everyone to discuss which level they belong to. This method was created by the Dazhai Brigade. It reflects certain restrictions on the legal rights of the bourgeoisie and is conducive to cultivating the communist labor attitude of the members. At present, many production teams in my country have adopted this method according to their actual situation. In addition, in some production teams, for some farm work, there are also fixed points for labor. Scoring according to the labor quota is to formulate labor quotas for various farm work, and then determine the quota work points standards according to the technical requirements, labor intensity, importance in production and seasonal differences of various farm work. After the members have completed the quantity and quality of the quota of labor and have passed the experience and acceptance, they can calculate the due labor points according to the quota of labor points. Practice has proved that this method of dividing points according to the labor quota is the same as the piece-rate wage system in the economy owned by the whole people, and the bourgeois legal rights are more serious.
Work points are a measure of the labor consumption of members in the production team, as well as a measure of the distribution of personal consumer goods. The amount of income a member receives from the production team depends not only on the number of work points, but also on the amount of each work point (work point value). The amount of each work point is not predetermined, but is determined according to the annual income of the production team. After the year-end work points are determined, the members will participate in the production team's distribution of personal consumer goods in the form of money and in kind according to the number of work points. The commune’s work evaluation and scoring should follow the example of the Dazhai brigade. It should not only adhere to the leadership of the proletariat’s political negotiation, continuously improve the consciousness of the commune members to farm for the revolution, and oppose “work points in command” and preoccupied with personal gains and losses; According to the principle of “distribution according to work”, according to the labor conditions of members, appropriate differences are recognized. " '''The principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women must be implemented '''. " Chairman Mao: "A Note to "Initiating Women into Production to Solve the Difficulty of Insufficiency of Labor Forces". The Socialist Upsurge in China's Rural Areas, Volume 2, p. 675.Equal pay for men and women for equal work is an integral part of the implementation of the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work". It is very important for realizing economic equality between men and women, mobilizing the enthusiasm of women to participate in collective production and labor, and consolidating and developing the collective economy. The unanalyzed practice of "a man earns 10 points per job, and a woman no more than 8 points" goes against the principle of socialist distribution. This is a reflection of the feudal ideology that despised women in distribution. === {{anchor|header-n8883}} {{anchor|Toc83471840}} Section 3 must limit bourgeois rights in distribution === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471841}} {{anchor|header-n8884}} Criticize the idea of bourgeois legal rights and advocate the communist labor attitude ==== When socialist countries deal with the distribution of personal consumer goods and choose labor remuneration methods that conform to socialist principles, they must adhere to proletarian politics, criticize the idea of bourgeois legal rights, and advocate a communist labor attitude. What is communist labor? Lenin said: "Communist labor, in a narrower and stricter sense, is unpaid labor for society, not for the performance of certain obligations, not for the enjoyment of the right to acquire a certain product. , is not labor performed according to a pre-determined legal quota, but voluntary labor, labor without a quota, labor without expectation of remuneration and without conditions of remuneration "From Destruction of Old Institutions to the Creation of New Institutions". Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 176.. ” This kind of communist labor sprouts when the proletariat becomes the master of the state and enterprises, and no longer works hard for the exploiting class, but begins to work for its own class. The emergence of communist labor in socialist society is an event of great significance in the history of human development. This is an extremely important condition for the complete destruction of the old world and the construction of a new communist world. After the October Revolution, in order to defend the Soviet power and build socialism, the working class of the Soviet Union actively responded to the call of the Bolshevik Party Central Committee headed by Lenin to "work in a revolutionary spirit", setting off a vigorous and unremunerated "Communist Party". "Saturday Volunteering" movement. Lenin spoke highly of this movement and promoted it with enthusiasm. Lenin regarded Saturday voluntary labor as a "great initiative" of the working class. He pointed out: " '''The communist Saturday voluntary labor initiated and organized by the workers themselves is of great significance. Obviously, this is only the beginning, but it is a very important beginning. It is more difficult, more important and more profound than the overthrow of the bourgeoisie. , the beginning of a more decisive change, because it is the victory over its own conservatism, laxity, and petty-bourgeois egoism, the habit that capitalism has left over to the workers and peasants. When this victory is consolidated, and only when Only then will a new social discipline, that is, socialist discipline, be established; only then will it be impossible to fall back to capitalism, and communism truly invincible. '''" "The Great Creation". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 1.Lenin also vigorously called for " '''every Communist, every A person who is willing to be faithful to the principles of communism should devote all his energy to help explain this matter and apply it practically '''." "On Saturday Volunteering". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 144.Chairman Mao has always advocated the communist labor attitude, and has repeatedly called on us to learn from Comrade Bethune's unselfish attitude The spirit of self-interest, learning from Comrade Zhang Side's spirit of completely and thoroughly serving the people, requires us to " '''maintain the same energy, revolutionary enthusiasm, and desperate spirit that we had during the revolutionary war in the past, and do our revolutionary work well. to the end '''" Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from Premier Zhou Enlai's January 1975 "Report on the Work of the Government". People's Publishing House, 1975 edition, p. 10.. During the years of the revolutionary war, our revolutionary ancestors, for the liberation of the proletariat, had no wages and no welfare, and only five cents per person per day for oil, salt, firewood and vegetables. , feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, working hard and fighting bravely. It was with this communist spirit that the revolutionary ancestors defeated the reactionaries and established the New China. Under the nurturing of Mao Zedong Thought, in the long-term revolutionary war, in the great cause of socialist revolution and socialist construction, tens of thousands of proletarian fighters who are loyal to the great cause of communism have emerged in our country. Comrades such as Zhang Side, Lei Feng, Jiao Yulu, Yang Shuicai, and Wang Jinxi are excellent representatives of proletarian fighters. Their spirit of not being in the name, not for profit, not afraid of suffering, not afraid of death, wholeheartedly for the revolution, for the people, infinitely loyal to the revolution, dedicated to the people, always radiates the light of communism, and always inspires us to continue Advance bravely on the road of revolution! To establish a communist labor attitude requires " '''the most complete break with the traditional ownership relationship", "the most complete break with the traditional concept '''" "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 271-272., and the most complete break with the idea of bourgeois legal rights. The idea of bourgeois right is the reflection of bourgeois right in ideology. Those who are influenced by the idea of bourgeois legal rights either use the labor skills and scientific and cultural knowledge acquired under the training of the Party and the people as "capital" for bargaining with the Party and the people and competing for fame and fortune; Employment attitudes of "pay for what you pay" and "do as much work as you pay". This attitude is exactly what Lenin sternly criticized as "the '''ruthless scrutiny, the unwillingness to work half an hour more than others, and the unwillingness to be paid a little less than others '''" The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 254.. If we do not carry out the most thorough break with this idea of bourgeois legal rights, and do not profoundly criticize the capitalist morality of doing things for money, the communist labor attitude will not be established, the socialist revolution and socialist construction will be hindered, and communism will not be able to. Impossible to achieve. Therefore, we should expand the propaganda and education of communist ideology, so that more and more comrades can become models who do more work without paying. The process of cultivating and establishing a communist labor attitude is a process of struggle between two classes, two lines and two ideologies. The revisionists always use material incentives to obliterate the communist spirit of the working people. Brezhnev and his co-workers trumpeted "material incentives," and preached "a greater quantity of labor, a better quality of labor, that is, more skilled, more intense, more important, or more responsible work, with higher pay. Stimulate". What material stimulus is the "most important lever" for improving labor productivity, what "material stimulus expenditure can be recovered a hundredfold", and so on. Liars like Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, and Deng Xiaoping all sing the same tune. In his black notes, Lin Biao personally wrote down such slang words as "material stimulation is still necessary", "materialistic material stimulation", and "inducing officials, salary, and virtue". Before the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping, together with Liu Shaoqi, actively pursued the revisionist line of material incentives and bonuses, saying nonsense that "our revolution relies on material incentives", and "after the completion of socialism, we will rely on material incentives to move towards communism." These fallacies of Deng Xiaoping During the Cultural Revolution, it was severely criticized by the revolutionary masses. However, shortly after he resumed work, he reversed the case, shouting that "the so-called material incentives are not many in the past", and in the so-called "Regulations" to speed up industrial development that he concocted, he put the material incentives again. came out. In fact, whether Brezhnev, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, or Deng Xiaoping, their fanatical advocacy of material incentives is a vain attempt to use wages, bonuses, and benefits as bait to lure people into the social foundation for their restoration of capitalism, and use assets as bait. The ideology of class legal rights serves as a reactionary ideological weapon for corrupting the working people, expanding and strengthening bourgeois legal rights in distribution, and cultivating new bourgeois elements. Therefore, we must do the opposite, insist on proletarian politics in command, deeply criticize material stimuli, and fully understand the struggle between the two classes and the two lines on the issue of distribution. The material stimulus theory promoted by modern revisionists is nothing new. The British reactionary bourgeois economist Keynes put it bluntly: "In economic activity, the only consideration is personal reward, and no one, whether entrepreneur or public servant, will do anything for any other reason. things." ("The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money") Another bourgeois economist, Little also said: "No matter what the idealists think, personal income is indeed the only possible motive force for a free economy." ("Welfare Economic Review) Look, what is the difference between the modern revisionist theory of material incentives and this stinky bourgeois theory of egoism? In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels, the revolutionary teachers of the proletariat, described the capitalist production relations in this passage: the bourgeoisie " '''makes human beings, apart from naked interests and ruthless 'cash transactions', the There is no other connection '''. " "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 253.Looking back and comparing it with the fallacy that "money can connect the mind", can't we clearly see the ugly faces of Brezhnev, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and the like to restore capitalism? In a socialist society, most working people work hard and faithfully fulfill their obligations to society. However, there must be some people who do not work very hard and are not motivated enough to work for the society. This raises a question: Under the socialist system, what is the basis for mobilizing the socialist enthusiasm of the broad masses of working people to do their best to work for the society? Should we insist on proletarian politics in command and strengthen ideological education, or should we rely on money to stimulate and implement banknotes in command? This is a big question about which direction to lead the working people and which path to take. Marxists have always believed that politics is the commander-in-chief and the soul. Only by adhering to the leadership of proletarian politics, doing a good job in ideological and political work, constantly instilling socialist and communist ideology in the broad masses, criticizing capitalist tendencies, criticizing the ideas of bourgeois legal rights, and helping the broad masses to firmly establish a communist labor attitude, can we Only by fully mobilizing the socialist enthusiasm of the masses can we continuously achieve the victory of the socialist revolution and socialist construction. Lenin said it well: " '''To achieve victory, we must rely on the main source of strength. The main source of strength is the masses of workers and peasants, their consciousness and organization. '''" The New Economic Policy and the Mission of the Political Education Bureau. The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 33, p. 49.Educating the working masses with Marxism is a very important task . Meticulous work is work that needs to be done for a long time, and it takes effort. The enthusiasm mobilized in this way is socialist, communist, firm and lasting. Of course, material stimulation can sometimes stimulate the enthusiasm of some people. However, what is pierced by material incentives will never be the enthusiasm for socialism, but only the enthusiasm for bourgeois individualism, the enthusiasm for fighting for fame and fortune, and the enthusiasm for taking the capitalist road. If we follow the system advocated by the modern revisionists and Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, etc., bourgeois ideology will inevitably spread, and new bourgeois elements will inevitably emerge in large numbers. This will not only fail to promote the development of socialist production, but will inevitably lead to the restoration of capitalism. Some people say that the socialist principle of distribution is not distribution according to work? Why promote the communist attitude of labor without remuneration? Those who hold such doubts are obviously putting the Party's policy principles in the historical stage of socialism in opposition to the Party's communist education. Chairman Mao taught us during the period of our country's democratic revolution: " '''The propaganda of the ideological system and social system of communism should be distinguished from the practice of the new-democratic action program '''" The New Democracy. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 666.. " '''We should expand the propaganda of communist ideology and intensify the study of Marxism-Leninism. Without such propaganda and study, not only will we not be able to guide the Chinese revolution to the future stage of socialism, but we will also be unable to guide the present democratic revolution to victory '''. " Marx: The French Civil War. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 375.These teachings of the Chairman apply to socialist society, that is, to expand the propaganda of communist ideology to guide the practice of socialism, and to distinguish this propaganda from the policies implemented in socialist society. In short, it is the socialist system plus communist ideology. It is manifested in the distribution of personal consumer goods, which not only implements "distribution according to work", but also imposes restrictions on the bourgeois legal rights embodied in distribution according to work. However, in terms of ideological and political education, it must not be limited to the education of socialist policies, but must also criticize the idea of bourgeois legal rights, vigorously advocate the communist labor attitude, and carry forward the communist spirit. Otherwise, not only will it not be possible to create conditions for the realization of communist distribution according to needs in the future, but also the current socialist distribution according to work cannot be done well.
The Paris Commune made the following reforms to the wage system:
1. Abolish the high salaries and all economic privileges of the old state officials, stipulate that the maximum salary of the employees of various municipal organs is 6,000 francs per year, which is equivalent to the income of a skilled worker, and stipulate that part-time jobs are not paid.
2. Raise the wages of low-level staff and workers, and greatly narrow the gap between the two extremes of wages. For example, in the post office, the gap between the minimum wage (delivery staff) and the highest wage (director) was more than ten times in the past, but after the reform, it has narrowed to three to four times.
The socialist principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" must be fully understood, and "from each according to his ability" cannot be separated from "to each according to his work". This principle first requires each to do his best, that is, to require every worker to work for the society to the best of his ability. This requires long-term and meticulous ideological and political work among the working masses, so that the workers can make the most thorough break with the employment concept left over from the old society, continuously improve their consciousness of working for the revolution, and consciously and persistently do their best to their own abilities to work for society. Therefore, it is wrong to set communist ideological education in opposition to the implementation of the socialist distribution principle. That kind of one-sided emphasis on distribution according to work, instead of each doing his best, is a distortion of the socialist principle of distribution. ==== {{anchor|header-n8912}} {{anchor|Toc83471842}} Acknowledging differences and opposing disparities ==== To implement the socialist principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", it is necessary to maintain a certain difference in labor remuneration. However, Marxism believes that this difference reflects bourgeois legal rights, which must be limited under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and must not be expanded indefinitely, resulting in a huge disparity in people's income. When summing up the experience of the world's first proletarian regime, the Paris Commune, Marx paid special attention to the commune's heroes for taking " '''everything from the members of the commune, from top to bottom, to all public officials who should receive only the equivalent of the salary of the workers' wages '''" "The Current Tasks of Soviet Power". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 502.as a great initiative of the Commune. Both Engels and Lenin attached great importance to the principle of distribution of the Paris Commune, and repeatedly emphasized this experience. After the victory of the October Revolution in Russia, under the leadership of Lenin, the Soviet regime took a series of measures to restrict the distribution of bourgeois rights.
These measures mainly include:
1. Reduce high salaries and stipulate that party members shall not receive high salaries and enjoy privileges.
From the very beginning, the Soviet regime announced a policy of reducing high wages to the level of middle-class workers. In November 1917, it was stipulated that the maximum monthly salary of the People's Commissars should not exceed five hundred rubles. This was roughly equivalent to the average monthly salary of 400 to 500 rubles for skilled workers at that time. In early 1919, it was stipulated that the maximum monthly salary of the People's Commissars was 2,000 rubles. At that time, the maximum salary of workers was 1,160 rubles, less than double the difference.
In September 1920, the Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) stipulated that "Party members and responsible staff members have no right to receive personal special wages, bonuses and additional remuneration".
As for bourgeois specialists, Lenin once advocated temporarily paying them high salaries according to the conditions of the time. But Lenin pointed out: "This approach is a compromise, a departure from the principles of the Paris Commune and of any proletarian power. "The Current Tasks of Soviet Power". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 502." In taking this measure, Lenin also repeatedly reminded people of the corrosive effects of such high wages.
Second, narrow the wage gap within the working people.
After the October Revolution, Lenin emphasized many times that the salaries and wages of all walks of life in all parts of the country should be leveled. In January 1919, the ratio of the lowest to highest wages in the wage scale of workers was 1:1.75, in April 1920 it was 1:2, and in individual sectors it was 1:2.8.
Chairman Mao has always advocated the promotion of the party's glorious tradition of closely connecting with the masses and sharing weal and woe with the masses and the fine work style of hard work, and opposed the implementation of a high-paying system for a few people. During the Revolutionary War, Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"The material distribution of the Red Army personnel should be roughly even", "but we must oppose absolute egalitarianism regardless of any reason" '''"On Correcting Wrong Thoughts in the Party". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 89.. According to Chairman Mao's instructions, from the period of the Second Civil Revolutionary War until the early years of national liberation, our party has always implemented a roughly equal supply system for the staff of party and government organs and the army. Chairman Mao has always advocated that during the period of socialist revolution and socialist construction, the system of high wages for the minority should never be implemented. The income gap between the staff of the party, the state, enterprises, and people's communes and the masses of the people should be gradually narrowed reasonably and should not be widened. Prevent all staff from taking advantage of their authority to enjoy any privileges. Following Chairman Mao's teachings, our country has reduced the wages of senior cadres several times and raised the wages of low-level workers several times, which has strengthened the relationship between the party and the masses and further mobilized the enthusiasm of the working people. In a socialist society, if the distribution of bourgeois rights is not limited but expanded, and if a high-wage system is implemented for a small number of people, then these few people will be placed in a privileged position of vested interests, and they will easily be separated from the masses and the revolution. , and even opposed the continuation of the revolution. As Chairman Mao taught: '''"After the democratic revolution, the workers, the poor and the poor have not stopped. They want revolution. But some party members don't want to advance, and some retreat and oppose revolution. Why? , to protect the interests of high officials." '''Quoted from People's Daily, May 16, 1976.These high officials, who have good houses, cars, high salaries, and waiters, are disgusted with criticizing bourgeois legal rights. In a socialist society, if the distribution of bourgeois rights is not limited but expanded, it will inevitably affect the consolidation of socialist public ownership. The phenomenon of widening differences in distribution and disintegrating the public sector of the economy under certain conditions has occurred in history. The disintegration of the primitive commune was just like that. Engels pointed out: the primitive commune " '''if there is a relatively large inequality in distribution among its members, then this is already a sign of the beginning of the disintegration of the commune." "With the emergence of differences in distribution, class differences also appeared. '''" The disintegration of the socialist public economy Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 187.'''of '''the Soviet Union was also associated with the distributive appropriation of more and more commodities and money by a small number of people through some legal and largely illegal means. Today, the Soviet bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie, represented by Brezhnev, hold high wages, high bonuses, high remuneration and various personal allowances. They suck the blood of workers and peasants, and their income is higher than that of ordinary workers, Farmers dozens or even hundreds of times. The means of production originally in the hands of the working people have become the capital for them to exploit the working people, and distribution according to work has become a shell for their distribution according to capital and power.
According to reports, workers in state-run enterprises in the Soviet Union are now generally paid around a hundred rubles a month, and those considered unskilled handymen are only sixty rubles a month. The basic salary of managers, factory directors, chief engineers and others is 300 to 500 rubles, plus part-time wages, additional wages and bonuses, and even more than 1,000 rubles. The same is true in the "collective farms". The farmer's monthly income is only about 40 rubles per month, while the average monthly salary of the farm chairman is 250 to 300 rubles, and some can reach 580 rubles. Plus bonuses and extra money, even up to more than a thousand rubles.
As for the nation's largest handful of monopoly bourgeoisie and spiritual aristocracy, the wages are even higher. In party and government offices, ministerial salaries range from seven or eight hundred rubles to two thousand rubles. In the military system, the commander of the army is paid 1,000 rubles, the commander of the army group is 1,400 rubles, and the commander of the front army is 1,800 rubles. In addition to wages, they also receive additional salaries and subsidies and enjoy various privileges. In the field of culture, education and technology, the salary of the director of the research institute is more than 1,000 to 1,500 rubles, in addition to a large number of other remunerations, such as allowances for official errands, manuscript fees, and other legal and illegal income.
The huge disparity in income between the privileged class of the Soviet bourgeoisie and ordinary laborers is by no means something that can be disguised by sophistry such as "complex labor" and "simple labor", but a manifestation of extremely cruel class exploitation. Lenin pointed out: " '''What exactly is a class in general? That is to say, a part of the society is allowed to occupy the labor of another. '''" The Mission of the Youth League. "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 352.In today's Soviet Union, the essence of the distribution system is that the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class occupies the vast majority of working people's labor. labor. The higher the status, the greater the power, the more capital at his disposal, and the more who owns the labor of others. The historical lessons of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union tell us that socialist countries must correctly implement the socialist principle of distribution of individual consumer goods, gradually limit bourgeois legal rights in distribution, promote the consolidation of socialist public ownership, and ensure that the party and state of the proletariat are Never change color. In this regard, it is necessary to recognize certain differences in the distribution of personal consumer goods, but it is also necessary to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, limit the expansion of income differences, and prevent capitalist exploitation in the name of distribution according to work. To limit bourgeois legal rights in distribution according to work and prevent the widening of income differences, specifically, the following aspects should be properly handled: First, the distribution relationship between cadres and the masses. In a socialist society, the workers, peasants and the working masses master the means of production and are the masters of the country and enterprises, while " '''all working cadres, regardless of their position, are the people's servants '''" Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from Jiefang Daily, Yan'an, December 16, 1944., cadres should be closely integrated with the people and truly represent the people interests and serve the people wholeheartedly. Obviously, the disparity in the distribution of cadres and the masses is incompatible with this socialist relationship, and it will inevitably lead to the confrontation between thousands of groups. Therefore, when dealing with the salary issue of cadres, socialist countries should follow the historical teachings of revolutionary teachers, pay attention to implementing the distribution principle of the Paris Commune, and gradually reduce the difference between the personal income of the staff of the party, the state, enterprises and people's communes and the masses of the people. gap and prevent all staff from taking advantage of their authority to enjoy any privileges. This is of great significance for them to keep in close contact with the masses, to resist the erosion of bourgeois ideology, to prevent " '''from social servants to social masters '''" Engels: "Introduction to the French Civil War". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 335., and to prevent the emergence of privileged classes that occupy other people's labor. Second, the distribution relationship between intellectuals and workers and peasants. In a certain period of socialist society, in order to unite and transform the bourgeois intellectuals from the old society, the proletariat allows them to work for the socialist country, allowing them to maintain their historically higher wages, but this is a kind of redemption , is a temporary policy measure and should not be a principle of distribution. Engels said: " '''In a society of private producers, the cost of training the learned laborer is borne by the private person or his family, so the higher price of the learned labor force also goes to the private first: skilled slaves are sold for more expensive, skilled wage-workers receive higher wages. In a society organized on socialist principles, this expense is borne by the society, so that the results of complex labor, that is, the greater value, also belong to the society All. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 241.At present in our country, part of the cost of cultivating intellectuals has been borne by the society, and with the development of socialist revolution and construction, the proportion of this part of the cost borne by the society will become larger and larger. Therefore, under socialist conditions, the wage level of cultivated intellectuals is slightly higher than the income level of workers and peasants. Although it is difficult to completely avoid it, if someone wants to receive excessive wages, there is no basis. Third, the distribution relationship between workers and peasants. The alliance of workers and peasants is the foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. In our country, peasants account for the majority of the entire population. Therefore, it is very important to correctly handle the distribution relationship between workers and peasants. When determining the wage standard of workers and the rate of wage increase, the relationship between workers' wage income and farmers' actual income should be taken into account at the same time. Workers and peasants work under two different conditions of socialist public ownership, and there is a certain difference in production technology and labor productivity; this objective difference will inevitably bring about a certain gap in the income levels of workers and peasants. However, this gap must be gradually narrowed, otherwise it will affect the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance and the implementation of the "agriculture-based" policy. Fourth, the distribution relationship among workers. Workers' labor differs in terms of technical level, proficiency, and labor intensity. Therefore, when determining workers' wages, reasonable differences should be reflected, but excessive differences should be opposed to facilitate the unity among workers. We should gradually reform the wage system with many categories and large differences. Fifth, the distribution relationship within farmers. When dealing with the distribution relationship among farmers, it is also necessary to select an appropriate method of scoring work according to the characteristics of the rural distribution system, and take some appropriate measures to prevent the income gap from widening in the distribution. The experience of some people's communes shows that it is necessary to support the poor teams to do a good job in the revolution and increase production, and to give appropriate care to those commune families with less labor in dispatching workers, so as to help narrow the difference in distribution. In our country, in rural people's communes and industries run by teams, how to handle the distribution of commune and team enterprise personnel is also an important issue. If it is not handled properly, it will result in the excessive personal income of migrant workers and agricultural workers within the people's communes. In addition to the difference between workers and peasants left over from the old society, a new "worker and peasant" difference will be created within the peasants, thereby affecting the production enthusiasm of agricultural commune members. Therefore, when determining the income level of the migrant workers in the commune and team industry, it should be generally close to the income level of the agricultural workers in the respective commune or brigade.
There are three forms of labor remuneration in Shanghai county and team industries in Shanghai: (1) wage system. Before 1970, the workers who worked in the factories run by Qianshe were generally under a fixed wage system; in 1974, the average income of these workers (including food subsidies) was 53% higher than that of the farmers. (2) The scoring system for work evaluation. In order to narrow the income gap between migrant workers and agricultural workers , most of the workers who entered the commune and set up factories in 1970 and after this year adopted a work-based scoring system. In 1974, the annual average income (including food subsidies) of these migrant workers was 39% higher than the average income of the county's agricultural workers. In this way, the income gap was narrowed. Most of the team-run factories also practice this distribution method. (3) Return to the team distribution system. The commune and team industries that implement this distribution method allocate the labor remuneration of the migrant workers to their production teams as collective sideline income. In addition to receiving certain subsidies, migrant workers participate in the distribution of their production teams just like agricultural workers.
When dealing with the various relations in the distribution of personal consumer goods, we should oppose the disparity between the high and the low, and the difference is too large, but at the same time, we must also oppose absolute egalitarianism. Chairman Mao clearly pointed out as early as more than 40 years ago: " '''Absolute egalitarianism is not only in the period when capitalism has not been eliminated, it is only an illusion of the peasant petty bourgeoisie that in the period of socialism, the distribution of materials should also be based on 'everything'. The principle of “remuneration according to work” and the needs of work, there is absolutely no such thing as absolute equality. '''” "On Correcting Wrong Thoughts in the Party". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 89.Absolutely equal distribution of personal consumption goods is neither a socialist nor a communist distribution principle, but an unrealistic fantasy . ==== {{anchor|header-n8952}} {{anchor|Toc83471843}} Create conditions to gradually expand on-demand distribution factors ==== In a socialist society, the distribution of individual consumer goods must follow the principle of "from each according to his ability and according to his work", but this does not mean that the principle of distribution according to work, which embodies bourgeois legal rights, can be absolute and solidified. In 1890, Engels commented on the debate in the German party about the mode of distribution: " '''In the eyes of all who participated in the debate, 'socialist society' is not something that is constantly changing and progressing, but Stable, immutable, so it should also have an immutable distribution. However, a reasonable debate can only be: (1) try to find out how the future will be distributed, (2) try to find out how further development will follow. The general direction of progress. '''” Engels: To Kahn Schmidt (August 5, 1890). "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 475.The further development of the distribution method of consumer goods in socialist society will follow the general direction of progress, which is the communist principle of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”. Therefore, while we correctly implement the principle of distribution according to work and limit the bourgeois right in distribution, we must work hard to gradually expand the factors of distribution according to needs in communism and finally eliminate the bourgeois right in distribution. The communist principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" cancels the use of labor as the yardstick for distributing consumer goods, completely negates the natural privilege of obtaining more consumer goods by virtue of individual physical strength and intellectual superiority, and eliminates the need for people to live a prosperous life. degree of difference, " '''from formal to de facto equality '''" "The State and Revolution", Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 237.. In a word, it is the complete abolition of bourgeois rights in distribution. This is what communist society implements in the distribution of consumer goods. The unrepentant capitalist roader Deng Xiaoping did not read, read newspapers, and did not understand Marxism-Leninism, so he even talked about the distribution of communism rashly. What he said: "What is the most important job when it comes to communism? The most important thing is to take care of the baby, and the treatment of childcare workers is higher than that of university professors." Isn't this talking about communism, there are still unequal bourgeois laws in distribution. right? This is exactly the same as Dühring in his "economic commune" still retaining the old division of labor between "cartrunners" and "architects". "From each according to his ability, to distribute according to his needs" is the principle practiced in communist society, but the germ of distribution according to needs has already appeared in socialist society. Today, the public welfare undertakings organized by socialist countries, such as labor protection and public medical care system for employees, retirement system for elderly employees, and people who have lost their labor force and are particularly difficult to live due to heavy family burdens, are provided by the state or collectives. Grants and caregiving, etc., have to varying degrees the elements of communist distribution according to need. In 1973, health care and welfare expenditures within the scope of national ownership accounted for 18% of the country's total wages. Although the proportion of this part is not large at present, it goes beyond the narrow frame of bourgeois law to a certain extent, and reflects the general direction of the development of socialist consumer goods distribution. Marx said that under a socialist system, '''"the parts used to meet common needs, such as schools, health facilities, etc.", "will immediately increase markedly, and will increase day by day with the development of the new society '''Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 10.. " In order to develop collective welfare undertakings and expand the factors of distribution according to needs, the state or collective should take into account the increase of collective welfare funds when increasing personal income, and combine the two with the deepening of the socialist revolution and the development of socialist construction. , and gradually increase the proportion of collective welfare funds. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the movement to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, and the struggle against the Rightist style of overturning the verdict are extremely profound socialist revolutions in the superstructure. In these magnificent revolutionary mass movements, a large number of new socialist things have emerged: cadres have entered the May 7 cadre schools and participated in collective production labor, the theoretical team of workers, peasants and soldiers has grown and expanded, educated youths have gone to the mountains and the countryside, and workers, peasants and soldiers have gone to college and education. Revolutions, the thriving growth of barefoot doctors and cooperative medical care, etc., these new things with the seeds of communism impact the old social division of labor from all aspects, constantly narrowing the three major differences, restricting bourgeois legal rights, and also for the distribution field. Change creates favorable conditions. In the educational revolution, the workers, peasants and soldiers of the Chaoyang Agricultural College in Liaoning and the July 21 Workers' University, which was founded by the Shanghai Machine Tool Factory, all came from production practice, and returned to production practice after graduation. The poor and lower-middle peasants are classified as equal, and they maintain a living standard similar to that of the workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants. This revolution in the field of education not only greatly facilitates the training of successors to the revolutionary cause of the proletariat, but also creates conditions for narrowing the gap in labor remuneration between manual workers and mental workers and expanding the factors of distribution according to needs. The emergence of cooperative medical care is not only conducive to changing the situation of lack of medical care and medicine in rural areas, but also increases some factors of distribution according to needs within a collective scope, narrowing the distribution difference between workers and peasants from one aspect. Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and the bourgeoisie in the party viciously slandered and attacked these new socialist things, which is a big exposure of their reactionary face of trying to maintain and expand the legal power of the bourgeoisie. We should further carry out the revolution in the superstructure, so that more new socialist things can emerge from the ground, and enthusiastically support them to thrive, in order to consolidate and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat, consolidate and improve the socialist economic foundation, and strive to create conditions in In the distribution of consumer goods, the distribution according to needs should be gradually increased, so as to gradually realize the transition from distribution according to work to distribution according to needs in a long historical period. " '''After all, the mode of distribution depends essentially on the quantity of products that can be distributed, and this quantity of course changes with the progress of production and social organization, so the mode of distribution should also change. '''" Engels: To Kahn Schmidt (August 5, 1890). "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 45.That is to say, the mode of distribution is directly determined by the mode of production nature, but in the final analysis it depends on the level of productivity development. In a socialist society, the socialist public ownership of the means of production fundamentally denies the relationship of exploitation, thereby greatly reducing the inequality in distribution. However, the level of development of the productive forces in socialist society is not very high, and there are still many factors in socialist production relations. The existence of bourgeois right does not yet eliminate this inequality fundamentally. In order to completely eliminate the inequality of distribution that has existed for thousands of years, it is necessary to eliminate classes, carry out the continuous revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to the end both in terms of the superstructure and the economic base, and under the command of proletarian politics, in socialism. Under the impetus of the revolution, vigorously develop socialist production, in order to gradually narrow the differences between urban and rural areas, workers and peasants, mental labor and manual labor left over from the old society, to provide more and more abundant products, and to gradually expand the scope of distribution according to needs. necessary conditions. The development of anything has a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. The transition from distribution according to work to distribution according to work also has to go through a development process of gradually increasing and decreasing distribution according to work factors, and finally replacing distribution according to work with distribution according to work. To complete this process, we need to go through the very long historical stage of socialist society. However, the law of the development of human society indicates that the communist society must come, and the principle of "from each according to his ability, to distribute according to his needs" must be realized! == {{anchor|header-n8964}} {{anchor|Toc83471844}} Chapter XI Socialist Accumulation and Expanded Reproduction == === {{anchor|Toc83471845}} {{anchor|header-n8965}} Section 1 Proportional relationship between the two major departments of social production === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471846}} {{anchor|header-n8966}} Marx's formula for reproduction ==== No society can stop consuming, and therefore cannot stop producing. To observe the social production process as a continuous, constantly renewed process, it is a reproduction process. Social reproduction is not only the reproduction of products, but also the reproduction of production relations. In the process of socialist reproduction, not only the elements of communism but also bourgeois right will be reproduced. The process of socialist reproduction is a movement process governed by certain laws. What objective laws govern the process of socialist reproduction? How are the elements of communism and bourgeois rights reproduced, and how do the contradictions and struggles unfold between them? How to correctly handle the proportional relationship between the two major departments of social production, as well as the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, are important topics to be studied. The struggle between Marxism and revisionism often revolves around the issue of reproduction; the planning of the national economy can only be based on a deep understanding of the issue of socialist reproduction. Therefore, the research on the problem of socialist reproduction, both in theory and in practice, is of great significance. Marxism believes that under the conditions of implementing the commodity system, the most important problem in reproduction is that what has been consumed in the production process needs to be compensated in value and in kind. In layman's terms, it is necessary to sell and buy; otherwise, it is impossible to continue reproduction. For example, the weaving process consumes cotton yarn, wears out the loom (that is, consumes materialized labor), and in addition, consumes the living labor of workers, which forms the value of commodities; in order for the weaving process to continue, it is necessary to Cloth is sold at its value, in terms of value compensation. At the same time, in order to continue the weaving process, it is necessary to buy the cotton yarn and loom that has been consumed, and to buy the consumption materials needed to maintain the reproduction of the labor force of the workers. This is said from the aspect of compensation in kind. When Marx analyzed the reproduction of capitalist society, in order to explain how the things that have been consumed within a year can be compensated in kind, he first divided social production into the first category of means of production (I) according to the different final uses of the material. and the second department (II), which produces and consumes means of production; the products of the first department are used for production and consumption, and the products of the second department are used for daily consumption. Then, in order to explain how the things that have been consumed are compensated in value, the social product is divided into three components according to the value form: constant capital (c), variable capital (v) and surplus value (m). The part of the value of the variable capital (c) should be used to compensate for the expenditure of the means of production, the part of the value that reflects the variable capital (v) should be used to compensate for the expenditure of wages, and the part of the value that reflects the surplus value (m) is appropriated by the capitalist , part of which is used for capitalist personal consumption and the other part for capitalist accumulation, expanding reproduction and expanding the exploitation of workers. According to Marx's theory, the two different divisions of social products according to the physical form and the value form can be expressed as follows: The value of the means of production produced in the first year is: Ⅰ(c+v+m) In order not to complicate the problem to be analysed, it is assumed here that the entire constant capital is consumed within a year and that its value is entirely transferred to the product of that year.; The value of the means of production produced in the second year is: II (c+v+m). For social reproduction to be able to continue, since the things consumed in production must be compensated in both physical and value forms, it is necessary to exchange after production. The exchange of social products is carried out in the following three ways: First, the first department products are exchanged among the various departments within the first department. For example, the fuel industry sector supplies coal and oil to the machine building sector, which supplies machinery and equipment to the fuel industry sector, and so on. Second, the products of the second department are exchanged among the various departments within the second department. For example, the grain grown by the peasants is supplied to the workers of the weaving mill, and the cloth woven by the workers of the weaving mill is supplied to the farmers, and so on. Finally, the products of the first and second departments are exchanged between the two departments. For example, the various agricultural machines produced by the machinery manufacturing sector are supplied to the agricultural sector to compensate for losses or to expand reproduction; while the grain, pigs, vegetables and other products produced by the agricultural sector are supplied to the employees of the machinery manufacturing sector for consumption, and so on. Through the above three exchanges, the relationship between the two major departments of social production may appear in the following two different situations: In the first case, the production of means of production is more or less, just to compensate for the means of production that have been consumed. E.g: Ⅰ ( 4000c + 1000v + 1000m ) = 6000 Ⅱ ( 2000c + 500v + 500m ) = 3000 Here, the relationship between the two departments is expressed by a formula, that is: Ⅰ(c+v+m)=Ⅰc+Ⅱc This formula shows that the left-hand side of the equation represents how much means of production the first department can provide, and the right-hand side of the equation represents how many means of production the two major departments consume in total. These two numbers are equal, indicating that the production process can continue on the original scale, or we have a condition for simple reproduction. If we remove an I from both ends of the above equation, it becomes a simpler formula like this: I(v + m) = IIc Here, the left-hand side of the equation means that the first department has surplus means of production that can be sold to the second department in addition to meeting its own needs; the right-hand side of the equation means that the second department has surplus consumer goods in addition to meeting its own needs Can be sold to the first class for use. This equation I(v + m) = IIc reflects the exchange relationship between the first and second major divisions under the conditions of simple reproduction, and is another way of expressing the conditions of simple reproduction. In the second case, there is a surplus of the total output value of the means of production produced by society, in addition to the needs for the maintenance of simple reproduction by the enterprises of the first and second departments. E.g: Ⅰ ( 4000c + 1000v + 1000m ) = 6000 Ⅱ ( 1500c + 750v + 750m ) = 3000 Here, the relationship between the two departments is expressed by a formula, that is: I ( c + v + m ) > I c + II c , or Ⅰ(v + m) > Ⅱc This formula shows that there are already surplus means of production, which can be used for additional production and consumption. In this way, the preconditions for expanding reproduction are met. Marx's two-fold division of social products into physical form and value form, as well as the formula for reproduction, are equally valid for the analysis of socialist reproduction. After the October Revolution, Bukharin put forward a fallacy that: with the elimination of commodities, the task of political economy ends. Lenin refuted : " '''No. Isn't there a relationship between I (v+m) and II c even in a purely communist society? '''" Lenin: "Review of Bukharin's "Economy in Transition", People's Publishing House, 1958, p. 3. Lenin mentioned I v + m here, which is I ( v + m ) in Marx's reproduction formula.Lenin believed that even in the advanced stage of communism, there was no commodity production, but still Social production must be divided into two major divisions, and the socially necessary labor expended in production (though no longer expressed as value at that time) must be divided into three parts c, v, and m, in order to plan and arrange the two divisions correctly. proportional relationship between classes. Therefore, Marx's reproduction formula is still applicable even in the advanced stage of communism. Since the commodity system is still practiced in a socialist society, this formula is still valid, let alone. However, socialist reproduction and capitalist reproduction have different properties and characteristics. In a socialist society, c in Marx's formula for reproduction used to represent constant capital, and now it is used to represent the compensation fund for means of production, and ⅴ used to represent variable capital, and now it is used to represent the newly created value of individuals controlled by workers and peasants Consumption fund; m originally represented the surplus value that was occupied by the capitalists for free, and now it is used to represent the part of the social net income that is under the control of the society and the collective in the newly created value. Socialist reproduction and capitalist reproduction follow different laws. Capitalist reproduction must encounter the antagonistic contradiction between capitalist private appropriation and the social nature of production, and expanded reproduction must be interrupted by periodic economic crises. When the crisis broke out, although the means of production were piled up like a mountain, and the conditions of I ( v + m ) > II c were fully met, the capitalists were unprofitable and refused to use them to expand reproduction, even simple reproduction. maintained, manifested as a decline in production. Socialist reproduction is based on socialist public ownership. The characteristic of socialist reproduction is uninterrupted and high-speed expanded reproduction. Socialist reproduction is governed by the basic economic laws of socialism and the law of planned and proportional development of the national economy. Under the socialist system, people began to consciously use Marx's reproduction formula to make planned arrangements for the development of the entire national economy. According to Marx's reproduction principle, simple reproduction is the starting point and part of expanded reproduction. Therefore, we must arrange for expanded reproduction on the basis of giving priority to satisfying the needs of simple reproduction. The planning department of a socialist country must first conduct surveys and statistics according to the requirements of the simple reproduction formula I ( c + v + m ) > I c + II c to calculate how much means of production the first department can produce. How many means of production will be consumed to maintain simple reproduction, and make a comparative analysis, so that the production and consumption of means of production can be roughly balanced; after such a balance, there are surplus means of production, indicating that the > I c + II c This condition of expanded reproduction can be used to arrange expanded reproduction. The amount of excess production means there is a relative limit for how large-scale expanded reproduction can be arranged. If within this limit, we do not make full use of the available materials and potential to plan and arrange for expanded reproduction, then the speed of national economic development that could have been achieved will not be achieved. On the contrary, if we go beyond this limit and disregard the needs of simple reproduction first, and pursue expanded reproduction, then we will occupy the means of production that were originally intended for simple reproduction, thus detrimental to the progress of simple reproduction. For example, accessories are generally intended for simple reproduction. A certain part of a machine is worn out and needs to be compensated by new parts in order to continue simple reproduction. However, if the production value is in command and the profit is in command, it is considered that the production value of the production parts is low and labor-intensive, and they do not produce those parts that are used to maintain simple reproduction. Then, after the parts are damaged, they cannot be recharged, and the main engine cannot be started. Sleeping there is a waste of social wealth. For another example, if the above-mentioned limit is exceeded, the expansion of reproduction is arranged, and the front line of capital construction is stretched, then the supply of means of production will be in short supply, and projects that could have been completed and put into production in a short period of time will fail due to the lack of means of production. Can not be completed and put into production in time. This is unfavorable for the planned expansion of reproduction on the basis of ensuring simple reproduction. Marx's theory on the two major departments of social production is a high degree of generalization in theory and has great guiding significance for practice. We need to organize and expand reproduction, and it is not enough to have monetary funds alone, but also to have corresponding material guarantees. Expanded reproduction requires additional means of production. Where can the means of production be obtained? In some cases of expanding reproduction, it is necessary to appropriately increase some workers, and where will the increased consumption materials come from? All of these are issues that must be studied and resolved in the formulation and implementation of plans. ==== {{anchor|header-n9006}} {{anchor|Toc83471847}} The law of rapid growth in the production of means of production ==== In the process of expanded reproduction, the growth of the first department is usually faster than that of the second department, and there is an objective law that the production of the means of production grows faster (or is called the priority of the production of the means of production). The law of rapid growth in the production of means of production works both in capitalist society and in socialist society.
In the thirty-two years from 1868 to 1900, the production of means of production in the United States increased by 2.4 times, while the production of means of consumption increased by only 1.9 times. In the twenty-nine years from 1900 to 1929, the means of production in the United States increased by 1.3 times, while the production of means of consumption increased by only 60%. In the one hundred and thirty-two years from 1781 to 1913, the production of the British means of production industry grew by an average of 3.4% per year, while the average annual growth of the consumer goods industry was only 2.4%.
During the various periods of socialist construction in the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin, there was also a trend of rapid growth in the production of means of production: from 1929 to 1932, the average annual growth rates of industrial means of production and consumption were 28.6% and 11.7% respectively; 1933 19% and 14.8% respectively from 1938 to 1937; 15.3% and 10% respectively from 1938 to 1940; 7.4% and 2.1% respectively from 1941 to 1950.
In the process of socialist construction in our country, the rapid growth in the production of means of production is even more remarkable. During the ten years from 1949 to 1959, my country's total industrial output value increased by 10.8 times, of which the production of means of production increased by 26.1 times.
Why must the production of means of production grow faster than the production of means of consumption? This is the inevitable result of increasing labor productivity due to technological progress, pushing more and more means of production with the same amount of living labor. Marx said: '''"The increase in the productivity of labor consists precisely in the fact that the share of living labor decreases, and the share of past labor increases, but the result is that the total amount of labor contained in the commodity decreases; therefore, the living labor reduced is greater than the past labor added." '''Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 290.This passage of Marx has actually explained the inevitability of rapid growth in the production of means of production, because with the advancement of technology and the increase in labor productivity, although the living labor and the total amount of labor consumed to produce each unit of product are decreasing, The "past labor" that it consumes, that is, the means of production, is on the contrary. Thus, the production of means of production must grow faster than those produced by means of these means of production An example is shown in the following table: The labor cost per unit of product decreased from 100 in the first year to 80 in the fifth year, while the cost of production materials increased from 50 to 70, which is a typical phenomenon of labor productivity improvement. The physical quantity of grade (4) is also assumed, and its growth rate does not affect the problem to be explained here. Calculated according to the above figures, the output value has increased by 14 times (for simplicity, it is assumed that 1 unit of labor is condensed into 1 unit of value), while the consumption of production materials is required to increase by 3.2 times.. If the product to be produced is a consumer product, it means that the growth in the production of means of production is faster than the growth in the production of consumer goods. If the products to be produced are means of production, then the means of production used to make them must grow faster than those used to make consumer goods. There is an opinion that I(v + m) > Ⅱc This formula has already indicated that the rapid growth of the production of means of production is required. This is a misunderstanding: First, it confuses two different things. Although I(v + m) > IIc and the rapid growth of means of production both involve the relationship between the two major departments, they are not the same thing. The former shows that in order to expand reproduction, there must be surplus means of production after compensating for the means of production consumed by simple reproduction; the latter shows that the growth rate of means of production should be faster than that of means of consumption. . Second, these two different things are not necessarily related. To make I ( v + m ) change from being equal to II c to being greater than II c , a rapid development of the production of means of production is required, which is extremely obvious. However, if I ( v + m ) > II c Once the relationship has been established, in order to continue to satisfy such a condition for expanded reproduction, it is no longer required that the means of production must grow faster than the means of consumption. They can also develop at the same speed, as if one person has already run behind another. In the front, to continue to maintain this gap between the front and rear, it does not require the person in front to run faster. When Lenin talked about I ( v + m ) > II c, he clearly pointed out: from the expanded reproduction formula put forward by Marx in the twenty-first chapter of Volume II of Capital and the examples given, "it '''is impossible at all . draws the conclusion that the first division prevails over the second division, since the two divisions are here developed in parallel '''" "On the So-called Market Problem". {{anchor|OLELINK7}} {{anchor|OLELINK6}} The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 1, p. 69 .. Third, the basis of these two things is also different. I ( v + m ) > II c is There are two types of expanded reproduction: one is called "extended expanded reproduction", that is, expanded reproduction with the same technical level and increased production workers and production equipment. The other type is called "inclusive expanded reproduction", which is {{anchor|OLELINK5}} {{anchor|OLELINK4}} the expanded reproduction {{anchor|Bookmark2}} {{anchor|Bookmark1}} {{anchor|Bookmark}} realized by relying on technological progress to improve labor productivity . See Marx: Capital, Vol. 2. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 24, pp. 192 and 356.[[Image:图片 6.png|top]]a requirement for any kind of expanded reproduction; and the rapid growth of the production of means of production is determined only by the condition of technological progress. Marx's analysis of expanded reproduction in Volume II, Chapter 21 of Capital disregards the condition of technological progress; therefore, although the condition I ( v + m ) > II c must also be present there, But it does not raise the issue that the production of means of production grows faster than the production of means of consumption. To confuse I ( v + m ) > II c with the rapid growth of the production of means of production is wrong in theory and detrimental in practice. Because, if I ( v + m ) > II c is considered to satisfy the requirement of rapid growth in the production of means of production, and use this as a basis for making plans and arranging production, the result will be able to achieve expanded reproduction, but not. Satisfying the additional demand for means of production caused by technological progress will hinder technological progress and the improvement of labor productivity, and will not guarantee the high speed of socialist expanded reproduction. Lenin made an extremely profound exposition on the meaning of the law of the faster growth of the means of production: '''"The whole significance and function of the law of the fastest growth of the means of production is that machine labor replaces manual labor (generally refers to the era of machine industry). Technological progress) requires the intensified development of the production of coal, iron, which are the real means of production." "The more technology develops, the more manual labor is displaced and replaced by many more and more complex machines, that is, machines and manufacturing The necessities of machinery are occupying an ever-increasing position in the total production of the country." '''"On the So-called Market Problem". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 1, p. 88.That is to say, in order to realize the expansion of reproduction under the condition of continuous technological progress, it is necessary to vigorously develop the production of means of production, especially to speed up the development of elephant coal. , the production of means of production, such as iron, which are used to make means of production. Therefore, the battle of the mines is of great significance. Only by fighting the battle of the mines can the furnace be full and more iron and steel can be produced; the rolling equipment can be fully utilized, and various steel villages can be rolled out. Only then can all kinds of machine tools be processed, and more and better machinery and equipment can be produced to replace manual labor and update outdated machinery and equipment, so as to greatly improve labor productivity and greatly accelerate the pace of socialist construction. The law of rapid growth in the production of means of production works in socialist society and has its own characteristics. In a capitalist society, capitalists have to adopt new technologies only for the purpose of exploiting workers, in order to defeat their opponents in fierce competition and to pursue maximum profits. There, the law of faster growth in the production of means of production acts as an alien force. When the economic crisis comes, factories close down or are forced to reduce production, and the production of means of production is often "prioritized" to reduce production. Under the socialist system, the law of faster growth in the production of means of production comes into play and has a wider field than under the capitalist system. There are no economic crises in socialist countries. The working people of socialist countries are the masters of society and enterprises. In order to completely defeat capitalism and accelerate socialist construction, they attach great importance to technological progress and the improvement of labor productivity. Although there are social forces such as the bourgeoisie and the old habitual forces that hinder technological progress, through the struggle and victory of the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people against them, the socialist country can consciously recognize and utilize the rapidly growing means of production. In order to ensure the rapid growth of the production of means of production, the proportional relationship between the two major departments of social production should be arranged in a planned way. ==== {{anchor|header-n9021}} {{anchor|Toc83471848}} The growth in the production of means of production cannot be separated from the growth in the production of means of consumption ==== When a socialist country formulates a national economic plan, it must take into account the objective requirements of the law of rapid growth in the production of means of production. However, this does not mean that the first department that produces means of production can be exempted from the second department that produces means of consumption. The system can be developed in isolation from the second department. First, from the perspective of the means of production, the rapid growth of the first department cannot be separated from the corresponding development of the second department. In the process of social reproduction, although a considerable part of the means of production are not directly used to produce consumer goods, but are used within the first department, for example, coal enterprises supply coal to iron and steel enterprises, which supply steel to machinery manufacturing industry, which in turn supplies machinery to coal and steel companies, and so on. To the extent that products are exchanged within the first department, the development of the first department is indeed relatively independent; that is, even without an increase in personal consumption, the corresponding development of the second department without the production of means of consumption Departments can also achieve expanded reproduction within a certain limit. But the means of production are not produced for themselves after all. The production of means of production, in the final analysis, is used to produce means of consumption. If there is no corresponding development of the second department, the products of the first department will have no market in the end, and it will be impossible to continue to develop further. From the perspective of the demand for consumer materials, it can also be seen that the rapid growth of the first department cannot be separated from the corresponding development of the second department. For the development of the first department requires not only an increase in the means of production, but also an increase in the number of workers and an increase in the means of consumption. One aspect required by the basic economic laws of socialism is to gradually improve the material and cultural life of the masses on the basis of the continuous development of production. Even if the number of workers in the first department is not increased, additional means of consumption are required. The gradual improvement of the living conditions of the vast number of workers and peasants engaged in production in the second department also imposes new demands on the means of consumption. All of these must be solved by the development of the second department. There is a relationship of mutual opposition, interdependence and mutual promotion between the two major departments of social production. Correctly handling this relationship plays an important role in the high-speed and healthy development of social production. However, only in a socialist society is there such a realistic possibility to correctly combine the two aspects of the relatively rapid growth of the production of means of production and the corresponding development of the production of means of consumption, so as to promote the healthy development of expanded reproduction.
In imperialist countries, due to the monopoly bourgeoisie grabbing high profits and pursuing world hegemony, the arms industry has expanded viciously. The production of arms itself, such as the production of cannons, tanks, etc., does not provide means of production and does not belong to the first category; at the same time, it does not provide consumer goods, but provides military materials for war consumption, so it constitutes a second category. a special department. As a result of the vicious expansion of the arms industry, the relationship between the two major departments is complicated, social production develops abnormally, and the speed of production development will inevitably decline. On the other hand, the Soviet revisionist social-imperialism ramped up its armaments from 1956 to 1975. The proportion of military expenditure in national income was 13% in 1960, 17% in 1970, and 20% in 1975, more than the second time. Fascist Germany and Japan before World War II , and the United States during the Vietnam War after World War II (their military spending at that time also did not exceed 12% of national income). As a result of the Soviet revisionist social-imperialism's aggressive expansion of arms and preparations for war, agricultural investment was crowded out; while the main part of industrial investment was used in sectors related to arms production, and less than 15% of industrial investment was used in the production of consumer goods. It has caused serious damage to the expansion of reproduction, and the growth rate of industrial and agricultural output value is getting lower and lower. The growth rates of national income, industrial output value, and agricultural output value stipulated in the ninth five-year (1971-1975) plan of the Soviet revisionists dropped by 36% and 28%, respectively, compared with the sixth five-year (1956-1960) plan. and 69%. In the eleven years from 1965 to 1975, agricultural production decreased in seven years. The industrial and agricultural production of the Soviet revisionists was a mess, mainly the result of the restoration of capitalism, and the vicious expansion of the arms industry accelerated this process of deterioration.
Social production is divided into two major categories: production of means of production and consumption of means of consumption. This is a theoretical generalization, while actual production is divided and organized according to agriculture, light industry and heavy industry. What is the relationship between agriculture, light and heavy and the two major departments of social production? Agriculture, light, and heavy are divided according to the different characteristics of each material production department in terms of labor objects and production methods, while the two major departments of social production are divided according to the different final uses of the products. There are differences between them. There is also a close relationship, because although agriculture and light industry also provide some means of production, such as cash crops, industrial paper and industrial cloth, they mainly provide consumption materials. Heavy industry also provides some consumption materials, such as domestic coal, domestic electricity, etc., but it mainly provides production materials. Therefore, arranging the proportional relationship between agriculture, light and heavy can not only take care of the extremely complex proportional relationship between different production departments, but also basically reflect the requirements of the proportional relationship between the two major departments of social production. In accordance with the requirements of the law of rapid growth in the production of means of production, it is necessary to arrange more funds and materials to invest in the development of heavy industry. Because the latter does not mean that the allocation of funds and materials should make agriculture and light industry account for the largest proportion, but only that the arrangement of funds and materials should first ensure the needs of agriculture and light industry, and then arrange according to the possible development of agriculture and light industry. heavy industry. However, since heavy industry is mainly a sector that manufactures means of production, it is bound to develop rapidly. Therefore, as a result of this arrangement, the proportion of heavy industry in the allocation of funds and materials will still exceed that of agriculture and light industry based on production means. Growth is inseparable from the principle of growth in the production of means of consumption, which requires the planning of the national economy in the order of agriculture, light industry, and heavy industry. Whether to engage in agriculture, light, heavy, or heavy, light, and agriculture is a major principle issue related to whether the relationship between the two major departments of social production can be correctly handled. If we focus on heavy, light and agricultural, the planning and arrangement of heavy industry will lose its basis, and the development of the first department of social production will easily be separated from the second department, and thus will inevitably be hindered or even destroyed. Agriculture and the importance of agriculture are different. If agriculture and light industry are arranged first, and then heavy industry, the development of the first category of social production will have a solid foundation, and the entire social production will have favorable conditions for rapid development. " '''Our country's economic construction is centered on heavy industry. This must be affirmed. But at the same time, full attention must be paid to the development of agriculture and light industry. '''" "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 496.Chairman Mao's teaching correctly reflects the rapid growth in the production of means of production, which is the same as that in the production of means of consumption. The objective requirement that these two aspects must be combined with each other in the corresponding development provides the most basic content for the comprehensive balance of the national economic plan, making the general theory of Marxist reproduction a realistic guideline for China's socialist construction. This is the concrete application and major development of the Marxist reproduction theory. === {{anchor|header-n9032}} {{anchor|Toc83471849}} Section 2 Accumulation is the Source of Expanded Reproduction === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471850}} {{anchor|header-n9033}} The unity of opposites between accumulation funds and consumption funds ==== The previous chapter has already studied the distribution and redistribution of national income, and finally it will be attributed to the two different uses of accumulation funds and consumption funds. This distribution relationship of national income is directly related to the expansion of socialist reproduction and the improvement of people's living standards, and it is an issue that we will focus on studying here. In a socialist society, there is a relationship that is both antagonistic and unified between accumulation funds and consumption funds. The former is mainly used to expand reproduction, and the latter is mainly used to improve people's lives, both of which are necessary and indispensable. However, in a period of time, national income is a fixed amount. If more is used for accumulation, it can only be used for consumption less. The reverse is also true. There is a contradiction between them. But from a long-term point of view, the situation is different, because accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction. The more accumulation, that is, the more funds used to expand reproduction, the faster the national economy can develop, which will help improve the people in the future. life, improve the level of consumption, and create material conditions. Therefore, there is a unity between accumulation and consumption. In a capitalist society, accumulation is the accumulation of capital, a means used by capitalists to further exploit the proletariat. The contradiction between capitalist accumulation and the consumption of the broad masses of working people is antagonistic. In a socialist society, accumulation is used by socialist countries and collectives to carry out socialist construction, strengthen the economic foundation of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and serve the interests of the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people. The contradiction between socialist accumulation and consumption belongs to national interests, collective interests and individual interests, and the contradiction between long-term interests and current interests is a non-antagonistic contradiction based on the unity of fundamental interests. The contradictions of socialist accumulation and consumption, although non-antagonistic ones, cannot be considered insignificant. In the entire national economy, the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption is one of the most important proportional relationships. Proper handling of this proportional relationship is conducive to promoting the rapid and steady development of the entire national economy. If handled improperly, it may bring adverse consequences to the development of the entire national economy. ==== {{anchor|header-n9038}} {{anchor|Toc83471851}} The relationship between the determination of accumulation fund and the two major departments of social production ==== What is the appropriate ratio of accumulation and consumption? Is there a minimum and maximum limit for the determination of accumulation funds? How is it related to the two major departments of social production? What's the regularity in it? The research on these issues has great theoretical and practical significance. In the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, the increase of accumulation must be combined with the appropriate improvement of people's life; and the improvement of people's life can only be established on the basis of the continuous expansion of social production and the improvement of labor productivity. That is to say, it is necessary to take into account both the needs and the possibility; it is necessary to consider the improvement of people's lives, but also to ensure the high-speed development of the national economy; and the construction of the country and the development of social production are the prerequisites for improving people's lives condition. In order to further explore the regularity of the relationship between accumulation and consumption, let us first analyze the minimum and maximum limits of consumption funds and accumulation funds. Under normal circumstances, the part of national income used for consumption must ensure that during the planned period, taking into account population growth, the consumption level calculated on the average of the population is not lower than the previous period. This is the minimum limit for consumer funds. After deducting the consumption fund of this minimum limit from the national income, what remains is the part that can be used for accumulation, thus setting a maximum limit for the accumulation fund. In addition, the accumulation fund also has its own minimum limit. In general, this minimum limit is to maintain the accumulation that has been reached in the previous period. If the accumulation is less than this, not only will the speed of socialist production development slow down, but some of the capital construction projects that have been started in the previous period will not be able to continue to be constructed and put into production; and it will have a certain impact on the reserve material reserves. It is not conducive to the implementation of the policy of " '''preparing for war, preparing for famine, and serving the people ". '''Except for special circumstances such as wars against aggression or encounters with extraordinary natural disasters or serious interference by wrong routes, generally there will not be a situation where the accumulation amount is less than that which has been achieved in the previous period What is the minimum limit for accumulation funds, which is not as easy to determine as the minimum limit for consumption funds, this question can be further studied.. Once the minimum limit for accumulation funds is determined, the upper limit for consumption funds is determined. The above minimum and maximum limits provide a range of choices for the determination of accumulation funds. In general, we cannot go beyond this range. The faster the speed of production development, the greater the growth rate of national income, and the larger the range specified by the maximum and minimum limits. Then, we choose how much to accumulate funds, and thus the greater the room for manoeuvre in the consumption of funds. How much, within the above range, can we decide subjectively? Neither can. The distribution is determined by production; how the national income is distributed into the accumulation fund and the consumption fund is, in the final analysis, restricted by the proportional relationship between the two major departments of social production. This is because the main part of the accumulated funds is used for capital construction and the expansion of social reproduction. In addition to the need for additional means of consumption, it is mainly necessary to have additional means of production as a guarantee. Accumulation funds without corresponding material guarantees are empty and cannot be cashed. Likewise, the consumption fund is used to purchase consumption materials, and it must be guaranteed by the corresponding supply of consumption materials. When talking about the formation of the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption in capitalist society, Marx once pointed out: '''"This movement is not only value compensation, but also material compensation, so it is constrained by the ratio of the value components of social products to each other. , but also subject to their use value, their material form." '''Marx, Capital, Vol. 2, Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 24, pp. 437-438.This principle of Marx also applies to socialist society. Chairman Mao taught: '''"Our country makes an economic plan once a year to arrange an appropriate ratio of accumulation and consumption to achieve a balance between production and demand." The balance '''"On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, pp. 463-464.Chairman Mao said here refers to the arrangement of accumulation and consumption. There is a corresponding material guarantee, which means that the production of production materials and consumption materials must be in balance with the needs. It can be seen that it seems relatively easy to stipulate the amount of accumulation fund and consumption fund in terms of value, but in order for this kind of regulation to become an effective regulation in real life, there must be corresponding materials to guarantee it, and it must be subject to the two major departments of existing social production. Class composition ratio constraints. The proportion of the two major departments of social production plays a decisive role in the formation of the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, but this does not mean that we can use a ready-made simple mathematical formula to mechanically specify a percentage for accumulation and consumption . Because in terms of the objective possibilities provided by material conditions, there is room for expansion and contraction, and some products can be used as means of consumption or means of production. At the same time, due to different periods and different political and economic tasks to be completed, the amount of accumulation and consumption is also variable. The principle of correct handling of these relations is to combine objective possibility with subjective initiative, combine national interests, collective interests and individual interests, long-term interests and current interests as perfectly as possible, and on the basis of national income growth, make accumulation Taking into account the overall planning and consumption, it can grow. On the one hand, the growth of accumulation must be placed on a reliable basis for the gradual improvement of people's lives; on the other hand, the improvement of people's lives should never hinder the due growth of accumulation, and the emphasis should be placed on the long-term interests of the people. Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction. In order to build the overall interests and long-term interests of socialism, we should emphasize: hard work, increasing production and economy, diligent and thrifty building the country, diligent and thrifty management of the family, and properly accumulating more. The percentage of accumulated funds in national income is called the accumulation rate. The socialist rate of accumulation not only should, but is quite possible, to remain higher than the rate of accumulation under capitalism. This is because the socialist society has eliminated the economic crisis, the productivity of labor can be continuously increased, the means of production and labor can be reasonably utilized, and parasitic consumption has been denied, etc., so that under the conditions of gradually improving people's lives, it can often maintain a relatively high level of living. high accumulation rate. This is a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system. On the distribution of accumulation funds and consumption funds, there has always been a struggle between Marxism and opportunism. For more than 100 years, the opportunist Lassalle and the reactionary petty-bourgeois socialists such as Dühring, who were hidden in the German labor movement, advocated that in the new society of the future, the national income should be divided, no accumulation should be left, and labor should be left behind. Those who obtained the so-called "uncompromised income from labor" or "all income from labor" tried to use bourgeois welfareism to lead the proletarian revolution to the wrong path of reformism. Marx and Engels ruthlessly exposed and criticized this opportunistic fallacy. Engels pointedly pointed out that in Dühring's "common society", " '''accumulation is completely forgotten. To make matters worse: since accumulation is a social necessity, and the preservation of money is an appropriate form of accumulation, the organization of the economic commune It directly requires the members to carry out private accumulation, thus leading to its own collapse. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 340.Dühring's '''"common society", "has no other purpose than to regenerate financial giants '''Ibid., p. 344.. " Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and the like are in the same vein as Lassalle and Dühring, and they openly clamored that what socialism means is to "share a little more", "take a little more", and use wishes such as "annual increase in wages" to deceive people's hearts and viciously attack them. What socialist accumulation is "exploitation in disguise". They oppose socialist accumulation and Chairman Mao's policy of practising economy, opposing waste, striving hard, and building the country with diligence and thrift. On the one hand, their purpose is to deceive the masses and cultivate society for their own restoration activities. The foundation, on the other hand, is the delusional attempt to undermine socialist construction by splitting, eating, and exhausting. This is actually to replace the public accumulation of society with private accumulation, opening the way for the disintegration of socialist ownership and the restoration of capitalism. ==== {{anchor|header-n9053}} {{anchor|Toc83471852}} Internal composition of accumulation funds ==== Accumulation is the source of expanded reproduction, but how the accumulation fund is used has a very different effect on expanded reproduction. The accumulation fund can be divided into three parts: the expansion and reproduction fund, the non-productive capital construction fund and the social reserve fund. How to understand the regularity of the internal proportional relationship of the accumulation fund and how to rationally organize the use of the accumulation fund is an important issue related to the combination of the long-term interests of the people and the immediate interests, and whether it is possible to build socialism quickly, efficiently, and economically. There is a certain proportional relationship between the expanded reproduction fund and the non-productive capital construction fund. The non-productive capital construction should not occupy the accumulated fund too much. If the occupation is too much, the funds for expanding reproduction will be reduced, which is not in line with the long-term interests of national construction. In particular, non-productive capital construction such as office buildings, auditoriums, exhibition halls, and guest houses should not occupy more funds for national construction. However, some non-productive infrastructure is indispensable because it is closely related to the living or working conditions of the people. For example, in a new industrial base or an old city with a large increase in the number of workers, there is a need to build worker dormitories, vegetable farms, shops, and other cultural and welfare facilities accordingly. The relationship between productive and non-productive infrastructure, like the relationship between bone and meat, needs to be handled correctly. Although the proportion of the social reserve fund in the accumulated fund is not large, its existence is necessary. Because, although the development of the socialist national economy is planned, unbalanced phenomena will always appear. In the process of reproduction, fixed assets such as machinery and equipment will be gradually worn out, and the depreciation funds set up for the renewal of fixed assets will gradually accumulate; however, the replacement and renewal of fixed assets will take many years. It may cause an imbalance between the supply of fixed asset depreciation funds in each year and the needs of the current year. In addition, attacks such as natural disasters, unexpected disconnects between various sectors, and sudden changes in international relations, etc., may cause imbalances in the development of the national economy. In order to overcome these unavoidable imbalances, in order to prepare for wars, famines, and for the people, it is necessary to have social reserves, such as reserves of important equipment, raw materials, fuels and other means of production, and reserves of food and other major daily consumer goods and other consumer materials, so that It is used under extraordinary circumstances to ensure the smooth progress of social reproduction. In order to explain the important role of material reserve, Marx once described this reserve as '''"society's control of various material materials necessary for its own reproduction" '''Marx: Capital, Vol. 2. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 24, p. 527.. In order to organize proportional production, a socialist society must establish a certain material reserve in a planned way to adjust the contradiction that materials are sometimes surplus and sometimes insufficient. Therefore, keeping a certain social reserve is conducive to the planned and proportional high-speed development of the national economy. However, the increase in the reserve means a corresponding reduction in the materials used for the current expansion of reproduction; too much reserve will form a backlog of funds and materials, which will affect the speed of expanded reproduction. Therefore, we must proceed from the objective situation, formulate reasonable quotas for various material reserves, and deal with them correctly. Within the expanded reproduction fund, there can also be a variety of different structures. There are rules to follow in the proportion of the investment of the expanded reproduction fund in agriculture, light industry and heavy industry, and in large, medium and small enterprises. First of all, we must follow the law that agriculture is the foundation and industry is the dominant, and correctly handle the proportional relationship between agriculture, light industry and heavy industry. Secondly, no matter in the choice of investment projects or the size of enterprises, there is also a question of investment effect. Marx pointed out: '''"Some enterprises take away labor force and means of production for a longer period of time, without providing any useful product during this time; while other branches of production not only take labor force and means of production continuously or several times a year. On the basis of socially owned production, the scale of the former must be determined so as not to harm the latter.” '''Marx: Capital, Vol. 2. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 24, pp. 396-397.This passage of Marx tells us that a longer period of time is required. If there are too many construction projects, it is just like the capital construction front is too long, the investment is too scattered, or the delay and delay caused by the incompatibility of construction projects cannot be put into production. High-speed development of expanded reproduction. Modern large-scale heavy industrial enterprises are the backbone of socialist industrialization and must be established. However, in general, they have more investment, longer construction period, and slower investment effect. That is, they take labor and means of production for a longer period of time without providing any useful product for that period of time. Therefore, although the main part of capital construction investment should be invested in the heavy industry sector, the construction of large-scale heavy industry enterprises should also be appropriate and not excessive. Correctly arranging the various proportional relationships within the investment in productive capital construction, and paying attention to giving full play to the effect of investment, is very important for building socialism in a faster, better, and more economical way. === {{anchor|header-n9061}} {{anchor|Toc83471853}} Section 3 General Laws of Socialist Accumulation === The essence of socialist accumulation and capitalist accumulation are different and have fundamentally different regularities. Capitalist accumulation is a product of capitalist private ownership. The process of capital accumulation is the process of producing surplus value and transforming it into capital. It is the process in which capitalists get rich and at the same time continue to produce relative overpopulation, impoverishing hundreds of millions of working people. Therefore, the expanded reproduction that accompanies the accumulation of capital is not only the expanded reproduction of social products, but also the expanded reproduction of capitalist production relations Marx made a very incisive exposition on the reproduction of capitalist production relations. When criticizing Proudhon, he said: " '''Mr. Proudhon, the economist, is very clear that people make woolen, linen and silk within a certain range of production relations. But he does not understand that these certain social relations are different from linen, linen and silk. Flax and the like are also produced by people. '''" ("The Metaphysics of Political Economy". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 108) Marx also pointed out: " '''Connecting the capitalist production process Considered, or considered as a reproduction process, it produces not only commodities, not only surplus value, but also the capital relation itself: capitalists on the one hand, wage workers on the other. '''” (Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 634). In a capitalist society, relative overpopulation is inevitable, because with the accumulation of capital and the expansion of production scale, labor productivity is increasing day by day, and more and more means of production must be driven by less labor in the production process. This process is manifested in the fact that the organic composition of capital is getting higher and higher, and the variable capital is getting smaller and smaller relative to the constant capital (c/v), so that the demand for labor is relatively reduced compared with the total capital. . As a result, it will inevitably lead to a relative overpopulation and unemployment of workers. '''"While the working population itself produces the accumulation of capital, it also produces, on an ever-increasing scale, the means by which it becomes a relatively surplus population. This is the law of population peculiar to the capitalist mode of production '''. " Marxists believe that in human society, abstract population laws do not exist. '''"Abstract population laws exist only in the animal and plant kingdoms that have not been interfered with in history."'''Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 692. These two passages of Marx are a profound criticism of Malthus's theory of population. Malthus described the unique population law of capitalism as an abstract population law, an absolute natural law, which has nothing to do with the social system, and its purpose is to cover up the evils of the capitalist system and oppose the proletarian revolution. The result of capitalist accumulation must be: at one extreme the enormous accumulation of the private wealth of the bourgeoisie, at the other extreme the accumulation of poverty of the proletariat and the working people. As Marx revealed: " '''The greater the wealth of society, that is, the capital performing its functions, the greater the scale and capacity of its growth, and thus the greater the absolute number of the proletariat and the productivity of their labour, and the greater the industrial reserve army. . . . but the larger the reserve army, the greater the standing surplus population, compared to the active labor force, whose poverty is inversely proportional to the torment of their labor.''' Original Translator's Note: In the French version, which was edited by Marx himself, it reads: "in proportion.". '''Finally, the larger the poor strata of the working class and the industrial reserve army, the more the poor are officially deemed in need of relief. This is the absolute, general law of capitalist accumulation. '''"Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 707.
In the capitalist world, even in times of economic prosperity, there is often a relative overpopulation, with the unemployed often accounting for around 4 percent of the workforce. Once the economic crisis broke out, the proportion was even higher. According to the official announcement of the United States, the unemployment rate for the whole year of 1975 was 85%, and the number of unemployed people reached 7.8 million by the end of the year. If you add the semi-unemployed and the unemployed who have now given up hope of finding work due to long-term unemployment, the total number of unemployed persons is 15 million, the actual unemployment rate is 15%, and the black unemployment rate is 15%. up to 26%. In other capitalist countries, young workers and women workers are hardest hit by unemployment. For example, of the 700,000 unemployed in Italy, 450,000 are young people looking for a job for the first time. Among the unemployed in Belgium, there are more than twice as many female workers as male workers.
The polarization of rich and poor is the inevitable companion of capitalist accumulation. According to the August 5, 1972 issue of Business Weekly, citing materials from the University of Michigan Research Center, in 1970 the richest 5% of families in the United States accounted for more than 40% of the nation's social wealth; % of the family, only about 3% of the national social wealth. According to the New York Times Magazine on November 5, 1972, citing a 1970 survey of fifty-one urban areas published by the National Census Bureau, more than 60 percent of all workers in these surveyed areas could not earn enough money, to maintain a decent standard of living for their families; 30% do not even get a poverty-level income.
The general law of capitalist accumulation is also increasingly at work in Soviet revisionist social-imperialism. The Soviet revisionist bureaucratic monopoly bourgeoisie manipulated the lifeline of the national economy, using a large part of the national income created by the working people to expand armaments and prepare for war, and to accumulate capital in order to capture more surplus value. As a result, a handful of bureaucratic monopoly capitalists are getting richer and richer, and the vast majority of working people are suffering from the threat of unemployment, and their lives are becoming increasingly poor.
According to the Soviet revisionist newspaper, in the Soviet Union, "there is a surplus of labor force in some areas" and "the employment of residents has become a problem." To this end, so-called "employment agencies" have been widely set up in various places. The business is very busy, and thousands of job seekers are "in an endless stream". From 1969 to 1974, millions of job seekers came to the door of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan alone.
There are many "economically disadvantaged families" in the Soviet Union today. Su Xiu's "Socialist Labor" magazine explained that the so-called families in financial difficulties are families whose average income is lower than the level necessary to "guarantee a minimum standard of material living". TASS confessed in a message in November 1974 that such "economically disadvantaged families" "involved 25 million people". The reality is of course much more serious. According to calculations in Soviet revisionist newspapers, in Soviet cities, such "economically disadvantaged families" accounted for about 20% of the urban population. In the Soviet collective farms, the part of the field laborers who use animal power and manual labor also belongs to this "economically difficult family", and this part alone accounts for more than 50% of the total number of farmers.
Contrary to capitalist accumulation, socialist accumulation is based on socialist public ownership and is subject to the requirements of the basic socialist economic laws. The increase of socialist accumulation is not only manifested in the enormous growth of social public wealth and the increasing social productivity, but also these accumulated social wealth and increasing social productivity belong to the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people and are used for their welfare. benefit service. That is to say, the process of socialist accumulation is also a process of expanded reproduction of socialist production relations. In a socialist society, as accumulation increases and production expands, labor productivity will also increase day by day. That is to say, in the production process, more and more means of production will be driven by less labor. This process proceeds faster than under capitalism. This is due to the fact that the process of socialist accumulation follows completely different laws. The accumulation process of socialism will not produce relative overpopulation and will not bring about unemployment. Marxism believes that among all things in the world, human beings are the most valuable. The establishment of socialist public ownership provides a realistic possibility to use labor force in a planned way, create wealth for the society, and benefit all working people. In a socialist society, family planning is encouraged not because there is a relative overpopulation, but because it is conducive to the planned development of socialist revolution and socialist construction, the planned arrangement of people's lives, and the proper protection of mothers and children. healthy. With the increase of socialist accumulation and the expansion of production, with the improvement of labor productivity, part of the labor force will become redundant in the original production process, but this part of the labor force will not be the same as in capitalist society. become relative overpopulation. This is because, '''"Socialism not only liberates laborers and means of production from the old society, but also liberates the vast natural world that the old society could not use. The masses of the people have unlimited creativity. The local and departmental forces of strength will advance to the depth and breadth of production, creating more and more welfare services for themselves.” '''Chairman Mao: "A Note on "Excess Labor Force Finds a Way Out". "The Socialist Upsurge in China's Rural Areas," Volume 2, p. 578.The experience of agricultural cooperation and agricultural mechanization in China shows that the surplus labor force has not become a surplus population because of this, on the contrary It provides abundant labor resources for the rural people's communes to engage in intensive farming and diversified operations, promote the development of agricultural production, and promote the improvement of farmers' lives.
There is a production team in Xuejiashe, with a small land and a large number of people, in Shanghai County, which provides us with an example that can illustrate the problem. This production team is very large, with a total of 166 households, 566 people, and 328 laborers, but the arable land is only 301 mu, with an average of only five cents per person. In 1974, there were 14 kinds of power machinery with 36 pieces; there were 113 pieces of non-power machinery. The degree of agricultural mechanization: machine farming is 95%, electric irrigation is 100% topdressing, watering, field transportation, rice and wheat threshing, grain and vegetable plant protection, and feed cutting or crushing, etc., basically realized mechanization or semi-mechanization. The realization of agricultural mechanization has not only reduced the labor intensity and changed the situation of "a pole is always on one's shoulders and bent over for thousands of years", but also liberated a large number of laborers. In 1974, a total of 37,000 labors were saved, which is equivalent to an extra labor force of 145 that year. If you add the 178 natural additions from 1965 to 1974, the total is 323 more. This team originally had a small number of people, and there was so much more labor force. Did it cause a labor surplus? No. Please see how well this army of laborers liberated under the socialist system has done a great job: they have pushed the extra labor force into the depth and breadth of production, added 156 laborers in agricultural production, and put food The production was changed from two crops to three crops. In 1974, the per-mu yield reached 2,190 catties. The multi-cropping index of vegetables increased from 3.5 times in 1965 to 4.5 times in 1974, and the yield per mu was as high as 157 dan. They also used the extra labor force to carry out various operations, and the labor force used in sideline production was 31 in 1970, and increased to 76 in 1974, and the total income from sideline production increased from 118,000 to 118,000. Diversified, increased to more than 273,700 yuan. The Xuejiashe production team achieved agricultural mechanization and increased labor productivity. Not only did it not bring about overpopulation, but it created favorable conditions for the depth and breadth of production. In 1974, the income level of its members reached an average of 540 per labor force. Five yuan, each person reached 336 yuan, an increase of 48% over 1965, while the collective property of the production team became larger and larger. In 1974, the public accumulation withheld 92,300 yuan, an increase of 2.24 times.
In the process of socialist accumulation, with the realization of agricultural mechanization and the improvement of agricultural labor productivity, there will eventually be some surplus labor in rural areas. In addition to entering the depth and breadth of agricultural production, this part of the labor force can also be transferred to industrial production. This is a long process of changing the agricultural population into an industrial population and a population that is also a worker and a farmer. This long process will be combined with changing the layout of the productive forces, so that industries will spread across urban and rural areas and bloom everywhere. In the Xuejiashe production team mentioned above, of the 323 extra labor force, in addition to 232 people who invested in agricultural and sideline industries, 91 people were transferred to support the industry of the commune and team. and other jobs, they remained in the countryside and small and medium cities, rather than concentrated in a few large cities as in capitalist society. The realization of agricultural mechanization and the development of commune and brigade industry will also promote the further improvement of rural productivity, thus making the economy at the commune and brigade levels even stronger. On this basis, the commune and the brigade will be able to produce and share, and the horizons of the commune members will be broadened. This creates conditions for the gradual increase in the degree of public ownership of the collective ownership of the socialist working masses, and for the final transition to socialist ownership by the whole people. Since the socialist accumulation process is a process of making socialist ownership grow and gradually improve, it also It is a process in which the essential differences between workers and peasants and between urban and rural areas are gradually reduced and eventually eliminated. Objectively, socialist accumulation is bound to be a process of gradually narrowing and eventually eliminating the essential difference between mental labor and manual labor and liberating workers in an all-round way. In the process of capitalist accumulation, '''"the overwork of one part of the working class forces another part of it to have nothing to do, and in turn, the inaction of one part of it forces another part of it to overwork " '''Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 698.. In the process of socialist accumulation, the increase of industrial and agricultural labor productivity will not only not force some people to engage in overwork and make others unemployed, but will also provide a possibility for all laborers to reduce labor intensity and improve conditions in the future. Appropriately shorten working hours when available. All laborers will therefore have more time to study culture, study politics, criticize the bourgeoisie, participate in various social activities and management work. At that time, laborers will achieve comprehensive development in moral education, intellectual education, sports, etc., and the basic difference between mental and physical labor will gradually disappear. With the development of socialist accumulation, it will not only lead to a huge development of social productive forces, but also will gradually change the nature of labor, and finally become '''"not just a means of earning a living, but itself the first need of life" '''Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 12.. In this way, in the distribution of personal consumer goods, two results will be brought about: one is that the grade difference in distribution according to work will gradually narrow; That is to say, the process of socialist accumulation will lead to the ever-increasing restriction of bourgeois legal rights and the eventual extinction, while the communist factor will develop more and more and eventually transform the socialist relations of production into communist relations of production. In short, the general laws of socialist accumulation are fundamentally different from those of capitalist accumulation. The more wealth accumulated in a socialist society, the greater the scale and capacity of social production development, the material and cultural living standards of the workers will be improved day by day, and the communist factors in the socialist production relations will gradually accumulate. To the communist society to create more and more material and spiritual conditions, this is the general law of socialist accumulation. This law shows that socialist accumulation is not only the expanded reproduction of social products, but also the expanded reproduction of socialist production relations, shows the inevitable connection between socialist accumulation and its social and economic consequences, and reveals that socialist society has developed to the point where The inevitable trend of communist society reflects the most essential things in socialist accumulation. However, due to the fact that the socialist relations of production and the productive forces are both compatible and contradictory, and bourgeois legal rights still exist to varying degrees in the three aspects of the relations of production, therefore, in the process of expanding the reproduction of the socialist relations of production Capitalist traditions or traces concentrated in the form of bourgeois rights will also be reproduced along with them. The bourgeoisie within the party will definitely take advantage of this capitalist tradition or trace to strengthen and expand it in every possible way, so that it will take the lead in the socialist production relations, so as to realize the restoration of capitalism. Therefore, if we think that socialist accumulation only increases social wealth, does not limit the bourgeois legal rights in it, does not promote the communist factor hidden in it, and does not actively organize the struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, then the social Capitalist accumulation may also be partially or even completely transformed into capitalist accumulation by the bourgeoisie within the party, that is, a partial or even complete restoration of capitalism. The general law of socialist accumulation is an objective law that does not depend on people's will, but this is by no means to say that social laws can function independently of people's struggles. On the contrary, the laws of socialist accumulation are essentially laws of class struggle. Only by insisting on the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and carrying the socialist revolution to the end in all stages and fields of revolutionary development can we conform to the laws of socialist accumulation and realize the transition to a communist society. The socialist revolution and socialist construction in our country have only lasted more than 20 years, and our country is still a developing socialist country. But the general law of socialist accumulation has played a powerful role in our country. Lin Biao , Deng Xiaoping and others have spread rumors and slandered us as "the country is rich and the people are poor", "we lack food and clothing", and "the present is not as good as it used to be". The myriad facts at work of the general laws of socialist accumulation ruthlessly smash their shameless slander.
Over the past 20 years, my country's capital construction investment has been huge and has grown rapidly. The total investment in capital construction in 1973 was more than twenty-seven times higher than the total investment in capital construction in 1950. Capital construction investment is the main form of realizing socialist accumulation, and its growth shows that my country's socialist accumulation and social wealth have developed tremendously. With the growth of socialist accumulation, socialist reproduction has also been greatly developed. In the twenty-five years since the founding of the People's Republic of China (1949-1974), although the population has increased by 60%, food has increased by 1.4 times, cotton has increased by 4.7 times, and various light industrial products have increased several times and dozens of times. times, and the growth rate of heavy industrial products is even greater. With the development of social production, the living standards of the working people have gradually improved. The average wage of Chinese workers in 1973 was nearly 40% higher than that in 1952, the last year of the national economic recovery period; during the same period, the total wage increased by more than four times. Unemployment left over from the old society was eliminated as early as 1958. From 1949 to 1973, the number of employees across the country increased by about six times; during the same period, the total retail sales of consumer goods in my country increased by 5.7 times; The number of health care beds has increased by more than seventeen times.
History is the best witness. Over the past 20 years, my country has made great progress in socialist construction and social accumulation, and has built itself into a great socialist country that is initially prosperous and prosperous. Life has improved accordingly. Hundreds of millions of people have long since been liberated from the predicament of hunger and cold in old China. Now they not only generally have jobs to do, study, and food and clothing, but are also masters of the country, with high revolutionary spirit, fighting for the realization of the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in the three major revolutionary movements. middle. In today's new China, there are indeed some people who are "poor" than in the past, and that is a handful of landlords and bourgeoisie who have been deprived of their means of production. This kind of poverty is very good! Is it still possible to restore the "paradise" that they have lost, and let them continue to ride on the heads of the people, make a fortune and become rich? ! The shameless slanders of Lin Biao, Deng Xiaohou and others not only represent the desire of the overthrown landlords and bourgeoisie to restore, but also the desire of the bourgeoisie within the Communist Party to usurp power and restore power. However, in the face of the powerful dictatorship of the proletariat in our country, this counter-revolutionary dream of the bourgeoisie within the party has been shattered and will continue to be shattered. == {{anchor|header-n9095}} {{anchor|Toc83471854}} Chapter 12 Capital Movement in Socialist Reproduction == === {{anchor|Toc83471855}} {{anchor|header-n9096}} Section 1 Capital Circulation in Socialist Reproduction === Socialist accumulation and expanded reproduction are not only manifested in the movement of materials in the form of objects, but also in the form of capital in the form of value. Many categories of capital movement in the process of socialist production, such as finance, credit, profit, interest, etc., although they reflect the relationship between socialist countries and enterprises and between socialist enterprises, these categories are all commodities. The embodiment of the system is a relic of the private economy. It is easy for the bourgeoisie inside and outside the Party to use these categories to carry out activities to restore capitalism. The Khrushchev-Brezhnev renegade clique is advocating "more use and improvement of fiscal and credit leverage, that is, ruble supervision, prices, profits, etc." (Khrushchev's report at the 22nd Congress of Soviet Revision) Under the noise of the so-called "economic reform", the restoration of capitalism. In order to restore capitalism in our country, Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping also desperately pursued the revisionist line of profit in command and material stimulation. Therefore, analyzing the regularity of capital movement in the process of socialist production and drawing a clear line between socialism and capitalism is an important aspect of anti-revisionism and prevention. The capital movement in the process of socialist expanded reproduction runs through all aspects of production, exchange, distribution and consumption. Regarding the movement of capital in the process of production and exchange, some analyses have been made in Chapter 7, "The Socialist Economic Accounting System" and Chapter 9, "Money and Currency Circulation in a Socialist Society". In this chapter, we will further examine the movement of socialist funds in production, exchange, distribution and consumption as a unified process. In the process of socialist reproduction, the movement of capital must first pass through the circulation stage; if it does not pass through this stage first, and use money to purchase means of production and pay labor remuneration to laborers, socialist capital will remain in the form of money and cannot be transformed For the production form, it cannot enter the second stage of capital movement, that is, the production stage. In the second stage of capital movement, labor and means of production are combined, and commodities are produced through the production and consumption of means of production, the value of means of production is transferred to commodities, and the new value created by labor is also condensed on commodities. At this time, socialist capital is transformed from the form of production to the form of commodities. Then, the capital movement entered the third stage, the commodities produced were sold, and the socialist capital returned from the commodity form to the currency form. The socialist funds go through the above three stages, show three forms in turn, and finally return to the original starting point. The whole process of this movement is the circulation of socialist funds. The socialist capital circulates repeatedly and is in the process of constant movement, which shows that socialist reproduction is going on smoothly and continuously, cycle after cycle. The general process of the socialist capital circulation movement is again constituted by the capital circulation movement of many individual enterprises. Among them, the capital circulation of each enterprise is mutually conditional and closely linked with the capital circulation of other enterprises, thus forming an intertwined movement of the total capital circulation of socialist society and affecting the development process of socialist reproduction. For example, if the funds of an enterprise in the first stage of the cycle run smoothly, the money can purchase the required production materials smoothly, and the money funds can be converted into production funds, then the funds of another enterprise connected with it will be , must be in the third stage of the cycle smoothly, and is realizing the transformation from commodity funds to monetary funds. At this time, the capital of the former enterprise can enter the production stage in time because it has the material conditions for reproduction; the latter enterprise has the necessary capital conditions to start a new production cycle because the commodities are sold. Obviously, the smooth circulation of total social funds is a sign of the smooth progress of socialist reproduction. We further assume that there is an enterprise in the second stage of the cycle, its production is well organized, and the production capital can be converted into commodity capital relatively quickly, which creates favorable conditions for this part of commodities to be put into circulation faster; At this time, another enterprise connected with it can obtain the required production materials faster, so that the currency funds can be quickly converted into production funds, thereby speeding up the capital of this enterprise from the first stage of the cycle to the second stage. operation. Under such conditions, the time for the funds of the former enterprise to enter circulation from production is shortened, and the time for the funds of the latter enterprise to enter production from circulation is also shortened accordingly. Obviously, the accelerated circulation of total social funds is a sign of the accelerated progress of socialist reproduction. The above analysis is the capital circulation under the conditions of simple socialist reproduction, and does not involve the transfer of capital accumulation to expanded reproduction. Now, we should further analyze the relationship between socialist capital circulation and socialist expanded reproduction. Socialist capital always starts its circular movement with a certain amount of value as a starting point. When it enters the first stage of the cycle, by purchasing the means of production and paying the labor remuneration, the monetary capital is converted into the same amount of production capital. During this phase, no change in the amount of value occurs. Then enter the second stage of the cycle. In this stage, the material form elements of the means of production are combined with each other, and through the labor of the laborers, the value of the means of production consumed is transferred, and new value is created. This new value created by laborers is divided into two parts: one is the part of the value used for laborers' personal consumption, that is, the part of the value that pays labor remuneration; the other, there is an added part, that is, social net income. Finally, in the third stage of the cycle, commodity funds are converted into monetary funds through commodity sales. At this time, the social net income is expressed as an increase in monetary funds. The more this monetary form increases, the more funds can be used in it to expand socialist reproduction. The social net income in the socialist capital cycle is provided by innumerable socialist enterprises. As a social fund, it must first be concentrated in the hands of socialist countries through certain channels; Requirements, after planned distribution, and then from the socialist countries, re-incorporated into the capital cycle of the relevant enterprises. Finally, the social net income in the form of currency, together with the original funds of each enterprise, entered a scale expansion. It is a cyclical movement that has gone through three stages and transformed into three forms, thus promoting the development of socialist expanded reproduction. The socialist society's net income is invested in the capital circulation movement, and it also includes the non-productive fund circulation that does not belong to the enterprise capital circulation. For example: after social net income is concentrated in the hands of the state, a part of it must be distributed to the cultural, educational and health departments to purchase instruments and medical equipment; Compared with the capital circulation of enterprises, this part of non-productive fund circulation has its own different characteristics. The difference between them is that the former only goes through the stage of pure commodity circulation and will not return after that; while the latter goes through three stages of circulation, production, and circulation in sequence, and finally not only returns to the original starting point, but also brings benefits to the enterprise. New social net income. The characteristics of this different movement are determined by the different nature of the circulation of unproductive funds and the circulation of enterprise funds and their different roles in the expanded reproduction of socialism. The socialist capital circulation is different from the capital circulation under capitalism. The socialist capital cycle is governed by the basic economic laws of socialism, and it requires that every cycle stage and transformation of its own form revolve around the purpose of socialist reproduction for the needs of the socialist country and the people. Capital circulation under capitalism is governed by the basic economic laws of capitalism. The continuous transformation of capital and currency form, to production form, and then to commodity form, that is, the continuous cycle of capital from the stage of purchasing factors of production of surplus value, to the stage of production of surplus value, and then to the stage of realization of surplus value. This circular process always revolves around surplus value, the purpose of capitalist reproduction. The basis of socialist capital circulation is socialist public ownership, which provides a possibility to link the individual capital circulations of various state-owned enterprises in a planned way, making it an organic whole, in which the capital circulation of each state-owned enterprise And the social net income it brings are integral parts of this overall movement. The funds needed for the expanded reproduction of socialism are not spontaneously resolved by the state-run enterprises from their own social net income, but by the socialist countries, in accordance with the proportional relationship required by the expanded reproduction of the socialist state, to hand over the funds of each state-run enterprise. The social net income should be concentrated, arranged in an overall manner, and solved in a planned way. In this way, it is possible to keep the circulation of the total funds of the socialist society coordinated and smooth. The capital circulation under capitalist conditions is based on the private ownership of capitalists. The individual capital circulation of each capitalist enterprise and its value increase are divided into independent motion systems by private ownership, so that the circulation of total social capital can express itself. The chaotic interlocking state formed by the spontaneous connection of countless individual capitals . This chaotic state of capital circulation, which often occurs together with periodic economic crises, brings great damage to the productive forces of capitalist society. In the process of circulation of socialist capital, some contradictions often appear, but such contradictions generally do not lead to periodic and overall crises like those in the process of capital circulation. Under the guidance of the correct line, it can It is solved through the conscious adjustment of the socialist system itself. The capital circulation under socialist conditions is different from the capital circulation under capitalism, but the former is transformed from the latter, with the traditions or traces left over by capitalism, not much different from the old society. Therefore, it is the breeding ground for capitalism and the bourgeoisie. The continuous transformation of the socialist capital cycle from its currency form to production form to commodity form is a movement of value form. Engels said: "The '''concept of value is the most general and therefore the most extensive manifestation of the economic conditions of commodity production. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 349.Socialist society implements a commodity system, which is of course inseparable from the movement of value forms. Under the commodity system, the means of production required by each socialist enterprise are allocated by the state plan, but they still need to be purchased with monetary funds in accordance with the principle of equivalent exchange. The consumption of enterprises in production still needs to be compensated in terms of value. The products produced by the enterprise still need to be realized in value in order to obtain the necessary monetary funds to start the next production cycle. Here, as in any society with commodity production, either the individual labor time for the production of commodities is higher than the socially necessary labor time, or the individual labor time for the production of commodities is lower than the socially necessary labor time. Both situations are bound to happen. To produce the same commodity, those socialist enterprises whose individual labor time is higher than the socially necessary labor time have high cost and low income, and their capital circulation is at a disadvantage. In order to change this unfavorable position, an enterprise can have two choices: one is to make the individual labor time of the commodities produced by the enterprise lower than the socially necessary labor time by means of innovating technology, increasing production and saving, and reducing costs, so as to improve it. capital circulation. The other is to take advantage of the deviation of the prices of various commodities from their value to produce or produce more commodities whose prices are higher than their value. If the latter method is followed, the result will be that commodities whose prices are higher than their value will flood the market and exceed the demand of society, thereby affecting the realization of the value of this part of the commodity, and finally, they will have to change to production. Other commodities whose prices are higher than their value. In this way, the socialist planned economy would be destroyed, and capitalist competition and productive anarchy would reappear. What, then, will be the case of those socialist enterprises whose individual working hours are less than the socially necessary working hours? These enterprises have less cost and more income, and not only have no difficulties in capital turnover, but also have some excess monetary funds after completing the normal turnover. In this case, enterprises can also have two choices: one is to follow the normal way and timely turn over excess monetary funds to the state (enterprises owned by the whole people) or communes (community-run enterprises) for unified distribution and use. The other is to use this part of the excess monetary funds to illegally buy out the nervous materials that are not planned, and use this as a bargaining chip to engage in the free exchange of capitalism in the name of "collaboration". The repeated cycle of such activities will inevitably lead to a shortage of supply of some commodities in the market, which will affect the circulation of funds of other enterprises from the first stage to the second stage, thereby affecting the reproduction process of these enterprises. Under such circumstances, it may prompt other enterprises to use the accumulation of excess monetary funds to engage in the activities of arbitrage and purchase of scarce materials, which will eventually disintegrate the socialist planned economy and allow competition and production anarchy to reappear. In the above two cases, the business leader who chooses the latter path, even if he himself does not take part of the money from this activity and put it in his pocket, but his activity is essentially bourgeois activity, and he himself It has become or is becoming a bourgeois element within the party. The bourgeoisie within the party analyzed here is the bearer of the class relations and interests of the bourgeoisie, and is the product of various social relations. " '''No matter how subjectively the individual detaches himself from the various relations, he is always the product of these relations in the social sense. '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 12.How much he personally takes out of the total social product is irrelevant to the analysis here. It is in the activities of the bourgeoisie within the Party that take the capitalist road, activities such as corruption, theft, and speculation have developed. Income is transformed into surplus value, and new bourgeois elements suck the blood and sweat of the working people. In the process of socialist capital circulation, the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party utilizes the movement of value forms to carry out capitalist activities, which is the economic basis for the generation of the leaders of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party and their revisionist line. The revisionist line formulated by the leaders of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party will further strengthen and expand the activities of the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party to take the capitalist road. This is why there is always a class struggle and a line struggle in the socialist capital movement. The capital circulation in socialist reproduction, whether it is the capital circulation of enterprises, the circulation of total social capital, or the circular movement of social net income, is based on socialist public ownership. Therefore, it is the same as the capital circulation in the process of capitalist reproduction. There are different laws of motion. It is governed by the basic economic laws of socialism, and its fundamental purpose is to ensure that the needs of the country and the people are met. However, if the leadership of the socialist economy is usurped by the bourgeoisie within the party and the revisionist line takes over, then the socialist capital circulation will be transformed into a capital circulation, becoming " '''an endless movement for profit only '''" Marx: Capital, Vol. 1. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 23, p. 175.. The practice of socialist revolution and construction in our country and the experience of the international communist movement have all proved that the socialist capital circulation movement is an extremely complex socio-economic movement curve. It is reflected in people's cognition, and it must not be a straight line, and it cannot be clearly recognized at once, but must be expressed as a kind of curve. " '''Any fragment, fragment, or segment of this curve can be transformed (one-sidedly) into an independent complete straight line, and this straight line can lead people (if only the trees but not the forest) into the mud pit to monasticism (where the class interests of the ruling class will consolidate it). '''” "On the Question of Dialectics". Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 715.Therefore, in the dazzling movement of value-forms, the linearity and one-sidedness of knowledge alone can also lead people to lead to the mistake of taking the capitalist road. Such mistakes are of course different from those of the bourgeoisie within the party, but they are worth guarding against. Because it is easily exploited by the bourgeoisie within the party and led into the quagmire of capitalism. Therefore, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, we must constantly correct the capitalist tendencies that have emerged in the process of socialist capital circulation, and at the same time use materialism and dialectics to arm the vast number of economic workers, overcome idealism and metaphysics, and use the Marxist world outlook to analyze various aspects of the economic movement. On the one hand, it is very important to recognize the direction of socialism. === {{anchor|header-n9114}} {{anchor|Toc83471856}} Section 2 Fund Distribution in Socialist Reproduction === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471857}} {{anchor|header-n9115}} Allocation of corporate funds and corporate finance ==== The capital circulation in socialist reproduction includes the circulation of enterprise capital, the circulation of total social capital and the participation of social net income in the circular movement. Correspondingly, the distribution of funds in socialist reproduction also includes the distribution of the enterprise's own funds, the distribution of the total social funds, and the distribution of the social net income. Now, let's analyze the distribution of funds of the enterprise itself. The circulation of socialist enterprise funds goes through three stages in sequence and transforms into three forms, but this does not mean that socialist enterprise funds are all in one stage and all exist in one form in a certain period of time; In another period, all enter the next stage and all change into another form. If so, the reproduction of this enterprise can only be carried out intermittently, without continuity. Therefore, the capital of an enterprise must exist on the three forms of monetary capital, production capital and commodity capital at the same time. There must always be a part of monetary funds, which can be used to buy production materials and pay labor remuneration at any time; a part of production funds must always be maintained so that production can be carried out without interruption; a part of commodity funds must be always maintained, which can be sold at any time. In this way, the reproduction of the enterprise can be promoted all the time without interruption, and its continuity can be maintained. The coexistence of monetary capital, production capital and commodity capital is the objective law of the circular movement of corporate capital. The normal circulation of funds of socialist enterprises is conditional on the coexistence of three forms of funds, which leads to the problem that a socialist enterprise must reasonably allocate its funds among the three forms. This distribution is carried out through socialist enterprise finance. The allocation of socialist enterprise finance to socialist enterprise funds among its currency form, production form and commodity form is different in different production sectors.
For example, in a production sector such as the shipbuilding industry, it takes about half a year to build a 10,000-ton wheel, and several thousand tons of steel are consumed. Not only is the production cycle relatively long, but also the proportion of raw materials in the entire product value is also high. bigger. Therefore, it needs more funds for raw material reserves and processing products, semi-finished products, etc. In its capital structure, the proportion of production funds is also relatively large. For another example, in a production sector such as the rubber industry, the production cycle to produce a tire or a pair of rubber shoes is only two or three days. Therefore, in its capital structure, the proportion of raw material reserves and production capital in products and semi-finished products will not be as large as the shipbuilding industry.
In addition, under different supply conditions and sales conditions, the structure of corporate funds is also different. But from the general trend, the proportion of production capital in the capital structure of production enterprises always ranks first.
At the end of 1974, among the enterprises affiliated to the eight local industrial bureaus in Shanghai, the three forms of funds accounted for 6.77%: monetary funds accounted for 6.77%, production funds accounted for 81.96%, and commodity funds accounted for 11.87%. Among them, the production funds of the Textile Industry Bureau accounted for the largest proportion, reaching 87.19%, while the production funds of the Chemical Industry Bureau accounted for a smaller proportion, but also reached 71.81%.
One of the tasks of corporate finance is to actively do a good job in the allocation of corporate funds, and try to reduce the monetary funds and commodity funds in the circulation process to a minimum, so as to increase the proportion of production funds in the production process accordingly; , to the extent possible, to compress the production funds used for raw material reserves that belong to the production process but not in the actual production movement to the limit that can ensure the normal operation of the enterprise production, so as to correspondingly improve the production funds in the actual production. The proportion of the movement that goes to the production capital of products and semi-finished products. In this way, more part of the capital of the enterprise can be put into the actual production process. ==== {{anchor|header-n9127}} {{anchor|Toc83471858}} Distribution of total social funds and bank credit ==== Socialist enterprises must maintain a reasonable proportional relationship between the three forms of funds, so as to exert their maximum effect on enterprise reproduction, and must also make use of the total social funds to carry out frequent temporary redistribution among enterprises to continuously increase them. Adjustment. The reason why it is necessary to carry out the frequent and temporary redistribution of the total social funds is because, on the one hand, in the process of the circulation of enterprise funds, on the one hand, such situations often occur: although the funds of some enterprises have entered the first cycle of the cycle. In the third stage, commodities have been sold and commodity funds have been converted into monetary funds, but at this time there is no need to purchase raw materials and pay labor remuneration immediately; from withdrawing depreciation funds and overhaul funds, to updating fixed assets and actually performing overhaul take a period of time. That is to say, the monetary funds returned by some enterprises in the third stage of the cycle will not immediately enter the first stage of the cycle, and some of them will be temporarily unused. At the same time, the labor remuneration in the form of currency received by workers from the distribution of enterprise funds will also be temporarily stored and unused. On the other hand, in the first stage of the capital cycle, some enterprises need to temporarily supplement a large amount of monetary funds to purchase raw materials due to the peak production season or the season of purchasing agricultural products; some enterprises may also need temporary supplements for other reasons. The situation of monetary funds. This determines that it is necessary for socialist countries to use bank credit channels to mobilize the temporarily unused monetary funds in the society, and redistribute them in a planned way under the condition of borrowing and repaying, so as to meet the needs of some enterprises for currency funds. Temporary need for funds. In this way, various enterprises under different circumstances will be able to adjust the use of funds, making the circulation of the total social funds smoother and its use more economical, so as to promote the expansion of socialist reproduction and the more rapid development. . Socialist credit is a special form of movement that regulates the capital cycle of individual enterprises in the total social capital cycle. Its basic feature is to temporarily obtain and distribute a portion of monetary funds in the form of deposits and loans through the National Bank, which is required to be repaid in a certain period of time, and a certain amount of interest is paid. Credit under different social systems reflects different production relations. Credit in capitalist society is the movement form of loan capital. Money capitalists lend money capital to industrial capitalists, and industrial capitalists use loans to purchase means of production, hire workers, engage in business activities, and extract surplus value. Then, the industrial capitalists distribute a part of the surplus value to the money capitalists in the form of interest, and share the surplus value together. Thus, capitalist credit embodies the exploitative relationship of capital to wage labor. Under the socialist system, credit reflects the socialist relations of production. The credit relationship between the state and state-owned enterprises is the main aspect of the socialist credit relationship. The state allocates funds to state-owned enterprises in a planned and rational manner through credit, urges enterprises to use funds economically and effectively, and ensures the smooth progress of socialist expanded reproduction. The credit relationship between the state and the collective economy is a relationship of friendly cooperation and mutual support between the working class and the vast number of working peasants and handicraft workers. The collective economy deposits its temporarily unused monetary funds into the national bank to support socialist construction; at the same time, the national bank issues various loans to the collective economy to support the development of the collective economy. This new type of credit relationship is a means of developing the socialist economy and consolidating the alliance of workers and peasants. The credit relationship between the state and the working people in the form of people's savings reflects an economic relationship in which the fundamental interests of the state and the working people are consistent. It not only saves consumption funds for the working people and arranges living services in a planned way, but also mobilizes the funds temporarily unused by individuals to be transferred to expand reproduction, so as to facilitate the development of socialist construction.
my country's use of credit to mobilize idle monetary funds in enterprises and society has increased year by year. In the 21 years from 1952 to 1973, the total deposits of various types of banks increased by 7.4 times, among which the savings of urban residents increased by nearly ten times. The lending of these funds to industry, commerce and agriculture promoted the development of socialist industrial and agricultural production.
However, socialist credit, as a transfer of monetary funds on the condition of repayment, and the payment of a certain amount of interest along with this transfer The socialist state bank shall charge a certain amount of interest on deposits and loans to socialist enterprises. In addition, certain interest is paid to people's savings deposits. Interest on people's savings deposits is a redistribution of national income, which is conducive to encouraging savings and supporting socialist construction. But as a currency holder, the income brought by the ownership of the currency embodies bourgeois legal rights. People who hold a lot of money can get more money by saving more money. If there is no restriction, it will widen the difference in personal income. In the more than 20 years since the founding of the People's Republic of my country, the gradual reduction of the interest rate of the people's savings is a restriction on the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the credit relationship., still embodies the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. The proletariat uses the bourgeois legal right of credit to serve the construction of socialism, and the bourgeoisie should expand the bourgeois legal right of credit to serve the restoration of capitalism. Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, the capitalist roaders within the Party, in order to use credit to change the direction of business operations, once publicly shouted: Only profitable companies can banks allow loans, and for companies that do not make money, "Banks do not lend", "Be sure to get stuck, don't do it." I am afraid that the workers will hit the shoulder pole.” Under this black order, around 1962, a number of key enterprises, military enterprises, and enterprises producing products that the country desperately needed were forced to close down because they had no profits. Some enterprises controlled by bourgeois elements, in order to pursue high profits, also use the supply of certain tight materials as bait, and in the name of "advance payment" from other enterprises, engage in capitalist "commercial credit" Commercial credit is the basis of the capitalist credit system, and it is a form of deferred payment commonly used between industrial and commercial capitalists to sell goods. Capitalist commercial credit plays a certain role in promoting the circulation of commodities, but at the same time, it also deepens the blindness of the market, conceals the crisis of overproduction, and promotes the sharpening of the capitalist economic crisis. In socialist society, commercial credit is abolished. Certain prepaid and pre-purchased deposits approved for inclusion in state programs, such as agricultural and sideline products pre-paid and pre-purchased deposits, are different from unplanned commercial credit.to destroy socialist countries . plan credit. Under this kind of capitalist commercial credit, the old and new bourgeois elements are able to use their speculative tricks to swindle, sell short and buy short, move east and make up for the west, and use a batch of commodities to collect several batches of deposits in advance to make a big deal of capital. However, some state-owned enterprises were deceived and deceived, which affected the planned movement of socialist funds and the smooth progress of socialist reproduction. Other bourgeois elements exploited the working people by lending usury. In order to limit the bourgeois legal rights in credit and combat the activities of old and new bourgeois elements using credit to destroy the socialist economy, the proletariat must concentrate all credit activities in the hands of the National Bank and the rural credit cooperatives it leads, and insist on In accordance with the proletarian revolutionary line, all capital movements should be brought into the track of socialist planning and management, low-interest lending policies should be implemented, commercial credit and private usury should be banned, and the conversion of money into capital should be prohibited, so that the total social capital will always move in the direction of socialism. As a credit institution, the Socialist State Bank is an important tool for consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and building socialism. In many works written by Lenin before and after the October Revolution, he expounded the principle of " "The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 272.'''centralizing credit in the hands of the state through the state bank with state capital and exclusive monopoly " put forward by Marx and Engels in the "Communist Manifesto". ''', and further clearly pointed out: " '''Big banks are the 'state institutions' necessary for us to achieve socialism"; "Without big banks, socialism cannot be achieved '''" Can the Bolsheviks Retain State Power? ". "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 311.. The socialist bank is a tool for the proletariat to organize, count and manage economic activities, and a tool to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie and fight against the bourgeoisie under the dictatorship of the proletariat.
As early as during the Second Civil Revolutionary War, the Communist Party of China established a national bank in the central revolutionary base area of Jiangxi. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the People's War of Liberation, the revolutionary base areas successively established the people's own banks in accordance with Chairman Mao's repeated instructions that " '''big banks, big industries, and big commerce should be owned by the state of this republic ." '''The New Democracy. Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 638.With the successive victories of the People's Liberation War throughout the country, in December 1948, the People's Bank of China was established, establishing a unified banking and currency system in New China; Banks in China of socialist countries have carried out socialist transformation of private banks opened by the national bourgeoisie. In this way, in a very short period of time, our country's socialist financial system was established.
my country's socialist financial system currently consists of the People's Bank of China, the People's Construction Bank of China, the Bank of China, and rural credit cooperatives.
The People's Bank of China is my country's national bank, the center of national credit, settlement and cash collection, and the currency issuing bank of my country. By centralizing credit management, organizing non-cash settlement, and managing currency issuance, the National Bank promotes the development of industrial and agricultural production and the circulation of commodities, and serves for the development of the socialist economy and the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
The People's Construction Bank of China is the department in charge of capital construction finance, specializing in handling capital construction appropriations, loans and settlements, organizing capital construction financial management and economic accounting, supervising the rational and economical use of capital construction funds, and avoiding waste of funds and materials.
Under the leadership of the People's Bank of China, the Bank of China handles foreign exchange and international settlements, and promotes the development of my country's foreign economic relations and foreign trade.
Rural credit cooperatives are the assistants of the National Bank in rural financial work, and its shares, accumulations and other properties are collectively owned by the members of the credit cooperatives. Under the leadership of the People's Bank of China, rural credit cooperatives mainly handle the business of rural deposits, and according to the needs of production development, grant loans for production costs and production equipment to the collective economy of rural people's communes. At the same time, it also helps the poor and lower-middle peasants to overcome possible temporary difficulties in life, and stops and combats usury activities.
In order to organize the circulation of the total capital of socialist society in a planned way and to limit the legal rights of the bourgeoisie in the movement of capital, the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat concentrates all the business of credit, settlement and cashier in the national bank, making it a national bank for credit and settlement. It is more conducive to the rational distribution of the total social funds to ensure the planned development of the national economy. As the credit center of the whole country, the Socialist State Bank can carry out loans according to the plan, so that the allocation and use of credit funds are in line with the national economic plan and the needs of the country and the people. It excludes obtaining loans through other channels, such as commercial credit, and excludes loans based solely on profit or not, so as to prevent damage to the centralization and planning of socialist credit, and to avoid disrupting the national economy to follow the direction of socialism in a planned and proportionate way. development before. The Socialist State Bank, as the settlement center, uniformly organizes the transfer and settlement between various departments of the national economy, enterprises and units. The National Bank supervises capitalist activities such as unplanned illegal arbitrage through transfer and settlement, and ensures that the normal exchange of enterprises can make timely payments and clear money and goods. This is also an important link to limit the bourgeois legal rights in the capital movement, to promote the normal circulation of capital of socialist enterprises, and to promote the continuous development of socialist production. As the cash cashier center of the whole country, according to the needs of production development and commodity circulation, the Socialist State Bank issues and returns goods, and adjusts the currency circulation in a planned way, so that the currency circulation and commodity circulation are compatible. At the same time, it implements a strict cash management system. All enterprises, institutions, agencies and groups must deposit cash exceeding the limit in the National Bank and manage the salary fund according to regulations. The state unifies the management of cash cashiers under the national bank, which provides favorable conditions for realizing the planning of cash cashing and regulating currency circulation in a planned way and preventing the bourgeoisie from using currency to disrupt the market. ==== {{anchor|header-n9156}} {{anchor|Toc83471859}} Distribution of social net income and state budget ==== The circulation of the total capital of socialist society is always carried out on the basis of continuous expansion. Therefore, the distribution of total social funds and the distribution of social net income are closely related and complement each other. Social net income is composed of the net income of various socialist enterprises. Under the conditions of socialist public ownership, the net income of each state-owned enterprise as a whole is not spontaneously allocated to each enterprise separately, but is collected through the state budget and redistributed according to the requirements of the national economic development plan. The form of the net income of the enterprises with centralized budget in the socialist state is not exactly the same in the two types of public ownership enterprises. Collective enterprises are taxed in the form of concentrating a part of their net income on socialist construction. In addition to taking the form of taxation, state-owned enterprises also take the form of turning over profits, all of which are concentrated in the hands of the state. At present, contributions from state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises account for more than 99 percent of my country's state budget revenue. With the continuous development of China's socialist economy, China's national budget revenue has grown rapidly. From 1950 to 1973, our country's budget revenue increased about thirteen times. There is no debt income item in my country's national budget revenue, and my country has become a socialist country with neither domestic nor foreign debt. This is completely different from the budgetary income of capitalist countries, most of which come from the personal income tax and other extortionate taxes paid by the working people, as well as living by borrowing and borrowing domestic and foreign debts.
The taxation of capitalist countries is the participation of the bourgeois state in the division of surplus value and the additional exploitation of the working people by the entire bourgeoisie. This kind of exploitation, with the intensification of internal and external contradictions in the capitalist country and the strengthening of the state apparatus, has become an unbearable burden on the broad masses of working people.
In the United States, of the federal government's total budget revenue of nearly $300 billion in fiscal year 1975, personal income tax was $129 billion, social security tax was $73.6 billion,
This is an increase of 9.3% and 11%, respectively, over FY 1974. These two direct federal taxes alone account for 68 percent of total federal budget revenue. Dividing these two direct taxes evenly across the nation, an American would pay $957, an increase of 9.24 percent over the previous fiscal year.
In the Soviet Union, in addition to extracting surplus value in the production process, the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist class also exploited the working people in the form of resident tax. In 1960 the total resident tax amounted to 5.6 billion rubles, and in 1974 it increased to 16.7 billion rubles, a nearly tripled increase. In 1973, the average resident tax paid by each worker's family in the Soviet Union accounted for more than 11% of wage income.
In capitalist countries, issuing domestic public debt and borrowing foreign debt is also an important item of budget revenue. By the end of 1974, the domestic debt issued by the United States had totaled $492.7 billion. Su Xiu also lived by issuing domestic public bonds and begging for loans from foreign countries. According to incomplete statistics, as of 1970, the internal debt of Soviet revisionists had reached 31.6 billion rubles. Since Brezhnev came to power in 1964, foreign debts begging from Western countries have also exceeded 20 billion US dollars. The domestic and foreign debts of capitalist countries serve the interests of the monopoly capitalist class, but they have to be repaid by the working people, so they are essentially exploiting the working people.
The socialist country collects most of the net income of socialist enterprises as social funds through budgetary revenue, and then redistributes it in a planned way to form budgetary expenditures. Budgetary expenditures of socialist countries are used for economic construction, cultural construction, national defense construction, state administration and foreign aid expenditures. Among them, economic construction expenditure and cultural construction expenditure occupy a major position. In our country's state budget expenditure, the economic and cultural construction has increased from about 36 percent in 1950 to about 70 percent in 1973. With the increase in the proportion of expenditure in these areas, my country's socialist construction has made great progress, and people's lives have been significantly improved. In imperialist and social-imperialist countries, government expenditures for maintaining violent machines that oppress the people and military expenditures for foreign aggression and expansion account for a major proportion of budgetary expenditures. The budget expenditures of these countries are in the service of maintaining the oligarchy and hegemonism of the monopoly capitalist class.
Take U.S. imperialism as an example. During the period from fiscal year 1971 to 1975, the cumulative direct military expenditure amounted to $399 billion, an average of over $79 billion per year. In the federal government budget for fiscal year 1976, the military budget was as high as $94 billion. In addition to other indirect military expenses, the average military expenditure accounts for about one-third of the total budget expenditure . The Soviet revisionist social-imperialists carried out foreign aggression and expansion, competed with U.S. imperialism for world hegemony, increased armaments even more frantically, and implemented the policy of militarization of the national economy. Since 1971, the military expenditure of Soviet revisionists has exceeded that of the United States every year. In dollar terms, in 1974, Soviet revisions spent about five and a half times as much on ICBMs as in the United States; about 30 percent more for submarine-launched ballistic missile programs; and about 30 percent more for strategic defense programs than the U.S. seven times more. Nearly 20% of the Soviet revisionist's national income was used for military expenditures.
Under different social systems, the contents of the state budgetary revenue and budgetary expenditure are different, so the nature of the state budget is also different. The socialist state budget is a socialist state formed in the process of redistributing the social net income of socialist enterprises in order to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, develop the economy, culture, education and health care and other undertakings, and fulfill its internationalist obligations. a distribution relationship. The budget revenue of a socialist country comes from the people, and the budget expenditure is used for the people, which reflects a new type of socialist relationship. The capitalist state budget is a distribution relationship formed by the bourgeoisie, relying on state power and through the redistribution of national income, to occupy the surplus value created by the working people and use it to maintain its reactionary rule. It embodies the relationship between exploitation and being exploited, domination and being dominated. The nature of the budget of a socialist state is different from that of a capitalist state, but it is still an estimate of the money receipts and payments that the state needs in a certain period in order to fulfill its functions. Chairman Mao taught: "The '''state budget is a major issue, which reflects the policy of the entire country, because it defines the scope and direction of government activities. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, December 4, 1949.Under the correct line, the socialist state budget is used to ensure funding The implementation of the line, principles and policies of the proletariat; and under the revisionist line, it is entirely possible that it will be used in funding to serve the line, principles and policies of the restoration of capitalism. Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, the capitalist roaders within the party, used the state budget to implement the method of not subsidizing loss-making enterprises and giving corresponding reward funds to enterprises that have completed the profit plan targets, in order to step up the implementation of revisionism with profits in command and material incentives. route. The budgetary revenue and budgetary expenditure of socialist countries are planned. In the process of arranging and implementing the budget, the state may consciously balance the budget revenue and expenditure in accordance with the objective laws of capital movement, and pay attention to leaving appropriate backup for the temporary turnover of budget funds and the needs of dealing with major accidents. . " '''Increasing production, saving money, and keeping more reserve forces are the three reliable lines of defense to consolidate the national budget. '''" Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from "National Budget in 1954", Finance and Economics Press, 1954 edition, p. 20.China's national budget has achieved a balance of payments and a slight surplus in the current year. This is the embodiment of the superiority of the socialist system. The budgetary revenues and expenditures of imperialist and social-imperialist countries are another scenario. The budget revenue of these countries is very unstable, and the budget expenditure is expanding due to the military expansion and the militarization of the national economy. As a result, the budget revenue and expenditure cannot be balanced. The huge budget deficit has become the characteristic of the national budget of these countries.
In twenty-one of the three decades from fiscal year 1946 to fiscal year 1975, US imperialism had a budget deficit. For the twenty-nine years ending in 1974, the cumulative net budget deficit in the United States had reached more than $173.1 billion. The budget deficit of Soviet revisionist social-imperialism from 1965 to 1967 was 15.5 billion rubles, and the budget deficit from 1968 to 1971 was estimated at 40.1 billion rubles. In order to make up for the huge budget deficit, Su Xiu had to resort to inflation and aggravate the exploitation of the working people.
==== {{anchor|header-n9177}} {{anchor|Toc83471860}} socialist finance ==== The distribution of funds in socialist reproduction, including the distribution of individual enterprise funds, the distribution of total social funds and the distribution of social net income, is carried out through enterprise finance, bank credit and the state budget respectively. Corporate finance, bank credit and the state budget constitute a complete system of socialist capital distribution. This capital distribution system is based on corporate finance, takes bank credit as an important regulator, and takes the national budget as the leading factor, forming a socialist finance. Socialist finance is an economic relationship formed by the distribution and redistribution of funds by socialist countries as the main body. The state is the product of class struggle and an instrument of class oppression, and the state's financial activities can never be supra-class. Socialist finance is a tool of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It ensures that the socialist country performs its functions of the dictatorship of the proletariat in terms of capital and ensures the smooth progress of the socialist revolution and socialist construction. It is a tool for all working people under the leadership of the proletariat to fight against the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, as well as imperialism, social-imperialism and reactionaries in various countries, and a tool for serving the socialist revolution and socialist construction.
In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was faced with inflation, soaring prices, market chaos, and people's hardships caused by the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang. Through unified financial and economic management, vigorously rectifying taxation, and strengthening cash management, the state has quickly achieved a balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure, curbed inflation, and stabilized market prices on the basis of promoting production recovery and development, thus consolidating the new proletarian revolutionary regime. , creating favorable conditions for the development of large-scale socialist economic construction.
During the period of socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production, the state uses finance as a tool to treat capitalist industry and commerce differently in terms of taxation and credit according to the extent to which it is beneficial to the national economy and people's livelihood and the degree to which it accepts socialist transformation. It cooperates with the state's utilization, restriction and transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. The state also restricted the spontaneous forces of capitalism in urban and rural areas through taxation and credit, supported peasants and handicraftsmen to take the road of cooperation, and promoted the socialist transformation of the individual economy. At the same time, the state allocated funds in a planned way through finance to carry out economic construction centered on heavy industry, which promoted the rapid development of the state-run economy.
After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production has basically been completed, the socialist finance will continue to allocate and redistribute funds to ensure the continuous development of the national economy and the strengthening and strengthening of the socialist economic foundation, and to promote the political front, economic front and The socialist revolution on the ideological front continued to develop in depth, and to a certain extent supported the people of the world in their anti-imperialist and anti-hegemonic revolutionary struggles.
The socialist state finance is an instrument of the dictatorship of the proletariat. But under the revisionist line, it can also be used to serve the restoration of capitalism. In the "On the General Program", a poisonous weed that was concocted by Deng Xiaoping, a capitalist-roader in the party, it was proposed to use "three instructions as the guideline" to rectify all aspects of work, including finance. The so-called financial rectification is to oppose the decentralization of fiscal and credit management powers in the financial system, the devolution of enterprise depreciation funds to local governments and enterprises, and the opposition to increase the proportion of capital construction investment independently arranged by local governments '''. Under the unified plan of the central government, let the localities do more things '''”. Instead, they are: digging from the system, collecting from power, pressing from indicators, squeezing from expenditure, and revisionist stuff that is in command of the system, the pressure, the pressure, and the profit. This is under the pretext of "rectification" to engage in a dictatorship in the financial field, in an attempt to usurp the Party's unified leadership over financial work from all sides and restore the capitalist financial system. Socialist finance is based on the high-speed development of socialist production. The relationship between finance and economy is essentially the relationship between distribution and production. Production determines distribution, and distribution in turn affects production. Chairman Mao taught us: '''"Developing the economy and ensuring supply is the general policy of our economic work and fiscal work." "The quality of fiscal policy is enough to affect the economy, but it is the economy that determines finance. Those that can solve financial difficulties are not able to make finances abundant without economic development." '''"Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese Period". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 846.Chairman Mao's instructions scientifically reveal the dialectical relationship between finance and economy, and are the fundamental guiding ideology of socialist financial work. The economy determines the finance, which means that in order to ensure fiscal revenue, we must first focus on the economy and strive to promote the development of production. Only when the economy develops and the production increases, can the fiscal revenue have a rich source. " '''Forgetting to develop the economy, forgetting to open up financial resources, and trying to reduce the necessary financial expenditure to solve financial difficulties from the conservative point of view, can not solve any problems. '''" "Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese Period". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, p. 847.People who hold a purely financial point of view do not understand economics, finance, production The dialectical relationship with distribution is only in circles on pure fiscal revenue and expenditure, and does not care about production, and does not actively promote production, so the problem of fiscal revenue and expenditure cannot be solved in the end. The economy determines finance. This does not mean that finance is only a negative and passive factor. The quality of financial work also has a significant impact on economic development. Socialist finance collects and redistributes part of the social net income that has been created by the material production sector in a timely manner in the form of monetary funds to promote economic development and production growth. In addition, it also actively serves production in the following ways: (1) Promote enterprises to strengthen economic accounting, tap production potential, and promote production and economy; Comparative analysis of comparable factors of products of the same type, to promote the exchange of advanced experience between enterprises, to continuously reduce product costs, and to improve the quantity and quality of products; The problem. Socialist finance can play a useful role in serving production and promoting economic development. Socialist finance is built on the basis of public ownership and closely links corporate finance, bank credit and the state budget, thus forming a much broader scope than any state finance based on private ownership. the distribution system of the entire national economy. It includes not only redistribution outside the sphere of production, but also extends all the way into the sphere of production. This distribution is carried out in a planned way directly in accordance with the needs of socialist expanded reproduction, and is an integral part of the planned development of the national economy. In this respect, socialist finance already has the element of a planned distribution of the total social product by a unified social center in the advanced stage of communism. But, on the other hand, this distribution still takes the form of value and uses old economic categories like budgeted revenue, budgeted expenditures and deposits, loans, interest, and so on. These old economic categories are something that both the proletariat and the bourgeoisie can use. The proletariat will use them to serve the construction of socialism; the bourgeoisie will use them to destroy socialism and restore capitalism. If the revisionist line prevails, fiscal revenues, expenditures, deposits, and loans will be used to implement the policy of profit in command, and to gradually revive the capitalist relations of production. When Liu Shaoqi advocated profit in command, he said: "A factory must make money. If it doesn't make money, it should close its doors and stop paying wages." "Financial and banks must be blocked." Deng Xiaoping also said: "We should focus on finance. In the past, it was wrong to unilaterally oppose the focus on profits." He linked finances with profits, and he followed Liu Shaoqi's revisionist line. Throughout the historical period of socialism, the struggle between the two classes and the two lines in financial distribution has always been fierce. We must rely on the vast number of workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants to resolutely expose and criticize the expansion of those in power who are taking the capitalist road in the Party. The bourgeois right in financial distribution and the conspiracy to restore capitalism to ensure the implementation of the proletarian revolutionary line, principles and policies The broad masses of workers and peasants are the masters of the socialist economy and the direct creators of social wealth, and they hate capital the most ideology and revisionism, and most hate behaviors that violate the Party's line, principles and policies, as well as expand bourgeois legal power and undermine socialism. Only by fully mobilizing the masses, relying on the power of the masses to control the line, hold financial power well, and form a vivid situation in which the masses are in charge of financial management, the role of socialist finance as a tool of the dictatorship of the proletariat can be fully brought into play; Only then can the path of serving production become wider and wider; with the development of socialist revolution and socialist construction, the bourgeois legal rights in socialist finance can be gradually reduced and eventually eliminated. === {{anchor|header-n9192}} {{anchor|Toc83471861}} Section 3 The relationship between capital distribution and material distribution in socialist reproduction === ==== {{anchor|Toc83471862}} {{anchor|header-n9193}} The relationship between budget funds and credit funds in fund allocation ==== Socialist finance utilizes the two different forms of state budget and bank credit to allocate funds to form funds for centralized use by the state, which objectively requires the establishment of a unified balance between budget funds and credit funds. To establish a unified balance of these two kinds of funds and to study their mutual relationship is an important issue for the expanded reproduction of socialism. Budget funds and credit funds are linked. The sources of credit funds, in addition to corporate deposits, household savings, interest income and currency issuance, also include bank credit funds from the socialist state budget for saving and saving and the state budget for additional allocations. The amount of loans granted by a socialist bank is not simply determined by how many sources of credit funds it has, but in a certain sense, it is determined by the state's need to use the form of credit to support production. When the source of credit funds is insufficient, it relies on budget allocations to solve it. At the same time, credit actively organizes deposits, grants loans reasonably, and minimizes the gap between credit receipts and payments, which can reduce the amount of additional credit funds allocated by the budget. Credit, through the rational issuance of loans, promotes production and circulation, and can actively increase budgetary revenue. On the one hand, in the source of credit funds, budget funds occupy an important position; It is this intrinsic link between credit funds and budget funds that determines the necessity of a balance between these two types of funds. Budget funds and credit funds are two types of funds with different nature and functions. The budget revenue mainly comes from the net income of the enterprise. The budgetary funds formed through budgetary revenue are allocated to enterprises by the state for long-term production investment and recurring financial expenditures. Credit comes from the temporarily unused part of the corporate capital cycle and the temporarily idle capital in the society. Deposits must be allowed to be withdrawn, and loans must be repaid on schedule. Funds of this nature can only be used for short-term temporary turnover needs. Therefore, in order to establish a unified balance between the two types of funds, budget and credit, we must first use these two funds with different natures and functions, so as not to mix them up. All long-term production investment such as capital construction and working capital often occupied by enterprises, as well as financial expenditures such as non-productive funds (such as culture and education, scientific research , sports and health, national defense and state administration, etc.) belong to the state. Budget expenditure should be solved by budget funds; instead of using credit funds arbitrarily, credit funds can only be used as short-term working capital. If the credit funds are used for budgetary expenditures, it means that budgetary expenditures have been increased unplanned. As a result, the arrangement of state funds and material distribution plans will be disrupted, and the truth of budgetary expenditures will be concealed. Moreover, the use of credit funds for budget expenditures will inevitably make this part of the loan not recovered on time. Under the circumstance that the loans stipulated in the plan cannot be reduced, and some of the loans cannot be recovered on time, the only way to increase the supply of money without material guarantees is to increase the credit balance. Therefore, when a bank issues a loan, firstly, it must be loaned according to the plan, and the budgetary expenditure that is not within the scope of the credit plan must not be loaned; secondly, the loan must be combined with the movement of materials; thirdly, the loan should be repaid on time. These principles are an important condition for realizing the separate use of credit funds and budget funds, and are also an important guarantee for credit funds to promote the normal progress of socialist expanded reproduction. The fact that there is an inherent connection between budget funds and credit funds, as well as differences in nature and function, requires a unified balance of these two types of funds. The unified balance of budget funds and credit funds is to make overall overall arrangements for the funds centrally controlled by the state in accordance with the requirements of objective laws and the Party's principles and policies. Here, the relationship between capital construction investment and the additional working capital that needs to be allocated due to the expansion of production and circulation must be properly dealt with; secondly, it is necessary to further determine which working capital should be allocated by the budget and which should be provided by bank credit. reasonable boundaries. How much of the funds centrally held by the state is used for capital construction and how much is used for additional circulating funds is a major issue related to the planned and proportional development of the national economy. Capital construction is an important condition for expanding reproduction. Without proper capital construction investment, the scale and speed of socialist reproduction expansion will be affected. However, in addition to the need for capital construction, the funds centrally held by the state must also take into account the additional liquidity that needs to be allocated due to the expansion of production and circulation. If this part of the need for additional working capital is not met, it will not only affect the expansion of reproduction, but even affect the progress of simple reproduction. Therefore, when the state arranges funds in a unified manner, it must first consider the additional working capital to meet the needs of production turnover and commodity circulation, and on this basis, actively tap potentials and arrange capital construction investment. If only the needs of capital construction investment are only considered, and a part of the working capital that should be allocated should be squeezed out inappropriately, it will hinder the normal production turnover and commodity circulation, resulting in the shortage of material supply and the phenomenon that some enterprises will stop working and wait for materials. . Therefore, when the state allocates budget funds, it must specifically study the proportional relationship between capital construction investment and additional circulating funds, explore its regularity, and handle it correctly. The general principles that socialist enterprises need to allocate due to the expansion of production and circulation should be provided by budget and by credit. The general principles that should be followed are: short-term working capital should be solved by credit funds; The working capital is solved by budgetary funds. In my country, for the supply of working capital for enterprises, the fixed part is allocated by the budget as the company's own funds; the part exceeding the fixed quota is solved by bank loans. With the continuous development of the socialist economy, the demand for working capital of enterprises will also continue to increase. Therefore, on the basis of production development, the state must also check and approve the fixed working capital of enterprises on schedule. If the fixed working capital of the enterprise is too wide, it will cause the backlog and waste of funds; if the enterprise's own funds are insufficient, it will affect the production and development, and will inevitably occupy bank loans for a long time, causing the imbalance of credit income and expenditure. The balanced relationship between budget funds and credit funds is a concentrated expression of the entire balance of funds in a socialist country. The signs of the unity and balance of the two are: first, it depends on whether budget funds and credit funds are strictly divided and used according to their different natures and functions, and the expenditures should be arranged in the budget without arbitrarily misappropriating credit funds; second , depends on whether the balance of credit income and expenditure on this basis, and whether the difference between credit income and expenditure can be supplemented from the budget fund; third, it depends on whether the budget fund can achieve the budget itself after supplementing the credit income and expenditure difference. balance of payments. Only when all the above three aspects are fulfilled can it be said that a unified balance of budget funds and credit funds has been achieved. ==== {{anchor|header-n9202}} {{anchor|Toc83471863}} The relationship between budget and credit allocation of funds and material allocation ==== The planned and proportional development of the socialist national economy requires that the movement of capital and the movement of materials must be coordinated. Therefore, when the balance between budget funds and credit funds is achieved, attention must also be paid to the relationship between the allocation of funds and the distribution of materials, and a comprehensive balance between budget and credit funds and materials. Funds are the representation of goods. Budget funds and credit funds are always directly or indirectly linked to certain materials, and there is a possibility of balance between the two. On the other hand, funds and materials have their own different laws of movement, and they are not always combined. A movement of funds is not necessarily accompanied by a corresponding transfer of specific goods at the same time or in the same region. For example, when an enterprise sells finished products, it goes out with the goods and the money comes in; when it buys the means of production, it goes out with the money and comes in with the goods. These capital movements are accompanied by corresponding material transfers. However, when an enterprise pays labor remuneration and pays taxes and profits to the state budget, and when the state budget allocates the taxes and profits it receives to expenditures such as economic construction and cultural construction, the movement of these funds does not exist in the process. The same time and the same place is accompanied by an actual material transfer. Another example is that an enterprise in place A obtains a loan from a bank to purchase raw materials for agricultural products in place B. Although this capital movement process is accompanied by the transfer of materials, it does not occur in the same area. Due to the fact that capital movement and material movement are not always combined together, there may be a disconnection and imbalance between capital distribution and material distribution. Once this disconnection phenomenon occurs, if it is not corrected in time, the imbalance will further develop, which will undermine the smooth progress of expanded reproduction, provide opportunities for capitalist illegal activities, and open the way for the bourgeoisie within the party to restore capitalism. . In order to ensure the planned and proportionate development of the national economy, to enable the socialist expanded reproduction to proceed smoothly, to give full play to the superiority of the socialist system and to facilitate the struggle against the bourgeoisie in the economic field, the allocation of budget and credit funds must be Comprehensive balance with material distribution. The comprehensive balance between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the distribution of materials generally means that within a certain period of time, the allocation of funds by budget and credit and the distribution of materials should be comprehensive in terms of total amount, composition, and all regions. balance. Socialist reproduction first requires a total balance between the distribution of funds and the distribution of materials, that is, the total amount of money purchasing power formed by budget expenditures and credit issuance must be kept in balance with the total supply of commodities and materials. Under the condition of given production volume and price, how much money funds should be exchanged for commodities and materials in the budget and credit is basically determined. If the total amount of funds allocated by budget and credit can be coordinated with the total amount of materials, then, in general terms, the contradiction between value and use value in the exchange process can be resolved, and social reproduction can proceed smoothly. If the total amount of funds allocated by the budget and credit is not coordinated with the total amount of materials, then in the process of exchange, there will be a shortage or oversupply of commodities and materials, which will hinder the smooth progress of social reproduction. How, then, can the allocation of funds by budget and credit be balanced in aggregate with the allocation of materials? Generally speaking, budget funds and credit funds are directly or indirectly related to certain material movements. Therefore, as long as budget funds and credit funds are uniformly balanced, the distribution of funds will be consistent with the total amount of materials it controls. If budget funds and credit funds are not balanced in a unified manner, for example, budget expenditures are greater than income, a deficit occurs, and bank credits exceed the normal needs of production development. The total amount of funds allocated by the budget and credit will be greater than the total amount of materials it can control, resulting in an imbalance between the total amount of funds and materials. The total balance between the allocation of funds and the distribution of materials does not mean that the various budget expenditures and credit allocations can satisfy the different needs of various sectors of the national economy in terms of their use value forms. Because when the state allocates funds through budget spending and credit, these funds have a specific purpose and are used to purchase specific materials. However, on the other hand, the socially available materials do not necessarily correspond to needs in the composition of categories. Therefore, in order to ensure the realization of the specific purposes of budget expenditure and credit issuance in a specific form of use value, it is necessary to further balance the allocation of funds and the distribution of materials on the basis of the balance between the allocation of funds and the distribution of materials. In other words, the proportion of each purpose of budget and credit expenditure should be consistent with the proportion of material composition. For example, a part of budget and credit expenditure is used to purchase means of production, which includes: the vast majority of capital construction investment (the part after deducting the wages of infrastructure workers); most of the additional production sector working capital (for portion for purchasing raw materials); and portion for defense spending, etc. Some of the budget and credit expenditures are used to purchase consumer materials, including: all the career and personnel expenditures of the economic, social, cultural and educational departments and administrative departments; part of defense expenditures, and so on. These different expenditures for purchasing production materials and consumption materials formed in the allocation of budget funds and credit funds necessarily require not only materials corresponding to them in terms of total value, but also in specific use value forms. The composition of materials can be adapted to the specific purpose of these expenditures. If it is said that the allocation of budget and credit funds is consistent with the total amount of materials it can control, but not in the composition of materials, then the following situations will occur: when the budget is allocated in terms of funds, the budget When the expenditure for purchasing the means of production and the credit arrangement is greater than the part of the material at its disposal, and the expenditure for the purchase of the means of consumption is less than the part of the material at its disposal, it will inevitably bring about a In terms of distribution, there is a shortage of production materials and a backlog of consumption materials. On the contrary, when it comes to the allocation of funds, the budget and credit arrangements spend less on the purchase of means of production than it has at its disposal, while the budget and credit arrangements spend more on the purchase of means of consumption than it can at its disposal. At the same time, it will inevitably bring about a backlog of production materials and a shortage of consumption materials in terms of material distribution. There is also a balance between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the allocation of materials in different parts of the country. The economic development between regions is always unbalanced. The funds handed in by some regions to the national budget and credit may be larger than the funds allocated by the state; the funds handed over to the national budget and credit by some regions may be smaller than those allocated by the state. funds. At the same time, funds flow in and out of each other between regions. The flow of funds is more convenient, while the transfer of materials needs to go through a process of transportation and allocation, which may lead to a disconnect between the flow of funds and the transfer of materials. If the budgetary credit funds that the state turns over from a region and allocates to this region are not compatible with the materials that the state collects and distributes from this region, it will cause inconsistencies between funds and materials within a region. balance. If the flow of funds and the transfer of goods between regions are not compatible, it will also bring about the same consequences. Therefore, when the state makes a comprehensive balance between the allocation of budget and credit funds and the distribution of materials, in addition to the balance of the total amount and composition of funds and materials across the country, it is also necessary to consider the balance of various regions . The balance of funds and materials in various regions is an integral part of the balance of funds and materials across the country. The balance of funds and materials in various regions has been achieved, and the overall balance of the national budget and credit fund allocation and the distribution of materials in terms of total amount and composition is also known. more assured. = {{anchor|Toc83471864}} Chapter 5 Conclusion = == {{anchor|Toc83471865}} {{anchor|header-n9211}} Chapter XIII Socialist Production Relations and Class Relations == The socialist production process is not only the production and reproduction process of people's material means of subsistence, but also the production and reproduction process of socialist production relations. We can now see that running through this process is a series of contradictory movements. Its concentrated expression is class, class contradiction and class struggle. Now, this scientific conclusion has become the norm to guide our struggle. However, in the history of the international communist movement, the emergence of this scientific conclusion and its grasp by the working people came at a heavy price. Bourgeois vulgar economics, in order to describe the capitalist relations of production as natural and eternal ones, has tried to prove that the capitalist's profit is generated by the means of production, that is, the material elements of capital, and the landowner's rent is generated by the land or the land. Naturally produced, not created by labor. Vulgar economics materializes capitalist production relations in order to present the capitalist production process as a process occurring only between man and nature, in order to cover up the evil of the bourgeoisie insatiably extracting the surplus value created by the workers. However, this conspiracy was smashed by Marx. Marx pointed out: '''"Capital is not a thing, but a definite, social, production relation belonging to a certain historical and social form, which is embodied in a thing and endows this thing with a unique social character." "Capital is a permanent A pump that sucks in surplus labor" '''Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, pp. 920, 929.. Through layers of dissection, Marx finally exposed the law of the emergence, development and demise of capitalist production relations, and hung a splendid beacon on the road to the liberation of the proletariat. Like vulgar economics, modern revisionist economics describes the socialist relations of production as rigid and immutable relations of production, and materializes them. Woznesensky, a capitalist roader in the Stalin era, vigorously advocated the view that after the realization of socialist industrialization and agricultural collectivization, '''"the question of who will conquer whom has become steadfast not only in industry but also in agriculture. "The contradiction between productive forces and production relations has been eliminated", and "the contradiction between social demand and the level of material production" "has become the basic internal contradiction of the socialist economy" '''See the articles by Woznetsensky published in the combined issues of the Soviet "Bolshevik" magazine in 1932, No. 21, 1933, and 1940.. In this way, the socialist production process, just like the capitalist production process described by vulgar economics, is only the production and reproduction of people's material means of subsistence, and there is no longer the issue of the production and reproduction of socialist production relations. The contradiction between the socialist relations of production and the productive forces has been denied, and the socialist relations of production have been materialized. This is the theoretical basis on which Woznetsensky and later modern revisionists advocated the "productivity theory" under socialist conditions. Vulgar economics denies the contradiction between capitalist production relations and productive forces, and materializes capitalist production relations in order to maintain the capitalist system; while modern revisionist economics denies the contradiction between socialist production relations and productive forces, and materializes socialist production relations, It is to cover up the classes, class contradictions and class struggles in socialist society in order to restore the capitalist system. This criminal conspiracy was temporarily successful in the Soviet Union after Stalin's death. Chairman Mao inherited, defended and developed the Marxist theory on the basic contradictions of society, and clearly pointed out that after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production has basically been realized, there will still be differences between the socialist relations of production and the productive forces, between the superstructure and the economic base. There is a contradiction. Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"All in all, China is a socialist country. Before liberation, it was similar to capitalism. Now it still implements an eight-level wage system, distribution according to work, and currency exchange. These are not much different from the old society. The difference is that the ownership system has changed. '''Chairman Mao pointed out: '''" '''Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975.'''Our country now implements a commodity system, and the wage system is also unequal, with an eight-level wage system, etc. This can only be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, if Lin Biao came to power, he The capitalist system is very easy." '''Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975.Chairman Mao also pointed out: '''"Lenin said that the construction of a bourgeois state without capitalists is to protect the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. We ourselves have built such a country, which is similar to the old society. It is divided into eight grades. Wages are distributed according to work, and exchanged for equal value.” '''Quoted from People's Daily, May 16, 1976.These series of scientific assertions by Chairman Mao dealt a heavy blow to the fallacies advocated by modern revisionists in the field of political economy, and faithfully described the socialist production relations as an extremely rich one. The vivid contradictory movement process. In this contradictory movement, due to the change of ownership, the communist relations of production were born and developed day by day. This shows that socialist relations of production are different from capitalist relations of production. However, in the socialist relations of production, "Communism cannot yet be fully mature economically, not yet completely free from the traditions or traces of capitalism" The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 256.. This capitalist tradition or trace, concentrated in the form of bourgeois legal rights, exists in the commodity system and distribution according to work, that is, in the entire process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption in society, and it has little to do with the old society. difference. In this way, the socialist production relations show duality: on the one hand, there are the growing communist elements; The process of contradictory movement that goes away in the long run. Understanding the duality of socialist production relations is the premise for us to understand the formation of the new bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, under socialist conditions. Engels pointed out: '''"The materialist conception of history starts from the following principle: production and the exchange of products that accompany it are the basis of all social institutions; The division into classes or classes is determined by what to produce, how to produce and how to exchange products.” '''Engels: "Socialism from Utopian to Scientific Development". Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 3, pp. 424-425.On the basis of the socialist public ownership of the means of production, in order to meet the needs of all working people, planned production and exchange are carried out with the same This production and exchange are linked, and what organizes, maintains and develops this production and exchange are the two working classes of socialist society —the working class and the collective peasants. Then, in the process of socialist production and exchange, how did the new bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, form? We have seen that socialist production is direct social production to meet the needs of the country and the people, but it is still commodity production. The so-called commodity production is the production of value. In the process of socialist production, the production of this value is both unified and opposite to the production aimed at meeting the needs of the socialist country and the people. As commodity production, the commodity produced is a kind of exchange value, which can be exchanged for other commodities in a certain proportion. In this way, the social relationship between people and people will be transformed into the social relationship between things and things, and the ability of people will be transformed into the ability of things. This situation is always more or less inevitable in socialist production units. Under capitalism, " '''every man can exercise power over the activities of others or over the wealth of society in that he is the owner of exchange value or money . He carries with him in his purse his social power and his connection with society." '''Marx: "Outline of the Criticism of Political Economy (Draft)" the first volume. People's Publishing House, 1975 edition, p. 92.Under socialism, due to the implementation of the commodity system, each enterprise (in fact, the leader of each enterprise) is also endowed with a certain power in this area; social connection. This is the economic condition of production for value, production for profit. Such economic conditions constantly induce managers of enterprises and economic sectors to leave the aim of socialist production and embark on the path of producing for value and producing for profit. Once an enterprise or a department embarks on this path, what to produce, how to produce and how to exchange products are governed by the law of value and profit. In fact, the production of an enterprise is based on capitalist principles rather than socialist principles. In fact, socialist enterprises are already degenerating. In this way, the supply and demand relationship that was originally established in accordance with the laws of the plan was disrupted. The phenomenon that some commodities are in short supply and some commodities are oversupplied will be governed by the law of supply and demand. Some people will take advantage of the expansion of the contradiction between supply and demand, use certain commodities that are in short supply in their possession as bargaining chips, gain certain social power, and force others to obey certain requirements of their own, and take part of the net income of the state and collective economic units as a bargaining chip. Appropriation through legal and a large number of illegal means, converted into surplus value. Thus new bourgeois elements are hatched under socialist conditions. Engels pointed out: '''"In a society that moves in class antagonism, as long as wealth contains the domination of people, it mainly and almost exclusively depends on and through the domination of things to dominate people. '''Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 225." The new bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie within the party also rely on and through the domination of things to dominate people. This is the process of interaction between the production field and the circulation field. For individual production units, completing more output value and obtaining more profits is directly reflected and clear at a glance. However, the serious social consequences caused by taking profits in command may not always be directly reflected in an enterprise. reflected. When analyzing the laws of the field of circulation under capitalist conditions, Marx once pointed out: '''"For the individual production agents themselves, this internal law is still invisible and incomprehensible." '''Marx: Capital, Volume 3. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 25, p. 936.Under socialist conditions, the individual The same goes for business leaders. Only from the general connection of social production and exchange can one realize that capitalism and the bourgeoisie are actually incubating when an enterprise embarks on the path of profit-seeking, and that the people who lead such enterprises, It also became the party in power who took the capitalist road and played the function of incubating new bourgeois elements. The bourgeoisie within the party, those in power who take the capitalist road, are formed in the process of chasing profits. The capitalist roaders implement the revisionist line of profit in command, and they maintain and represent the decaying capitalist relations of production. In the process of its formation, the bourgeoisie within the party breeds the new bourgeoisie while protecting the old bourgeoisie, thus making itself the core force of the entire bourgeoisie to emerge within the party. Therefore, to oppose only the bourgeoisie outside the party, not the bourgeoisie inside the party, is not thorough, and under certain conditions, it actually plays a role in protecting the entire bourgeoisie. Only by first opposing the bourgeoisie within the party can the entire bourgeoisie be fundamentally attacked in one battle of the class struggle. As an exploiting class, the bourgeoisie within the party, like other exploiting classes, also has to appropriate other people's labor for free. As for the way of appropriating the labor of others for free, it varies according to the various social production relations. Under capitalist production relations, the representatives of the bourgeoisie in the party merely share the leftovers of the monopoly bourgeoisie, and thus can only appear as a vassal of the latter. Under the bureaucratic monopoly capitalist production relations of social imperialism, the bourgeoisie within the party has become the owner of the material wealth of the whole country, including all the surplus value created by the workers and peasants, and within this class they will be rewarded for meritorious deeds and share the spoils on the ground. Under the socialist relations of production, the bourgeoisie within the party is not yet the possessor of the material wealth of the whole country. They generally play the role of incubating new bourgeoisie on the soil of the commodity system, by expanding the bourgeoisie in distribution according to work. Jurisdiction appropriates a great deal of the social product, and employs various hidden means to redistribute the net income of the state and collective economic units, to take a share that they can take, and to convert this part into surplus value. Originally, the bourgeoisie within the party did not possess the means of production, and was particularly greedy for possessing social wealth, and was particularly obsessed with bourgeois legal rights. They are the representatives of the decaying capitalist relations of production. This is the economic character of this dying class. Bourgeoisie within the party, this is a general concept. We say that the bourgeoisie within the party is formed in the process of production and exchange, which means that the most fundamental reason for the formation of a class in socialist society must be found in the changes in economic relations. But this is by no means to say that the bourgeoisie within the party is born without its political ideological roots, much less that the bourgeoisie within the party has no political representation in the superstructure. Chairman Mao pointed out: " '''There are those in power who take the capitalist road, some in front of the curtain, and some behind the scenes. '''" Those who support these authorities, " '''at the top, there are some people working in the communities, districts, counties, prefectures, and even in the provincial and central departments who oppose socialism. '''" Quoted from Hongqi Magazine, No. 10, 1967.Whether it is behind the scenes or behind the scenes, Whether it is below or above, the bourgeoisie within the party, as a class, united by class interests, will inevitably produce its political representatives and figures in command, and link them with a revisionist line. "One glory and one loss, one loss and one loss". Pursuing the revisionist line and sticking to the capitalist road are the most essential political characteristics of the capitalist roaders within the Party. In particular, the leaders of the revisionist line hold a large part of the power of the Party and the state, and they are far more powerful and dangerous than the non-Party bourgeoisie when they initiate the restoration of capitalism. Lin Biao insisted on revisionism, and developed to the point of concocting the "Minutes of the "571 Project" and launching a counter-revolutionary armed coup; Deng Xiaoping insisted on revisionism, and instigated the preparation of political declarations such as "On the General Program" to restore capitalism, instigating events like the Tiananmen Square incident. of counter-revolutionary political riots. These shocking facts of class struggle have exposed the reactionary nature of the bourgeoisie within the party with great sharpness and clarity. To analyze the duality of socialist production relations, we must understand both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. In the process of reproduction of socialist production relations, on the one hand, capitalism and the bourgeoisie will continue to secrete, and we must establish the idea of long-term warfare from this point; but on the other hand, communism and the proletariat will inevitably continue to grow stronger. From this point of view, we must be uncertain of the confidence that the cause of communism will win. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the movement of socialist production relations is not a spontaneous process, but is carried out through the correct line formulated by the proletariat and its revolutionary party and the exercise of correct leadership. The historical mission of the proletariat is to eliminate all classes and class distinctions, and to eliminate bourgeois right, an important economic basis for the emergence of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. In the movement of socialist relations of production, the degree of socialization of the means of production and the planning of the national economy will be increased day by day, the ranks of the working class will be strengthened, and more and more new socialist things with communist elements will emerge, so as to better The distribution of social products in the interest of all the people makes the communist element of distribution on demand grow day by day. All of these will surely strengthen the restrictions on the legal rights of the bourgeoisie, and drive the old and new bourgeoisie, including the bourgeoisie within the party, to increasingly narrow and isolated positions. After a long struggle, this class will eventually be eliminated. Chairman Mao pointed out: "To engage in a socialist revolution, if you don't know where the bourgeoisie is, it will be in the Communist Party. Those in power who take the capitalist road in the Party. The capitalist roaders are still walking." Quoted from People's Daily, March 10, 1976.Chairman Mao's wise judgment deeply analyzed The changes in class relations and the characteristics of class struggle during the socialist period developed Marxism-Leninism. Chairman Mao's scientific thesis has made us realize that the socialist relations of production are in the final analysis the relations between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, and that the bourgeoisie within the Party is the representative of the decaying capitalist relations of production and the main object of revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. , the capitalist roaders within the party are the main danger to the restoration of capitalism. This important instruction of Chairman Mao further pointed out the direction for the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and encouraged and guided the proletariat and the broad masses of the working people to heroically consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, prevent the restoration of capitalism, build socialism and implement communism. struggle. == {{anchor|header-n9240}} {{anchor|Toc83471866}} Chapter XIV Continued Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat == In order to wage a successful struggle against the bourgeoisie inside and outside the party, to ensure that socialism defeats capitalism, to gradually increase the elements of communism, and to gradually weaken the traditions or traces of capitalism, the most fundamental one is to ensure that socialism will prevail throughout the history of socialism. The stage insists on the comprehensive dictatorship of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie and the continuation of revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Marx once made the simplest generalization of the dictatorship of the proletariat: " '''My new contribution is to prove the following points: (1) the existence of classes is only connected with a certain historical stage of the development of production; (2) the class struggle is bound to leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; (3) this dictatorship is nothing but a transition to the elimination of all classes and the entry into a classless society '''. ” Marx: To Jo Wedemeyer (March 5, 1852). "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, pp. 332-333.This splendid exposition of Marx clearly expresses the relationship and fundamental difference between Marx's theory of the state and the bourgeois theory of the state, expresses the essence of Marx's theory of the state, and expresses the whole process of the emergence, development and demise of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The process includes all the tasks and actual content of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Lenin also pointed out: "The transition from capitalism to communism, of course, has to produce very rich and complicated political forms, but the essence must be one, that is, the dictatorship of the proletariat."The State and Revolution. "Selected Works of Lenin", Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 200. Chairman Mao pointed out: " Why did Lenin speak of the dictatorship of '''the bourgeoisie? This question must be clarified. If this question is not clarified, it will become revisionism. It must be made known to the whole country. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, February 22, 1975.Restoring socialism, building socialism and realizing communism have extremely important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. What is the historical task of the dictatorship of the proletariat? Marx explained it concretely in the book "The Class Struggles in France from 1848 to 1850", pointing out that the dictatorship of the proletariat achieves the abolition of all class differences and everything from which these differences arise. The relations of production have reached the necessary transitional stage of the elimination of all social relations corresponding to these relations of production, of changing all ideas arising from these social relations. The proletariat can finally liberate itself only by liberating all mankind. To achieve this, the proletariat must persist in the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in all fields and in all stages of revolutionary development, until these four things are eliminated on earth, so that the bourgeoisie and all exploiting classes can neither exist nor It can't be produced again, and it must not be abandoned halfway. In order to complete the historical task of the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is necessary to insist on continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. In the 1850s, Marx put forward the brilliant idea that " '''socialism is the declaration of permanent revolution, which is the class dictatorship of the proletariat '''" Marx: The Class Struggle in France from 1848 to 1850. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 479., linking the dictatorship of the proletariat with the permanent revolution. Lenin defended and developed the Marxist theory of permanent revolution under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the Soviet Union. Lenin analyzed the new situation of class struggle in the process of socialist revolution and pointed out: " '''Socialist revolution is not one action, not one battle on one front, but an entire epoch full of violent class conflicts on all fronts, That is, a long series of battles on everything, both economic and political '''. " The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-determination. Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 717.Lenin always stressed that under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the proletariat must wage a constant struggle against the bourgeoisie in all aspects, including economics, politics, ideology, and military affairs, and must never stop halfway through. Chairman Mao summed up the historical experience of the dictatorship of the proletariat and put forward the theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat based on the Marxist-Leninist principle of permanent revolution. Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"In our country, although the socialist transformation has basically been completed in terms of ownership", "the remnants of the overthrown landlord and comprador class still exist, the bourgeoisie still exists, and the petty bourgeoisie is just undergoing transformation. "The question of who wins and who loses between socialism and capitalism has not really been resolved." "The class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the class struggle between political forces, the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie The class struggle in terms of ideology is long-term, tortuous, and sometimes even intense." '''"On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People". "Selected Readings of Mao Zedong's Works" (Type A), People's Publishing House, 1965 edition, p. 482.Chairman Mao also made the scientific conclusion that the bourgeoisie is within the Communist Party. This is the first time in the history of the development of Marxism, in the revolutionary practice of the international communist movement, that after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production is basically completed, there will still be classes and class struggle, and the dictatorship of the proletariat is proposed. Under the great theory of continuing the revolution, it calls on the proletariat to carry out the socialist revolution on the political, economic and ideological and cultural fronts to the end. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the basic contradictions of socialist society and the creation of the theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, Chairman Mao formulated a basic line for our party throughout the historical stage of socialism: '''"Socialist society is a very long history. In the historical stage of socialism, there are still classes, class contradictions and class struggles, there is a struggle between the two roads of socialism and capitalism, and there is the danger of capitalist restoration. It is necessary to understand the long-term nature of this struggle We must be vigilant. We must carry out socialist education. We must correctly understand and handle class contradictions and class struggles, and correctly distinguish and handle contradictions between ourselves and the enemy and contradictions among the people. Otherwise, a socialist country like ours will If it goes to the opposite, it will deteriorate and there will be a restoration. From now on, we must talk about it every year, every month, every day, so that we can have a clearer understanding of this issue and have a Marxist-Leninist line.” '''Quoted from the 10th issue of "Red Flag" magazine, 1967.This proletarian revolutionary line formulated by Chairman Mao reveals the objective laws of class struggle in the socialist period and is the only correct line for upholding the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The focus of the struggle between the two lines during the socialist period is to insist on or oppose the dictatorship of the proletariat. The Party's basic line formulated by Chairman Mao is a shining beacon, illuminating the historical voyage of the whole Party, the whole army and the people of the whole country to continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. After the basic victory of the socialist revolution in the ownership of the means of production, the people of our country, under the command of the proletarian headquarters headed by Chairman Mao and in accordance with the great theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, will work closely with the bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the Party. We have fought many times and won great victories, and in the course of the struggle, we have found a kind of struggle that '''"openly, comprehensively and bottom-up mobilizes the masses to expose our dark side" '''Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 5, 1969.. Form, it is the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a great revolution in the realm of the superstructure, a great political revolution under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and it can also be called the second revolution in China. Under the correct leadership of the proletarian headquarters headed by Chairman Mao, in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, after repeated struggles, the broad revolutionary masses destroyed the two bourgeois headquarters, Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao. This gang of traitors and traitors is connected with foreign countries, trying to change the party's line and policies, subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat and restore capitalism. The essence of their revisionist line is the extreme right. The struggle to criticize Deng Xiaoping and fight back against the Rightist style of overturning verdicts is the continuation and deepening of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. In the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution initiated and led by Chairman Mao himself, he led our Party to defeat the counter-revolutionary revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping, and further consolidated the dictatorship of the proletariat in our country. Adhering to socialism and consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat in the vast and populous People's Republic of China is a great contribution made by Chairman Mao to the contemporary world with historical significance. The communist movement has provided fresh experience in opposing revisionism and preventing revisionism, consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, preventing the restoration of capitalism, and building socialism. The revolution is developing and the struggle is continuing. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The '''present Cultural Revolution is only the first time, and it will be repeated many times in the future. Whoever wins and who loses in the revolution can only be resolved within a long historical period. If it is not done well, capitalism Restoration will be possible at any time. All Party members and the people of the whole country should not think that after the second, third or fourth Cultural Revolution, everything will be peaceful. Be vigilant and never lose your vigilance. '''” Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 7, 1967.Chairman Mao also pointed out: '''“The democratic revolution Afterwards, the workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants did not stop. They wanted revolution. However, some party members did not want to advance. Will there be a revolution in a hundred years? Will there be a revolution in a thousand years? There is always a revolution. Some people always feel oppressed. What about the revolution. Ten thousand years later, the contradictions will be invisible? How can they be invisible? They are visible.” '''Quoted from People's Daily, May 16, 1976.We must always insist on various forms of struggle against the bourgeoisie within the party, including many such forms as the Cultural Revolution. Fight until all poisonous snakes and beasts are wiped out and the bright red sun shines all over the world. The attitude towards the dictatorship of the proletariat and the continuation of revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is the touchstone of Marxism and revisionism. All revisionists old and new have revealed their counter-revolutionary true form on this fundamental question. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique declared: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is no longer necessary before the country withers away", and the country that replaces the dictatorship of the proletariat is "the state of the whole people". This fallacy fundamentally denies the scientific assertion of Marxism that classes, class contradictions and class struggles have always existed throughout the historical stage of socialism, and that the state is always an instrument of class struggle. It is under the cover of the fallacy of the so-called "state of the whole people" that the Soviet revisionist renegade clique overthrew the dictatorship of the proletariat and restored the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Chairman Mao comprehensively summed up the positive and negative experiences of the international communist movement, put forward a series of scientific theories, enriched the theoretical treasure house of Marxism, and pointed out the direction of struggle for the Chinese people and the revolutionary people all over the world. In order to prevent the restoration of capitalism, we must understand why we need dictatorship over the bourgeoisie, where the bourgeoisie is, and what the tasks of the dictatorship of the proletariat are, and we must always adhere to the basic theory and practice of exercising a comprehensive dictatorship over the bourgeoisie. Continue the revolution under the dictatorship to the end, and finally realize communism. == {{anchor|Toc83471867}} Chapter 15 Communism is the inevitable trend of socialist development == To insist on continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is to realize the basic program of the party, namely, the complete overthrow of the bourgeoisie and all exploiting classes, the replacement of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie with the dictatorship of the proletariat, the victory over capitalism with socialism, and the ultimate realization of communism. Communism is the loftiest ideal of the proletariat and hundreds of millions of working people, and is the most complete, progressive, revolutionary, and rational proletarian ideological system and social system since the beginning of human history. Millions of vanguard fighters of the proletariat, together with hundreds of millions of revolutionary people, sang the revolutionary battle anthem of "Interna Schoner must achieve" in order to realize communism. They were not afraid of sacrifice, and they continued to smash imperialism and revisionism. The repression and destruction of socialism and all reactionaries have created socialist societies in vast areas of the earth, and have set off increasingly powerful socialist revolutionary movements in other areas, fighting heroically for the victory of socialism throughout the world. Socialist society is the primary stage of communist society, and it is an immature communist society. The development process of a socialist society is a process in which the new communist elements gradually grow and the traditions or traces of the fading capitalism gradually disappear. From the general law of social development, socialist society is the necessary preparation for communist society, and communist society is the inevitable trend of socialist society development. In a socialist society, the people's hearts, the Party's heart, and the hearts of Party members are oriented towards communism. However, the development of history is always tortuous. In the course of the development of socialist society, the possibility is not excluded: in a certain period of time, bourgeois legal rights are consolidated and expanded, the capitalist factor continues to grow, dominates the superstructure and economic base, The restoration of capitalism occurred in the whole society. Of course, this kind of restoration of capitalism, from a historical perspective, is short-lived and cannot change the general trend of historical development. The basic task of the proletariat in the historical stage of socialism is to uphold the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in all fields and at all stages of revolutionary development, to criticize and limit bourgeois legal rights, to get rid of the idea of bourgeois legal rights, and to gradually eliminate capital The traditions or traces of socialism make the socialist relations of production and the superstructure continue to improve, and the communist consciousness of the broad masses of the people will continue to improve, so as to promote the high development of productive forces; repel any resistance of the bourgeoisie, and constantly expose and criticize The bourgeoisie in the party exposes and criticizes the revisionist line pursued by the bourgeoisie in the party, completely defeats the bourgeoisie, blocks the road to capitalist restoration, and finally eliminates all classes and class differences in order to realize the highest ideal of communism. " '''The ultimate goal of all communists is to strive for the final completion of socialist society and communist society. '''"The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 614. Then, what kind of society is the communist society for which generations of proletarians and working people have fought all their lives? A communist society is a society in which classes and class distinctions have been completely eliminated, a society in which all people have a high degree of communist ideological awareness and moral character, a society in which all people have a high degree of enthusiasm and consciousness for labor, and an extremely rich social product. A society in which the state has died out is a society that implements the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". As Marx put it: " '''In the higher stage of communist society, after the enslavement of men to the division of labor has disappeared, and thus the opposition between mental and manual labor has disappeared; after labor has become more than a means of earning a living. , and itself has become the first need of life; after the productive forces have grown with the overall development of the individual, and all the sources of collective wealth have flowed in full , - only then can the power of the bourgeoisie be completely surpassed The narrow vision of society can write on its own banner: from each according to his ability, to distribute according to his needs! '''”Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program. "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 12. According to the Marxist theory of scientific communism, the transition of mankind to a communist society requires the proletariat and working people of socialist countries to unite with the proletariat and working people of the world in a arduous and tenacious long-term common struggle, Gradually realize the overall victory of the proletarian world revolution, build a new world without imperialism, capitalism, and systems of exploitation, and create conditions for the realization of communism. These conditions are: First, completely eliminate all classes and class differences, eradicate the soil in which the bourgeoisie can exist and arise, and completely eliminate bourgeois legal rights. In a socialist society, there is always a class struggle between the two opposing classes, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. If the proletariat does not completely defeat and completely eliminate the old and new bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the Party, and if the soil on which the bourgeoisie can exist and emerge is not completely eradicated, capitalism will be in danger of restoration. Under these conditions, of course, there is no way to talk about a transition to a communist society. In a socialist society, the legal rights of the bourgeoisie left over from the old society will exist for a long time, and the differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, and between mental and physical labor will exist for a long time. The bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, will inevitably use the part of the power they usurped to oppose the proletariat, oppose socialism, and restore capitalism by consolidating, expanding, and strengthening bourgeois legal rights and the three major differences. Throughout the historical stage of socialism, there has always been a struggle between the restoration of the bourgeoisie and the restoration of the proletariat. However, communism is a historical necessity. Under the influence of the movement of the basic contradictions of socialist society and the basic economic laws of socialism, and under the guidance of the Party's basic line of socialist historical stages, the proletariat will create conditions to gradually restrict and eventually eliminate bourgeois legal rights, and gradually reduce and even reduce In the end, the three major differences will be eliminated, the bourgeoisie, the foundation on which it ultimately rests, will be completely destroyed, and communism will be realized. A communist society requires "to create a generation of producers who are fully developed" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 335.. What is a well-rounded producer? What is the path to a well-rounded producer? Chairman Mao's "May 7th Instructions" not only answered the question of what is an all-round development of producers, but also pointed out a glorious path for creating all-round development of producers. Chairman Mao pointed out: '''Workers should focus on work, and they should also study military, politics and culture. We must also engage in a socialist education movement and criticize the bourgeoisie. Where conditions permit, they should also engage in agricultural and sideline production, such as the Daqing Oilfield.''' '''The commune peasants were mainly agricultural (including forestry, animal husbandry, subsistence, and fishing), but also studied military affairs, politics, and culture. When conditions permit, collectives should also run small factories and criticize the bourgeoisie.''' '''The same is true for students, who focus on their studies and also study other things, that is, not only in literature, but also in work, agriculture, and the military, and they must also criticize the bourgeoisie. The school system must be shortened, education must be revolutionized, and the phenomenon of bourgeois intellectuals ruling our schools cannot continue any longer.''' '''Workers in business, service industries, and party and government organs should also do the same if they have the conditions.'''Quoted from People's Daily, August 1, 1966. Fully implement Chairman Mao's "May 7 Instructions", so that every worker in industry, agriculture, commerce, education, and military and staff of state organs can work with a hammer, farm with a hoe, and pick up a gun. A child can attack the enemy, and a pen can criticize the bourgeoisie. In this way, newcomers to fully developed communism will inevitably emerge in large numbers, and the three major differences and bourgeois legal rights left over from the old society will inevitably disappear gradually. Therefore, the road of the "May 7th Directive" is the only road leading to a communist society. Second, to realize the communist ownership of the single means of production by the whole people, making it the only economic foundation of society. For a long period of time in socialist society, there were two forms of socialist ownership, namely, the ownership of the means of production by the whole people and the collective ownership of the working masses. In addition, there were remnants of individual ownership. The legal rights of the bourgeoisie have not been completely abolished in terms of ownership. . When socialist collective ownership has not been elevated to socialist ownership by the whole people, and when the remnants of individual ownership have not completely disappeared, the peasants will inevitably retain some of the inherent characteristics and habitual forces of the original small producers. In this case, there is inevitably a spontaneous tendency to capitalism, and there is the soil for the production of new rich peasants. At the same time, the socialist ownership by the whole people is not pure and pure, but also bears the traditions or traces of the old society, and can be used by the bourgeoisie, especially the bourgeoisie within the party, to restore capitalism. Under the conditions that the leadership is usurped by the capitalist roaders, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership may degenerate into capitalist ownership. It will be a long struggle to make the leadership of the two types of socialist public-owned enterprises in the hands of genuine Marxists and the working masses. Therefore, on the one hand, the socialist country under the dictatorship of the proletariat must defend the socialist public ownership of the means of production; The low-level to high-level, from small to large, and realize the transition from socialist collective ownership to socialist ownership by the whole people. It is a fairly long development process from restricting the part of bourgeois legal rights that have not been completely eliminated in terms of ownership to the final elimination of this part of bourgeois legal rights. Even when ownership by the whole people becomes the sole economic basis of society, it remains socialist in nature. It has to go through a rather long process before it can develop into a communist ownership by the whole people. The people's commune created by our people is the best organizational form to solve this transitional problem. Third, highly develop social productive forces, so that social products are greatly enriched, and the communist principle of "from each according to his ability and according to his needs" is realized. The transition from a socialist society to a communist society is a huge leap in the relations of production. Highly developed productive forces are the material conditions for this leap. The communist relations of production are based on the communist ownership of the means of production by the whole people. At that time, the commodity-money relation no longer exists, and the direct social production of socialism will be transformed into the direct social production of communism; therefore, the amount of labor involved in calculating social products will also be directly measured by labor time, and the products will be produced by social Direct distribution; although there will still be contradictions between advanced and backward, right and wrong in the interrelationship of people in production, they will lose their class nature; in the distribution of personal consumer goods, a “from each according to his ability, according to his needs” will be implemented. in principle. All this cannot be done without the high development of productive forces and the great abundance of social products. Marxism teaches us: " '''When the total labor of a society provides only a small surplus of products other than the minimum subsistence needs of all members of the society, and thus labor occupies all or almost all of the time of the majority of the members of the society, the society is It must be divided into classes." "This division is based on the insufficiency of production, which will be eliminated by the full development of modern productive forces. '''" Engels: "Anti-Dühring". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 321.In a communist society, the level of development of social productive forces is by no means determined by the level of development of productive forces in the present era. comparable. Therefore, the realization of communism inevitably requires the great development of social productive forces. Fourth, the communist ideological awareness and moral quality of all the people have been greatly improved, and they have a high degree of labor enthusiasm and consciousness. Although the high development of social productive forces is one of the important conditions for realizing communism, the development of productive forces alone cannot lead to a transition to a communist society. If we follow Deng Xiaoping's "white cat, black cat" theory, then it will inevitably be like the Soviet Union, "the satellite goes to the sky, the red flag falls to the ground", and it will fall back to capitalism. In a socialist society, due to the existence of the bourgeoisie and the existence of the soil that gave rise to capitalism and the bourgeoisie, bourgeois ideology and traditional vices will continue to exist for a long time, and will inevitably invade the ranks of the working people and the political life and party life. On the ideological and cultural front, the proletariat must adhere to the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, conduct a long-term and tenacious struggle with the bourgeoisie, and carry out long-term and patient socialist and communist ideological education among the working people, in order to gradually eliminate the The influence of bourgeois ideology has continuously improved people's communist consciousness and created spiritual conditions for making labor the first need of people's lives. " '''Communism is an advanced stage in the development of socialism. At that time, people engaged in labor because they realized that they must work for the common good '''. " "Speech at the First Congress of the Agricultural Communes and Agricultural Labour Associations". "Selected Works of Lenin" Vol. 4, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 112.In the process, the working masses are also transforming their own subjective world. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the campaign to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, criticize Deng Xiaoping, and fight back against the Rightist style of overturning the verdict, raised the consciousness of hundreds of millions of people in our country for class struggle and line struggle, and expanded the position of Marxism in various fields. Chairman Mao taught us, "Carefully study and study Marxism". It is of great significance to expand the propaganda of communist ideology among the cadres and the masses, and to organize the cadres and the masses to conscientiously read the books of Ma, Column and Chairman Mao. " '''When the world reaches a time when all human beings consciously transform themselves and the world, that is the era of communism in the world. '''""Practice". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 273. Fifth, eliminate imperialism, capitalism and the system of exploitation on a world scale, and the state will wither on its own. When imperialism, capitalism, and systems of exploitation still exist in the world, can one or several socialist countries achieve the final victory of socialist revolution and socialist construction? This is a major contemporary Marxist theoretical problem. After the October Revolution, Lenin analyzed the internal and external environment of the Soviet Union and made it clear: " '''We are surrounded by people, classes and governments who openly express extreme hatred for us. It must be remembered that we are subject to various attacks at any time. Dangerous. '''" "At the Ninth All-Russian Congress of Soviets". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 33, p. 121." '''Only in the world, and only with the joint efforts of the workers of all countries, can the final victory be achieved. '''" The "Report on Foreign Policy at the Joint Conference of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Moscow Soviets". The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 27, p. 346.traitorous group of Khrushchev and Brezhnev completely betrayed Lenin's legacy and repeatedly preached what was in the Soviet Union. "Socialism has achieved not only a complete victory, but a complete victory"; the Soviet Union has "eliminated the socio-economic possibility of capitalist restoration". The traitors of the Soviet revisionists concocted and propagated this "theory". Their purpose was to cover up the evil of restoring capitalism at home, and to compete with another superpower, US imperialism, abroad in an attempt to dominate the world. Chairman Mao made a major development in the Leninist theory that socialism cannot win the final victory in a country alone. In response to the distortions and betrayals of Leninism by modern revisionists, Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: " '''According to the Leninist point of view, the final victory of a socialist country not only requires the efforts of the proletariat and the broad masses of the people in its own country, but also requires the efforts of the world revolution. Victory depends on the eradication of the system of human exploitation on the entire earth and the liberation of the entire human race. Therefore, it is wrong, contrary to Leninism, and untrue to say lightly that our revolution is the final victory. '''” Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 5, 1969.Chairman Mao's instructions criticized the so-called socialism of the Soviet revisionists The "theory" that a country can achieve complete and complete "victory" points out the fundamental direction of the common struggle for the proletariat all over the world. The revolutionary struggles of the peoples of various countries have always been linked together. Until the people of other countries have won the victory of the socialist revolution and eliminated the system of man exploiting man, it is impossible for one or several socialist countries to win the final victory. This is because, while imperialism and the system of man exploiting man still exist in the world, the international class struggle will inevitably be reflected in socialist countries, and there will always be the possibility of capitalist restoration in socialist countries, and there will be international The threat of subversion and aggression by imperialism, social imperialism. Under such conditions, the functions of the dictatorship of the proletariat cannot be weakened both internally and externally, but must be strengthened. '''"Abolish classes, state power, and the party. All human beings must take this path. The problem is only time and conditions." '''We must '''"work hard and create conditions so that classes, state power, and parties will naturally be eliminated, so that Humanity has entered the realm of Datong" '''."On the People's Democratic Dictatorship". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, pp. 1357-1358. The proletariat and the broad masses of working people in socialist countries have an obligatory internationalist obligation to do everything in their power to support the world revolution, and to unite on the basis of Marxism with genuine Marxist political parties around the world, and with the international proletariat and working people . Rise up, abolish the system of human exploitation on the entire earth, liberate the entire human race, seize the final victory of socialism, and strive to the end to realize the great ideal of communism in the whole world. The theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat put forward by Chairman Mao on the basis of the Marxist principles of scientific communism and the practice of the international communist movement is a guiding light for building a socialist society and preparing conditions for the realization of a communist society. According to the theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, with class struggle as the key link, the proletariat insists on the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in all fields and at all stages of the development of the revolution. Guaranteed at all. The state power of the dictatorship of the proletariat, " '''for the victorious people, this is something that cannot be left for a moment, like a cloth. Until the day when imperialism abroad and classes at home are completely and cleanly eliminated, this magic weapon must never be discarded. '''”"Why Discuss the White Paper". Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, People's Publishing House, 1967 Horizontal Edition, pp. 1391-1392. The transition from a socialist society to a communist society means the elimination of all classes and class distinctions, the elimination of all traditions or traces left over from the old society, the elimination of bourgeois right and the idea of bourgeois right of law. No matter in the production relations or in the superstructure, there will be an extremely profound transformation, and it will be a qualitative leap. This transformation and leap can be realized gradually only through a long and complex class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, through a social revolution. The law of class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat proves that in the historical stage of socialism, the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie has become more and more profound and prominent within the party. In order to restore capitalist production relations, the bourgeoisie within the Party always strives to expand the bourgeois legal rights that inevitably existed during the socialist period, strengthen this important economic foundation for the emergence of a new bourgeoisie, and safeguard the interests of the entire bourgeoisie. It is the fate of the bourgeoisie within the Party to revolutionize the proletariat to restrict the legal rights of the bourgeoisie. Through the analysis of bourgeois legal rights in socialist production relations, we can see that the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie for restrictions and anti-restrictions mainly focuses on such issues: whether to bring all economic sectors and The leadership of the enterprise is in the hands of the real Marxists and the working masses? Should the wealth gap between collectively-owned enterprises be gradually narrowed? In the long run, should collective ownership realize the transition from small collectives to large collectives, from collectives to the whole people? Should we actively support those new socialist things that limit bourgeois legal rights? Should the differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, and between mental and physical labor be gradually narrowed and eventually eliminated? Should the commodity system and wage grade system be restricted under the dictatorship of the proletariat and actively create conditions to gradually replace distribution according to work with distribution according to needs? The broad masses of workers and poor and lower-middle peasants have not stopped since the democratic revolution. If they want to make a revolution, they must demand the restriction and ultimate elimination of bourgeois legal rights and carry the socialist revolution to the end. However, bourgeois right is the lifeblood of the bourgeoisie within the party. They always take bourgeois legal rights as a matter of course and cannot touch it, and they always want to strengthen and expand it. When the revolution hits these people and hurts the interests of these high-ranking officials, that is, the interests of the entire bourgeoisie, they will come out and oppose it. The ultra-right essence of the revisionist line promoted by Liu Shaoqi , Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping is to strengthen and expand bourgeois legal power, cultivate capitalism and the bourgeoisie, subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat and restore capitalism. The struggle between the two lines within the party is the concentrated expression of the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Chairman Mao pointed out: '''"You can't make progress without struggle." "With a population of 800 million, wouldn't it work without struggle?!" '''Chairman Mao's quotes. Quoted from People's Daily, May 16, 1976.The class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie will run through the entire historical period of socialism, until the class and class distinctions are complete. It will cease only when it is eliminated and the communist society is realized. Therefore, the transition from a socialist society to a communist society is a long-term class struggle process and an extremely profound social revolution. The modern revisionists spread the fallacy that socialist society does not require social revolution to transform from socialist society to communism, which is a complete betrayal of '''Marxist theory and the cause of the liberation of the international proletariat. "The theoretical victory of Marxism has forced its enemies to Disguised as a Marxist, the dialectics of history is like this." In '''"The Historical Fate of Marx's Doctrine". Selected Works of Lenin, Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 439.contemporary times, all kinds of enemies of Marxism have swaggered through the market under the banner of communism to deceive the masses. The false communism of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique is a prominent manifestation of various false Marxist theories. It is under the cover of this false communist theory that the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has transformed a great socialist country into today's social-imperialist country. The political economy of Marxism must advance in the struggle against the false communist theory of the Soviet revisionists. The theoretical core of the Soviet revisionist false communism is to instigate the bourgeoisie to wage a brutal class struggle against the proletariat and to turn the dictatorship of the proletariat into an asset by denying the basic Marxist theory of the existence of classes, class contradictions and class struggle in socialist society from beginning to end. Class dictatorship, transforming the socialist system into a capitalist system. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The '''present Soviet Union is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie, the dictatorship of the German fascist style, the dictatorship of the Hitler style. '''" Quoted from People's Daily, April 22, 1970.False communism, true capitalism, social imperialism, social fascism, this is the problem essence. In October 1961, Khrushchev declared at the 22nd Congress of Soviet Revision: "Within twenty years (referring to the years 1960 to 1980 - citing) we will basically Build a communist society." In 1964, Khrushchev fell. Brezhnev inherited Khrushchev's "goulash" fake communist cause. By 1976, the so-called communist society of the Soviet revisionists had been "constructed" for sixteen years, and should be "basically completed" in four more years. The strange thing is that Brezhnev, who is Khrushchev II, has not dared to hum "basically building a communist society in 20 years" for many years. After all, there must be a way of saying what kind of society the Soviet Union is today! As a result, the Brezhnev renegade clique racked their brains, broke the pen, and threw out a "unified opinion" a few years ago, saying that the Soviet Union "has built a developed socialist society, and created a system for the smooth construction of communism. Conditions." This "unified opinion" is good because it self-declared that the fake communism that these traitors had concocted had gone bankrupt. Look: a "communist society" that was about to be "basically completed" suddenly became a "developed socialist society" A leader of the Soviet revisionists once said aggressively in 1964 that the Chinese "surprisingly doubted the right of our party and our people to build communism". In 1971, this guy talked a lot about the so-called Soviet Union as a "developed socialist society", while the construction of the so-called material and technological foundation of communism was a "complex and multi-faceted comprehensive task for a long time". . It used to be majestic, but now it is safe?. It's changed so fast! In fact, whether it is " '''basically building a communist society in 20 years" or "developed socialist society ", these two thin veils cannot hide the hideous face of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique's restoration of capitalism. "Socialism in this form turns into a pitiful grief when the stubborn historical facts dispel all the drunken dreams of self-deception '''. ""The Communist Manifesto". Selected Works of Mark and Engels, Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972, p. 276. Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao also spread a lot of fallacies on the issue of communism. They said that communism should "take the word 'production' as its banner" and "everyone get rich"; Thousands of years ago, the second Confucius said that "the journey of the Dao is also the common cause of the world", which is the "original thought of communism". They picked up the so-called "world for the public" slogan put forward by Kong Laoer, the spokesman of the fallen slave-owner class, and preached this kind of "communism" that does not want to destroy the bourgeoisie and all exploiting classes, which just exposed this group of traitors and traitors. In vain to act as the ugly face of slave owners in the twentieth century. Deng Xiaoping advocated that communism is "everyone can eat what they like and wear what they like", "each person has 60 catties of pork every year, half a catty of apples a day, and can drink 22 taels of white dried fruit" and other fallacies. Deng Xiaoping's "two liang for nothing" communism has nothing in common with the scientific communism of Marxism, but it is the same as the fake communism of Soviet revisionism's "goulash". This proves that he and the Su Xiu traitor group are the same raccoon dog. Chairman Mao, the greatest contemporary Marxist and the great mentor of the international proletariat and the oppressed nations and oppressed people, with the majesty of a proletarian revolutionist, launched a critique of the modern era centered on the Soviet revisionist renegade clique in the international communist movement. The great struggle of revisionism has promoted the vigorous development of the revolutionary cause of the world proletariat and the anti-imperialist and hegemonic cause of the people of all countries, and has propelled the progress of human history. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The '''Soviet revisionists and the US imperialists have been embarrassed and committed so many bad and scandalous things. The revolutionary people of the world will not spare them. The people of all countries are rising up. A new era in history against US imperialism and Soviet revisionism. It has already begun. '''" Quoted from "Red Flag" magazine, No. 5, 1969.Soviet revisionist social-imperialism is more deceptive and therefore more dangerous than old-fashioned imperialism. There are four major contradictions in the contemporary world: the contradiction between the oppressed nations and imperialism and social-imperialism; the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie within capitalist, imperialist and social-imperialist countries; the contradiction between imperialist countries and social-imperialist countries. The contradictions between countries and between imperialist countries; the contradictions between socialist countries and imperialism and social-imperialism. The existence and development of these contradictions will surely arouse more and more people in various countries to participate in the great revolutionary struggle against imperialism, revisionism and opposition. Part of the capitalist social system has already entered the museum (in socialist countries); the rest has also been "failing to the west, dying, life is in danger, and the day is precarious", and it is fast entering the museum. Only the ideological system and social system of communism are overwhelming the whole world with the power of thunder and thunder, while maintaining its wonderful youth. The theories of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought on socialist political economy are the theoretical basis for the Party's basic line throughout the historical stage of socialism, and are the basis for the proletariat's insistence on the comprehensive dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, preventing the restoration of capitalism, and building socialism. powerful ideological weapon. A serious study of socialist political economy will surely enable us to deepen our understanding of the laws of socialist social development, to continuously improve our consciousness of class struggle, line struggle, and to continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and to more consciously implement the Party's role in the entire socialist historical stage. Duan's basic route is to climb the peak of communism with the heroic spirit of " '''can go up to nine days to catch the moon, and go to five oceans to catch turtles ".''' The revolution is developing and the people are advancing. The proletariat is a revolutionary optimist. We firmly believe that '''"metabolism is a universal and irresistible law in the universe" '''"Contradiction". "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1967 horizontal edition, p. 297.; '''"the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable." '''"The Communist Manifesto". "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, p. 263.Marxism was only a hundred years old, and the old world has been beaten to pieces . The dawn of a new world without imperialism, without capitalism, without systems of exploitation lies ahead. The future is bright, but the road is tortuous. Chairman Mao inherited, defended and developed Marxism-Leninism. The brilliance of Mao Zedong Thought will forever illuminate the path forward for hundreds of millions of revolutionary people. Under the banner of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought, the proletarians and oppressed people and nations of the world unite and make up their '''minds to fight for victory without fear of sacrifice and against all odds!''' ----